Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shalita Parashat Noah
from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shalita
on Sunday 28 Tichri Tasha’t (7.10.18) at 8:30

This year it
will be more prominent and more pronounced. All will know more clearly what the
reasons for the beatings. Not only will states, people will know exactly what
the reasons for the beatings, the problems or the harsh decrees were - to
purify them and so they will repent.
No one in the
world can harm the holy Land of Israel, no one in the world can interfere with
it. There is the Messiah who works, acts, protects and guards and above the
Holy One, blessed be He, protects and guards the Land of Israel and the Jews
who live in the Land of Israel only.
This year, Jews
abroad will feel the hardest blows ever, whether with the weather, the seasons,
the elements of nature, or the most severe anti-Semitism, hatred and evil, the
blow that will break their desire to stay abroad. Let’s hope they will not
dare, heaven forbid, to move to the United States, because there too the Jews
will be beaten hard, the same thing that happened in Africa, Asia and Europe
would go to South and North America. It's a waste of time and money. Go
directly to the Land of Israel! You will feel the hand of the Creator in every
corner of the world!
Every year, the
Holy One, Blessed is He, brings back the festivals so as not to forget any
event that has happened since the creation of the world until now. Anyone who
studies Torah, learns Shabbat the Parashat Bereshit with attention, feels the
beginning of the world. It is for every holiday. Like a man who has passed away
from the world and is mentioned every year on Memorial Day. Each year, the Holy
One, Blessed is He, gives a new beginning, to help man to change and to correct
his qualities. Each time you get another opportunity to repent, to return to
study Bereshit, to show everyone that you do not forget the good that the Holy
One, blessed be He, does to us.
In all
the times, the Holy One, Blessed is He, did not change anything. Those who
study the weekly Torah portion of that week feel exactly as the same period.
When they learn "Bereshit" they feel the creation of the world. They
feel this period in their hearts and minds.
At the time of
Moses, the Holy One, blessed be He, wanted him to be the Messiah, to lead the
people of Israel and to repair the world. Because of the sin of the golden calf
and the disturbances of the rabble, everything has become entangled. The
good and beautiful thing is that this is the last generation! This is the
Israelites of the generation of the desert, this is the last generation, a
living messiah is in our generation! This is the last generation! We need
patience, to wait and go through the anguish with love and peace.
Messiah lives in our generation, there are people who are still complacent, who
want from now to now, they are waiting, God forbid, as if nothing exists - this
is the mistake. For 120 years Noah tried to bring the world to repent. We are
not giving up! The people of Israel must stop assimilation, uphold the Ten Commandments
and turn bitter to sweet, bad to good, hatred to love, stinginess to an
abundance of donations and tithes. The Jewish people survive and survived for
many years. Not to believe any Gentile and not to believe anyone who does not
have the soul of a Jew.
Now Messiah is
present, living in our generation and in our land, working, protecting and
guarding following the path of the Holy One, blessed be He. There is cloud and
protection from heaven. Every second and second there are great miracles in the
people of Israel – this is the Messiah acting through the way of the Holy One,
Blessed is He.
Messiah works
normally during the day and differently during the night. Anyone with eyes in
his head knows who the Messiah is. Go down to humility, do not look for
scenery, betrayal clothes, titles or diplomas, then you will know Messiah, then
you will find out. As Moses was, as was King David and as were all the prophets.
Without investigations, do not look for externalities, do not look for the
language, search for the heart that speaks.
This generation
is modern, elegant, going by degrees and diplomas and all sorts of external
things - that's the mistake! The opposite is true. Normal clothes for
everything, not torn and not dirty. You do not need media advertising to get to
know him. The Holy One, blessed be He, does not work with the media or with the
יַשְׂכִּיל עַבְדִּי יָרוּם וְנִשָּׂא וְגָבַהּ מְאֹד, כַּאֲשֶׁר שָׁמְמוּ עָלֶיךָ
רַבִּים כֵּן מִשְׁחַת מֵאִישׁ מַרְאֵהוּ וְתֹאֲרוֹ מִבְּנֵי אָדָם. כֵּן יַזֶּה
גּוֹיִם רַבִּים עָלָיו יִקְפְּצוּ מְלָכִים פִּיהֶם כִּי אֲשֶׁר לֹא סֻפַּר לָהֶם
רָאוּ וַאֲשֶׁר לֹא שָׁמְעוּ הִתְבּוֹנָנוּ.
מי הֶאֱמִין, לִשְׁמֻעָתֵנוּ וּזְרוֹעַ ה', עַל מִי נִגְלָתָה. וַיַּעַל
כַּיּוֹנֵק לְפָנָיו וְכַשֹּׁרֶשׁ מֵאֶרֶץ צִיָּה, לֹא תֹאַר לוֹ, וְלֹא הָדָר.
וְנִרְאֵהוּ וְלֹא מַרְאֶה, וְנֶחְמְדֵהוּ"
(Isaiah 32: 1-5
from the "Hok le Israel", the Sunday parashat of Noah).
Members of the
Knesset, government ministers and the IDF must be united and unified, not to be in competition or in envy,
to have envy and competition solely for the preservation of the Holy Land and
for Jewish citizens living in the Holy Land. Instead of dealing of the most
important the care of the least. It is a pity to hurt and slander people,
because no one will accept insults, free hatred and offensive words.
with blue identity cards,
most of them are full of ammunition and can not be trusted. They are allowed to
go freely even though the Mossad and Shin Bet know about them, what they know
is a drop in the ocean.
in East Jerusalem -
everything is reveled.
Mazen is doing
terror and chaos. He has food in his home, he swells with food and money with
hundreds of millions of dollars, and destroys the future of the Palestinians.
He wants to destroy Hamas, suffocating them so that they will disturb Israel.
Abu Mazen wants to bring the IDF to liquidate Hamas, because he cannot kill
them, and Hamas wants to kill Abu Mazen, there will be no peace with them, they
hate us with fierce hatred, there has never been a solution and there will not
The Israeli
government is wise, waiting patiently. You have to hit the snake's head.
Syria, Russia gave it the S-300 missiles.
Not because of the plane that fell bothered Putin, but because the Syrian
president wept: 'You left me and abandoned me,' so Putin gave him missiles and
ammunition in the billions. Russia has an old debt of a lot of money to Syria,
and Putin closes the bill with the ammunition that is familiar to them. Syria
has no possibility to restore itself and will not. It will end day by day.
The IDF is very
well briefed and knows exactly how the S-400 S-300 missiles operate, and the
IDF has the know-how. They know everything and have knowledge from all kinds of
places. It is possible, on foot, to blow up all these missiles.
wants to sell
arms and ammunition to make a living.
Iran is scare to death from Israel and
is sending tentacules to Israel. Iran will fall and crash economically and
Turkey, the economy is over, dead. Isis is
nibbling at Turkey and Erdoğan.
countries are going to
collapse day by day. Muslims have a majority and want to be chosen. The Muslims
hate the Christians and want to kill them.
United States and Trump
know that the Palestinians are liars and frauds and that nothing will come of
Everyone wants
all the Palestinians to be in Jordan. The place of infiltrators and refugees -
in Jordan. The Holy One, blessed be He, gives them a war so that they may
descend from the Land of Israel and from IDF and go to another place.
Egypt, Sisi wants to talk about peace. He
receives money from the United States and protection from the IDF. He wants
calm on the Sinai border. It's in Sisi interest, Israel is very helpful to him.
Israel is helping Jordan and Egypt. Egypt is happy for the help of the State of
Israel and everything is done quietly, in secret. Isis does not stop harassing
Hezbollah, no one is with him, everyone hates
him. He has no new technology, he uses old weapons and ammunition.
Korea bends to the
US. Without it, they do not have food and life.
The missiles
will become useless stones.
The holidays
went very well.
yourselves. Pay attention to driving, traffic signs and telephones. Do not
drive under the influence of alcohol and drugs. People are killed without any
reason, not from the Holy One, blessed be He. It is not natural death. The
person chooses the end of his luck.
Parents, talk
to children - no gambling, no drugs, no alcohol and no assimilation!
Israel everything is good. Messiah is waiting for the imminent revelation. Do
not give up. Many Jews point to the Messiah and the Holy One, blessed be He,
wants more Jews to gather and point to the Messiah. This year is a special year
and everything is good. Waiting for revelation in public. There will be a very
large immigration from abroad, and the upper and lower Messiah are meeting,
waiting for the declaration, and each sees the small country of Israel with all
around beats and animals ... This is the hand of God and Messiah who defend the
Land of Israel and no one can harm it!
Holy One, Blessed be He, knows exactly, more than anyone, when to declare the
revelation of the King Messiah son of David, alive and well in our generation
and our country. Believer with all his heart- will be in the first circle. The
unbeliever, for the time being will suffer, all things will get complicated.
This is the will of the Creator, to redeem the world and the Jews - first!
new year to all the people of Israel!
הוסף רשומת תגובה