Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shlita Parashat Ki Tseh




Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shlita

Parashat Ki Tseh

Delivered on Sunday, 3 Elul Tash’p (23/08/20 08:30)


"If you go out to war against your enemies, and the Lord, your God, will deliver him into your hands, and you take his captives," (Devarim 21:10).

The Holy One — blessed be He — spoke of the evil instinct. The victory over the evil instinct depends on the help of the Holy One blessed be He. If a person decides to walk in the way of God and do good, the Holy One - blessed be He - receives him, opens a way for him and helps him overcome the evil instinct. But if God forbid, he decided in his mind to do evil deeds and sins, the Holy One — Blessed be He — does not help him but also does not stop him, does not block his way.

The Holy One –Blessed be He wants people to choose Him of their own free will. A person should understand that if he has decided to sin, the Holy One blessed be He will not intervene or prevent it from happening. If he keeps Torah and mitzvos, the Holy One blessed be will  disturb him here and there but will not stop him, will not flatter him. The Creator of the world does not want to pursue human beings so they will come to him, He wants man to choose by himself, with all his heart and soul, to love the Holy One blessed be. If one does not understand who the Holy One blessed be He is, if there is no faith in the Holy One blessed be, then there is nothing to do.

Everything is in a person's hands, the choice in his hands is good or not good, so he cannot complain why he has problems and why he does not succeed in life. Who want to purify – he will get help and purify himself. Who want to be defiled – A door is opened for him, no one will stop him, in the end he will pay.

We are in a very beautiful process regarding the revelation of the Messiah King in the people of Israel. When you put together the puzzle of the Messiah that is revealed in Israel more and more every day - all the riddles are solved and signs of everything that happens in Israel and in the world - the Creator wants to make a very quick change, from end to end to discover Messiah in public, because of the situation in Israel and the world. The Creator of the world says: There is no remedy for the world by human beings, there is no remedy in the flesh, we need a supreme power over nature, the power of the Creator of the world who speaks through the throat of Messiah our righteous - who will rule the Land of Israel and the world! , He will eliminate the corona virus, direct the Israeli government, all mayors and the whole world!

The Creator of the world accelerates the proclamation of the Messianic King in the Land of Israel through dreams, visions, things that happen and sermons.

In the Land of Israel, the Jews are complicated. Some of the Jews in Israel and in the Diaspora, learned from the gentile culture and their virtues and became fickle and ruthless. Demonstrations, slander, free hatred, mistrust and disregard for the corona virus in Israel, are causing serious disturbances in the Land of Israel. Only Messiah needs to come and calm the situation! Other peoples, let them take care of themselves. The people of Israel are a special people, the people of Israel are an example to the whole world of "Derech Eretz Kadma la Torah ( a good comportment is before the Torah)" and "love your neighbor as yourself." The whole world is learning from the people of Israel how to behave and how to correct the virtues. Jews are not allowed to learn from the Gentiles who behave the opposite of the Ten Commandments.

All the people of Israel must believe that the Messiah is actually in the Land of Israel and must appear openly! In heaven they know for sure who the Messiah is, on the earth not everyone knows. The Creator of the world wants most of the people of Israel to know who the Messiah is and then He will act. Then all the people of Israel will be submissive to the Holy One Blessed be He and know that He decides and that His hand can reach every person and everywhere in the world.

The Holy One Blessed be He created this world, all creation and all that is within it, and there is no bacterium or virus, animal, fish, chicken, tree, creeper or human, that can live without  the Holy One Blessed be He giving them life every day.

If the members of the government and the Knesset do not listen to the Holy One Blessed be He and are subordinate to Him, no citizen will elect them. One hundred and twenty members of the Knesset compete with each other and the people have lost faith. Kindergarten children behave better than Knesset members. The political echelon is below the norm. They do not know what to decide. They are not doing their job properly. There is a lack of trust between them, the evil instinct has mixed in their body.

Trump has failed and will not succeed in carrying out the plan of the century, so he came 'around', to make, so to speak, peace between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. The United States is in an election period and Trump is doing everything so he can to rise.

If Trump's intentions are good, the Holy One Blessed be He will help him and he will succeed, if not – He will replace him.

The UAE have a slick tongue and want everything for their benefit. They do not care about the people of Israel and the good of the people of Israel. They steal the minds of the people of Israel, they will turn on us and say: We have no agreement with you, no covenant and nothing.

The Israeli government should be sober and not be afraid of any country. When the people of Israel are united and cohesive, no one in the world can defeat them. Says the Creator of the world: Forget that they will write you in history. Whoever tries to steal and deceive the people of Israel will be in the slingshot, between heaven and earth.

Israel is in first place in the world in ammunition and weapons, inventions and startups. The whole world needs Israel, Israel does not need anyone. In Israel, the vaccine against the corona virus was invented.

Iran is going to explode because of peace with the US and the UAE, in tension and pressure, there is no peace! They are doing exercises as if they love the Jews. They do not directly attack Israel, they send emissaries from Syria and Lebanon. They are scared to death from Israel. The Iranian people hate their government and their army.

Hamas is liars and deceivers and will not change.

Israel does not respond, the government is not serious. Prepare protection for Sderot and its surroundings because there is no government, no one to talk to. The silence of Hamas is very bad.

Egypt the main thing  for Egypt that they bring it money, it will sit quietly.

Syria is destroyed, finished, eaten, consumed.

Turkey has no one's help, everyone is bankrupt and Turkey is falling. The whole Middle East is going bankrupt and it will go on to Europe, USA, China, Russia, all are bankrupt.

Lebanon Hezbollah will eat each other.

The Holy One — blessed be He — accompanies all soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, the police, the Border Police and the security personnel.

All countries, presidents or prime ministers who interfere with the people of Israel, the Creator of the world strikes them directly. The Holy One — blessed be He — will take care of them directly and when the Creator of the world strikes, it hurts greatly.

Jews flee Europe and the whole world and come to live in the Holy Land. Jews come from abroad in secret, some openly and some come as tourists to check the situation.

There is no recession in Israel, everyone has a livelihood. There is no shortage of work in the Land of Israel, every job honors its owner. There is a need to study and specialize in other professions. The main thing is not to be unemployed, that everyone will occupy themselves because unemployment brings the person to bad things. The Creator of the world will help those who strive to find work.

Moses, King David, our ancestors Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Tannaim and the Amoraim, all the great men of the world worked in agriculture, in the fields. All of them, without exception, plowed, sowed, planted, harvested wheat and barley, harvested grapes - worked half a day and studied half a day.

The creator of the world says to obey the cabinet's instructions regarding the virus, there is a virus and it is very dangerous, do not underestimate. “And you must very much watch yourself to save your souls.”

Natural forces, fire, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, everything acts, cleans and purifies the world.

The Creator of the world creates a new world! He destroys the old and at the same time raises the new. Only the Creator of the world can create such a creation. You should cling to  the Holy One!

A good and blessed month, the month of mercy! May the Holy One, Blessed be He, have mercy on us, on all the Jews in Israel and in the world. That this month, in parallel with the revelation of the Messianic King in public, we will return in full repentance! In the month of Elul, the Creator of the world helps much more to return to Him, to repent!


רשומות פופולריות