Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita Parshat "Tsav" - Shabbat hagadol Tash'P


Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita
Parshat "Tsav" - Shabbat hagadol Tash'P
Delivered on Sunday, 4 Nissan Tasha"p (29.03.20 08:30)

The two temples were destroyed because of free hatred, slander, gossip and incest, which expelled the Holy One, blessed be He from the Temple. Negative acts of impurity and evil destroyed the sanctity of the Temple and the Shekhina (Holy Spirit) left. The Holy One, blessed be He said to them: You have driven me out of My house; I will drive you out of the land of Israel. The Holy One, blessed be He exiled them for thousands of years until they returned to Israel in 1948.
The Jews returned to the Land of Israel and set up synagogues and seminars, like a little temple, to pray to the Holy One, blessed be He until the Messiah our righteous will come, to redeem us, and build the third Temple that will be a permanent witness to the world.
The corona virus was brought to the world by the Holy One, blessed be He. Everything in the world begins and ends with the Holy One, blessed be He. There is nothing that comes to this world by accident or error. For the past year and a half there has been slander, free hatred, the hardest it has ever been, jealousy and competition to hurt and destroy each other. Some Knesset members are fighting for the chairs and publicity. They don't fight on the Holy Land, to bring new immigrants to Israel, to study Torah, for synagogues and mikvahs, they fight each other for personal interest, and they love themselves and don't care about each other. This difficult situation reminded the Holy One, blessed be He of the time when the temples were destroyed, when He expelled them from the land of Israel and dispersed them throughout the countries of the world. Now the Holy One said: Because there is redemption and Messiah must be revealed, I will bring to them all over the world 'corona', a virus you do not see, I will remove them from the synagogues and the seminaries, eliminate for them the restaurants and the material of the world, I will bring all the Jews to Israel, I will cancel all trips abroad and all Passover trips planned by those who cheat and take advantage of the Jews. A million and a half Jews were supposed to leave the Holy Land this Passover! Everyone returned with fear of Gd. Just as it was in the first and second temples, the Creator of the world removed the Jews from the synagogues and seminaries and told them: I do not want to hear you. Pray outside as your ancestors prayed outside. Keep two meters apart from each other so you don't talk slander and gossip. The Creator of the world is merciful, compassionate and gracious, He let them pray everywhere In the land of Israel.
The left was against the right and the right against the left, and they did not care about the people of Israel, wanted to destroy the Holy Land of Israel because of their interests. A year and a half of defamation, jealousy, hatred, competition and pride. The Creator gave the Corona, started before Purim and Passover, to cleanse and purify all the Jews of the people of Israel. The lust and abomination stopped and less smoke that will destroy the ozone in the world. The Corona brought the people of Israel to love and extinguished their free hatred, jealousy, competition and gossip. Now the country is going for unity and love. 'Blue and White' fell apart within themselves they went down from the tall tree and now with the help of the Lord there will be a unity government and they will find a solution to Corona in a very short time. Instead of dealing with free hatred, free jealousy and gossip, the Jewish minds will be concerned with finding an economic and political solution and how to remove the corona. When there is love among the Jews, no nation in the world can disturb them and Corona will find a solution. The Creator brought the Corona into the world and He will remove it. The Creator of the world wants the Jews of the people of Israel to understand that it is from the Holy One, blessed be He and they will repent. To repent is, first of all, the Ten Commandments, "Derech Eretz Kedma La Torah- Proper behavior precedes the Torah", "And love your neighbor like yourself is all the Torah". This will remove the Corona from the people of Israel.
Thanks God they did woke up in time, before it got worse than worse. Peace in the Knesset and unity, with the help of the Lord, will develop love, peace and livelihood, and the corona will fade day by day.
Our Father in Heaven, King of Kings, the Holy One, blessed be He - asks all Knesset members to work with the roles that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will give them and not enter into discussions. This is not the hour for games. You have on your back the responsibility for the people of Israel. Without the nonsense of free hatred, gossip, jealousy and competition. The Holy One, blessed be He is asking all troublemakers to get off the tree before He starts to take them off the tree. Form a Unity Government!
The whole world is in trouble with the Corona,  they stopped being human in the world, stopped being normal humans, they have become rude, they have pride and do  crime, close to being like during the flood, at the time of Noah. The Holy One, blessed be He is angry and will continue to be angry until they come down to humility and act like human beings, with free love and with "Derech Eretz Kedma La Torah- Proper behavior precedes the Torah".
Anyone who donates clean money to Jews in Israel, to those in need, to mikvahs and Torah study, will have money left over. Anyone who has spent money overseas wasted and bought overseas homes - will start to collect his money urgently before leaving it without a dime in his pocket.
The Jews in Israel will find a cure for the Corona virus that landed in the world and is not seen. The Blessed One did not give Corona in the Holy Land; those who came from abroad are the ones who infect within Israel. People who came from abroad and insisted on not going into isolation, this was the reason of the infection and they infected other people.
Now that  the people of Israel woke up, they would take the Corona matter seriously and we said that on Passover there will be miracles and wonders for the people of Israel, good things will come for the people of Israel and it will continue all the time until the revelation of our righteous Messiah!
You can't divide the Holy Land! This is the promise of the Holy One, blessed be He to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! The Holy Land belongs to the Jewish people! they can go up and down, up and down, nothing will help! The Creator says: I am here in the Holy Land of Israel and here it will be Holy of Holiness!
All are waiting for Messiah, not just in Israel, all over the world they are waiting for him. From all the confusion and complications - Messiah should be revealed! King's heart in the Lord's Hand, the Holy One, blessed be He will determine who will be the prime minister, not the people. Messiah is in the doorway and no one will decide. Once the prime minister decided, today he goes by the majority and by voters, until Messiah is revealed.
People of Israel be patient. Patience has suffering in it; suffering is torments and torments that help to cleanse the person. The situation is not the best; the whole world is in trouble with the corona. Israel helps Palestinians to defend themselves from the Corona.
Israel Defense Forces will keep you safe, do not underestimate the Corona. Do not believe the Palestinians that they are silent because of the corona, they are not silent. They are looking for opportunities to hurt the Jews.
The Creator of the World gave Corona to the world so that each one would look attentively at his own his actions and repent. Now everyone is in their homes, husband and wife are the same; there are no struggling over control. The Holy One, blessed be He cannot support that His children are suffering and want all families to be holy and pure, living together in love and peace and upholding the Ten Commandments.
Only good came from Corona! Messiah will come soon!
The Holy One, blessed be He did not let people to continue to pray in the synagogues. Praying in synagogues and seminary is not the main thing; the main thing is the cleanliness of the heart, free love without interest, to be the people of grace and truth. Our ancestors prayed in the wilderness, everywhere, each man under his grapevine and under his fig tree and that is what is happening today, without talk and slander, without free hatred, competition and wars, all within two meters of each other. Joy in the sky! Such a small virus make orderly! They are keeping the Ten Commandments in an amazingly way! The Corona brought about a situation that most people obey the Ten Commandments without wishing and against their will. That's what they wanted - that's what they got.
All Jews from small to large, women and men, religious or non-religious - should read Psalms for the abolition of the Corona. All the prayers of the Jews are heard. The Psalms are all equal.
The Holy One, blessed be He loves simplicity and humility, it is happening right now and it will continue to happen when Messiah is revealed. Before Messiah is revealed, the people need to be as ready as they are now to keep the Ten Commandments.
Messiah asks from the Holy-Blessed One and the Holy One Blessed One carries out. The Messiah decrees good decrees on the people of Israel and the Holy One, blessed be He sign the decrees that the King Messiah seeks in favor of the people of Israel!
May we have a kosher and happy Passover holiday, that everything will turn out for the good and blessing of the Jews of the people of Israel, the Holy Land, and establish a good right-wing government of unity to fix the economy of the State of Israel, solve the Corona problem, make unity and peace in the people of Israel and be ready to receive the Messiah!


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