Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita Parashat Vayeshev Tasha'P


Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita
Parashat Vayeshev Tasha'P
Delivered on Sunday, 17 Kislev Tasha'P (15.12.2019, 08:30)

"Jacob lived in the land where his father had stayed, the land of Canaan." (Genesis 37:1) Rabbi Shimon commented and said neither my peace nor my quietness nor my rest and the irritation comes. Come see how bad the righteous suffer in this world, bad on bad, from pain to pain, to merit the next world (The Zohar revealed).
The Holy One blessed be He brings anguish to the righteous in this world, because He knows that they are not resentful or complaining. The Creator shows to the world that the righteous receive the torment with love and seek more torment for the salvation of the Jews in the people of Israel. This why there are 36 righteous and not beyond this number and there is also a righteous pillar of the world who is the Messiah. They suffer torment to protect and vindicate the people of Israel. Thanks to the righteous who receive all the affliction with love, the Holy One blessed be He is protecting and preserving the people of Israel. They are simple people, who receive torment from the Holy One blessed be He, complain and resent, hurt and shout, and ask 'Why me? What did I do? What sin did I do? ‘They do not want the anguish and ask the Creator of the world to remove it from them. It is a heresy against the Holy One blessed be He, it is opposition to the Creator of the world, but a righteous man receives the torment with love.
We will all learn to accept the torment with love. The joy of the Creator of the world is that we share the pain and anguish that protect and safeguard the people of Israel and ourselves and our home.
The Holy One blessed be He is turning the events around so they will look as if by nature but everything does the Holy One blessed be He, nothing is 'nature'. Esau came tired and hungry from the field and sold to Jacob him his birthright with a lentil stew. Rebecca sent Jacob to take the blessing from Isaac. Jacob fled to Laban, took Leah instead of Rachel, and remained in Haran for twenty years without understanding what was going on with him, came out of Haran and encountered Esau's angel who blessed him.
This is how the Holy One blessed be He is turning events also with Joseph and his brothers. Joseph was born, his father loved him more than all his brothers, Rachel died and Jacob added love because he orphaned his mother. The dreams came and added hate upon hate.
If the brothers accepted Joseph's dreams and followed them, the Holy One blessed be He would have cleansed them in a miraculous way, shortening the times and they will not have to go down and suffer in Egypt.
Jealousy and hatred and the desire to kill Joseph have already entered the initial root of the Jewish people, in the sons of Jacob, Joseph's brothers. They did not agree that he would rule over them. Continuation of spoiled root is also spoiled. The Creator of the World brought them down to Egypt in order to correct them and make them worthy to be Jews and to come to the Holy Land.
The Holy One blessed be He is turning and arranging events as He wishes for the good of the world and for the good of the people of Israel. Jews need to understand that everything begins with the Holy One blessed be He and ends with the Holy One blessed be He.
From the Parashat Vayeshev we should learn that hatred and jealousy are the root of trouble. Enough of the hatred and jealousy! Enough of the hatred of one hundred and twenty members of the Knesset, nothing will come out of it! It is necessary to have faith in the Holy One blessed be He, because everything is from Him, He gives it all. Do not say 'my strength and my power made me this'.
By praying and studying Torah, we bring the Creator of the world and make it closer to this world. With mitzvoth and good deeds - we share with the Holy One blessed be He. With gratitude you share with the Holy One blessed be He and bring Him with you to this world. You have to be good at acknowledging everything that goes and does, in health, in livelihood, in children, in home, in peace, because everything was given to us by the Holy One blessed be He. We don't see Him or hear Him and He is everything!
The government is dispersed. The H Holy One blessed be He says: If all the right-wing parties are not in one group, the same will be in the fourth round. The Creator says to the right: If the right is not cohesive and united, without games, there will be a fourth round of elections! Everyone must give up ego and dignity and all right-wing parties must unite into one party unite! Israeli citizens enter into complacency; they are discouraged by this government. Everyone must go out to vote for the right, which is the Holy One blessed be He will, you will not defeat Him.
Let the Creator of the world, the law, and the magistrates judge. No one is a judge and no Knesset member can intervene in the trial because everyone has secrets in their past that they believe to be hidden. There is no righteous man who will not sin. Social pressure, tension, jealousy and hatred must not be used against the right-wing party. The whole world does not understand what is happening in Israel. The Jews, who are the most powerful in the world, are unable to form a government.
The Creator says to the world:Understand, I brought up Trump and Putin. In England, I brought up the man who loves the Jews and they come out of the EU who hates the people of Israel. The Creator says: I will dismantle the whole EU into parts because they are against the people of Israel! Every state and country that goes against Israel, against the IDF and our planes, The Creator will break it down into particles. Not in one or two months, immediately! You will see in the media how they receive immediately Measure for Measure. To the candidate in England power to rise was given from Heaven.
Even in Israel the Holy One, blessed be He decides and the Holy One, blessed be He wants the Right. By hook or by crook - the right will rise! The Holy One did not establish the State of Israel in Tacha'Ch (1948) to destroy it. Anyone who opposes the borders of Israel opposes the Holy One, blessed be He, and the Holy One, blessed be He, will give him many troubles.
Trump made a mistake with the 'Plan of the Century', this plan died and Trump got complications and trouble. The Creator tells him: I chose you to be with the Jews in Israel 100%! You started to repent, keep going and the Holy One, blessed be He, will protect and guard you and you will continue to serve.
Arab Countries hate and are full of jealousy of the Jews, 'Esau hates Jacob.' You see how the Arab parties behave in the Knesset in a frightening and appalling way. Jewish Knesset members look and do not know what is going on here, as if the Arab parties are the determining factor. The Arab parties want to destroy the State of Israel, rule the State of Israel, and bring Hamas, Jihad and Hezbollah to rule Israel. They are not for peace in the world, they do not want peace.
The great wonder that the State of Israel is performing at 100 percent! The military and security, the economy, the rain, everything is good and the government? very sick! very sick! very sick! Nothing can function.
The Arab parties are taking advantage of the weakness of the Jewish Knesset members and the quarrels of the left and right parties, their confidence increases. Jewish Knesset members wake Up! Once the Creator gave the opportunity to establish the State of Israel, it will not be rebuilt every time. The Nazis, May their name and memory be erased, murdered six million Jews, now we have the State of Israel - we must guard it! The Holy One, blessed be He, opens your eyes to see what is happening in the Arab parties so that the right will rise.
Arab countries - You cannot trust them. They want to erase Israel. They will not succeed. You cannot trust them.
Be alert and not complacent. The IDF must be alert at the borders around us. The Gentile-Muslim-Arabs play it poor and miserable and are as dangerous as snakes. Do not believe them! Do not feel sorry for the cruel.
We must love the State of Israel! We have no other country! If we don't protect it, they will eat us like jungle animals.
Gog and Magog and chaos are outside the borders of Israel. Floods, earthquakes, storms, fires, fires, muddy planes, ships and buses, railroads flying off the tracks. When the European countries will expel all the Jews, they will have peace. They make a mistake, they want to help the Palestinians and they will have problems and troubles a million times more. The Creator brought the Palestinians and infiltrators from Africa to Europe, so that they will throw out the Jews. When they expel Jews from Europe, the United States, North America and southern Israel, they will have peace everywhere in the world.
Anti-Semitism will get stronger, stronger and stronger until the last of the Jews will come to the Land of Israel. Two or three years ago they were threat, then they beat the Jews and now the gentiles decided to start killing Jews. It will spread at a tremendous speed everywhere in the world. They are ready to commit suicide and kill Jews, they went into madness like ISIS.
Egypt enjoy the neglect with everyone. There are lots of smuggling, lots of tunnels from Sinai to the Gaza Strip.
Hamas works and digs tunnels endlessly for twenty-four hours a day. His silence is fake.
Jordan is making pressure and noise for the US to come and help her with money. It gets money but not enough. They will only have revolution and curse since they took the holy land of Israel.
Hezbollah and Nasrallah sick, sick. He has old weapons and old ammunition, he is afraid to finish his ammunition so he is sitting quietly for now.
In Turkey Waiting for the time to make revolution.
The Holy One blessed be He says to Iran: 'Iran Iran Iran, Don't think you are great heroes, you brag and boast and want to hurt the Holy Land, I the Holy One blessed be He will give you a blow that will paralyze you and all of Iran and you will not be able to move anymore. ' Although many protesters are killed in Iran, many are still preparing to revolutionize nothing will help.
There will be a lot of rain in Israel. The damage caused by the rain was due to improper drainage. The contractors got money and did crooked work.
The Holy One blessed be He wants unity and love in the people of Israel. In the Ten Commandments 'hate, jealousy, competition and fights' are not written. Nothing is missing in Israel.
The confusion in the Land of Israel, which did not form a government, was created so that they would cry out and ask to the Creator to reveal the King Messiah. You don't believe it? You better believe. Only because of the King Messiah, there is peace within the borders of Israel. Messiah works day and night. The soul of the Messiah is guarding the people of Israel and there are miracles and miracles! If the Messiah is sleeping or eating, the soul works automatically. The soul "Yehida", the soul above, works automatically. The soul of Messiah works twenty-four hours, has no rest, no peace and no calm until he is revealed in this world. The Messiah's soul above and the Messiah's soul below, long ago connected and giving endless power to the Holy Land, giving Messiah - the man of God, flesh and blood, who is on earth and lives in the land of Israel - a tremendous power to save the Jews, guard Israel's borders and make peace in the land. Every moment we are waiting for the big day, the long-awaited day, the revelation of the King Messiah son of David in public!


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