Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita Parashat Terumah Tasha’T


Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita
Parashat Terumah Tasha’T
Delivered on Sunday, 28 Shvat  Tasha’T (3.2.19) at 8:30

The Holy One, Blessed be He, King of the Kings, blessed be He, gave to the Jews all the possible tools to go the good way, in the path of honesty and truth, and to adhere to the Master of the Universe: Torah study, setting time for Torah, three prayers a day, blessing of food and observance of the Ten Commandments and Halachot  so that the Jewish people will not leave Judaism, the Jewish force, so that it will not deviate and go the bad way so that he will be connected to the Holy One, Blessed is He, and follow the path of God. So that the Jewish people will have a good life in this world and will be privileged to be with the Messiah our righteous.
In parashat Teruma the Creator of the world wishes that everyone will contribute as much as he can so that they will be partners in building the Mishkan so that they may see the Mishkan so that they may see the power of the Creator and His actions through the Mishkan. All the children of Israel are equal in the eyes of the Holy One, blessed be He, and each contributes as much as he can.
The Holy One Blessed Be He is glad that his children are partners in the construction of the Mishkan. The Holy One Blessed Be He is happy that His children participate in the work of the Creator. The people of Israel give charity and donations and tithes to the Holy One, blessed be He, and the Holy One, blessed be He, multiplies the contributions and tithes of the Jewish people to this day. Whoever makes a donation will have a right in the Temple, in redemption and in Messiah Everyone brings what he can. It is not the quantity that determines, but the giving from the heart  when a Jew is happy to give and gives with a happy heart. When a Jew is happy to be partnered with the Holy One, blessed be He, he is happy to help the needy, to those who study Torah, to the yeshiva students, to build synagogues and build mikvahs. The Creator is glad that Jews learn Torah and fulfill the Ten Commandments,  that people are people of kindness and truth, Sabbath-keepers and donors. The Creator of the world is glad that people share with him in the doing of Torah and good things. The Holy One, blessed be He, multiplies all what they give  and gives them the right to be redeemed in the first circle.
The Holy One, blessed be He, educates us Jews, just as the Holy One, blessed be He, does kindness, mercy and love - so He wants His children to be.
The Holy One, Blessed is He, does not love lewd people, crooks and deceivers, thieves, exploiters and people who live on the backs of others. In the end, they will lose everything. What does not belong to you - do not touch! Touch only what belongs to you, which is permitted according to Jewish law, according to honesty and truth. Robbery, theft, lewdness, fraud and deceit - do not belong to you and if you do - you will pay. In the end, everything you've done will come back to you, you'll lose everything and you will be back forty years. There is no one who disparage the Holy One, blessed be He, who did not fulfill the Ten Commandments, and departed from this world  happy and good feeling. One like this was not created, did not  and will not exist.
Only when a gift is given with all the heart, honestly, truly and happily, do we share with the Holy One, blessed be He, in giving. Thus we share with the Holy One, blessed be He, in giving for the people of Israel.

We are in an abnormal period of elections. There have been no such elections since the establishment of the state. There is very great anger in the sky over the process, the conduct and behavior  of Knesset members and ministers. They dissolve parties, establish parties and make disputes. The Creator of the universe hates controversy. Korach has been an example ever since. It is forbidden to calumny and gossip. The people know exactly who to choose and receive enlightenment from heaven exactly who to vote for, if the ministers and Members of the Knesset  will win this election.
Everything that is happening around the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, guilty or not, we should look at what he has done since then to this day for the Holy Land of Israel. Many leaders before him made mistakes and no less than him, only no one  talk about. A small desert made a huge 'mountain', the free hatred and calumny rage. How many things happened to ministers, Knesset members and former prime ministers, and we do not know about them? How many have happened and we know only 10%? Because of the redemption and the Messiah who must be revealed, the power of impurity and the other side are raging, and therefore hatred grows much more than is necessary, and for what? For the chairs ?! Is there a leader, a minister or a Knesset member? That really want to help the people of Israel? Who really  cares about the Holy Land so that they will not touch one cm from it? Who really cares about the holiness and purity of the Land of Israel? Who cares about the Jewishness of the Land of Israel, who cares that all the Jews will come and immigrate to the Land of Israel? He is the one who should be elected to the government of Israel! If there is such a thing ...
The free hatred  and the bad tongue provoke a rebellion and do great harm to the people of Israel. Waiting for the moment that people would fall and to accuse them, as the people of Sodom used to do. It does not do good to the Holy One, blessed be He. You have to carefully consider what you do, you have to consider how well a person has done to the people of Israel. There is no a righteous person who will not sin, there was no one who did not sin in this world. Do not be reckless in your decisions. Recklessness makes the wrong decisions and when the decisions are not correct, the people are taught to hold demonstrations. Allow the law to decide what is the right way what can be done and no one should interfere, not even a Knesset member. Free  hatred, gossip and defamation are also forbidden. The ministers and the Knesset members are the mirror of the people of Israel and the world mocks and laughs at them, 'how far they have come.' They say that Jews are intelligent and wise, and Knesset members and ministers are full of gossip, slander and free hatred. Not all of them, heaven forbid.
The people know who to choose exactly! Nothing will help, the people are not enthusiastic about costumes, height , wisdom and nice speech. The Holy One, Blessed be He, gives each to Jew so to know exactly who to choose, and at the end,  the Holy One blessed be He will choose whoever He wants.  As he had chosen Trump against all odds. The Creator chose him even though the majority said Hilary would be chosen. In the middle of the night everything turned upside down because the Holy One, blessed be He, turned the ballot box and chose Trump, it is not the people who chose. Hillary is a continuation of Barack Obama.
Right-wing parties - you should unite! Do not look for honor. Those who pursue honor will remain on the sidelines. Stop hurting each other. Do the will of the Lord. The Holy One, Blessed be He, is upset and very angry that His children behave in such a way as to slander, gossip and with free hate. At such a time of redemption, that Messiah our righteous should be revealed in public, what is happening to the people of Israel? Free hatred, gossip and defamation? The Holy One, Blessed be He, waits and they go wild with free hatred, slander and gossip, instead of asking for Messiah! If they knew what redemption and Messiah were and they were fulfilled the Ten Commandments, they would not have reached this state. The Holy One, blessed be He, will choose whoever He wants. The decision is the decision of the Holy One, blessed be He. And whoever is already elected prime minister will have no control over Knesset members, ministers, or anyone.
Anyone who knows the Land of Israel and the Jews in the Land of Israel does not understand how Jews in the Land of Israel behave in this way. Those who hate Israel are happy with this, and the power of impurity is raging within them and spreads. It is a pity that this is happening in this period in which every moment Messiah son of David must come out! The rest of the impurity rages to damage the purity.
The Right The Right The Right ---- Will Rise! By hook or by crook! The right of the Lord is lifted, the right of the Lord does valiantly.
All members of the Knesset and the right-wing ministers, do not be reckless and do not play honor games - that is how the right will rise.
Hamas, Palestinians and all the Arab states, are happy that there is a 'war' among Knesset members. They want Benjamin Netanyahu to fall, and they think that if he falls, then there will be no right. This is the mistake of the entire world and of all the Arabs around us. They think that if Benjamin Netanyahu falls, they will win Israel, and then the government will do whatever they want, and thus, God forbid, they will be able to take parts of the Land of Israel and destroy the Land of Israel with ease, God forbid. The Almighty says to them: 'I will not let you! Make as many mistakes as you want, but I will not let you do what you want! '
Russia, Putin loves Israel and protects Israel, because he knows there is no substitute for the people of Israel and without the State of Israel and the Jews who live in the Land of Israel, the world does not exist. Only the Land of Israel and the Jews who live in the Land of Israel can be trusted.
U.S, Democrats are very disruptive to the Trump. Trump loves the Jews who are in the Land of Israel and loves to help the Land of Israel and the Jews in the Land of Israel. They disturb him to help the people of Israel. Just as in Israel they disturb the Right party there, too, they disturb Trump to help the people of Israel. Those who bother Trump, not all Americans and they are causing serious disorders. In Heaven, they say: 'Trump will win all the hooligans, provided he continues to help Israel.'
The gentiles in East Jerusalem most of them are very dangerous to Israel. They have a blue identity card, they play like they are  good-hearted and miserable.
Hamas provoke the demonstrations on the borders and  is taking advantage of it. Jews must not be merciful to the cruel.
Iran is in a plugged state, they have no way back, great distress. The ground in Iran is shaking. They must stop interfering with Israel or that the land will swallow them, even economically. Most citizens do not believe in the government. The regime in Iran comes from Hezbollah, they kill innocent Iranians, and they have no mercy. Anyone who opposes the government, they make him disappear. Everything they do in Syria - nothing will help them. Even Russia does not like that Iran is in Syria. The Iranians thought that Russia love Iran - Russia do not like them.
Iran is trying to pressure and frighten the world as if they were producing new weapons and ammunition, the Holy One, blessed be He says: rubbish. Every step the Iranians make in Syria, the IDF is blowing them up. The IDF is only waiting for them to collect a lot of ammunition and weapons, so that there will be something to bomb, when the stockpiles  are filled - the IDF is operating. It's better to blow everything up in 'one shot'. It's like Hezbollah, which worked for seven years on the tunnels and at the end they destroyed them.
Russia does not want anyone to rule in Syria - only Russia. Russia is afraid that Iran will rule in Syria.
Hatred and anti-Semitism are growing in the world. Once it was 'under the carpet', today 'above the carpet' in front of everyone. Every Jew must return home and immigrate to Israel. Evil is growing against all Jews in the world. They would kick all Jews out of all countries abroad. The Holy One, Blessed be He, brings into the hearts and minds of the gentiles  anti-Semitism and growing hatred for Jews living abroad, because the Jews do not want to understand the good way and come to the Holy Land. So the Holy One, blessed be He, greatly increases anti-Semitism so that the Jews will flee from there and ascend to the Holy Land. There is no time! Messiah must go into the world in public!
The infiltrators, and the Muslim refugees enter freely in Europe, their goal is to establish Muslim rule in Europe and to harm the Jews.
Japan, China and South Korea, learn to live with the US, to work with the US economically.
Egypt, Sisi began to sober up, knowing that connecting with the Jewish people is the best. Even in Pharaoh's time when the Israelites were in his possession. Sisi knows that when he is connected to Jews in Israel, the economy is very good and he is protected and guarded.
Jordan, the king raised his hands, he had no answers to his people. He is waiting for all the refugees to leave. He loves the Bedouins who will come to live in Jordan.
In Syria,  wars and destruction continue.  
Isis begins to wake up again and make a mess.
Iraq, Same.
Lebanon, same, no change.
Hezbollah and Nasrallah thinks he is a psychologist, works and talks to the world psychologically to influence their minds and Israel. It did not help him, they understood that he is a liar, a crook, a lecherous man, and a robber, they discovered him. Patent: he hid in shelters for months because he feared they would kill him, and suddenly he went out and it seemed that they are missing him like he was very important. It's zero of  zeros.
The Creator of the Universe tells all the countries of the world and the presidents that if they try to touch or take parts of the Land of Israel or try to harm Jews living in the Land of Israel, He will destroy that country, whether it is economically, politically or military, or through the forces of nature.
Dear Jews, follow what is written here and see that this is happening exactly. The Holy One, Blessed is He, brings bitter cold, severe heat, storms, winds, earthquakes, floods, dirt and mud, conflicts and complications, tsunamis and diseases. Everything comes into the world because they want to harm the Holy Land of Israel and the Jews who live in the Holy Land of Israel. Our Father in heaven teaches everyone a 'lesson', starts a harsh judgment and now the whole world will know the Holy One, Blessed be He. All will see with their eyes that the Holy One, Blessed be He, is severely beating nations with severe blows at the same time as they touch the Holy Land or the Jews who live in the Land of Israel. This will bring anxiety and fear, horror and shock to all the nations of the world and to all nations around the people of Israel.
The Holy One, blessed be He, destroys all the Arab countries,  so that they will not touch the Holy Land. The Creator began several years ago and continues to neutralize the ring of the Arab countries around Israel. God has neutralized all of them and continues to neutralize all the nations of the world that oppose Israel. Because the people of Israel, the State of Israel and the Holy Land - is the light of the world, is the heart of the world, is the soul of the world, is the life of the world and without the Holy Land of Israel there will be no memory of man in the world.
Good rain fell on the people of Israel and will continue. Nothing is missing in Israel. It's a shame to use superstitious things instead of really working.
Messiah works in secret, naively and simply without publicity, because he is not looking for advertising. Messiah does not seek respect and to control someone. Messiah comes to dismantle the power of impurity from the world and revive holiness in the world, not only in Israel but throughout the world. Messiah comes to stop the killing and the death, the illness, the quarrels and the conflicts. Messiah came to make peace in the world. He came to establish the Third Temple and  to prepare the people of Israel for the resurrection of the dead and bring the world to peace, love and eternal life. This is Messiah. Messiah is in our generation, alive and well, he is at the top, and at any moment can be revealed in public!


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