Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita Parashat Tazria Tasha't

Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita
Parashat Tazria Tasha't
Delivered on Sunday, 24 Adar Bet Tasha’t (31.3.19) | 8:30

Parashat Tazria deals with purity of the family and Parashat Shemini deals in part with forbidden foods. Those who eat forbidden foods, such as unclean vegetables, non-kosher meat, mix milk and meat, simply stick to the sitra achra (evil side) and squander his soul and body, the spirit of impurity rests on him and he is not on the side of holiness and clinging to him from the side of impurity. He is oppressed in this world and in the world to come. His mind gets stupidity, he becomes stuck, it is hard for him to understand, to remember, and he is permanently living in a kind of bubble. The Gentiles are built like this, they eat what they have. But Jews, they have a soul that is part of God above, they have a holy spirit and a pure soul that the Creator gave them, and even a pure psyche is in their bodies.  Therefore, a Jew who eats forbidden foods defiles his soul and turns it into a beastly psyche. As much as he  eats more forbidden foods, his animal psyche expands and expands in his body and becomes like the psyche  of the animal that he ate, his blood becomes beastly and as the beastly psyche  expands, there is no place in his body for the soul.
The Holy One, Blessed be He, did not allow Moses to be nursed by an Egyptian woman, but only from his mother, in order to preserve his pure psyche so that it would not be destroyed. This is one of the reasons that a mother needs to breastfeed her child for at least a year, so that the mother's milk will connect between the child's psyche and his mother. A nursing child, his mother's blood flows in him and he is connected to his parents, loves and respects his parents forever. A child, who was not breastfed, lives with his parents out of habit.
Sarah our mother gave birth to Isaac when she was ninety years old and Abraham was a hundred years old. People mocked them, how could these two adults have brought a child into the world? The clowns of the generation said that they had taken a child out of the market, that perhaps Isaac came from Avimelech, Heaven forbid. After the birth, Sarah invited all the women to a party with their children, without breastfeeding women, and Sarah herself nursed all the hungry babies. Some say that those babies, who were nursed by Sarah, later converted to Judaism because Sarah's blood, her milk, had influenced their psyche to convert to Judaism and be Jewish.
If a Jewish woman, God forbid, lives with a gentile, their child will be a Jew because of her psyche. A Jewish child with disorders must be dealt with in order to get him to be clean. A Jew who lives, God forbid, with a gentile woman, their child will be a gentile because the mother's blood is determinant and her psyche is impure, beastly. The father gives the bones and the marrow and the mother the tendons, the skin, the flesh and the blood. There is vitality in the blood and the psyche connects to it, not to the bones. The psyche connects to the spirit in the heart and the spirit connects with the soul and the whole body. This is why only Jews have a soul that is part of God above.
There are many serious diseases in forbidden foods. They think it's delicious but it tastes good only for the animal psyche, silencing it. It is not tasty for the pure psyche.
A Jew should be sanctified with his wife; the meaning is holiness and purity, purity of the family, mikvah. May there be peace and love between them, that they will be one body. This husband and wife are the integrity of one body and when they guard the purity of the family, the children come pure into the world. Parents need to watch their pregnancy for nine months, not to quarrel or argue. Mother should not be tense or angry, no outbursts, no complaints, no resentment or eat forbidden foods. She should only be happy all day, read psalms and Michnayot, pray once a day and observe the Ten Commandments. A baby born after such a pregnancy would receive a clean and pure soul because his mother had almost completely refining his animal psyche while he was still in the womb. If the parents follow this path from the first day, the day of the mitzvah, throughout the pregnancy, the baby born will be already purified, righteous. If not, it would take him twenty years to correct himself to go the right way. Sometimes it seems that the children are good, but you cannot know what will happen in the future, he may be good, his psyche may be problematic. For Jews - this is the way, that's the formula. Only the Creator determines whether a son or a daughter will be born. Only our Father in Heaven determines according to the requests and pleading of the parents and according to what He sees for the future so that there will be enough sons and daughters so that there should be perfection, and that each one should have a match.

The entire world and the holy Land of Israel are in a period not easy at all. Against their will, by hook or by crook - Messiah will be revealed. All the confusion in Israel and in the world - it is so that Messiah should go out into the world. All the confusion in the elections, right and left, left and right, people do not know who to choose, do not know who to believe, the confusion within the people of Israel because they no longer believe in anyone, they lost the way and do not know who to believe the right or the left, they are in confusion and have no final decision - all is because the redemption and the revelation of Messiah soon. So that all of them together will cry out to the Creator, 'We want Messiah! We want Your leadership, Holy One, Blessed be He, through Messiah! ‘People’s minds got confused.
The righteous in heaven shout and cry to the Holy One, blessed be He, to reveal the King Messiah, so that there will be the resurrection of the dead. They are in caves and temples in the sky, there is a lit candle in every cave and they study Torah all day long. They are working and breathing, waiting and waiting, helping us to ask for the King Messiah.
The great confusion in the elections is made by the Creator, so that people may begin to ask for the King Messiah, the leadership of the Creator of the universe, for it is impossible to believe in flesh and blood. The Holy One, Blessed be He, will help the people of Israel and the entire world through the Messiah, our 100% help will be received through Messiah our Righteous Today we receive twenty to thirty percent of help, with ups and downs, we do not know what the day will bring. But when Messiah will be revealed publicly, they will know with certainty what will happen every second and that everything is good for the people of Israel and for the entire world. Everyone feels as if there is no air and it is hard to breathe, so that they will scream for the Messiah to be revealed. Messiah gives vitality, air to breathe, vitality to the body, joy to the heart and soul. Through the Messiah all are cured and heal. Messiah is a connection to the Creator directly, from the Creator to Messiah and from Messiah to man. The Messiah has his prayers and blessings to the people of Israel, especially the Israel Defense Forces, the police and Border Police, the security personnel. He has a great deal of work, twenty-four hours he protects and guards all the borders of Israel in prayer, for the Holy One, Blessed be He, hears the Messiah directly. Messiah has power over all beings in the world, he has a direct pipeline to the Creator of the universe. He is currently working and acting in hiding. He does not seek fame; he is broadcasted through the Creator. When the day comes, Messiah will come out in a great storm! Suddenly the day will come! The date is only in the hands of the Creator of the world, not angels, saints or prophets, and it is not written. All the signs now show that Messiah must be revealed now! Every second! These are the signs. The whole world is in chaos, and Gog and Magog are heading towards destruction. Eight billion people in the world are tired of each other, hate each other, seek to eat each other and hurt one another. Worse than animals. The world in this way goes to destruction that no one in the world will   stay. These are the signs of Messiah, signs that Messiah should come out. As it was at Noah time when the Holy One, Blessed be He, brought a flood into the world and kept alive Noah and his family the animals, the beasts and the birds that were in the ark. Today, this is a different style, today Messiah will be revealed in public, will stop all the chaos in the world, and whoever will remain will begin to correct the whole world for honesty, truth, free love, tenderness and mercy. All the Jews will come to the Land of Israel. all those who disturb in Israel, the gentiles, will flee by themselves from here, all the Arabs who disturb and harass will flee when Messiah will be revealed. This is the way of Messiah to fix the world and it is now! Do not procrastinate, do not mock what is written, do not say, 'Yes, they said this a long time ago.' Anyone who sneers has a problem to be in the first circle. Whoever is happy with what is written here, the words of the living God will live forever.
At the  Israel borders there is a cloud of fire that protects and guards the borders of Israel. The world understands that Israel, the Jews living in Israel, are a special people, and the world is jealous and envious of the Jewish people.
Putin works with Israel in secret. He, too, asks Israel not to make noise on the borders in the Gaza Strip, to follow the quiet path.
Trump is transferring money to Egypt and they are transferring it to the Gaza Strip to make it quiet.  
Abu Mazen is waiting anxiously for a war with Hamas so that the IDF will eliminate Hamas.  
The government and generals in the army do not want war because many soldiers can get hurt and there is no solution. They do not endanger human life when there is no solution. It is forbidden to endanger IDF soldiers if there is no solution. In the meantime they are operating the air force, navy, artillery and tanks, until the King Messiah comes and makes order forever!  The government and the army are going a strange path in order so not to cause war. The IDF is prepared for any scenario, and is on the alert to attack whenever necessary. The IDF is the strongest army in the world! Why the most powerful in the world?
A. Because they are Jews.
B. Because they have the most sophisticated weapons and ammunition in the world.
C. Because they are the wisest and smartest people in the world, men of knowledge.
D. The Holy One, blessed be He, is with the army  twenty-four hours a day, with the police, with the police officers and the Border Police, the security forces, the Shin Bet and the Mossad.
We are before Passover, the holiday of freedom. The Holy One, blessed be He, is here in the Holy Land of Israel. "They will make me a tabernacle and  I will dwell among them" (Shemot 25: 8). These are the synagogues that are in the Land of Israel. Before the establishment of the State, the Divine Presence dwelt in every place in the world. From the moment the State of Israel is restored, the Creator of the world Himself resides in synagogues and Yeshivas in Israel, only in the Land of Israel. The Holy One, blessed be He, took the people of Israel out of Egypt so that they might come and live in the Holy Land, and the Holy One Blessed be He   celebrates with us the Seder and Pesach within the Holy Land of Israel. The Holy One, blessed be He, says to the Jews abroad: You will come to celebrate Passover in the Holy Land of Israel, with me. Not the Jews who live in the Land of Israel will come to celebrate with you. On the contrary.
In the elections the right will rise. The right hand of the Lord makes power! Choose the party that will not  give parts of the Land of Israel that will bring new immigrant Jews to the Land of Israel, that will establish synagogues, yeshivas and mikvahs, that will preserve the purity and holiness of the Land of Israel because we have nowhere to go. We are Jews and need to live in the Land of Israel.
The Creator of the Universe says shame on slander, profanity, gossip and free hatred. Too bad for the money wasted on the publications. The right hand of the Lord makes power! The Creator determines who will be in the Government of Israel. As He had determined that Trump would be, against all odds. As He stated that Putin will be, here, too, the Holy One, blessed be He, determines who will be. We have already said what the Holy One, Blessed be He, wants to be in the Government of Israel.
U.S Trump is very happy about the goodness he does to the Holy One, blessed be He. He is making happy the Holy One, Blessed is He, that He helps the Holy Land of Israel and respects the Jews in Israel. Trump knows that the people of Israel are unique, that the entire world lives by virtue of the Holy Land of Israel and the Jews who live in the Land of Israel. Trump does everything honestly, he does God's will. And yes, he pleases the Holy One, Blessed be He!
Putin  loves the Jewish people of Israel and helps in a mysterious way, in his own way.  
Syria is dead and alive, alive and dead. Every time the Iranians and all sorts of crazy people hoard weapons and ammunition when they gather and have nowhere else to put them, the warehouses are full - the IDF liberate for them some space and blows up all the ammunition and weapons, cleaning the place.
Natural disasters will continue, fires, earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, ice, ships at sea, complications in planes, entanglements, satellites will become entangled (except for the satellites of the Jews). The media and the Internet will rise and fall,  rise and fall, accidents, buses, trains, disturbances, world demonstrations, complications within countries and their neighbors. Anti-Semitism is growing and growing until they take the houses of the Jews and the Jews will run away, they will have nowhere to live. They'll take the work, the cars and the houses. The Jews abroad are living under the illusion that everything is fine. Every day thousands of people are beaten  all over the world, and this will continue until they come to live in the Holy Land.
Every place where there is lewdness and abomination is very troublesome to the Holy One, blessed be He. The Holy One, blessed be He, destroys and damages the same place and same people.
In Israel everything is good, good rain. The rain is how the Creator talks with us,  loves us. The Holy One, Blessed be He, reveals to us all the wonderful things that exist in Israel. There is everything in Israel, each time we are surprised by new things. Israel has all the precious things in the world, and we will find them in stages, diamonds, oil, gas and all precious metal. Israel is the head of the earth. Israel is small, and the light and spirit of the Land of Israel envelop the whole earth. The head, mind and heart of the whole world is the Land of Israel. The whole world is curious to know what is happening in the Land of Israel, that thanks to the Land of Israel the whole world lives. Eight billion people, beasts and animals, all live because of the light only in the Land of Israel  among the Jews in the Land of Israel.
Jordan cannot do anything, most of them are infiltrators. The king is connected to Israel quietly, like Egypt.
Turkey, Erdogan is talking against Israel so that they will say he is strong, a kind of condescension, until he falls.  
Iraq nothing will help. They terrified the Jews with the missiles during Saddam Hussein's time, now they are paying for it.
Syria is occupied by Russia. Russia runs Syria. The Syrians hurt the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces in the Yom Kippur War with the cruelest cruelty in the world. The Creator does not forgive them. Anyone who touches the Jews, especially the Jewish soldiers of the Jewish Defense Forces, the Creator will destroy him from the face of the earth.
Iran on the way to die. Iran is dying more every day than the day before. It is scared  of the Holy One, blessed be He, of hurting Israel. They send others to attack Israel. They know that if they fight directly against Israel, all the atomic plants will explode inside them and the end of Iran will come sooner.
North Korea continue with peace, they have an appetite. Trump is against wars, he comes to help the good side of the world. He wants quiet and peace in the world. Encourage him in the United States and give him strength, he is the messenger of God who came to help the Land of Israel from the material side, from the earthly side.
In the Land of Israel everything is good and blessed. Many Jews  are newly religious. The Right will rise.
Dear Jews, we must give up assimilation, do not assimilate, no free hatred, no hard drinking, no drugs or gambling, all this upsets the Holy One, blessed be He, all of this destroys the Jewish people.
Anyone who interferes with Israel, who wants to take parts of the land of Israel, the Creator of the world will hurt him severely, whether people, presidents or countries.
All are waiting and expecting in Heaven to open the seventh gate. In Israel they do not understand so much. When the Messiah will be revealed in public, he will cleanse all the distortions in Israel and the entire world, and everyone will listen to his instructions without exception, all types of communities and all kinds of people in Israel and around the world !!

Courtesy of the site : "Tairneri"


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