Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita Parashat Devarim



Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita

Parashat Devarim

Delivered on Sunday, 27 Tammuz Tasha'p (19.07.20 08:30)


"These are the words which Moses spoke to all Israel on that side of the Jordan in the desert, in the plain opposite the Red Sea, between Paran and Tofel and Lavan and Hazeroth and Di Zahav.." (Devarim 1: 1) Rashi says there: "since they are words of rebuke and he counted here all the places that angered him before, therefore he  hids the things and mentioned them in a hint, for the honor of Israel."  

Moses last speech to the children of Israel, before he left them, before entering the Land of Israel, was an admonishment, so that they would never forget him. Moses prepares them for a new path, the right path to a good life. Before a person leaves the world his words are words of truth, and the last words of a father are kept in the memory of his children all the days of their lives.

We are in a very sensitive, happy and good period. A gentle, good and beautiful period. On the one hand redemption and Messiah - Messiah was published, and on the other hand, the corona, anti-Semitism and hatred of the Jews in the world. The Creator of the world says to the Jews in the Land of Israel: I have given you all the signs of the Messiah son of David who is very close to being revealed in public, and everyone will know who he is. The Holy One Blessed be He does not look at titles, but at the souls that he has chosen from the belly of their mother. All the righteous and angels in heaven rejoice that the Creator of the world has brought the kingdom, Messiah our righteous son of David to this world, to redeem the people of Israel. We all look forward to the good and blessed day that will come to the people of Israel,  in order for them to be healthy in mind, body, spirit and soul, so that death will cease for the Jews in the world and there will be a long life for all, so that the persecution and suffering of the people of Israel will cease. Messiah will take care of all those who interfere with the people of Israel and the Land of Israel.

King Solomon, who tried everything in the world, writes in the book of Ecclesiastes: "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity." Defamation, bad deeds, lewdness, anger, tension and debauchery, everything is negative, everything is nonsense. What is left at the end for a person are the prayers and the Torah, the mitzvot and good deeds he has done in this world, it is his purity, it is his identity card in this world and in the next world and entering the first circle.

The Creator of the world gives us trials to test us, as He tested Adam  and Eve  and they failed. Every day the Holy One Blessed be He tests us to see if we overcome and hear His voice, walk in His way, with the Ten Commandments, donations and tithes, Torah and prayers, correction of virtues, honesty, truth, peace, joy and happiness, or God forbid, listen to the voice of other Gods.

The main problem with the corona virus and the disease in Israel is that the officials do not instruct the citizens on the right way. The government is confused, one hundred and twenty MKs are confused and just want to keep their job, their chair and their publicity, there is competition between them and it destroys trust in the government and harms the livelihoods of the citizens some of whom have no food. Everything falls on the citizens of the State of Israel, most of whom live on salaries from hand to mouth. This is a very difficult thing in heaven, as they are tricking each other on the backs of the citizens.

There is a cure for the corona virus and it should be used, do not wait.

Nothing will happen if the people of Israel do not go out for fun, there is no need, these are things and places that can cause  to be infected by the virus. When they find a solution for Corona, do what you can. At the moment, the guidelines need to be followed. We do the maximum we can, in everything, and the Holy One — blessed be He — continues. Where man's power ends, from there the Holy One, blessed be He, continues.

The government is in terrible confusion. There are two prime ministers, there is Corona, the world is in chaos and Gog and Magog, these are the signs of Messiah. No real government will be formed until the revelation of the King Messiah! The Israeli prime minister does not do what he wants, he is commanded. He is not a prime minister, he only 'hears the voice of advisers'. Once a prime minister was the one to decide  and was not waiting for anyone, today he is waiting for everyone and then sign. If the government will work as one, many things will work out. The Israeli government knows how much money it has and how much money it can help the people of Israel.

Nothing will help, there will be ups and downs with the corona and the government will be complicated, until the people of Israel cry out to the Holy One - Blessed be He - a great cry and He will hear their groaning asking for the King Messiah.

Hamas and the Palestinians are in silence, silence of falsehood. They are preparing to surprise and  we should be prepared so that there will be no surprises. also Hezbollah Nasrallah In the north, too East Jerusalem and some of the Arabs in Israel also have a blue ID card, are a difficult problem.

There will be no plan of the century! Trump is busy with himself, his troubles, his people, his choices, busy with a virus that has spread all over the world, he is at a dead end. Trump needs to go the way he started, hand in hand with Israel one hundred percent. If he goes this way they will help him from heaven and he will continue another term, if he will not go hand in hand with the people of Israel as he started, they will disturb him from heaven, even now they are disturbing.

Iran continues to suffer from severe famine, corona, fires and explosions and the forces of nature.  

The Creator of the world instructs the IDF, the Mossad and the GSS to blow up anything that comes from Iran. The Creator from heaven will harm Iran. Any country that wants to harm the Land of Israel, the Jews in the Land of Israel, the Holy One - Blessed be He - will harm them severely, instead, immediately without delay,  He will do with them the count on site and now. The Holy One, blessed be He, says to all the countries of the world, to presidents and prime ministers: I do not want you to touch my children who live in the Land of Israel. My children are in the time of the revelation of the King Messiah!

Russia is trying to take information from the world about the corona.  

Everyone wants to be the only one to find the solution and cure for Corona. Any medicine invented against the corona, in Israel or abroad, was invented only by Jewish scientists.

Lebanon Hezbollah  will fight one against the other, there is a heavy famine, they steal from each other, fight among themselves, and this hurts Hezbollah. Nasrallah remains a robot.

Syria will continue to be wiped out.

Iraq same thing, it will be erased.   

Turkeywill receive a blow.  

Anti-Semitism is very strong in the world. Eight billion people in the world blame the Jews to have brought the corona. This is the most serious danger, the danger to life for Jews. Anti-Semitism is very strong and everything is visible. Once it was secret, now everything is visible. All eight billion people in the world hate Jews. You should return home to Israel! To your mother and father and to the Holy One! Even if you do not have a job, even if you make a very small living , life is worth more than anything!

Those who want to travel abroad to the tombs of the righteous, the Creator of the world tells you: grow up! All Jews in the world are in danger. Whoever wants to pray, let him pray from home. Why  get into trouble, the Tzaddik is not there anyway. His vertebra Alouz is in the Cave of the Patriarchs. Take care of yourself, your wives and your children.

Natural disasters, fires, earthquakes, floods, strong winds, storms and fires, will continue in the world.

With all the difficult situation, Israel's economy is just fine, there is control.

The well of Miriam will always be full of water, never ending. Just as the well of Miriam will never stop, so Messiah Ben David will never stop!

The Creator of the world imposed on Moses to redeem the people of Israel from Egypt.

The Creator of the world instructed  Queen Esther to save the Jews in the whole world.

The Messiah son of David, the last redemption, the Creator of the world  entrusted him to save the people of Israel! Save them from the Coronas, save them so all will enter the first circle, bring the Jews from abroad and build the Third Temple.

Today  the Holy One, Blessed be intervenes directly by himself, leading the King Messia! Before that His emissaries were leading, now the Creator of the world is leading it, to save the people of Israel and the whole world. The man of God chosen by the Creator of the world, the Messiah son of David, the Holy One - Blessed be He - spoke to him in a vision: Thus saith the Lord, go forth unto the people! The kingdom is in your hands! And this is the salvation to save the people of Israel!


רשומות פופולריות