Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi ShalitaParashat Bamidbar Tasha'p


Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita
Parashat Bamidbar Tasha'p
Delivered on Sunday, 23 Yar Tasha"p (17.05.20 08:30)

“Out of their affection for them, He counts them every hour. When they left Egypt they were counted and when they fell to the sin of the calf they were counted to know the remaining quorum. When He came to put His Holy Spirit on them they were counted. In the 1st of Nissan, the Mishkan was established and in the 1st of Yar they were counted “(Rashi Bamidbar 1, 1). 
The parashat opens with the praise of Israel, that the Holy One blessed be He loves them as the Mishnah says in the Avot: Beloved are Israel, for they are called children of God; Beloved are Israel, that it has been made known to them that they are called children of God, as it is stated: "You are children of the L-rd your God" for they were given a precious article. Beloved are Israel, for they were given a precious article; it is a sign of even greater love that it has been made known to them that they were given a precious article, as it is stated: "I have given you a good purchase; My Torah, do not forsake it' (Pirkey Avot 3, 14). The Holy One blessed be He is fond of Israel because they are His sons, regardless of the Torah. Higher rank is the affection for which the Torah was given to them.
The Holy One blessed be He counted the people of Israel even though He knew their number precisely, because by counting them Himself, one by one, the Creator gives attention to every Jew. Every Jew is important to the Holy One blessed be He, the Torah observant and the Mitzvot, the more religious and the less religious, the Holy One blessed be He - loves everyone and wants everyone to repent completely and come to Him. The Holy One blessed be He is not giving up on any Jew, sinner or non-sinner; Every Jew knows exactly what he needs to improve, he thinks that in Heaven they do not know, or says 'to me it won't happen'. 
The Holy One blessed be He sees the entire nation of Israel from above on a general way, but is considering every Jew on a private and personal way for, to show how much He love them, how much He is fond of them , how much He wants them.
The Creator of the world gave us the Sabbath and watches during Sabbath His people Israel, checking the actions of every Jew and according to his actions on Sabbath, giving him the following week. Every act on Sabbath is measured, minyan prayers, Torah study, three meals, avoiding slander and calumny, how much a Jew invests in spiritual matters and connection to the Holy One blessed be He, keeps the Sabbath properly and according to his deeds, the Holy One blessed be He opens the next week and gives him plenty. 
The Creator of the world says to the people of Israel to only address Him, always ask only the Holy One blessed be He, do not let go and do not give up. Ask the Holy One blessed be He and He will help. The Holy One blessed be He wants that we pray and ask Him. The Holy One blessed be He loves that we speak directly to Him, without lies and distortions, only truth and honesty, and immediately He helps every Jew. You don't have to look for places in the world to talk to the Holy One blessed be He, you don't have to skip the mountains and fly to the tombs of the righteous, the Holy One blessed be He is before all! Before anything in the world! The Holy One blessed be He is the first and the last! They got people used to go to the tombs of the righteous, they do business with it. You can go to the tombs of the righteous to pray for the whole of Israel, not for you personally. Whoever comes to the tombs of the righteous must repent, because he cannot ask the righteous for requests while he does not want to keep what the Holy One blessed be He asked him, the righteous cannot help him. On Yom Kippur, the Holy One blessed be He says to the Jew: I will not pardon you until you reconcile with your friend. So, too, the righteous man cannot help the Jew until he is at peace with the Holy One blessed be He and repents. If the Righteous asks the Holy One blessed be He to help, the Holy One blessed be He who brought the agony upon the Jew will tell him that this Jew should correct what he has spoiled and repent. Repentance is the most powerful tool in the world. Only from the Holy One blessed be He, we should ask, by prayer, Torah, tithing and charity, and the keeping of the Ten Commandments. Even a non-religious Jew will ask from the Holy One blessed be He, not only the religious can ask. Everyone has to repent, the whole world, observant and non-observant. 
The Holy One blessed be He gives us clues in dreams, visions and all kinds of cases and experiences, it is in our favor and we need to understand, and change. The Holy One blessed be He also speaks to us through the weather, the heat and the cold and the rain. There is a reason for everything.
We are in a time of Messiah, ups and downs, war between purity and impurity. Thanks God, there is a very high spiritual elevation in the power of purity. The impurity has dropped to the bottom and the purity is rising beyond the expected logic. 
Messiah is awaiting the instruction of the Creator. We Jews cling to holiness and purity so that the impurity continues to stay down, so to give weight to the power of purity in order that the Creator of the world will give us the gift - the revelation of Messiah our righteous in public! Everyone knows there is a Messiah and many know who he is. Messiah was revealed and will continue to be revealed until there is a condition that we will need to hear all what he says! The Holy One blessed be He decided that Messiah is now out - it will spread throughout the earth and around the world. The Creator wants everyone to cry out that the King Messiah will continue to be revealed in Israel! Do not say this is not the time. Always ask the Creator of the world for the King Messiah, so he will continue to be published and reveal in public. The Holy One blessed be He gives us to feel and sense the things He does and gives us, so that the people of Israel will be united. The Holy One blessed be He does not like that free hatred is among his children, it is a great pain in heaven. 
Now that a government is established in Israel, all the roads in Israel will open to the people of Israel, economically, politically and healthily, and the Corona will disappear day after day, and this will open a way for new immigrants to immigrate to Israel, and the defense of Israel and Israel will be stronger.
The whole world is busy with Corona and will struggle, be confused with it endlessly; everyone wants to save his skin and does not care about the other. There is nothing like the State of Israel that wants to have unity, grace, giving and free love, the Jews have mercy. The corona in Israel will go down and fade. You have to follow the instructions of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Defense and everything will be good for the people of Israel. The Corona will not return to Israel again! Just follow the instructions! Just follow the instructions! Just follow the instructions! It will never come back! In Israel, they found the drug for Corona and started using it. In the near future, they say a year but it will be less than a year; there will be vaccine and a solution. Everything opens in Israel, every day better than the day before. Israel is back to normal, everyday better than the day before. They will continue to open and open gradually the country until the end. In Israel everything is good. 
The Creator of the world does not want to upset the people of Israel and bring corona or God forbid, something else not good to cause free love, He wants the people of Israel to love each other without corona, without threats, without wars, without anything. Why the Creator ask for this? Because He knows that they have the powers to be united like it is in difficult times, so there is no need to bring a bad decree to the world for the people of Israel to unite, it is possible without it. 
What interests the Holy One is the people of Israel, He wants the Messiah and the Temple and wants everyone to learn Torah, pray and be honest with the Holy One. 
During Ramadan, all the leaders gather, agitate and seduce to harm the Jews. 
From Hamas we must be careful. Do not to believe them about the matter of the prisoners. Stay strong and don't give up to bring our soldiers home. Hamas knows that the Jews do not give up on any soldier, so they make it difficult and demand high prices. There are many ways to bring them home.
Egypt, Sissy is supported by the US; also Jordan is supported and silent. 
Iran is impudent, is bold, sends messengers in all kinds of places to disturb the peace in the Land of Israel. The IDF demolishes all camps prepared by the Iranians. 
Syria will never recover. Syria will be worse than Iraq. The Creator of the world does not allow Iran, Syria and Hezbollah to connect, so it destroys Syria so that it will not be united, to protect the Holy Land. That's the reason. 
in Europe there is no control. The infiltrating Muslims conquer Europe, conquer and conquer and day by day are more in control. They want to eliminate the Christians and rule the world. 
Anti-Semitism in Europe and the United States will continue to grow and grow; there will be no stop, no peace with them until the last of the Jews leave the US, North and South America, Europe and all the countries of the world. Until then anti-Semitism will rise and rise, the law can no longer control it. They envy Jews abroad, hate and blame them of Corona. 
Jews must immigrate to the Holy Land. Don't wait! Do not try the Holy One, blessed be He! We try the Holy One blessed be He only with tithes.
To all Jews in the world and in the country, build and buy houses only in the Land of Israel, you better. You should only build in Israel. Don't wait for house prices to fall, they will not. Israel will grow and grow, develop, develop, absorb millions of Jews and everyone will have jobs and livelihoods. Invest in real estate in Israel and do not say it is a small country in the matter of land - the land will grow! Israel stretches like the deer's skin, the more Jews come, the more it stretches without you feeling it! The world will feel nothing.
Messiah has already been revealed in the land of Israel to many people! Also abroad, to the Gentiles and to the whole world. The Creator of the world will continue to reveal it to all the people of Israel! Step by step! And the people of Israel must cry out and ask the Holy One blessed be He to let all the people of Israel discover the King Messiah in public! When most of Israel will know, he will begin to rule and give instructions from the Creator of the world and they will listen to his voice, the voice of the Holy One blessed be He! Messiah is the servant of God doing the will of God from A to Z!


רשומות פופולריות