Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi ShalitaParashat Emor Tasha'P
Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita
Parashat Emor Tasha'P
Delivered on Sunday, 9 Yar Tasha"p (03.05.20 08:30)
"Speak to the kohanim, the sons of Aaron, and say to them: Let none [of you] defile himself for a dead person among his people" (Leviticus 21: 1). At the opening of the Parashat Emor, the Holy One Blessed be He tells Moses to command the priests to maintain their purity and holiness so that the priesthood dynasty does not cut off those who have lost their way. The Holy One Blessed be He anointed Aaron and his sons to the priesthood and Pinchas received the priesthood from the Creator of the World because his zealously for God. The Creator wants the priests to marry kosher women and not Gentile, divorced, and widowed women. Women who are clean and pure so that the priests' seed will be pure and holy for the work of the temple and the holy places. To do so, they must be distinguished and different from the people Israel.
Adam, created by the Holy One Blessed be He, was born of the earth and all the first fruits of the earth were taken to the Temple, so the firstborn born to couples following the religious law are destined for the holy work in the Temple.
Today there is no temple and no priesthood work. When the road to salvation and Messiah open, and the Third Temple is built, the Creator will guide the priests and elders as needed. At present, the priests need to purify and sanctify. They are worthy more than everyone else, they are first to the Torah reading , bless the people of Israel with the blessing of priests, provided that they keep the Laws and the Ten Commandments and maintain a proper marriage that continues the priesthood power.
The people of Israel must also be pure. In order to be pure, they do Mitsvot, one mitzvah and another, and another, and as a Jew, he is cleansed, leaving evil and clinging to goodness, ascending to the degrees of purity and then he is sanctifying and clinging even more to the Holy One Blessed be He. You have to pay attention to blessings on water, fruits, vegetables, bread, and bless the food blessing aloud. All the blessings and commandments raise the Jew in the virtues of purity that bring holiness. The Holy One blessed be He is holy and wants the people of Israel to be holy.
The whole world is in a confused period, a great and very severe distress throughout the world, except in the Holy Land of Israel. When everyone in the land of Israel will follow the instructions of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Health and the government, the Corona will disappear from Israel much faster than they think, because the ministers receive their orders from Heaven without being aware of it. There is no the angel of destruction in the Land of Israel, abroad there is an angel of destruction that does not differentiate from person to person, people need to protect themselves. The Corona is doing justice in this world. People opened up to the wrong and bad things and the Creator of the world brought Corona to the entire world that was suitable for everyone, every Jew and every person in the world, everyone. You have to think and ' recalculate your way', each one will think twice what the Holy One Blessed be He wants from us. The Holy One Blessed be He created the worlds above and below, created a creation so special, sea and all kinds of fish, land and all kinds of earth and animals. The Creator of the world created everything well, did only good in the world and we should cling to Him, no matter religious or non-religious. Let us not say, God forbid, that the world is run by nature, it is a heresy. A person can say that he does not have enough wisdom, intelligence and understanding to understand who the Holy One Blessed be He is and what this power is, but not to act as an heretic. If he says so, he will have heaven's help to understand the Holy One Blessed be He.
A virus like the corona only the Creator of the world can bring it, it is above all nature, and the whole world is with corona. Everyone is scared and frightened, running away from each other. The corona is contagious and deadly, it's like all the ten plagues together.
In the Land of Israel, if they follow the instructions, they will heal and be protected and guarded. Heavenly Angels help doctors and nurses care for patients. Life and death are in the hands of the Holy One blessed be He. There are those, “not to you or anyone”, whose time has come and left the world.
It is good that the Shabak continue monitoring the Corona, so that Israel can return to normal much faster. The whole world is surprised by the Land of Israel, the Jews in Israel, how powerful and in unity they work to save people. Up in Heaven they hope this unity and free love will continue forever and then everything will open, there will be complete healing for everyone and Messiah will be revealed. When Messiah will appear, everything will work out in the best way, all will be good for everyone, long life without illness and success in everything. Messiah is here, he is not air, he is an ordinary person whom the Holy One Blessed be He has chosen and is also waiting, he is on hold like the people of Israel. The Creator of the world wants everyone to be united.
The Creator makes the Ten Commandments enter the people of Israel without them feeling it, along the way. Fear of death is provoking repentance, to get away from each other, from bad things and bad deeds, thinking twice before doing things, all are maintaining hygiene, purifying and sanctifying themselves as in Parashat Kedoshim.
Overseas there is chaos, they are busy with themselves and they don't care about each other, not everyone. In Israel there is mercy, abroad there is no mercy everywhere.
Iran, With all the blows received from the Holy One Blessed be He, it wants to continue sending ammunition through Syria to Hezbollah, but the Holy One Blessed be He will give it more hard blows.
Russia is in a very difficult financial situation, it will take its entire army out of Syria towards Russia.
Trump is busy with Corona and the economy.
Syria is going back to its revolution, because the Russians are leaving. Syria will continue to be destroyed, Chaos in Syria and all because of its cruelty against the Jews.
Lebanon although it is a small, quiet country, there is a big mess.
Hamas is in need of Israel because of the Corona, there is not enough money and all Arab countries have left them, being busy with their own troubles. Only Israel helps Hamas and the Palestinians.
Egypt, Sissy must keep on guarding himself, he must not underestimate, and again people are rising to hurt him. Continue to be at peace with the Land of Israel.
In Jordan there is a very difficult financial situation.
The economy in the whole world is very difficult, is shaking, they are not telling the truth. In Israel, truth is spoken so that God may have mercy. In Europe and all over the world they do not understand where this blow came from, the corona's blow.
In the meantime, we are waiting, until Messiah will be revealed, until the Creator decides to reveal him and then it will only be good for all the people of Israel and the world!
הוסף רשומת תגובה