Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita Parashat Shemini Tasha't


Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita
Parashat Shemini Tasha't
Delivered on Sunday, 17 Adar Bet Tasha’t (24.3.19) | 8:30

"And it came to pass on the eighth day, that Moses called Aaron and his sons, and the elders of Israel; And he said unto Aaron, Take thee a young calf for a sin offering, and a ram for a burnt offering, without blemish, and offer them before the Lord, (Leviticus 9: 1-2).  
On the eighth day, the upper and lower worlds were completed and peace was found in them and joy was above and below. And if the joy was not mixed up by the death of the sons of Aaron on that day, then from the day that Israel went up from the sea, there was no joy of the upper and lower ones as of that day For on that day the sin of the golden calf passed away from the world, and the priests and Israel were found to be pure. On that day all the accusers above were also eliminated, and they wandered around the camp of Israel, searching for a place to arraign them, and found no place to arraign them at that time. Nadav and Avihu rose and mixed the joy of all the worlds. Anger and condemnation arose in the world, as it is written, "And the glory of the Lord appeared to all the people." With the dedication of the Tabernacle there was joy in the upper and lower layers, and immediately, "And the sons of Aharon  Nadav and Avihu took a pan, and placed fire within, and put incense upon the fire and then the joy was mixed up.
Aaron who took a calf for a sin, why a calf? As it is written, "A calf of the firstborn of the cattle of the sin offering," to atone for the sin of the golden calf he had done in the past And the 'ram to the burnt offering' for what? Against Isaac's father who was burnt offering  innocent and worthy burnt offering for God. Because the judgment derive from Isaac's side, and the ram's offering is against Isaac's - to sweeten the laws. As a sacrifice  goes up to honor the Kingdom in its entirety. The calf and the ram: the calf to repair the kingdom and the sin of the golden calf, and the ram - the perfection of Isaac properly, to sweeten the judgment.
And Israel, who sinned with Aaron the priest in the sin of the golden calf, sacrificed this kind of thing, as it is written: "A bull and a ram  to sacrifice before the Lord." The ox for what they sinned and the ram to complete the kingdom by sweetening the judgment of Isaac.
"And Aaron’s sons, Nadav and Avihu, each took his fire pan, put fire in it, and laid incense on it; and offered before the Lord a strange fire, which He had not commanded them. And a fire went out from the Lord and consumed them, and they died before the Lord."   (10:1-2)
The sons of Aaron the priest, who loves peace and pursues peace, lit the incense fire, sacrificed the incense. Some say that they were punished because they were not married, and some say that the time was too soon, it was not the time, but Aaron the priest was the only one who could light the incense fire, sacrifice the incense. Only in him was perfection. Nadav and Avihu, heard from Moses what the nature of the incense was and how powerful it was. They heard that the incense cleansed  the whole nation of Israel, expelling all the shells and the Sitra Achra (evil side) from the Tabernacle, around the Tabernacle and from the people of Israel and open a way to a new life. They decided to be the owners of the house before all, they ran and bypassed Moses and Aaron and went to sacrifice the incense. They did not follow the instructions of the Creator to Moses and Aaron, they did not ask anyone, entered the Tabernacle, sacrificed the incense and burned. It was not the time, they were unworthy, and they had no real formula for how to light the incense fire, they brought fire from below, material fire, and no fire from heaven. Only Aaron had the right formula for bringing fire from Heaven.
The Tabernacle is not a game, it is a holy of holies. A third of the Tabernacle was done by  the Israelites and two-thirds completed by the Holy One, blessed be He, miraculously, done by itself, a place that is holy of holies.
The Holy One, blessed be He, wants the people of Israel to do His will. He want s them to do the Lord's will because it is  good for the people of Israel. God will never do anything in His favor, God forbid, the Creator has no interest, wants us to do His will because He wants us to have good and be blessed and successful. When we do God's will, in the end God gives us the answer and solutions. If you do not do God's will - you lose. The Holy One, blessed be He, wants you to do His will because it will  leads you to good way. Trust Him, trust Him that the path that will lead you is good, for your own good, for the good of the world and for the sake of the universe. The Creator will not trap you, He does not ask you to do His will to trap you, heaven forbid, but only for your own good!
Nadav and Avihu did their will, did not do God's will and were burned. Every person in this world who does not do God's will, who does not observe the Ten Commandments, does not do good deeds, does not study Torah or prayers, does his own will. The will of man himself is influenced by the Sitra Achra, the evil inclination. A person thinks that if he does his will, it is for his own good. Evil inclination, the power of impurity entices a person to do evil deeds, surrender to lusts, to dirt, to pray not, to not obey the Ten Commandments, and the person is tempted. The Holy One, blessed be He, knows that the evil inclination tempts the Jew into a negative and not a good way, and therefore the Holy One, blessed be He, says to the people of Israel: Do My will.
On Purim there were miracles and wonders in the Jewish people even in those days, generations ago, and even now. The Holy One, Blessed be He, always reminds us of the miracles and wonders that were and the good that He gives us all the time, You have to thank for the good. 
Father in Heaven - "The right hand of the Lord makes power." You, the people of Israel, will choose what you want and I will decide. I decided - right will win. By hook or by crook.
The right's formula is this: no parts of the Land of Israel should  be handed over. Millions of Jews must come urgently to settle the Negev, the Western Galilee, Samaria, the Golan Heights, Binyamin, the Judean Desert, the Arava and the Jordan Valley. The Land of Israel must be settled and built without interruption. Establish mikvahs throughout the Land of Israel. Help kollel and yeshiva students. Protect and preserve the Land of Israel. Protect synagogues and yeshivas, and  help those in need. This is the way to succeed, this is the way to be elected to the government of Israel. Closed and sealed.
Trump wants very much to help the people of Israel. Trump cannot see injustice and hatred against Israel, it bothers him very much because he is honest and true. Trump goes straight, he saw that this is the right path for Israel's benefit and to please the Holy One, blessed be He. He is doing everything for Israel. Trump sees that most of the world is Muslim and hates the Jews. He knows what happened in the Holocaust with the Nazis. Why chase the Jews? This nation, this good, why pursue it? Trump came to fix the world. He is helping the people of Israel and repairing the whole world. He is honest and true, he does not need encouragement and money, he has everything. What he knows is truth and honesty, this is how he is taking care.
Putin loves Israel and acts as if he is against Israel, because the Arab countries are acquiring weapons and ammunition from him. Putin also wants respect in the world.
Arab Muslims they do not want the Holy Land, just free hatred to kill innocent Jews. They do not care about their prayer, the Holy Land, Jerusalem, and nothing, just a free hatred of killing Jews and money.
The State of Israel must rely on the judicial system, the law and the police. The terrible confusion created by the elections, the blasphemies that defame each other, the bad language, the gossip and the free hatred against each other, the stupid things they talk about each other, cause the people who see it to feel contempt and to mock them all. The Holy One, blessed be He, says: Why  this unpleasant, ugly speech? Why  hurt each other? Why calumny? Why free hatred? Instead, each and every one of them will say what he is willing and able to do for the benefit of the people of Israel. That's how you should act and not look for how to bring down this one and that one. They think the people are stupid and do not understand. The Creator is angry and upset at everyone and in the end He will choose the person He wants to choose and decide what He decides and it is a pity for people to struggle for nothing with calumny and free hatred.
In the Gaza Strip, a small part of the residents are from the Gaza Strip, and the large part came from Arab countries to hold onto the Gaza Strip. 80% of the residents do not belong to the Gaza Strip at all. Meanwhile, people in the Gaza Strip are hungry for bread.
Hamas are liars, shooting, planning and digging tunnels.  
If, heaven forbid, the missiles were falling and hitting Tel Aviv, there would be great pressure. They rejoiced in the Gaza Strip. The Holy One, Blessed be He, made a miracle and nothing happened. You cannot say that there was no miracle there.
Abu Mazen is agitating the young men, he and the entire mosque men incite the young people and cause them to go to murder and kill the Jews. They think that if they commit suicide they will go to special places and receive special gifts. Everything is a lie, they will not get anything, nonsense.
Dear Jews and the IDF,  be careful in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Ramallah, they plan to strike the IDF and the Jews there. The IDF must be alert and cautious at work! Be alert! There is no faith in Gentiles. He's like a good guy, tell you 'good morning' and  can turn over in one second to be an enemy.
Natural disasters, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, storms, winds, complications and accidents with ships, accidents with airplanes, accidents with trains, will collude with each other, attacks and free hatred and anti-Semitism will intensify in the world.
Islam on the way to conquer all of Europe. Searching for Jews from house to house. They hate the Jews and hatred is growing. The Creator says to the Jews in Europe, the United States, South America and the North, wherever there are Jews, religious and non-religious, pack away and come to live in the Holy Land! Even if there are 100 million Jews, Israel will grow. The Holy Land, stretches like a deer's skin.
Syria is in a difficult dilemma. Trump stated that the Golan Heights are part of Israel and Syria in dilemma because Putin is running Syria. Syria is dead, Putin conquered it for him.
Great joy in the Land of Israel for the Golan Heights! The Holy One, blessed be He, is slowly correcting the world, whether they want or not,  He is doing what He wants in His favor and for the good of the world. The Creator does not forget what the Syrians did during the Yom Kippur War to the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, they murdered, despised, ridiculed and harmed them in the covenant, the Creator of the world is avenging them infinitely for having touched his Jewish soldiers.
Jordan is with great disappointment, they want a Palestinian state and there is nothing. The King of Jordan is afraid of infiltrators and refugees who will harm him.
Egypt, Sisi was the smartest. He works beautifully,  calm and honest. There is a treaty with Israel, both open and secrete. He works in cooperation with Israel because he knows that the blessing originated from Israel. He knows that only Israel can save Egypt and the United States sends him money.
Hezbollah and Nasrallah, the Shin Bet and the Mossad know every detail  about them , even when Nasrallah goes to the bathroom, the Mossad and the Shin Bet know.  
Turkey, Erdogan is threatened and threaten and does nothing. All of Turkey says that Erdogan went crazy. Civilians are waiting for the first opportunity to make a revolution, at the moment it's secretly.
Anyone with eyes in his head can see how many good miracles there are in the Land of Israel. Israel has a wonderful life, it's a paradise in Israel, everything you do is successful.
Iran is buried in itself, in tension and scared of the Jews and of Israel.  
It is urgent to develop the Negev and Samaria and move from the center of the country. Very soon there will be a very large immigration to Israel, they are on the way. The Land of Israel expands and expands and grows, like the skin of a deer.
The Creator tells the Jewish parents that there will be no assimilation. Keep your children away from assimilation, drugs, alcohol and gambling.
The joy of the Holy One, blessed be He, is that the Jews expect the Messiah to be revealed in public. Apart from the terrible confusion of the elections, everything is good in Israel. The Holy One, blessed be He, says: You do not understand that there is a Messiah in this generation? Revelation of our righteous Messiah? All the choices, everything has no value says the Holy One, Blessed be He, and all the bad tongue and gossip are all trivial, and why should they curse their mouths with bad things? There is Messiah in your generation. The Holy One, Blessed be He, gives us  a mouth to speak and thank Him, to pray for Him and learn Torah, not to calumny and harm people, God forbid. We are in the era of Messiah. Our borders are guarded and protected by the Messiah and the Creator from Heavens. The Holy One, Blessed be He, asks all the people of Israel not to use free hatred, gossip and calumny, everything is trivial, because in our generation there is Messiah. The Holy One, blessed be He, wishes that the people of Israel to be submissive  to the Holy One, blessed be He, that every Jew should be at the time of the Messiah and during the revelation of the Messiah in the near future in public. Jews do rejoice that the Holy One, blessed be He, chose you from all the nations in the world!


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