Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita For Passover Tasha't


Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita
For Passover Tasha't
Delivered on Sunday, 9 Nissan Tasha’t (14.4.19) | 8:30

"And The Lord spoke to Moses after the death of the two sons of Aaron who died when they approached the Lord" (Leviticus 16: 1).
There were two deaths, Nadav and Avihu, one who had no sons, and a man without sons has no continuation in this world and before God. They died before the Holy One, blessed be He, because of their sin, and when they have no children, they are considered dead. Even though they were the sons of Aaron the priest, who was the brother of Moses and Miriam, and although they were said to be great in their souls like Aaron and Moses and more, nevertheless the Creator did not take this in consideration. Aaron was a peace-loving man, clean and pure as the angel of the Lord, with no shell and no disturbance. The Evil Inclination did not have control over Aaron the priest, Aharon had full control of the good and evil inclination and there was no one to disturb him, so the Creator said to Moses that Aaron will continue the work of   burning incense and lighting the Menorah all his life in this world. His sons, Nadav and Avihu, did not hear the voice of Moses, the man of God, who taught them all the laws pertaining to the work of the Tabernacle and its utensils. They stood up and acted and preceded their father by burning the incense. The more virtuous a Jew is, the more pure he is, the more powerful he is, and the more he has strength to raise his prayer, his teachings, and his good actions than a person who is not pure enough or whose body is not pure enough. There was a huge difference between Aaron - clean and pure from head to toe, clean in his thoughts without shell, and his sons Nadav and Avihu who were not clean and ready enough tools, because they were not married and therefore lacked integrity. Some say they were drunk and ahead of time because they had to replace Aaron their father only at the end of his role in this world.
On the Day of Atonement, the Sages instituted reading this Parasha  to atone for Israel. Therefore, the work of the Yom Kippur service is presented in the Torah close to the death of the sons of Aharon, so that the death of the sons of Aaron would atone for Israel. Anyone who regrets the sufferings of the righteous, his sins will be removed from the world. Anyone who regrets the loss of the righteous and sheds tears upon them, the Holy One, blessed be He, declares and says, 'Your sin will be lifted, and your sin will be forgiven.' Every time the righteous go away from the world, judgment is gone from the world. The death of the righteous makes atonement for the sins of the generation. Therefore, the parasha regarding the sons of Aharon is read on the Day of Atonement to be atonement for the sins of Israel.
Despite the terrible pain of the death of the two sons of Aaron, despite the great difficulty in continuing the work of the Tabernacle, the Holy One, Blessed be He, instructs Moses and Aharon to continue the work of the Tabernacle. The story of Nadav and Avihu also comes to teach the future all those engaged in the work of the Tabernacle and the Temple, to be careful regarding their qualities and behavior. Despite this harsh warning, the two Temples were destroyed. They did not learn from Nadav and Avihu and behaved with free hatred, slander and other harsh things. There was no fear in them.

The results of the elections were as the Holy One, Blessed be He, said: "The right hand of the Lord is powerful."
The right hand of God is to choose the Holy One, blessed be He, in the observance of laws, mikvahs, yeshiva students, Torah study, synagogues, new immigrants to Israel, free love in the land of Israel, and assistance to the needy. Those who study Torah with all their heart - let them learn. Someone who is doing like he is studying Torah - must enroll to the army. "The right hand of God is powerful” It means opposition to handing over parts of the Land of Israel and preserving the Western Wall on which the Third Temple will be built. Two temples were destroyed because of mistakes of people who dealt with the Evil side. The Western Wall remains, this holy place, the Holy Land. All the space in front of the Western Wall is sacred and it is forbidden that this place be spoiled. There must not be a mixture of lewdness and dirt. Every place where there is a mixture of men and women, a mixture of lasciviousness and laughter, mocking God as it was during the golden calf, reminds God of the sin of Adam and Eve, which the serpent cast in filth and seduced her to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Jews are a special people and have special laws that no other people in the world have. We have to follow the laws and everything will be good for the people of Israel.
The Holy One, blessed be He, shows to the people of Israel, despite all the disturbances and with all the problems that were in the people of Israel because of the elections - the Creator of the universe chooses the Right! There was slander, gossip, calumny, - and the Holy One, blessed be He - decided - the right! We must understand once and for all, The Creator chooses the path of the Right party. Humans change, today is life and tomorrow no longer. The creator of the world is interested only that the right will succeed 'The right hand of the Lord is powerful - the right hand of the Lord is lifted' The Holy One, blessed be He, is true and stable and right. The Holy One, blessed be He, wants Jerusalem, the Temple, redemption, and Messiah, this is the Right Those who oppose it, it is not good. The Holy One, blessed be He, chooses the power and the path of the party, chooses the Right. The Holy One, Blessed Be He, chose David, Moses, Elisha, Joseph directly, without the need for parties and voters. A man of God and prophets are chosen by the Creator himself, also the Messiah is already chosen by the Holy One, blessed be He. Messiah works, lives and exists and waits for the instructions of the Holy One, blessed be He. All the people of Israel are waiting for Messiah to come out to light, there is no longer someone to rely on; there is no one to rely on.
If the 'Jewish Home' would have remained in its entirety and would not have been dismantled into parts, they would have received 12 Knesset seats! Not 5 seats, 12 seats! The Holy One, Blessed be He, does not want 'my strength and the power of my hand made this for me,' the Holy One, blessed be He, wants unity, wants the right to be united and unified. If they are not united and unified, they will have complications with the Holy One, Blessed be He. Most of the contenders were fighting how to bring each other down, did not fight for the best way to run the Land of Israel. They fought for the chairs with slander and calumny. They did not talk about the main thing, the holy land, the yeshivas, synagogues and mikvahs and bring new immigrants to the Land of Israel. So the Holy One, blessed be He, interfered and chose the Right. Anyone who thinks that the left is adequate makes a grave mistake. We must preserve the holy land, the Jews have nowhere to go, they have the Land of Israel and all the Jews in the world will immigrate to the Land of Israel. It is impossible to separate and divide the Holy Land, to take parts from it. The Land of Israel is the smallest country in the world and the most important in the world.
The Holy One, blessed be He, tells the right-wing parties to unite with the Likud. Not to be proud and not to swell, not to make too many conditions and to fight for ministries. To strengthen the right-wing side, the strongest right-wing party in Israel. Not because of human beings, but because of the Right, for the Holy Land, for the Land of Israel. The Creator commands you, all the small parties to join the Likud to one big right party. Not because of the ministers, not because of the prime minister, nothing, just because a strong and strong right is needed to save the holy land and the Jews in Israel. To save Israel from taking one centimeter away and to bring the Jews from abroad to Israel. To preserve Judaism and the Torah, the synagogues and the prayers, the yeshivas and the yeshiva students, that is what the Holy One, blessed be He, wants! In the end it will be, you will or will not want it, and it will be a heavy price for anyone who opposes. The Holy One, blessed be He, chose the Right so there will be perfection with the people of Israel. To the left-wing parties- do not disturb the right, if you interfere with the right – you disturb the Holy One, blessed be He. The Holy One, blessed be He, sees the future and knows what will happen in the future. You only know what is happening now. Thank the Holy One, blessed be He, every day and fulfill the commandments of the Holy One, blessed be He, who asks us. Those who were elected must prove to the Holy One, blessed be He, that they are doing good for the people of Israel. There will be clashes, left and right, here and there, in the end a right-wing government will emerge!
The Arab countries, the Middle East and other countries, had the shock of their lives. They saw all the profanity, slander and calumny against the Right, and in the end the Right has risen. Because the Right is the Holy One, Blessed is He! Right is the right-wing party. This is not the head of the party. Most of the world is in disappointment and great pain; all wanted the left to come up to destroy the Holy Land. The Holy One, blessed be He, tells the whole world: 'Do not mess with my children and the Holy Land.' The Holy One, blessed be He, protects His children and protects the holy Land of Israel. No one can harm them. Anyone who tries will be badly hurt. Do not dream that there is nothing, it is a mistake, there is the Creator and He leads the world! The sun did not come alone. In the womb suddenly a baby is created with bones, tendons, eyes, kidneys, heart, lungs and nails and continues to live in the world. There is Someone who run the world! The Holy One, Blessed be He, says: "This is the last generation that must suffer, Messiah must be revealed. The Holy One, Blessed be He, is doing everything bit by bit until the revelation of Messiah, everything naturally slowly and we do not feel it until the long awaited day for the people of Israel. There were elections and now the revelation of Messiah in public! Everything flows naturally; there is an anointed, chosen Messiah.
Because of modern times, it is hard to believe in Messiah. They do not understand that Messiah is the most modern thing in the world, the most miraculous miracle. Messiah is the greatest miracle that can be. There is no man or machine in the world who can do what Messiah does and will do. A world of redemption and Messiah is a completely different world, a world that  all are well and live forever, never die, there is no murder and killing, and everyone lives in unity, love and peace all their lives.
'with the sweat of your brow you shall eat bread,' meaning that the bread will grow on the trees, even the rolls and challahs of the Sabbath, like the manna that descended from heaven. Believe it, you should believe it, it's not imaginary.
Now there is a strong right and more religious, it is more power in the people of Israel to crystallize and reveal the Messiah our righteous. Today the majority are aware and the majority sing songs about Messiah and redemption, the soul within sings. We do not understand why all these songs about Messiah and redemption are - this is the time  of Messiah!
This is a week ahead of Passover, towards a new and good year and the expectation of the revelation of Messiah. We are waiting for much more advanced stages until the revelation of Messiah. Messiah is revealed step after step, Messiah works and acts, protects and guards, keeps and rejoices the people of Israel.
Jews must not be complacent, ambitious, irresponsible, and deeply hurt. It is life-threatening. You must be constantly alert and happy.  
Many people in the world appreciate and love Israel, appreciate that the right has risen. We know that there is about the right something major and strong, it is a very big mystery. The right is the Jewish people that knows how to survive. There were the most difficult elections ever made, the difficult war between good and evil. In the end, the right wing rose "The right hand of God is powerful" Again, the right is not human beings, it is the nucleus, it is the power. Human beings change, but the Right remains, the path of the Right remains, the way of the Holy One, Blessed be He, remains.
We are on the holiday of freedom, Passover and the Holy One, blessed be He, wants us to always remember Him, to believe in Him. Thanks to the memory of our forefathers, to this day they strengthen Judaism, tradition and the religion of Israel. Waiting and waiting for Messiah our righteous. In our time there is Messiah. We know that there is power in the Messiah - this is the Holy One, Blessed be He. We know that there is someone who talks to the Holy One, blessed be He, with whom the Holy One, blessed be He, speaks. The Messiah decrees and the Holy One, Blessed be He, sustains. The Holy One, Blessed be He, is proud and glad that Messiah does not do evil, has no interest and takes nothing for himself, does everything to save the people of Israel.
Jews should be the eve of Passover with the Holy One, Blessed be He, stay with the Holy One, Blessed be He, here in the Land of Israel. The Holy One, blessed be He, is not abroad. Jews who live abroad should come to Israel to celebrate Passover with the Jews in the Land of Israel, not the opposite, God forbid.
Hamas, Palestinians, Jihad and all the crazy people all their hopes fell into the hole. Nothing helped them, the right went up.
Hamas let them explode with the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and with their hatred. They continue digging tunnels. Nothing will help them.
The Arabs who did not choose on election day, this is the influence of the Holy One, blessed be He. Naturally, they did not want to elect the Arab parties because they know that the Arab MKs are not good for them. They know that they are self-interested, that Hamas is filling them with money to disrupt Israel and they are not helping their citizens.
Russia, Putin loves Israel very much. All is in cooperation with Israel, because Israel is more special and smarter than any other, and Putin loves people like the Jews in the Land of Israel, who are smart, intelligent and special. There are more secrets about it.
Trump loves Jews only in Israel. With all that Trump goes through, he loves the Jews and the Holy One, Blessed be He who is doing miracles and wonders for him in the United States. The Holy One, Blessed is He, put an angel in Trump, in Putin and they run the world. The Creator directs Trump in the best way to help the Land of Israel, the Jews in the Land of Israel.
You have to understand that the Holy One, blessed be He, is the manager of the world, not human beings. Enough with evil and free hatred. Feel sorry for each other, for there to be free love among the Jews.
Egypt is alive and well thanks to the United States, which gives them money and Israel, which protects Sisi and his government. Sisi is silent, happy with his share.
Jordan is deeply depressed when they saw that the right had risen, not only Jordan, many other countries. Let it stay depressed.  
Syria is controlled by Russia and all the madmen who eat it every single day. The Holy One, blessed be He, is directing the war in Syria. No one can interfere with the Holy One, blessed be He.
Turkey is complicated. Erdogan is complicated with his people.
Iran will continue to receive more severe blows, until it stops completely interfering with the people of Israel, neither through Syria nor through Hezbollah. You will understand that you must  not interfere with the Holy Land Israel and with the Jews in the Land of Israel alone. The Holy One, Blessed be He, gave it warnings using the elements of nature. It stops - good, it did not stop - it will now get a hundred times worse blows than it received. If it does not stop, He will destroy Iran completely.
The Holy One, Blessed be He, is interested only in the Holy Land of Israel and the Jews who are only in the Land of Israel. The Creator wants to open a new world of love and peace, without weapons, without planes, without war, without tanks and without hatred. A new world of love and peace.
Hezbollah dies and lives every day, fearing death from Israel. When the Almighty chose the Right he was even more scared
Lebanon want a good life.  
North Korea want the help of the US, money and life.  
IDF The most powerful army in the world is accompanied by angels from heaven.
IDF soldiers, the Border Police, police and security personnel, who will adhere to the orders of the law, will be vigilant and will not underestimate their role during the mission - angels will accompany them. If, God forbid, an IDF soldier underestimates his role, during a mission - je must protect himself, he is in danger. If he cannot do- say he cannot,  he does not feel well and left.
We will have a kosher, joyous and pure Passover for all the people of Israel.
The forces of Nature will continue to hit the entire world.  
The Creator asks the Jewish parents to prevent their children from gambling, drugs, alcohol and assimilation. Be careful of the non kosher meat. Check the Kashrut in the shops and not some picture of a righteous person hanging there. Look closely at the kashrut certificates, the dates and the stamp, who signed it. If it is mehadrin meat, glatt meat and if they have a Mashgiach.
Messiah waits for the instructions of the Creator every moment. As the Creator of the Universe surprised Moses and suddenly appeared in front of the bush when he was  eighty years old and  did not even know what the matter, it is not people that chose him. As the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Samuel, "Do not look at Eliav and his height, this is not the one I chose. I chose David who came from the desert. As he chose Joseph who was in the pit twelve years. As he chose Elisha who was plowing in the fields. Thus the Creator of the Universe continues with the Messiah, the man of God, the Messiah our righteous. Suddenly the day will come, and the Holy One, Blessed be He, will instruct him to go out before them all! The dates of the revelation of the Messiah when he will come out in public - only the Holy One, blessed be He, knows. He has not got it out yet. No one knows, no angel knows, neither seraphim nor holy animals, neither the Holy Spirit nor the "Matat." The Creator did not transmit, or reveal the date. The moment that the Holy One, blessed be He, decides "now" - it is now! In that millisecond! The Holy One, blessed be He, does not prepare or organize the matter of the revelation of Messiah in public!
A happy holiday for all the people of Israel and protection and safety throughout Passover!


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