Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita Parashat Nasso Tasha'p



Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita

Parashat Nasso Tasha'p

Delivered on Sunday, 1 Sivan Tasha'p (24.05.20 08:30)


"Blessed is the man who gets the Torah, to adhere to its ways. When a man walks in the ways of the Torah, he is pulling to him the supreme holy spirit  as it is said: ' He will pour   on us a spirit from above.' And when a man is moving away from the ways of the Torah, another spirit is drawn on him from the Sitra Achra, which is the side of impurity. And the impurity side is awakened from a great abyss, where the generation of evil spirits which are doing damages to  humans, called the world pests ... Anyone who adheres to the Holy One and follows the Torah commandments, he  so to speak, sustains the worlds, the upper world, and the underworld. And already  we clarified what they said: "And you did them." And anyone who violates the Torah commandments, supposedly damages above and below, damages himself and all the worlds ... Adam violated one mitzvah in the Torah - he caused death to himself and caused damages to the whole world, above and below, and that sin stands until  the Holy One blessed be He will make the world as it was originally, with the resurrection of the dead and this  defect will pass from the world. The saying goes: "Death has gone forever and God has wiped away tears from every face" (Zohar Nigalah Nasso 122).

When a man does a mitzvah, he creates an angel who publishes him every day and the mitzvah he did. The more he will follow the commandment and do good deeds he will  increase the power to save himself from any problem. First of all, the Ten Commandments must be greatly strengthened. The Creator of the world chose the Jews to have mercy on one another, to love one another, to do kindness to one another, and to respect one another. Whatever you hate don't do to your friend, and everything your friend hate don't do.

A person does not know what is expected of him, if he is going to be punished, it comes slowly and also the good and the wages, come slowly. The Creator examines the heart and kidneys, knows what comes to everyone and gives them exactly what they deserve. The Holy One blessed be He is giving us hints and we need to understand them. The hint  of the Holy One blessed be He to man, comes in a dream, vision, or case that has happened, all are  in his favor. Before anything happens to a Jew, there are signs. With the first signs you will do repentance, righteousness and charity and pray and ask the Holy One blessed be He. Don't say nothing will happen, repent. The Holy One blessed be He is giving you signs.

The Torah is fitness for the mind, with the spirit and the soul, for its wisdom and understanding, as sports and exercise are fitness for the body. A little sport every day brings one to good physical fitness, so does Torah study, every day, little and difficult, little and difficult, little and difficult until the road opens, getting into 'fitness' and man is purifying his mind, spirit and soul, his spiritual world. Exercise gets the body into shape, setting times for Torah and prayers soothe the mind, lower the shells and the person becomes wise and smart, full of wisdom and knowledge. The Holy One blessed be He wants that in everything the love of the heart and free love.

The Holy One blessed be He hears the Torah study and prayer of every Jew. All heavenly armies hear and listen with the Holy One blessed be He, to every Jew who studies Torah, whether individually, in the minyan (10 persons), or in the thousands. Just as Moses went out for his father-in-law Jethro and everyone went out with him to accompany him. So don't underestimate a Jew studying Torah, the Creator listens to him with all the armies of heaven! Every Jew !

We are in a beautiful era, at the end of the dwindling corona, over 80% more or less. All can see how the Holy One blessed be He, is loving, protecting and guarding the people of Israel. When the Creator sees his children praying and pleading, He opens the gates of mercy immediately open and has pity on  them so they will not have problems. A Jew who cries to the Holy One is in complete faith, in heaven they say he has repented. A Jew who cries and prays, the Creator receives his repentance.

The Holy One blessed be He shows us how all the peoples of the world are fighting the Corona and do not know how to get out of it, and Israel above all, despite the pain of the righteous that have left, they have atoned for the generation.

Whatever happens with the weather, the heat and the cold, the Holy One blesses us and shakes us, so we can return to it. The Corona, the weather fluctuations and everything in the world - are to open the way to Messiah in a big way! The Holy One blessed be He says: There is no turning back because back is the end of the world, back is the destruction of the world and no trace of it will remain. The Holy One blessed be He is doing everything so that the people of Israel will unite and unify and repent. The Holy One blessed be He said when the government will be up, the corona would run out. The Holy One blessed be He  wants the people of Israel in unity, in free love and mercy one for the other. Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz - have compassion one  for the other.

The Holy One blessed be He is doing everything so that Israel is in very good condition, more than any country in the world, in the first place! Every person in the world and in Israel who sees what is happening says: This is the Lord's hand.

The Holy One blessed be He has given a choice and the novelty is, He is showing us the way! This is the nice and good thing between a loving father and his Jewish children!

Israel should not be afraid of any country in the world, and make the necessary decisions without regard to any country. What is good for the people of Israel is what the Israeli government will do. Don't be afraid of any country. The Holy One blessed be He accompanies, protects and guards the Land of Israel, wants us to begin and He will help and finish. A country that will go against the people of Israel, the Holy One blessed be He will beat it,  blows that it will not arise from them. The Creator has no more patience to wait and wait, he will beat every country or person which disturb the people of Israel.

Israel has unparalleled abundance, no shortage of anything, not of water or of economy. The economy is good. In those two months there have been ups and downs and everything will return to normal, everyone will return to work.

The Holy One blessed be He wants them to believe in Him. Every Jew who believes in the Holy One blessed be He, all doors will be opened to him. Heaven's gates are opened to those who believe in the Holy One blessed be He. We will pray, study Torah and believe in Him and that there is nothing apart from Him and everything will open.

If the Gentiles surrender and believe  that the Holy One blessed be He chose the people of Israel, they will be in good shape. Whoever opposes it will crash.

Iran is like the snake when it is hit in the tail or the belly and he's still running, until it is hit in the head. If the Iranian people do not wake up and do not rise up against the government, they will suffer severely and starve. There will be heavy famine in Iran. The Iranians trust their weapons and ammunition and forget about the people and the heavy famine in Iran.

Iraq is destroyed  day after day.

Syria will be destroyed day after day.

In Jordan , there is no water and nothing to eat.

Egypt, Israel helps it and it receives money from the US. The Holy One blessed be He helps it very much because it is at peace with Israel.

Gaza Strip, the Palestinians are starting to revolt, getting together to disturb.

The Israeli Defense Forces must be briefed on how to behave now with this new way.

The Creator tells the Jews that anti-Semitism in the whole world will rise and rise and rise and that they must flee before it is too late.

The people of Israel are waiting, waiting. The Gentiles are also waiting, wanting to see what  gift the Holy One blessed be He is giving to the people of Israel. Messiah connects to the Holy One blessed be He and the people of Israel is assisted by Messiah. Messiah came to help the people of Israel. That's the good thing, the revelation of Messiah in public  in Israel and in the world. He wants everyone to be united, to believe in Messiah, and then a good way will open up and everything will be good and blessed for the people of Israel.

Messiah works and acts, alive and well. There are decisions, the Creator committed. A perfect Messiah, who has everything in him. Messiah has already been discovered in Israel and in the world and every day he is revealed to more people, and more people, and more people, until he starts working publicly  in the people of Israel, to save them.

The coronation will be like Mount Sinai, when all the Jews will come to Israel.

In all nations of the world, the economy is devastated. Israel, compared to all nations, lives and is afloat, miracles and miracles! The Holy One blessed be He revives us!

Shavuot is before us, do get stronger in awe of Heaven! Everyone will take it upon themselves to correct their attributes and do only good, to be pure and holy.




רשומות פופולריות