Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita Parashat Vayetzei, Tasha’t
Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita
Parashat Vayetzei, Tasha’t
Delivered on Sunday 3 Kislev Tasha’t (11.11.18) at
King of
the Kings of the Holy One, blessed be He, He leads the entire world with pity and
justice, combines mercy with justice so that people will understand and repent
to their Father in Heaven.

The Holy One, Blessed be He, no longer wants
to see this world as a world of hatred, evil and murder, thieves and deceivers,
extortionists, perverts and infidels. The Holy One, blessed be He, began long
ago - through the Land of Israel, through the Jews who live in the Land of
Israel - to rehabilitate the world in a way that He wants to bring it into a
world of free love and peace, a world in which all fulfill the Ten Commandments
in their entirety, stop the murder and killing, the free hatred, the conflicts,
the thieves and the cheaters, the crooks and the bribes.
The Holy One, Blessed be He, continues with
tremendous force to treat and restore the entire earth to all its inhabitants.
And the Jews who live in the Land of Israel will rule the world, in the right
and good way, to direct them to a good and healthy life, of love and peace.
Jews who live abroad - it is better for them
to escape and flee, not to hesitate or to procrastinate. Believe it or not, you
should believe it. The restoration that the Holy One, Blessed is He, is doing
on earth, is with judgment and very difficult! It is not with caresses and
kisses. Therefore, the Holy One, blessed be He, asks all the Jews not to
interfere with the restoration of the earth! Go urgently to the land of Israel
because the Holy One, blessed be He, will not distinguish between a righteous
person and a not righteous person. The Holy One, Blessed is He, sends the
destroyer and this angel does not distinguish between a righteous and a not righteous
person. All this is about overseas. The Holy One, blessed be He, awaits the
Jews for thousands of years to come to the Land of Israel. The State of Israel
was established in 1948, the 70th anniversary of the holy Land of Israel, the
capital city of Jerusalem was written on earth an in Heaven, and the Holy One,
Blessed be He, says: "I am not waiting for you, the Divine Presence
departed from abroad. The Divine Presence dwells in the Land of Israel only.
Your life is in danger. Religious or not religious, please do not be clever
with the Holy One, blessed be He. The Holy One, Blessed is He, wants for your
benefit and for the good of the world, wants to bring the world into a world of
free love and giving, a world where everyone is praying together and who knows
the Creator much closer than now.
Messiah should be revealed, soon in public,
and within a very short time the construction of the Third Temple will begin,
on the foundations of the First and Second Temples.
Why did our father Jacob was relax to work for
Laban? Because the Holy One, blessed be He, appeared to him in a dream and
promised that he would come out of it with a chosen people of 12 tribes - the
people of Israel. Jacob was an innocent man, and when he reached Laban, Laban
gave him seven years to work for Rachel. Laban made the engagement, it was signed
and closed that she was his future wife. Jacob worked seven years and Rachel
spoke with her father and they replaced Rachel by Leah, because Rachel saw with
the Holy Spirit that Esau would come to take her sister. Esau could not take
Rachel because she was engaged to Jacob and she was like his wife. Jacob
married Leah so that Esau would not take her and after the wedding and Leah's
seven days of blessing, Laban also gave Rachel to Jacob for marriage. Rachel
saw with the Holy Spirit that from her sister Leah will be born part of the 12
tribes, Reuben, Shimon, Levi, Judah, Issachar and Zevulun. She saw that great
Torah scholars - Issachar, Melakhim - Yehuda, priests and Levites, as well as
Dinah, from whom Osnat will come out, would emerge. Rachel our mother gave up
only so that the twelve tribes would be born from Jacob to be the people of
Israel. If, heaven forbid, Esau took Leah, there would be a world war between
Esau and Jacob. Esau could have destroyed Jacob, because the tribes that Leah
needed to bring to him would not have been created, nor would the people of
Israel have risen. This is why Rachel is in the first place in the world with
the Holy One, blessed be He.
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and the mothers, are
the first place in the world before all the righteous, ask them, they are above
all. Three times a day in the first blessings of the Amidah and in the blessing
of food we mention the patriarchs and no other righteous man.
From Jacob our father, the people of Israel
will learn to give tithes. "And Jacob made a promise," If God will be
with me and keep me in this way, which I am going, and give me bread to eat and
clothing to wear. "And I returned safely to my father's house, and Ashem is
my God. And this stone which I have set as a pillar shall be God’s house, and
of all that You give me I will surely give a tenth to You.”
From Jacob will come out a chosen people who
will serve the Holy One, blessed be He. Our mother Rachel gave all herself to
the Holy One, blessed be He, in order to establish the Jewish people that would
be the chosen people to worship the Holy One, Blessed be He. The Holy One,
blessed be He, gave her the greatest gift in the world - that they would come
to pray with her without any conditions and she will speak with the Holy One,
blessed be He, and ask for them.
Messiah is alive and well in our generation and in our country,
working and acting. A light comes out of him, a light is enveloping him, yellow
light and hidden light. Slowly, everyone will be able to see the yellow light
and the hidden light. There will come a time when all will see it above Messiah
from bottom to top, every person.
The people of Israel are in a time when they are fighting the
whole world. The power of the people of Israel is - prayer, Torah study and the
repair of qualities. The Holy One, Blessed be He, is connected to Messiah and
through him helps the people of Israel.
Messiah, has nothing from himself, one hundred percent receives
from the Holy One, blessed be He. The Creator sent Messiah to save every Jew.
He is allowing the Messiah to speak with every Jew and Jew and save them. Every
Jew can understand with certainty that this is the Messiah, there is no need of
the Holy Spirit. The Holy One, blessed be He, connects a pipe to the Messiah in
order to save the people of Israel and all the signs that are now visible are
the signs of Messiah.
Some of the rabbis are not spiritual and do
not understand what is Messiah. Some of the spiritual rabbis understand what
are Messiah and Salvation. Because the modern world does not believe so much in
spiritually, holiness and purity. All the signs that the Creator gives, so that
the people of Israel will be submissive to Him.
All over the world except for the Land of
Israel, Chaos and Gog and Magog. Any country that wants to harm the Holy Land
of Israel or the Jews who live in the Land of Israel - the Holy One, blessed be
He - gives them a blow so that they will lose their direction and control and
they will enter a tailspin.
The Holy
One, blessed be He, gave the people of Israel a charming place - the Holy Land,
a place where there is everything. All the
nations have a lot of land, millions of kilometers, land without end and money
without end, and they want the land of Israel, a small point in the world.
"Esau hates Jacob," anti-Semitism
has grown very, very, very, very, and now it is in the open. If once it was a
secret, now it's visible to everyone. If the Jews are wise, if they have the
wisdom and intelligence to understand, they will quickly go up to the Land of
Israel. Soon they will be persecuted and broken, and will not be able to leave
the Gentile countries, the unclean places from the United States, Europe, Asia
and Africa, and there will be no one to save them. Do not play with the
warnings of the Holy One, blessed be He. The Holy One, Blessed be He, does not
give up to anyone.
U.S, is made of a lot of countries and Trump has difficulties to unite them.
He fought so the United States and the world would be good. Trump likes the
Jews who live in the Land of Israel and is very disappointed with the Jews who
live in the United States. He helps the Jews in the land of Israel, this is his
mission from the Creator of the Universe.
In Syria, There will never be peace,
the situation is very bad, there is a war between them. They come from all over
the world to fight Syria.
Russia, Nothing interest it, just to sell arms and ammunition. The missiles Which it sent to
Syria, the specials so to speak, S300 S400, they sent them to see if the
Israeli pilots could overcome them. The pilots of the Israeli Air Force are
playing with the missiles sent by the Russians to Syria. Time will come, and
the air force will blow them up and it will be a failure for Russia.
Egypt, Sisi is a friend of Israel, just because he receives a budget from the
United States. What he kills at Sinai is his own interest in order so they will
not kill him, not because of Israel.
Hamas, Abu Mazen, East Jerusalem And some of the Arabs with
a blue identity card, we cannot have faith in them. They are quiet now because
they are preparing a big 'surprise' for the IDF. They are cheaters and crooks,
liars and do not want peace. They hate the Jews.
IDF - be
careful everywhere and also the Jewish citizens. This silence is very
Jordan, King Abdullah is scared to death, is threatened by all the refugees and
cannot take any step, even though Israel protects him. The US does not work for
In Turkey They want to make a
revolution. Erdogan is making people disappear. He is crying for the murder of
the journalist and at the same time make people disappear. Nothing would help
him. There will be a revolution in Turkey.
Iran It is afraid of Israel
because of the atomic plants, but it has tentacles everywhere to interfere with
Israel. Barking dogs seldom bite. It cannot bark and bite together. At the
atomic plants there are people willing to give their lives, blow up the atomic
plant and die there with the entire atomic plant.
U.S They do not like Iran because they are cheaters, crooks and liars. They
want to dismantle Iran and the dangerous atomic plants all over the world.
Hezbollah and Nasrallah - His time is near. He cannot do
anything, because all countries have discovered that he is a crook and a liar
and left him. Any ammunition that wants to reach Hezbollah - the IDF destroy it
on the way.
Iraq it will continue as
before. Destruction and devastation.
North Korea want peace because of the
hard economy.
Government of Israel, the Holy One, blessed be
He, seeks to unite, to be united and unified. Enough, stop to fight about the
chairs. Do fight for the Jews in the Land of Israel and fight to bring the Jews
from abroad because they are in danger, to come to settle in the Holy Land.
white-collar men, The important persons, the
religious, and the non-religious - the corrupt, the scammers, the bribes, the
thieves and the rapists - those who live on the backs of others and do wrong -
in all the government ministries and offices in the Land of Israel, all will be
revealed. The Holy One, Blessed be He, discover them all, part in the media,
part quietly and part in agony and disease. The Holy One, blessed be He,
purifies the world and prepares it for redemption and Messiah. We are in a
period of refinement of the people of Israel. Today everything is revealed,
there are cameras and recordings everywhere. Those with clean hands will be
happy and dancing. Those who do not have clean hands, who sin and do bad things
- must fix themselves fast and quickly. If not, in the near future they will be
revealed naked and very ashamed of all the media.
The whole world is chaotic, fires, earthquakes and natural
disasters, bad winds and storms, volcanoes and disasters in airplanes, ships,
cars and trains, conflicts between states - all this will continue before the
arrival of Messiah.
In Israel everything is good. There will be good rain. We will
pray that the Sea of Galilee will be filled to infinity. The best technology
in Israel, the best medicine in Israel, the best scientists in Israel, the
world lives thanks to Holy Land. All the signs at the Western Wall - to revive
the Jews and prepare them for the great day.
Messiah acts and works 24 hours. He is a simple and humble man,
he has a wife and children, and lives in ordinary simplicity, not in pursuit of
honor, all of to him for the people of Israel. Although the 24-hour activity he
is waiting for the day of public declaration !
הוסף רשומת תגובה