Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shalita Parashat Vayera Tasha’t

Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shalita
Parashat Vayera Tasha’t
Delivered Sunday, 12 Hechvan 21.10.18 | 8:30

The King of Kings, the Holy One, Blessed be He, will continue to strike at all the nations, the prime ministers and presidents who are hurting the Land of Israel and who want to take parts of the Holy Land of Israel. The Holy One, Blessed be He, will continue the activities of the natural elements and there will be disasters, hard winds, floods, volcanoes, fires and earthquakes, conflicts all over the world, disasters in trains, cars, planes and ships. Everyone feels that something is happening in the world and knows that the evil is about to end with the revelation of Messiah – who will lead the Jews and the entire world, build the Temple and there will be the resurrection of the dead. IDF soldiers killed in Israel's wars will rise first.
The Holy One, blessed be He, hates lewdness and hates assimilation. A man or a woman living with Gentiles - convert them urgently, time is running out and they will not be able to live together forever.
All the Jews who live abroad: go urgently to Israel - you will gain your life and your families Money is material, Israel is life Every day passes quickly, every week passes quickly, every month passes quickly, everything runs so to reveal Messiah in public.
When the people of Israel mention Rachel our mother once a year, she cries and begs God that Messiah will come out and that all the suffering will end for the people of Israel. Every time they ask her, she shouts to God to reveal him. The souls of Leah and Rachel are connected together, waiting until the Holy One, blessed be He, decides to reveal Messiah in public.
Of all mothers we must always mention Rachel our mother, she gave up her honour and passed on to her sister. Because she did honour to her sister, from whom the tribes came out, the people of Israel - she has a gift from the Holy One, blessed be He. Rachel talks to the Holy One, Blessed is He, no one can stop her requests, neither angels nor human beings. The beginning was not easy. Thanks to Rachel - the people of Israel, the twelve tribes, were created. You have to work hard to reach Rachel's level. Everything is in her. Every moment she begs the Holy One, Blessed be He, to reveal Messiah.
The Holy One, blessed be He, says to Rachel: 'Ask what you want and I will decide when to accept your requests, for every request there is its time.' People of Israel - ask Rachel and help her pray for unity and revelation of the Messiah. The Holy One, Blessed be He, sees that his sons also ask for Messiah and sweeten and greatly shorten the time of the gift of revelation to the Messiah. We are waiting for the big day. Suffering is enough for the people of Israel.
The entire world is full of jealousy and hatred for the small State of Israel, which give them life. A small place that spreads light all over the world! There is everything in Israel, gifts, fruits and vegetables, technology and science.
Today the Holy One- Blessed be He forgives the sin of Adam.
The Holy One, blessed be He, gives fruits and vegetables in Israel abundantly, despite the spoiling of the world. The State of Israel has everything in order to not be assimilated. There is no nation like the people of Israel! Only the Jewish people have faith in the Holy One, blessed be He: "You respect me and fulfill the Ten Commandments."
There are many corrections for each and every one, some know and some do not know. The repairs have existed for thousands of years, some of the corrections from our forefathers, part of the present and part of the future.
The IDF does not want to enter the Gaza Strip, keeping the IDF soldiers safe and trying everything to calm down the Gaza strip. There will be no solution of peace and quiet.
Russia continues to control Syria, conquering Syria with a smile and elegance. Syria is controlled by Russia, Russian bases are in Syria, Russia has reported to Israel how to avoid the S300 missiles, Russia is selling old ammunition and renewing ammunition to the Russian army.
Syria will always have serious problems and the war will not stop.
Israel wants to be a friend of all countries, does not want to be cut off from Russia and the US It is the Jewish people who love peace, peace and quiet.
The United States, Trump is a smart man, a businessman, wants to subdue the Arabs so that they will be subordinate to him, wants to tell them what the plans are, but no plans will help him, he will not succeed.
The Holy One, blessed be He, does not want Israel to be divided, God forbid. The Holy One, Blessed be He, established the borders of Israel from the beginning of the world. There will be no peace with them. There will always be confusion in thought and conflict and there will be natural disasters - fire, water, wind and earth.
The Israeli government makes mistakes, needs to be united. It is forbidden to publish things and secrets of the IDF, we have no other country.
Anti-Semitism intensifies and they hates the Jews openly. They beat the Jews freely. Nobody cares about beating the Jews, it does not interest anyone.
Jordan is waiting for the promises of the United States until the Holy One, Blessed be He, will give them a blow soon. There is a good connection with the King of Jordan, quietly.
Egypt as if making peace in order to get a budget from the US Trump is an expert in business.
Turkey is at an impasse. Erdogan seems to care about the murder of the journalist, just so the whole world will say that Erdogan cares. Isis, Hamas and rebels are against Erdogan.
Europe, the Muslims in Europe determine and decide. Europe is conquered by Muslims and infiltrators.
Lebanon does not intervene.
Hezbollah and Nasrallah wait and wait for ammunition that do not reach them.
Iran is scared to death from Israel. They know that if a front is opened against Israel - Israel will bomb atomic plants.
The Holy One, Blessed be He, needs the Messiah, just as the Messiah needs the Holy One, Blessed be He, to open his way to save Israel, the Jews, and the entire world.
From the beginning of the world, Eve destroyed the world and brought destruction and death to humanity, to human beings. If not, we would live forever. Messiah job is to eliminate the filth of the serpent, to abolish the death from the world and the Jews. Messiah works and acts 24 hours. There are forces of evil and hard impurity that disturb the Messiah. Good fights evil and only the good wins.
Messiah, a pure and holy man of God, fights against all kinds of impurity and bad spirits. Whether it is in spirituality or in people who do not want Messiah because they are from the Sitra Achra (the other side), from the Erev Rav or from Din Yehudin (the multitude that left Egypt with the Jews). The Holy One, blessed be He, helps the Messiah to fight against all those who oppose him, against the forces of impurity. Right now, a lot secretly.
Very soon, at the time of the revelation of Messiah in public, the wars of Messiah will be openly in all the media and every moment all will know what the Messiah does in Israel and throughout the world!


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