Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita Parashat Shelach Tasha'P



Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita

Parashat Shelach  Tasha'P

Delivered on Sunday, 15 Sivan Tasha'p (7.06.20 08:30)


Why did the Parashat of the spies  rely on the Parashat of Miriam? Because she suffered in reason of the defamation she spoke against her brother, and these villains saw and did not learn from it (Rashi in Numbers 13: 1). Defamation and libel are extremely difficult things. For their sake, Miriam took it upon herself to be shut out of the camp, with the people waiting for her and everyone knowing that she was a leper because she spoke about Moses.

The Creator of a world heard that in the people of Israel some who gossip and oppose entering the Land of Israel, He said to Moses "send people to explore the land of Canaan" send for you - based on your opinion send, I do not command you, if you want - send (Rashi 340). If you do not want to send them, I, the Creator of the world, will direct them to enter  into the country without checking it.

The Creator of the world directs the world and humans to help and save them. On each Rosh Ashana, a person will determine what he will have throughout the year, until the next Rosh Ashana. If he went the good way, what he did would add to it, and if he went the bad way, what he should have received he will not. With both the straightway and in the crooked way he will reach the ultimate goal which the Holy One blessed be He wants. He will arrive by force or mind, through the torment and terrible misery or with ease, smile and joy. Man determines his future, and although the future is in our hands, the Holy One blessed be He determines what will be in the end.

Moses was soft-hearted, wanted to save the people so they will not be hurt, so the Creator will not be angry with them, and tried to send the spies to the Land of Israel, who would return and tell good things about the land. Moses could not believe that they would change their minds, they were the chiefs of the tribes, righteous and wise. Even before they left, their opinions were already set. When Moses sat with them before leaving and tried to persuade them not to go, to go out to the people and say that everything was fine in the Land of Israel,  that they will conquer the land easily and everything will be good, they did not agree and insisted on inspecting the land. Moses understood that there was a ruse here and that they were about to turn over.

Moses blessed Joshua so not to be confused by the advice of the spies and the son of Jephunah went to be blessed by the Patriarchs. Moses knew beforehand that the spies would provoke disturbance. Even when they returned, Moses tried in every way, with Joshua Ben-Nun and Caleb son of Jephunah , to change their minds and nothing help, they wanted to show strength. They startled the people and said: We have seen the Land of Israel, great fear! It is a powerful place, the people are numerous, the people are huge and scary and it is impossible to conquer them. The people began to shout, cry and resent, and did not want to enter the Land of Israel.

The Holy One blessed be He killed the spies that spoke  libel about the land of Israel. He killed almost the entire old generation for forty years, were left only the last ones  that were scared and repented.

From there we learn that the Holy One blessed be He loves very much the Holy Land! The Holy One blessed be He created the Jews in this world to be in the Holy Land! Not in Africa, not in America, not in Europe, not anywhere. Holy Jews who have a soul that is part of God above, should be in the pure and holy land, in the Land of Israel, they cannot live elsewhere because they are pure and holy!

Today, the Creator presses all the Jews of the world to come to Israel.

The people of Israel in the Land of Israel are in the most beautiful period. We are expecting something precious to be revealed in the Land of Israel - this is the King Messiah! When will he come? When the Holy One blessed be He will decide. In our time? Yes! In our generation? Yes! There is no going back! Messiah has already been revealed in public , more and more every day in public, despite the confusion, the ups and downs in the country and the world. The Creator of the world will not give up anything! He only has his dates. Even before the first's man creation, the Creator of the world decided what year it would be, what day, what holiday, and this what will be! When will the King of Messiah be revealed? The Holy One blessed be He decided in advance. The Holy One blessed be He is not waiting for the future, he is setting the future, determining when the King Messiah will be revealed, When did he come out in a big way. The dates  are with the Creator, we don't know the dates exactly, He knows exactly.

The rain, the heat and corona that the Creator brings - He wants the people to cry and pray to Him. There is an end-to-end change. There is something here, nobody knows, we are a special people, He gives us a word and we interpret it as much as possible. This strengthens us, the people of Israel.

The Corona should run out and not infect anyone in Israel. Some Jews in Israel have stopped believing that the Corona is harmful because of people who influence them. The Holy One blessed be He says: listen only  the special committee that deals with the Corona and do what they decide, because in heaven   they decide and give them the information in the mind. If they follow the instructions, the Corona will disappear from Israel! Abroad it will not go away easily. Corona is a very serious thing, take responsibility! Don't say 'this won't happen to me'. The Holy One blessed be He did a first miracle, took pity on his children, gave a doorway and now we have to choose, right or left. In recent years, the Holy One blessed be He has given many blows from the forces of Nature, disabling all Arab states around us, Syria, Iraq and more, bringing Corona into the world so that the Jews will come to the Land of Israel  and repent. After the Corona, anti-Semitism will rise and rise and together with it will continue to be difficult things in the world, it will not stop until the last Jews will come to Israel! Dear Jews, the Creator of the World says: It will not stop! Trouble will continue, trouble on trouble that will not stop, until the last of the Jews immigrate to the Land of Israel and the King  Messiah will be revealed in public! The world's harsh anti-Semitism will continue with billions of people, it won't end. One trouble will  end, worse one will come, until the King of Messiah is revealed! It's closed! this is how it will be! this is how it will be!

In the Land of Israel there is great control over the Corona, immediately finding solutions,  so that, God forbid, an epidemic will not happen . Outside the borders of Israel everything is chaos, complicated, trouble over trouble.

Anyone who interferes with the Land of Israel, the Creator of the world will hit them hard, hurt them and destroy them, as he chooses. The times are with the Creator. Persons who want to take parts of the land of Israel, the Creator of the world, will hit them immediately. Not after a year or two, immediately!

The Century Plan - Sovereignty, the plan must be well scrutinized, it also has difficult things. Don’t hurry. Most importantly, be careful with the territories of the Land of Israel. The Holy land is not lawless, its belongs to the Holy One blessed be He. Mistakes must be paid. It is forbidden to make any mistake regarding this subject!

The Gentiles abroad say that the Corona and the troubles came from the Jewish people, because Jews continue to live abroad. They blame the Jews for knowing that the Holy One blessed be He is beating them because of the Jews who live within them. What are they doing? Angry, haters and protesters, because they know that the Holy One is doing them these troubles to push out  Jews to Israel, they are as if they are  helping the Holy One o expel Jews from all countries of the world to the Land of Israel. The whole world is shaking, everything is blocked,  they do not know what will happen every day. Their brain is not functioning, they do not know what about these troubles which are coming on them.

The people of Israel believe in the Holy One blessed be He. When we have faith, we feel that there is hope for every Jew. When there is a problem for the people of Israel, all are united. The Holy One blessed be He wants the people of Israel to be united even when there are no problems. That there is free love in every situation, good and bad. The Holy One blessed be He teaches and guides us that Derech Eretz (good behavior)  precedes the Torah, to be humble, free love, without jealousy, and with kindness. Do not look at forbidden things, it destroys the soul, eyes are like brains. The Holy One blessed be He wants His children to be unified and united. Slowly, we will achieve unity and free love without interest, along with Messiah.

All Arabs in the Middle East want to get close to the people of Israel, they are very  jealous,  it is difficult for them. The Creator never changes His mind. He made an alliance with the Patriarchs, a vow and will never change. He made an alliance with the Jews, that   neither did change nor will change forever! On the contrary, it gets stronger day by day, despite the sins. The Holy One blessed be He always gives a chance to repent. Arab countries  are all in bankruptcy, they all want to get closer to Israel, because Israel has all the keys to help in the world. Syria is dead, dysfunctional.

Iraq is dead, dysfunctional.

In the Jordan there is terrible suffering, the people are exploding.

Hamas  is a cobra. Do not believe them. They are quiet and have  difficult schemes.

Egypt they feel good with the Jews.

Iran is trying to harm Israel in every way. Nothing will  help it, nothing. If the people do not revolt, they will receive a very severe blow of heavy hunger that they will not emerge from.

Nasrallah Hezbollah on the northern border, are sending infiltrators  into Israel. They want to bring a huge wave of thousands of infiltrators into the northern border. Israel needs to keep a close eye, in the north and in all borders.

The Jewish people in Israel have only pity in their eyes. Other peoples have no mercy, neither in the eyes, nor in the ears, nor in the heart. The Creator of the world chose the Jews.

China and the US are like a cat and a mouse. Everyone knows where the Corona came from. It comes from the Holy One blessed be He so that people will be awakened to do God’s will to ascend to the Holy Land.

In Israel there is a good livelihood. Everything will return to normal. Israel cares about every Jew and Jew, the State of Israel is protected and preserved in heaven and on earth. In Israel, they will not let the Corona develop like it did in the beginning. There are experts, they take care quickly, there are medicines, all under the control in the Land of Israel.

Step by step. The Creator says: The steps are over! We are at the very edge of the revelation of Messiah! Everyone is watching, thinking and checking: what I am missing? what is missing? what is missing? what is missing? Every Jew and Jew is missing something. The Creator of the world tells you: You are missing  the Messiah be revealed!




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