Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shlita Parashat Nitzavim and Vayelech




Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shlita

Parashat Nitzavim and Vayelech

Delivered on Sunday, 17 Elul Tasha”p (06.09.20 08:3)


"You are all standing this day before the Lord, your God the leaders of your tribes, your elders and your officers, every man of Israel," (Devarim 29: 9).

We are in the month of Elul, in which the Creator of the world gave  Slichot (the prayers of  forgiveness) to the people of Israel, so that their prayer would be familiar in their mouths on Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and Sukkot. Through the prayers, is made, repentance ,purification correction and the pipe connected to the Creator of the world is cleansed, through which the soul ascends to the Holy One, Blessed be He, every day. Slichot, prayers and Torah study evoke repentance and open the good way, to be ready and worthy of the Creator of the world..

The Holy One, Blessed be He gave us the holidays, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and Sukkot, Pesach, Shavuot, Hanukkah and Purim, so that we may remind us and remember together with the Creator of the world what happened as the time. The Holy One, Blessed be He sees past and future, and when the people of Israel celebrate the holidays, they remind the Creator of the world of that period as if it is now.

The individual and the public in the people of Israel, see hidden and visible miracles, and should thank the Creator of the world for all the good He gives us every day. Give thanks for breathing, for the food, for the health, the work, the life, to acknowledge the good that the Creator of the world gives and to give thanks for the private person and in general. If one recognizes good and miracles, the Creator of the world continues to do good. When a person recognizes the good and thanks him the Holy One, Blessed be He, it means that he believes in the Holy One, Blessed be He from whom these miracles and wonders are made. A person who does not thank the Creator of the world, thinks 'My power and might of my hand has made me this force'. People who have been blessed with wealth by the  Holy One, Blessed be He, should give charity, donations and tithes without account, because they received the wealth from the Holy One, Blessed be He. The Creator of the world does not like hypocrites, does not like people who dress up as religious and will soon discover all the fake in their nakedness.

The corona virus was sent into the world by the Creator of the world and we, dear Jews, must not underestimate this matter. You must follow the instructions, keep a distance of two meters from each other and put a mask outside the house, to prevent the spread of the virus and prevent life-threatening. The reason for the spread of the virus in Israel is because of gatherings, not only at weddings, meetings and kollels, but also in demonstrations and in all kinds of places that mix with dances. The virus has spread in the country because people are underestimating it. The government does not make clean decisions, deciding in favor of what will give them more power in the election. The Israeli government needs to be tough on citizens over the virus. In all the wars we have succeeded and against this virus it is impossible ?! The government is sick and confused and needs to wake up to life.

Trump, the president of the United States, is doing everything he can to be elected for another term, that is the main thing that interests him.

Iran is under pressure and tension over peace with the UAE.

The UAE gets, in addition to planes, many other special and hidden things, soon we will know about it.

The Israeli government should not get involved with the United Arab Emirates, they just want to take advantage of the people of Israel, they know that Israel and the Jews have the knowledge and technology, knowledge and wisdom, more than any other people in the world. They are also under pressure, afraid that Iran will fight them and want the protection of the United States and Israel.

The Holy One Blessed be He shouts day after day, shouts and shouts: 'Do not touch my Holy Land!'

Syria is being wiped out and wiped out and is over. The IDF and Air Force are alert to any ammunition coming from Iran to Hezbollah and blow up almost 90%. Some very sophisticated and dangerous missiles have managed to arrive.

In Russia, those who interfere fall and disappear. Their interest is only in selling weapons and ammunition to the Arabs, they are not interested in the UAE or any other union.

Egypt and Jordan are happy for peace with the union, thinking peace is good for them. The Holy One Blessed-He will not give them these unnecessary pleasures.

Hezbollah and Nasrallah, a wingless bird. He cannot do anything against Israel because Israel has special devices, they see him twenty-four hours a day and know at every moment where he is.

Jews from Europe, the USA, South and North America, Australia and the whole world, immigrate to the Land of Israel urgently! The Gentiles hate you, you are unbearable on them! Your home in Israel is waiting for you!

They say in Heaven to fight and ask for the missing and IDF soldiers with negotiations, not with wars. It is unbearable that parents cry with great sorrow, every mother wants her son close to her.

Natural disasters Fire, water, earthquakes, unnatural and abnormal heat, storms and winds, chaos in the world, the earth as if it is not normal, the earth is starting to run wild. This is a process of great change for the people of Israel! The process before the revelation of Messiah  in public is powerful!



Messiah is here working and acting, every word is true! Everything that he says and decrees is signed in Heaven! There is no doubt! There is a Messiah and no one can change, no one can change his mouth, because the Creator of the world accompanies him all the way, twenty-four hours a day, from the day he was in his mother's womb. There are procrastinators, but there is no going back, it is in our generation, this is the last generation! It will be whether they like it or not, it will be for your benefit! Waiting for the connection of heaven and earth, between the Jews in Israel and the angels, the righteous and the souls who are above. All of the above agreed and congratulated the election of the Creator of the world on the Messianic King here in the land of Israel.

Down below,  on Earth the modern mind does not digest that in our generation there is a Messiah. Messiah protects and guards, helps secretly and openly. All his speech, from A to Z - from the Creator of the world. He does not say any word by himself, everything he says is from Heaven, what the Holy One Blessed be He wants, the Holy One Blessed be puts the words in his mouth. Soon the King Messiah will be revealed in public and will begin to act in public and there will be peace for the people of Israel forever! The IDF will rest and there will be no more wars! The government will no longer invest in security and the army! There will be eternal life for the people of Israel!


רשומות פופולריות