Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita Parashat Shemot Tasha't
Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita
Parashat Shemot Tasha't
Delivered on Sunday, 15 Tevet Tasha't | 23.12.18
The King of kings, the Holy One, blessed be
He, the Father of Mercy, acts with compassion and
justice. The Creator of the universe entered this period with judgment much
more than with mercy. The cleanliness that He is doing all over the world, is
to make this world good "That's the judgment." Because the redemption is in mercy, the redeemer of Israel is a simple,
ordinary and humble person, the "Yehidah" connects with him from
Heaven, and the Creator of the world speaks from his throat. If the
redemption was in judgment - an angel would descend from heaven and six hundred
thousand people would remain in the world. But our Father in Heaven uses the
elements of nature all over the world to break down the world's impurity -
fire, harsh winds, storms, earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, cold and heat. The
Creator of the world is doing so in order to educate the whole world and bring
him into a state of free love, the observance of the Ten Commandments, and so
that the Holy Land of Israel where the Jews are, will be above all.
All the Jews living abroad - they have no life, cannot stay abroad, they
will anyway come to the Land of Israel, with good or bad will. So it is a pity
for them to insist with the Holy One, blessed be He, in the end they will come
by hook or by crook. Jews abroad: Do not go against the will of the Holy One, blessed
be He. You must go to the Land of Israel urgently, take all the Torah scrolls
and go with them to the Holy Land, do not procrastinate, and do not say, 'It
will not happen to me.' Anyone who is a true Jew will run to the Holy Land.
Natural disasters, fires and floods, volcanic eruptions, sand and dust,
rain and snow, earthquakes, complications and conflicts within and between
states will continue. Until the king Messiah is revealed, at this time, in this
generation - there will be no peace.
The Creator warns all countries in the world: Every country, prime
minister or president who goes against the Holy Land and the Jews who live in
the Holy Land alone will be beaten. Some will be struck by the forces of nature
to dismantle them and some by conflicts and complications. Once it took time
for them to feel, today they feel immediately, at the same moment. When there
is opposition by a state or a prime minister to the Holy Land or if they want
to take parts of the Holy Land - the Creator of the Universe, Father in heaven
uses the judgment and hurts them very badly.
Countries that go blindly to the aid of the Holy Land and to Jews who
live in the Holy Land alone will have blessings and success in everything. The
Creator created the world and gave to the world the Holy Land, which thanks to
the holy land of Israel, through the Torah, the prayers and the commandments
that are performed in the Holy Land - the entire world lives.
Before the destruction of the First and Second Temples, the sacrifices
were done to redeem the Land of Israel and the entire world was protected.
After the Holy One, blessed be He, expelled the Jews from the Holy Land and
scattered them all over the world, the entire world is saved only through
prayers and study of the Torah. If the people of Israel were to remain in the
Land of Israel, after the destruction of the Temple and pray - they would not have
enough strength. Therefore he scattered them all over the world in order to
preserve the integrity of the world through prayers for the entire world.
When the State of Israel was established in 1948, the exile ended and
the suffering of the Jewish people ended. The Land of Israel must be resettled
and preparations should be made for the Third Temple, which will remain
All the Jews abroad who are delayed their coming to Israel, irritate our
Father in heaven. There is a limit to how much you can stretch the rope. We
have to go up to the Holy Land urgently.
Europe It will all become Muslim and Jews will flee from there. If they run
away in time, they will sell their property. If they do not run away in time,
they'll come with one dollar in their pocket. It is the same for Jews from
South Africa, Australia, Canada, Asia, North and South America. Please do not
be clever with the Holy One, blessed be He. The Holy One, Blessed be He, loves you, all the Jews, and wants His
sons to be in the Holy Land beside Him, because the Messiah is in the Land of
Israel, protecting and guarding. This generation, the generation of the desert,
won the right to receive Messiah ben David. The Holy One, Blessed be He, wants
that all the Jews in the world will be privileged at the time of the revelation
of Messiah in public. The revelation of Messiah in public can be at any moment,
not dependent on the arrival of all the Jews from abroad.
Parashat Shemot Jacob our father, Joseph and all the tribes left the world and a new
generation arose. A new Pharaoh arose who did not know Joseph and Jacob and did
not want to know the people of Israel. It bothered him greatly that the people
of Israel were growing and growing, that they were multiplying and growing.
Envy and hatred grew and he wanted to break them down and turn them into slaves
under Egyptian rule. The old Pharaoh died, and a new Pharaoh arose who heard
about Joseph and Jacob and did not want to recognize them. He feared that
Joseph, who was king over Egypt, would bring him sons of Israel who would rule
Egypt and Egypt would be under Israeli rule. The decree decreed by the Holy
One, Blessed be He, in the covenant took place and the people of Israel entered
into a heavy enslavement. The new king of Egypt wanted to uproot them from
their Jewishness and did not succeed.
Since the time of Cain and Abel, jealousy has always existed since
Joseph's brothers and in Europe during the Holocaust, when six million Jews
were murdered, and the Gentiles are constantly jealous of the sons of Israel.
The enslavement imposed by the king of Egypt upon the children of Israel
was a battle of the world to educate and break the animal part of the soul of
the sons of Israel. If the brothers believed that Joseph was a prophet and had
the Holy Spirit and would accept him as king over them, they would not have to
suffer that way.
Jacob believed only in Joseph and makes him swear to him to bury him
next to his father and grandfather and next to Leah. Joseph was a man of
kindness and did kindness with his father. If the tribes believed that
everything begins with the Holy One, Blessed is He, and ends with the Holy One,
blessed be He, He would had sweeten the
decree. The new king of Egypt saw the sons of Israel who were shepherds and
wanted to make them slaves to Egypt, without knowing the cause of the
enslavement, so wanted the Holy One, Blessed be He.
The Holy One, blessed be He, wants to reveal in every generation to the
people of Israel a Messiah, but they do not think that everything is from the
Holy One, Blessed is He. If the Jews
thought that everything from the Holy One, blessed be He, Messiah would be
revealed a long time ago.
If the new Pharaoh and the Egyptians had accepted that the Israelites
live with them, the Israelites would have joined Egypt and would not have
wanted to ascend the Holy Land. The Holy One, Blessed is He, gave them slavery
to break the beastly soul and gather the sparks of holiness from the first Adam
who departed from his wife, and at the same time sent Moses to redeem them.
What happened then in Egypt is happening now in big scale! Egypt is a small
Today, the whole world is Egypt. The Holy One, blessed be He, brought
down the Israelites in Egypt to be enslaved
in order to be educated and to purify the animal soul. Now it's the same
thing. The Temples were destroyed and Jews dispersed throughout the world to be
educated and to be purified. Now the Holy One, blessed be He, is calling upon
the Jews to immigrate to the Land of Israel.
Today the world is different, a modern world.
There is the State of Israel in the Holy Land, there is a Messiah working,
there is nowhere to go, everything is ready, not as it was in Egypt, as then
the State of Israel did not exist.
This operation was done in 1948. There were
masses of Jews who conquered the Holy Land alone, without being led by the
Messiah, led by religious and non-religious people. New immigrants arrived en
masse, conquered the Land of Israel and established the State of Israel. Now the Creator of the Universe
says to everyone: 'The Land of Israel is ready. Come to the Land of Israel. '
In the Gaza Strip מThey
continue to dig tunnels.
The tunnel that collapsed in the Gaza Strip: the Holy One, Blessed be
He, saw and heard the pain of the people of Sderot and destroyed this tunnel.
When there is real weeping from the heart, the Creator of the world hears it.
Abu Mazen and Hamas playing game.
Hamas is the seed of Amalek. They are living under the ground and eventually
dying underground.
Hezbollah and Nasrallah There are more tunnels and they will all be discovered. Hezbollah
and Nasrallah wanted to fight Israel through the tunnels and the Holy One,
blessed be He, surprised him.
The United Nations and UNIFIL turn a blind eye and
receive bribes from Hezbollah. The IDF tells them about the tunnels and they
warn Hezbollah and report about the IDF. The IDF will discover more tunnels.
Do not believe any country in Europe, they hate Israel. They are stupid,
the gentiles have no intelligence. The State of Israel revives the whole world.
They have envy and hatred and no brains. It's hard for them to understand that
such a small country drives the whole world. It's hard for them to understand
that such a small place manages such a huge place.
The Holy One, blessed be He, asks: "And you shall be very careful
for your souls, help me to help you, to save you and protect you." IDF
soldiers, do not say, 'It will not happen to me,' take care of yourself.
East Jerusalem, the West Bank,
Abu Mazen is giving money to harm the Jews.
Russia, Putin sends weapons and
U.S, Trump returns the soldiers
to the United States because the Russians are making fun of them in Syria.
The Russians have strong control over Syria. And the US has nothing to
do there and now the Turks, the Kurds, Isis and Hezbollah will fight in Syria
and there will be a salad there. May their swords pierce their hearts and their
bows be broken and they will kill each other.
The Israeli air force, which is accompanied with angels of heaven,
angels of God, can destroy everything in Syria. The IDF knows all types of
missiles in Syria.
U.S, Trump is sensitive to
people and cares for them so they will be well. He gives and helps and does
only good. He removes the evil and wants everyone to live in love and peace. No
one in Syria and the world does not praise him for the good he does in the
world, preferring to praise Russia.
North Korea, Kim awoke suddenly. The
world and the media do not take Trump in account so he changes his mind. It's
better for Kim to listen to Trump. Trump wants peace in the world.
In Jordan The situation is very, very, very difficult. The Syrian refugees are
doing destruction and everything that is written in the Ten Commandments, the
Syrians are doing the opposite.
Egypt, Israel and the US help Sisi
protect him and the US gives him money.
Turkey, Erdogan wants to show that
they are completely righteous. They are in a whirlpool, problems and
complications. In the end, Erdogan will be like Syria and worse.
Iraq There is no solution.
Iran, again we are saying: they
are scared to death of Israel. They know that if you do something directly
against Israel - the air force will dismantle Iran and the atomic plants and
there will be no government in Iran.
The Government of Israel, Members of Knesset
and Ministers; stop separating and harassing,
gossiping and quarreling. There is law in the State of Israel, the police and
the courts. Do not interfere, let them work. You are not policemen or judges.
Work on saving Israel.
Too bad for the salaries they get, they are wasting their time. Instead
of helping Jews in Israel, stop the rise in prices and take care of Jews abroad
and bring them to Israel, they deal with gossip and slander, position and
honor. They do not know that they are the mirror of the people of Israel in
heaven and in Israel; they are doing evil to themselves.
In Israel everything is good, there will be rain in the north, in the
south, in the center and everywhere.
Most accidents are caused by telephones, Whatsapp, messages and emails.
Messiah received all the keys
except one key that he is on the way to get it. Messiah is accompanied with the
Holy One, Blessed is He, everywhere. Messiah is guided by the Holy One, blessed
be He. Messiah goes from place to place to save every Jew. For Messiah there is
no difference between a religious Jew and a non-religious Jew, between right
and left party.
Messiah speaks simply from the
heart, through which he connects the people of Israel to our Father in Heaven.
The Holy One, Blessed is He, does not like modern, foreign language, not lip
Messiah speaks in a large and
simple language, from his heart to the heart of the sons of Israel. Messiah is
here, helping and working in the Land of Israel. The Holy One, Blessed is He,
intensifies and intensifies the connection to the Yehidah. Very soon Messiah
will receive the seventh key and open the Gate of Truth to the whole world.
This is a revelation in public and the people of Israel and the Jews in the
Land of Israel will cease to suffer. Death to the Jews in the Land of Israel
will cease. The power of Messiah is the Holy One, blessed be He, who works
through the Messiah. God at the end of the end will discover the King Messiah
in public and continue to clean the world together with the revelation of
Messiah in public, everyone will see with his own eyes the power of Messiah.
While the Messiah is revealed in
public, the whole world will be in fear and terror from the Holy One, Blessed
be He, from his servant the Messiah and from the Jews who live in the Land of
Israel, and the Third Temple will be built in place of the First and Second
Temples. The plans are in the hands of the Messiah, not on anyone on earth.
Messiah does not need anyone, not engineers or plans, step by step the Third
Temple will be built on the foundations of the First and Second Temples. There
will be no more killing and murder of Jews in Israel and abroad. There will be
a long life for all eternity, 'And death will be lost!'
הוסף רשומת תגובה