Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita Parashat Vahera, Tasha't


Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita
Parashat Vahera, Tasha't
Delivered on Sunday, 22 Tevet Tasha’T (30.12.18) at 8:30

"And Gd spoke to Moses and said unto him, I am the Lord" (Exodus 6: 2). God spoke with Moses using the name of Elokim, which is Jugdment "and Gd spoke," He did not speak using the name of Hashem, which is mercy. He spoke with Moses our Rabbi harshly because in the previous Parasha Moses said "Why did happen the evil to this people why did You send me" (Exodus 6:22) So He spoke to him using judgment in a harsh manner. At first Moses did not want to go on this mission, arguing with the Holy One, Blessed be He, and said, "Who am I to go?" "And they will not believe me." Because I am slow of speech and tongue.” (Exodus 4:13). For seven days Moses discussed and the Holy One, Blessed be He, tried to persuade him to accept the mission, pressed him and left him no choice. Only a week later Moses was convinced and accepted the mission. If Moses would have believed in complete faith, accepting the mission with love, with all his heart and soul, if he did not argue with the Holy One, blessed be He - his speech would have been healed, he would have gone alone on the mission and do everything without the help of anyone. In a very short time he would have entered the Land of Israel. Because he said, "And I am slow in tongue," the Holy One, blessed be He, said that he would meet his brother Aaron on the way, and he would be his mouth. The Holy One, blessed be He, hinted to him, “who makes him mute or deaf, sighted or blind? Is it not I, the LORD? “(4:11). The Holy One, Blessed be He, hinted that everything begins with Him and ends with Him. Yet Moses refused. If he would have believed in complete faith and received the hint from the Holy One, blessed be He, he would have been healed. This debate with the Holy One, blessed be He, for seven days, caused to him all the disturbances on the way.
How could Moses have said to the Holy One, Blessed be He, "why did He harm this people?" Why do you, the Almighty, do evil to the people? The Holy One, Blessed be He, does not do evil to anyone. The Holy One, blessed be He, is good and kind. This is the person who does evil to himself, in that he sins and does evil in this world. Because everything goes back to its roots, good and evil return to those who made them. The Creator is good and beneficent; we are to blame for everything that happens to us. It is therefore necessary to accept with love all that comes upon us, with both hearts, in good inclination and in the Yetzer Hara (bad inclination). For all evil that comes upon man is his fault. If a Jew observes the Torah and mitzvot, does good deeds and fulfills the Ten Commandments by 60%, he receives 60% good from the Holy One, Blessed be He. If 20% - he will receive 20%. If 100% - he gets 100% good from the Holy One, blessed be He. Man himself determines whether he will have good or bad in this world and how much, whether he will be rich or poor. If he gives charity, donations and tithes - he will be rich. If a person hurts, steals and deceives people, he will at some point be hurt and robbed.
The righteous who suffer with love and do not complain, accept the agony for the people of Israel.
The Holy One, blessed be He, wants His children to know that the power is in the hands of the Creator, not in anyone else. The Holy One, blessed be He, made a covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and promised them that the Land of Israel would belong to them, to the Jewish people. In the covenant between the parts, the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Abraham, "For your seed shall be in the land that is not theirs, and you shall serve them and be tormented for four hundred years" (Genesis 15:13) and He reduced the number of years of slavery from 400 to 210 years. If Jacob's sons believed in their father Jacob, that their brother Joseph received God's gift to help the family and save them from trouble - they would not have to go down to Egypt in a difficult way and would not have to suffer so hard in a very heavy bondage. If the brothers would have believed in Joseph and their father and in the Holy One, blessed be He, He would have sweetened the enslavement.
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were obedient to the Holy One, blessed be He, and always said, "We shall do and we will hear." But Jacob's children despised their father, lied to him, deceived him, and allowed him to mourn for Joseph for 22 years. Jacob went into sadness, the Holy Spirit left him and he could not see that his sons had kidnapped and sold Joseph. The ten sons swore the Divine Presence and deprived him of the sight in the Holy Spirit. If they had believed that everything was from the Holy One, Blessed be He, He would have freed them from the difficult path of suffering and hard servitude.
True prayer and crying to the Holy One, blessed be He, eliminate decrees above man. We learn this from our mother Leah who cried for many years because people said: younger Rachel to Jacob and older Leah to Esau. Leah cried so not to fall into Esau's hands. Because she cried and wanted to bring forth holy and pure children from the holy man Jacob, the Holy One, Blessed be He, blessed her and allowed her to merit Jacob. Even in Egypt "God heard their groaning and God remembered His covenant ..." (Exodus 2:24) - The Master of the Universe sent Moses to save them and redeem the Israelites.
The Holy One, Blessed be He, wants us to believe in things that we do not see. The children of Israel in Egypt were not as modern and educated as they are today, so they had to see with their eyes the ten plagues and more. Even today, the Holy One, Blessed be He, does wonders for the Jewish people. Some make connections and believe that it is from the Holy One, Blessed be He, and there are those who are still asleep and do not understand that there is a supreme force that drives the world.
Believing in unbelievable things - contains all the solutions for the Jewish person to succeed in this world. All the people of the world must have their faith strengthened in the Holy One, Blessed be He, serve Him and to fulfill His commandments. To be confident in Him, that He will give them all their needs. When a person becomes stronger in the fear of Heaven, he can place his trust in the Holy One, blessed be He, to give him everything he needs.
Hezbollah and Nasrallah tunnels In Lebanon in front of Israel, if, heaven forbid, they will not have caught them, they would have kill a lot of Jews and take prisoners. The Holy One, Blessed be He, made a miracle! For almost seven years they have been digging and digging and digging, investing a lot of money there, billions. They invested a lot of equipment there and a lot of people died there. A month before the tunnels are activated, the Holy One, blessed be He, surprised them and revealed the tunnels to the eyes of the whole world! The IDF discovered the tunnels! The Holy One, blessed be He, directed the best timing, entered the hearts of security men who would know that this was the moment to discover the tunnels and to blow them up. People in the north shouted and cried because they heard all the time noise from the tunnels. The whole world saw how the concrete and cement that flowed into the tunnels came out of their homes, from the places where the tunnel had been dug. All in order for the world to see how Hezbollah and Nasrallah are cruel and evil. For seven years, Hezbollah and Nasrallah were quiet. They were busy with the tunnels. The Holy One, blessed be He, allowed them to be busy with the tunnels, to put all their time and money there, and when they entered a few meters toward Israel, everything was revealed to Israel and to the entire world!
Trump takes his soldiers from Syria. We do not trust any country in the world, neither the Americans nor any other country.
The IDF is the most powerful army in the world, on the ground, the sea and in the air. The munitions of the IDF that are manufactured in the Land of Israel - no one in the world has them. The missiles that Israel has produced - no one in the world has them. And the Holy One, blessed be He, who is with the Jews in the land of Israel - no one in the world has Him! A very small place in the world and the strongest in the world, is the heart and mind of the world and the Holy One, blessed be He, is with it- no other place in the world!
Any country or nation, prime minister or president who wishes to harm the Land, of Israel, the Holy Land, take parts of the Land of Israel, or harm the trade or economy of the Land of Israel, or the Jews who live in the Land of Israel - The Creator will hurt them at that same moment. . The leaders will receive severe beatings and body diseases, conflicts, complications, severe demonstrations and severe natural disasters in their country. There is a cloud of fire enveloping and protecting Israel's borders.
Abu Mazen, the Palestinians and Hamas do not want peace, they are liars. They continue to dig tunnels from the Gaza Strip and continue with their plans to harm the Jewish people. They tell stories in the media - all lies and deceit.
Iran makes a handsome face for Hamas and Hezbollah. Its situation is very difficult economically, politically and socially until there is a revolution. Iran - is all pride. Iran is one big zero, it is nothing. All its ammunition, its weapons and its soldiers-zero zeros. Iran buys ammunition from Russia and gives it to Hezbollah.
The air force, the Mossad and the Shin Bet have no substitute in the entire world! The Creator sends angels with the Israeli planes, with the Jewish Israeli pilots who accompany them on every mission and mission. If, heaven forbid, there is a risk beyond our special abilities, the Holy One, Blessed be He, personally intervenes and personally accompanies our pilots! The air force entered Syria, dismantled all their missiles and they did nothing.
The government that fell - because they wanted to topple the right party. They think that the Right will not rise again - then the Right will rise again! By hook or by crook, the right will rise again and it is a shame to waste more money on the elections. Those who toppled the government want senior positions. They will not receive it. The Creator determines who will be the next Prime Minister of Israel. If until that time the Messiah does not come.
Do not be enthusiastic about the new MKs and those who are registered as Knesset members or ministers. Do not be enthusiastic about their beauty and wisdom, be excited only by the heart of man who is real, clean and serious to preserve the Holy Land, to walk on the right side and to preserve the holiness and purity of the Land of Israel. With that you must go, because this is where the Holy One, Blessed be He is! It's a shame to waste money on other directions.
The Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, is suspected or not suspected, did and is doing holy work for the Jewish people throughout the world. The Holy One, Blessed be He, blessed him with beautiful language, intelligence, knowledge and wisdom, to take care and help the people of Israel. Most members of the Knesset have pride, free hatred and slander to bring down the Knesset, the right party. The Right will rise again! Do not waste a lot of money.
They close to the Palestinians the money, they discovered that they were lying, cheating and taking the money for themselves, so they are leaving the Gaza Strip and Lebanon and are moving to Europe. Most of the people in Gaza come from Egypt.
They come to Europe from the Gaza Strip, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq and Africa, they arrive and land in Europe elegantly, without power and war, and slowly making their home in Europe.
Egypt, Sisi plays like he knows and does not know. Now they discovered a tunnel that had come from Egypt to the Gaza Strip. Sisi, better for you to close the tunnel from Egypt to the Gaza Strip before the extremists and Hamas come to hit you directly. Sisi is a good and wise man, good for Egypt and for the whole world.
Jordan, the king of Jordan is in a desperate, unstable situation, under mental pressure, it is difficult for him and he does not know what to do. What the king of Jordan knows is that Abu Mazen and Hamas want to conquer Jordan. Enjoy.
Trump is a wise man, intelligent and smart, works the right way and is right in everything. He knows that the Jewish people who live in the Land of Israel is a special people. He knows that the Jewish people is the spiritual force of the world that drives the world. The heart of king is in the hand of God. The Holy One, blessed be He, chose Trump to be the President of the United States in order to help and come towards the Holy Land of Israel.
Russia, nothing interest it, just to sell arms and ammunition. Before Israel attacked Syria, Russia is very up-to-date in order for the Russian soldiers to be careful.
Turkey, Erdogan is a great failure. He is confused, tries to help the Arabs, barks and barks and can not get along with his people.
The president and the government of Iran, Erdogan and his government, simply kill anyone who wants to overthrow them.
Iraq wants the United States to defend and protect it, but it plays as if it does not want the US because it is afraid of Iran.
In Europe the chaos will continue with Isis, anti-Semitism, infiltrators, refugees and disasters. They will come from Lebanon, the Gaza Strip, Syria, Turkey, Jordan and Iraq to conquer all of Europe. There is plenty of land, food and cars in Europe. Europe will go back a thousand years and be primitive. Slowly.
Anyone who wants to disturb Israel and take parts of Israel gets beaten up like in the Tower of Babel. The Creator confuses them and they become entangled among themselves. Anyone who justifies the Palestinians, Hamas and Hezbollah, receives from the Holy One, Blessed be He, the most severe blows, even through the forces of nature. The elements of nature strike all the places in the world that bother the people of Israel.
Syria will continue to suffer blows and any country that arrives in Syria will get into trouble. Nothing will help and there will be no repair. All the countries that come to Syria are crashing.
Jews who live in Europe: escape from there as if from fire! Soon you will not be able to sell the houses or run away. You should get ahead before the hard blows hit you! Europe will be destroyed and it will not be long. Then immigrate to Israel from North and South America, Canada, Europe, South Africa and Australia.
Dear Jews who live abroad, do not listen to the leaders of your communities who tell you not to immigrate to the land of Israel It is written everywhere in the Torah, in the Pharisees, in the Zohar and in the Kabala that the Holy One, Blessed be He, calls upon the Jewish people of Israel to come from abroad to the Land of Israel. Those who object, those who do not allow the communities to come to the Land of Israel, commit a crime, a very great sin to pay for! Do not listen to them. Come and immigrate to the Land of Israel, it is a great mitzvah (good deed) to immigrate to the Holy Land. Time for Israel's redemption from 1948 is now.
What is happening now is exactly what happened with the spies sent to the Holy Land. They spoke badly against the land and all the people cried and shouted that they did not want to come to the Land of Israel. That's exactly what happens now. The spies are the people who convince the Jews in the world: 'Do not immigrate to Israel.' They convince you to stay there because they get a lot of money and live at your expense, at the expense of communities abroad. First and last redemption - the same thing, only this time there is the Land of Israel ready to accept all Jews in the world.
It is good to thank God for the rain He gave to the State of Israel, to the Holy Land. The Sea of Galilee  is filled a lot more than what is announced in the media. The Creator asks to say how much the Sea of Galilee fills up, tell the truth! What they say is not true, they are not accurate. We have to tell the truth so there will be more water in the Sea of Galilee. It is forbidden to lie because it infuriates the Holy One, Blessed be He, He brings water. The truth is that the Sea of Galilee is filled up with water much more than they write. Say exactly how much the Sea of Galilee fills up - then there will be endless water.
Messiah works day and night with the people of Israel. As long as Messiah is not revealed in public, death would continue in the world. When Messiah is revealed, death will cease for the Jews. The Holy One, Blessed be He, loves to be asked and begged and cried, like Leah and like the children of Israel that God heard their groaning, their weeping and pain and sent Moses to redeem them. Even now, the Holy One, blessed be He, wants the people of Israel to beg and cry to the Holy One, blessed be He, to send the King Messiah in public. They will not lose anything from this crying. Whoever prays and begs the Creator to send the Messiah will be allowed to be in the first circle and will live forever.
Our righteous Messiah is in our generation working and acting and he is the last. There is no more Messiah, no more continuity. In every generation there is Messiah and in this generation the Messiah is ready and accepts to do everything from the Holy One, blessed be He, for the people of Israel, without any objections, with love and joy.
Many people began to talk about Messiah without fear. We are in the very advanced stages of discovering Messiah and there is no return. The Holy One, Blessed be He promised from the beginning, the generation goes and the generation comes and now the last Messiah is found, perfect, he has nothing else to repair! All the messiahs in the past repaired and repaired and repaired, the last one is ready to act according to the instructions of the Creator, with great power! Messiah works hard, does not give up and does not let up, does not complain, does not resent or say 'I'm tired.' Despite all the difficulties of the forces of the evil and the forces of impurity in the world, he fought with everyone and did not despair to bring the people of Israel to repentance. He copes strongly with all the distractions from foreign powers, from the forces of impurity and Judgment. That is what the Holy One, Blessed be He wants. The Holy One, Blessed be He, accompagnes him 24 hours a day. He would soon be out in public. The Holy One, blessed be He, is acting secretly and there are those who do not see anything. However, those with eyes in their head, wise and understanding, can simply see the matter of Messiah and redemption!

Courtesy of the site : "Tairneri"


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