Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita Parashat Bahar Tasha'p
Message from
Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita
Parashat Bahar
Delivered on
Sunday, 16 Yar Tasha"p (10.05.20 08:30)
"And the Lord spoke to Moses in Mount Sinai to say ... For
six years sow your fields, and for six years prune your vineyards and gather
their crops. But in the seventh year the
land is to have a year of Sabbath rest, a Sabbath to the Lord (Leviticus 25: 1- 4) "But in the seventh
[year] you shall release it and abandon it; the poor of your people shall eat
[it]." Because of 'the poor of your people shall eat [it]', is it all
allowed even to the rich? Because the poor depend on this place (in the kingdom
which is as Shmita (the seven year) and therefore let them eat. And so, those
who pity the poor, make peace in their kingdom and add blessing in the world,
and give joy and power to a place called charity, to bless the assembly of
Israel. (Zohar is revealed there).
For six years the owners of the fields hold their fields and leave and
distribute to the poor and needy sheaves of wheat (that have fallen to the
ground during the gathering of the harvest and which are left for the poor).
During the seventh year the land rests, it is the sabbatical, and the needy themselves
take from the fields, because it is all abandoned. For six years, property
owners are tested for charity and tithes for the needy, and in the seventh
year, the needy come and take themselves from the abandoned land. The owners of
the fields abandon the land, because the land also needs to rest, as the Holy
One blessed be He orders. Everything stopped and rested in the seventh year.
The person works six days and on the seventh day, Shabbat rest. Six years
cultivate the land and in the seventh year strikes, a year of Shmita. There is
a reason to let the earth rest during the seventh year. The Holy One blessed be
He gave to Adam Sabbath after six days of action and to the earth gave a
sabbatical every seventh year. "And I blessed you in the sixth year and
Rabbi Yehuda said:" Trust the Lord "and do well since it is land and
bad faith." A person must be forever careful with his owner (the Lord) and
cling with his heart to the supreme belief, so that he may be complete with his
owner (the Lord). So that when he is complete in regards to Him, all the
members of the world cannot do him evil. Come and see: 'Trust the Lord' and do
well, what is the meaning of do well? But, so are we: with an act below, will
arise an act above. ' And already in clear. 'And you did them' - supposedly you
will do them, because of your awakening which you do below, will wakes up
above. And so we say 'and do well' ... Because if you do so, the good will
surely arise ' (Zohar revealed on the mountain). On the seventh year they will study Torah leisurely, which they did not
do during the soil cultivation years.
The Holy One blessed be He wants us to learn Torah. As the Jews study
Torah, they bring down from Heaven a light that also contains the light of the
cleansing that cleanses the darkness, impurity, and shells from the earth. The
more Torah they learn and pray, the fewer the shells. At the same time when
studying the Torah, a person must also correct his character, because studying
the Torah burns the shells and darkness, but sins bring them back, so if a
person does not correct his character with
the study of the Torah, the shells will never end. A combination of Torah
study together with the correction
of attributes, keeping the Ten Commandments and moving away from sin, brings
much light and as he is following the commandments, small and great, light
grows and a strong spiritual action is created in the world. A Jew has to abide
by ' move away from evil and do well', let go of sin and cling to holiness and
purity. Study of Torah and prayers,
along with many good deeds, increase the power of light and expel the darkness
and impurity from the world.
We are in a time when no one knows where the world is going; only the
Creator of the world knows and communicates to the righteous Messiah what will
happen and what will be.
The creator of the world brought the Corona so the whole world could do
self examination.GPS to recalculate the way and show everyone how the Holy One
blessed be He loves His children. The Holy One blessed be He wants Israel to be
all united and unified. There was a terrible waste of money during the
elections. Again elections and again elections and again free hatred and
slander. Constantly blaming each other and endless elections. Then the Holy One
blessed be He brought the Corona, frightened them all, and brought them all
back twenty years. Thanks to the Corona the government will rise. If there was
no Corona, there would have been a fourth election, God forbid, God forbid, and
God forbid. With the Corona, the Holy One blessed be He stopped the madness of
the election. If there were, God forbid, fourth elections, they would have the
same results. The Corona is the opening
of the Messiah. Through the harsh agony, an opening opened up to our righteous
Messiah. The Holy One blessed be He brought the Corona to advance the way of
the Messiah's revelation, by making the people of Israel waking up and
repenting and everyone will see how
the Holy One blessed be He loves us more of all nations. Repentance is
correcting the virtues, keeping the Ten Commandments and studying Torah.
The corona virus that we do not see, drives crazy the whole world, this
is the hand of God, so that everyone is subject to the Holy One blessed be He.
In Israel there is the Corona but less so that we feel what the world is
feeling. The Corona came to Israel from abroad, from people who came to Israel
and did not cooperate so as not to enter isolation. In Israel, they will solve
the problem of the corona and invent the drug against all viruses. In hospitals
they began to close the corona wards. We said by the time of Passover Corona
will be over, it would begin to weaken. Our government is not leaving anyone,
everyone is getting what they deserve. The whole world is in dire straits, not
telling the truth and having no benefits, in Israel they are very beneficent.
The Corona made all the Jews of the world immigrate to Israel. This is another
warning. The Creator brought them all Muslims, infiltrating refugees and
anti-Semitism, and that did not help enough. The Corona will be very helpful.
There was a two-and-a-half-month period to do self examination, go out on a new road, with good manners.
What many helpers people to repent failed to do, the Corona succeeded, making
all to repent. Everyone was kind, there was mutual help and free love, and
there was reckoning, a lot of Torah study, a lot of prayers and home peace.
No one believed Benny Gants would leave Blue and White. They said they
will not sit with Netanyahu and everyone is sitting with Netanyahu, because
that is the will of God. In a year and a half, God will have mercy on what can
happen until then.
Messiah is alive and well, working, going through suffering and anguish
to protect the Jews, who will be strengthened and protected, so that there will
be power to spread the Torah. The Holy One blessed
be He created us in His honor. At the
beginning of the world, the Creator spoke to the soul of the Messiah, the
"Yehidah", who takes upon himself what it committed to the Holy One
blessed be He, at the beginning of the world, to save the Jews until the last
We are waiting for Messiah every day and we do not despair. Every day,
we wait until the Holy One blessed be He will decide that everyone will know
him openly, all the Jews, all the great Torah scholars, those for and those
against, everyone will know him. Messiah does not belong to a special sector,
he belongs to all the people of Israel, everyone is connected to Messiah, all
the ethnic groups and all sectors are connected to the King Messiah. Thousands
will come to the courtyard of the Messiah, wanting the Holy One blessed be He
through Messiah.
ISIS suddenly woke up, found in
the Sinai desert with the extremist Muslims, to strike Sissi and topple the
regime. They are preparing bases in the Sinai desert and suddenly want to
surprise Egypt and make a revolution. Sissy must take care of himself, they
plan to hit him soon. May he have protection and guarding and no one will to
touch him. They want revenge against Sissi that is with the Americans and the
modern world. They are afraid of coming to Israel, the IDF keep guard
twenty-four hours, every Jew and Jew guard our country, and guard and care for
each other. We have no other country.
The people of Israel was
persecuted in the peoples, persecuted and persecuted, and nothing helped
anyone, ever growing again, until the revelation of Messiah. Because everyone
is pursuing the people of Israel and wants to destroy it and the people of
Israel is not destroyed, because of this they will receive the Messiah.
Syria has difficult problems.
Iranians act like they are coming out of Syria, making a round to confuse the
IDF and returning to Syria. Actors, pretend to run away and come back from
other places. The IDF blast them every time. Everyone in the world is happy
that Israel is blowing up all Iranian ammunition convoys.
Arabs in the
Middle East don't find themselves, everyone is enthusiastic about Israel and happy
with the Land of Israel.
There will be no epidemic in Israel like the flood was not in Israel.
The Creator gives to the Jews a taste of what is happening in the world so they
will wake up. The Creator of the world put in the minds of the Jews in Israel
all the patents and invented the drug - the
Holy One blessed be He put it in their minds.
Messiah works
at night and during the day he helps people ordinarily . At night, he works for
the people of Israel to heal, for the people of Israel to be protected. The
Messiah is here, the Holy One blessed be He loves Messiah. The Holy One blessed
be He will decide when to reveal the King Messiah in Public. Everyone is
waiting, the righteous in Heaven and the righteous in the land, for the
revelation of the King Messiah. The righteous in the land of Israel are afraid
to speak. Everyone is waiting for the sound of the Shofar, the Messiah
revelation. In Israel everything is good, Israel will continue to rule. The drug
they invented in Israel will return all the missing funds in the state coffers.
The Holy One blessed be He is not coming to harm Israel's economy, neither in
the pocket nor in anyone's money. He brought the Corona so that people will
repent, keep the Ten Commandments, pray, study Torah, and cling to the Holy One
blessed be He.
Wake up Jews!
So that all of you have the right to in the first circle!
Wake up Jews!
Do not miss the great help of the Holy One blessed be He who brought the Corona
to bring us back to the repentance and to cling to Him.
We are
waiting every moment for the signal of the Creator of the world for the
revelation of the King Messiah!
הוסף רשומת תגובה