Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita Parashat Behaalotach Tasha'p



Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita

Parashat Behaalotach Tasha'p

Delivered on Sunday, 8 Sivan Tasha'p (31.05.20 08:30)


Why did the Parashat aMenorah rely on the Parashat Anessihim? By the time Aaron saw the inauguration of the leaders, his thought got weak because that he was not with them during the inauguration, neither he nor his tribe. The Holy One blessed be He said to him, "Smile, yours is bigger than theirs, as you light the candles" (Rashi Behaalotecha). When Aaron saw that he and his tribe did not attend the inauguration of the leaders, he understood that there was no other reason but the sin of the calf. It was more painful for Aaron the priest the sin that happened and why they even needed this mess than to not participate with the tribal leaders at the inauguration of the Tabernacle.

Aaron Cohen had the great privilege of taking care and lighting the Menorah. There was no team in charge of the Menorah, Aaron Cohen alone cleaned the lamp, the goblets and saucers, made the wicks, brought the oil, did everything himself, because it was pure, clean from his head to his feet, in body, mind, spirit and soul. The Menorah is of one piece, perfect, and so should the one who light it. As the priest lit the lamps below and smelled the incense offering, at the same time the lamps are lit above in Heaven, everything was tied together and there was joy in all the worlds. As it is said: 'Oil and incense will delight you' (Proverbs 27: 9). And for that it was said "You set up the lamps" (Numbers 8: 2). Only Aaron the Cohen could raise the flame that goes up to the sky.

In the Aphtara Nasso, it is described how the angel who ascended to heaven told to Manoah and his wife that she will conceive: " For it came to pass, when the flame went up toward heaven from off the altar, that the angel of the Lord ascended in the flame of the altar." (Judges 13, 20). As the flame rose to the sky, they knew that the sacrifice was received and through the flame the angel of the Lord ascended into heaven. The flame means coming and connected to Heaven. The priest lights the Menorah until the flame rises by itself , the flame rises up to heaven, and thus the lamp lighting creates a connection of heaven and earth.

The Jews, the Land of Israel and the world stand on bread, wine and Yom Kippur, all three of which are not erased from the world. Even when the Messiah comes soon, when the people of Israel will finally redeem, bread, wine and Yom Kippur - they will never stop. Kiddush on the wine, the blessing of the oblation on bread, and Yom Kippur for atonment.

Little by little, step by step, so as not to panic, the people of Israel will know for sure, and will say who Messiah is. At the same time, continue to ask the Holy One blessed be He to reveal him that we will stop all of us to suffer.

In Israel there is a great providence from the Holy One blessed be He, He is protecting His children the Jews. The Holy One blessed be He gives many signs, every day, every second and it is the man's choice to choose good. "And you must protect very much yourself." Whoever has pride falls. There is no one who has sinned and has not received his punishment, he will lose what he took and add to it with his money.

Israel is at a very high spiritual level thanks to the Corona which caused a few months of Sabbath observance, cessation of perjury, filth, abomination and lust, this gave power to ascend spirituality. Continue on this path, with unity and love of the people. The Creator of the world raised the whole nation of Israel to cling to Him spiritually.

At Mount Sinai, the people of Israel said " we will do and we will hear"and the Creator of the world accepted them to be His sons and give them the Torah. Then they started to regret a bit, "We said, we didn't say ..." The Holy One blessed be He said to them: You have said we will do and we will hear, if you do not My will, I will turn this mountain on you as a tub, or you will receive the Torah or you will not exist. Forcibly, the Creator compelled them to say that they will do and we will hear.

When there is one shepherd, the Messiah, to the people of Israel, they will listen and say 'we will do and we will hear'.

The Corona did the same. The Creator gave two and a half months of Corona so that all are in their homes to repent, leave the vain pleasures of this world and choose the best way. Many Jews repented, learned a lot of Torah, Psalms and prayers. Also when you study or pray alone it too works in heaven. The Creator of the world is not going to give up. Get on this wave and get stronger in piety, all Jews. Torah study gives life. Life has value and there is a reason to live.

The government in the Land of Israel needs to strengthen all factories, so that all of Israel's production, agriculture, high-tech and patents will go out to all markets only from Israel. Do not sell to any state startups and patents, only sell the produce. Slowly disconnect from China. Israel is the place that gives life to the entire world.

The Holy One blessed be He tells the people of Israel not to be afraid of any state in the matter of peace, territories and land. The Creator says “Don’t be afraid of any country! Whatever you decide for the sake and sanctity of the Land of Israel, I am with you! ' No one provides for or protects the people of Israel. Israel is defending itself and all the patents, scientists and pharmaceuticals are in Israel. Don't be afraid of anyone in the world.

USA, Europe, China, Russia, Asia and Africa will eat each other, there will be very severe economic shocks and shakes. Jews, run away from there like a fire! Come and live in the Land of Israel also if you have only bread and water. No one is hungry for food in the land of Israel because the livelihood is in the Hands of God.

The world is in confusion, racism, anti-Semitism, Corona and depression to keep themselves busy and leave in peace the Land of Israel. The Creator gives all the nations of the world to deal with themselves, He lets the Gentiles get in trouble with themselves so that they do not interfere with the Holy Land and the Jews in the Land.

Hezbollah is threatening and his threat is dangerous. He wants to surprise and make a trap for Israel, because his pride is increasing very high. He is even ready to die and only if he can surprise, God forbid, Israel. The Holy One blessed be He accompanies, protects and guards all soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, and you too will protect yourselves!

Iran is playing and thinking it can deceive Israel. Israel and our Mossad know what is happening in Iran and the nuclear plants. Iran's nuclear plants have spies working through Israel. Now go look for them. If the people of Iran do not revolt and overthrow the regime, there is going to be a heavy famine. Heavy hunger. Heavy famine in Iran, and they will not come out of it. If they overthrow the regime, there will be welfare for the tens of millions of Iranians.

The Creator tells the Jews of the Land of Israel occupy yourselves with Real Estate in Israel Do not deal with real estate abroad. Only large, wealthy companies that build homes, roads or bridges in other countries can go on. But private Jews, do not buy homes in the US and Europe because of the price. Build houses in Israel. Jews, buy homes now urgently urgently, buy even if expensive. Anyone who builds or buys a house with stolen money or did not pay the full price agreed upon between the buyer and the seller, or did not pay the people who did the work using a ruse or fraud, there will not be a blessing on this house. Anyone who buys or builds a house and closes a price will pay up to the end. Talk directly and truthfully with the Holy One blessed be He and He will help with everything.

The Holy One blessed be He tells the Jews who live abroad: I assure you, everything I said will happen! You better come to Israel urgently! There will be heavy economic hardship all over the world, except in Israel. And when the economy in Europe, the United States, South and North America and South Africa becomes difficult and the famine is heavy, the Jews will be eaten alive. You should escape now! Not tomorrow, now! Anti-Semitism will multiply itself more and more, to no avail. It would be like wildfire. When the famine begins, cruelty will enter them and they will not differentiate between a Jew and a non Jew. They will start with the Jews, and they will not have pity on anyone.

Messiah is on the way to be revealed in public in front of the entire State of Israel and the world! As in an distractedly way. To every Jew the Messiah will be revealed distractedly. Good news, great joy, happiness and honor will soon be for the people of Israel!


רשומות פופולריות