Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita Parashat Miketz


Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita
Parashat Miketz
Delivered on Sunday, 24 Kislev Tasha’P (22.12.2019, 08:30)

Chanukah is a feast of miracles and wonders, the feast of many miracles that the Holy One, Blessed be He, did to the people of Israel. In every generation, every year and year, we celebrate Chanukah and commemorate the miracles that were in it, so that we will remember the Holy One, Blessed be He and never forget Him, and that we recognize the miracles that the Holy One, Blessed be He is doing to each and every person in the Holy Land every day until This day. For Jews abroad also the Holy One, Blessed is He is doing miracles, so that they will arrive to the Land of Israel. The Jews in Israel saw hundreds of missiles coming from the Gaza Strip, and nothing happened. On Chanukah, miracles and wonders are remembered and we understand there is a Creator to this world, there is a Leader to this world, and the candles we light in olive oil have the hidden light.
A person who recognizes His miracles at every moment is called a believer of  the Holy One, Blessed be He, it is called 'gratitude' and that is why  a meal thanksgiving is done, to acknowledge goodness. A person who, God Forbid, does not recognize the miracles done to him is called a believer in Sitra Achra, in other gods, in the power of uncleanness, in the evil instincts.
In all the Land of Israel, the people of Israel are lighting Chanukah candles  and the Creator looks from the sky and sees all the menorahs with all the candles lit by the Jews in the Land of Israel, in the courtyards and inside the houses. The Creator is looking from heaven, turning off all the electric lights in the Land of Israel and leaving only the Chanukah candles, looking at the candles and the Jews who lit them, the Jews who acknowledge the miracle.
The study of Torah and prayers, good deeds and commandments, connects between us and the Holy One, Blessed be He in this world.
Joseph had dreams and his brothers, who knew his dreams were true, did not want to accept them. Again Joseph dreamed and the brothers continued to hate him and envy him because Jacob was loved the most. The plan was for Joseph to continue the lineage: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. The brothers did not want to accept and sought every way to get rid of him.
Joseph brothers were involved in agriculture and sheep and Joseph studied every day with his father Jacob. Apart from the study, Joseph was also the son of Jacob who sent him every time to call one of the brothers or check what was happening with them. On that day, Jacob sent him, “Go and see if all is well with your brothers and with the flocks, and bring word back to me." (Genesis 37:14).  From there, things rolled around, his brothers sold him to Egypt, put him in the pit, Joseph solved the dreams of the Minister of Economy and the Bakery Minister and things happen exactly as he said.
In Parashat Miketz, dreams come back. Pharaoh dreams, he hears of Joseph the righteous that solved the dreams of the Minister of the Economy and the baker and realizes that Joseph has the power to solve dreams, the Holy Spirit. "So Pharaoh sent for Joseph, and he was quickly brought from the dungeon." (Genesis 41:14).  
Joseph through the dreams rose, rose and rose to greatness in Egypt. "And Pharaoh said ... You will be in charge of my court, and all my people will take orders from you. Only I, sitting on my throne, will have a rank higher than yours.” (Genesis 41:39-40).  
The sons of Jacob from his four wives are the root of the people of Israel. If they had accepted, without jealousy and competition, the dreams of one of their brothers and realized that Joseph, who is unlike everyone else, is the one to continues to lead the family, they would not have gone down to Egypt as slaves for two hundred and ten years.  They would have gone down with dignity, as respected traders, for a year and leave with great property. But they hated Joseph, did not want to interpret his dreams in the true way because they did not agree that he will rule over them and the result was that they were led by their own deed into Egypt because they sold Joseph to the people of Ishmael.
The brothers throw him into the pit chosen by Reuben, a special pit created by the Holy One, Blessed be He to protect and guard Joseph who will not be harmed and later, they themselves sold him to the people of Ishmael. They themselves pave their way to Egypt following Joseph. They punish themselves for it. They did not want to accept the righteous, respected Joseph, the prophet of the Holy Spirit, as a king over them; they would not give him the honor and wanted to kill him. The Holy One, Blessed be He did, through their own actions that Joseph will rise and come through the dreams to be king over Egypt and the brothers will bow to him and ask for forgiveness. The Holy One, Blessed be He said to them, You did not want to accept Joseph who is a Prophet worthy to reign, you scoffed at my messenger, mocked him and turned his dreams into mischief, so he went and got it, through the dreams, the forces of Pharaoh the gentile, who gave him the kingdom over Egypt and the whole world, above him only the chair and you will come, bow to him and ask him for forgiveness. The brothers went down to Egypt to cleanse themselves because they had great jealousy and hatred.
To this day, until the King Messiah is revealed, all what is happening is cleansing and purification in order to be ready for the great day of the King's Messiah revelation. The Holy One, Blessed be He also gives harsh torment to the people of Israel and anyone who does not resent or complain, the Holy One, Blessed be He gives him strength and helps him overcome the torment, repair and deserve to be in the first circle.
The State of Israel and the entire world feel that people are speaking about Messiah. Suddenly they talk about Messiah in all kinds of places, talk that only Messiah can lead the people of Israel. Because of assimilation, there is a severe war between purity and impurity. Assimilation brings impurity and makes a mess. Assimilation is a most difficult thing for the Holy One, Blessed be He.
Messiah must be revealed. People started to talk openly about the King Messiah, in the media, here and there everywhere, that we need Messiah. What the great sages did not dare to say was   we need Messiah to lead the people of Israel - said the Israeli prime minister at one of the conferences. He said that nothing can help the people of Israel, only Messiah when revealed; he will help the people of Israel.  What the personalities, religious and non-religious, dared not say -Benjamin Netanyahu said with full confidence, it was published in the media, it was published all over the world. This is not an unknown person, it is the Israeli prime minister who has been given confidence and said it. What people are afraid to talk about - the Israeli Prime Minister did say it. After him great Torah sages and rabbis should do the same, talk openly and freely about the Messiah. It's Messiah's time! Anyone who does not talk about Messiah got problems with the Holy One, Blessed be He.
Messiah came to save the world from the calamities, from the agony of the people of Israel, came to redeem the world in a positive direction, to cleanse the world, and the Jews will live forever. The Messiah is acting and working. Gog and Magog and chaos - just outside the Land of Israel. The Land of Israel is pure and holy, protected and preserved.
The IDF is strong, knows every detail about Iran. Israel can destroy Iran. The Mossad is in the heart of every country in the world.
Hamas as long as he gets money, is happy and good. From the money it receives, it excavates plenty tunnels and buys homes and lots in Europe. Occasionally, he startles Israeli citizens with a missile here and missile there.
Egypt Sissy is Modern and gets benefits from all kinds of places, close eyes here and there about smuggling weapons and ammunition into the Gaza Strip through the tunnels.  
Jordan is at the bottom and is waiting for the "Plan of the century". They are cursed because of the land they took from Israel, and Israel got the blessing.
U.S Trump is in serious trouble because he is not 100 percent stable with the Land of Israel, despite having protection from the Holy One. He wanted to be good with the Jews and with others. Trump should have realized that Israel is not divisible, that one inch is not to be taken out of the Holy Land and then the Creator of the World would bless him with a great blessing that will make him go ahead and succeed. The plan of the century, but don't touch one inch of the Holy Land. Let them create a Palestinian state in the Sinai desert.
Russia Putin wants to take over the Middle East solely to sell them weapons and ammunition.  
Turkey the Turks are waiting for the revolution to be.  
Iran want to control Iraq and Syria in order to have power in the Middle East.  
Syria is in serious trouble, dead and alive. Anyone who comes to Syria does not return. There is a curse in Syria. The Creator cursed it with the same curse as in Sodom and Gomorrah.
Hezbollah Nasrallah is afraid, keeping the old weapons and ammunition in order that he will never be without. There are more tunnels along the northern border. They are looking for revenge because   the tunnels were discovered and they want to do, God forbid something to hurt the IDF soldiers. They will never succeed.
Natural disasters, rain, floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, complications in each country within itself, disasters with aircrafts, buses and trains will continue. Bridges will fall, many bridges will fall. Everything outside the Land of Israel, all the disasters abroad.
Nothing will happen in Israel. There will be good rain in Israel. Still the Creator says: Prayer won't hurt. We are waiting for the great salvation and the revelation of King Messiah. The Creator says: All the right should come together. If they do not all come together, there will be elections for the fourth time. Too bad for the money wasted for free because of the pride, control and stupid ego, a man today is alive and tomorrow he is dead. The right must come together! The right must rise in Israel! Left will not rise! Only the right will rise! Because the Holy One, blessed be He, is the right and Messiah is the right. The left has no chance at all. Left only with the Gentiles, not in Israel. The Left themselves are right-wingers so what's their story? Let the left fall apart and unite with the Likud to protect the Holy Land and the Jews who live in Israel and that the Arab and Gentile parties will not rule here. Jews have nowhere to go. The Land of Israel is a Jewish state.
Parents keep your children out of drugs, gambling, drinking and assimilation.
All the scammers, thieves, bribes, adulterers, perversions and conspirators will all be revealed.
In the air, in the spirit, in the soul and in the body, everywhere we feel weak and helpless, shouting to the Holy One, blessed be He, that we want the leadership of Messiah and the Creator of the world! The Holy One, blessed be He, blocks and closes everyone in order they will shout and cry out that they want Messiah. Jews living abroad: better for you to come urgently and live in the Land of Israel. Jews living in Israel: Do not leave the Holy Land, the gift you have in Israel! Outside of the country you will be upside down, you will not earn a dime, the Gentiles will look for you and hurt you.
Keep the Frontiers and watch out for East Jerusalem more than anywhere else.
Have a Happy Chanukah! Redemption in mercy and may that  thanks to this holiday, the Creator will reveal  the King Messiah in public!


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