Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita Parashat VayishlachTasha'P


Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita
Parashat VayishlachTasha'P
Delivered on Sunday, 10 Kislev Tasha’P (08.12.2019, 08:30)

"And Jacob sent messengers before him to Esau his brother unto the land of Seir, the field of Edom." (Genesis 32: 4).  
In Jacob's dream, the Holy One blessed be He showed to Jacob in a vision what will happen to him later so that Jacob knew exactly what was will come, what the continuity of this world will be. He show him that he will come to the well, know Rachel, come to Laban house, marry Rachel and Leah, Zilpe and Blah and live in Laban place. The Holy One blessed be He told him not to settle with Laban and set him a time to leave. All the anguish that Jacob went through with Laban was done by the Creator so that he would not settle there, because if he settled, everything would get complicated.
Jacob came to the well, the water came up to him and together with Jacob they lifted and moved the stone. Jacob met Rachel, loved her very much, she drew him to Laban house and asked to work for her for seven years. Laban, seeing all the riches and blessings, the abundance of grain, milk, cattle, and sheep thanks to the righteous Jacob, thought, "If I give him Rachel, he will take her and go." I will make an exchange, give him Leah instead and so he will work for another seven years to get Rachel his fiancée. After fourteen years, already having many children, he himself would already decide to stay. My daughters will also listen to me and after so many years will say they want to stay with their father. ‘Laban thought so, but the Holy One blessed be He planned differently. He created disputes between Laban and Jacob so that Rachel and Leah, Zilpa and Blah saw that Laban was cheating on Jacob, the children would also see the mishaps and wars between them and when Jacob decided to run away, all would go with him. Laban's plan was to have Jacob stay in Haran and the Creator's plan was to have Jacob take Leah and Rachel, Zilpah and Blah from where the tribes will come from. Laban thinks about materiality and money and the Creator of the world thinks about the spiritual future.
Jacob saw all this in a vision, so he knew what to do, and ran away in time, cutting off his wives and sons from Laban so that there would be no assimilation of the future Jews.
Jacob met Esau on the way, sent him angels, real angels, to show him his power and strength to control angels. Esau, who saw them as something strange, that they were not ordinary humans, realized that Jacob was strong. Nevertheless, Jacob came to Esau by way of peace and reconciliation, sent him Doron and also prepared for war if needed. Jacob preferred to settle everything by peace because he knew that the Holy One blessed be He, is loving peace and managed to get through the encounter with Esau safely. When Jacob was next to Laban, Esau did not get close to him, he was afraid of Laban who was his mother's brother and one of the world's greatest wizards. He preferred to wait for Jacob until he left, to kill him, God forbid, and take his wives and children and all his property. Jacob wisely came to him in a completely different way, in peace, sending him gifts of reconciliation and thwarting his plans.
Assimilation makes the Holy One blessed be He very very angry. Assimilation letters mean  confusion. You can't mix black and white, you can't mix good and bad, and you can't mix bad people, bigots and bad guys with good people. When there is assimilation, when a non-Jew man lives with a Jewish woman or a non Jewish woman with a Jew, they can never get along, they are imprisoned in each other's prisons. When Jews are assimilated with Gentiles, they are permanently imprisoned and they will never get along  there will be never peace between them, everything is fake. When two things are contradictory to one another, the holiness of the Jew and the impurity of the Gentile, there is an explosion between them.
This is one of the reasons that there are problems among all Knesset members. There are Jews, assimilated, disorders, Gentiles and everyone pulls in a different direction, and all are actors. Every hundred and twenty Knesset members are fed up with the nonsense. This one promises so and means so, a minute later everything changes, a week later it is something completely different, speech changes and nothing can be done. It is like a preschool. You can't trust a word, you can't trust a word that is said, and there is no one to rely on only our Father in Heaven! 
The Holy One blessed be He wants us to keep the Ten Commandments. The Holy One blessed be He does not like evil, dislikes free hatred, dislikes free jealousy, dislikes fraudsters, rogues, adulterers, pervert and greedy, wants everyone to be clean, pure, to love each other with free love and to live in peace.
Keeping the Ten Commandments, each according to his powers, is the solution to all problems and illnesses, it is protection and preservation, it is a good livelihood and a good life, the Ten Commandments is something that gives blessing to man.
One of the Ten Commandments is  Sabbath. We will keep the Sabbath - the Sabbath will keep us. If we will not keep the Sabbath - the Sabbath will harm us. If a Jew, who is a true Jew, does not observe the Sabbath - the Sabbath will harm him because he is harmful to the Sabbath. The Jew has a soul and the Sabbath - he must keep them. When a Jewish soul does not keep the Sabbath - the Sabbath will punish him, the Sabbath will not protect him. It is only about Jews, not gentiles. A person who destroys the Sabbath simply does harm to himself, destroys himself, his children, his family, and all what he has.
The Sabbath cannot be destroyed, it is infinite power. Every Jew who desecrates the Sabbath, the Sabbath will severely harm him, will not protect him. Keeping the Sabbath, all the commandments will be to his credit, protect him in the new week and last week, will cancel all his iniquities and open to him the heavenly gates of great blessing. The Creator ask us to keep Shabbat for our benefit, for the good of man, for his health, for a life of holiness and purity, for peace at home and good livelihood.
So dear Jews, close restaurants on Shabbat, close clubs on Shabbat, close everything! Do not let pride control you! Don't let the clubs control you! Don't say 'nothing will happen to me', 'I desecrated the Sabbath and nothing happened to me.' There is no Jew in the world who desecrated the Sabbath and in heaven they forgave him, let the Sabbath forgave him. There is no such thing! Each one will receive exactly the dose they deserve, in two years, two months, two days.
No one can escape the Sabbath. Shabbat is a power that gives endlessly and power that endlessly harms.
Why there are rich and poor people? So the rich will give money to the poor, to the needy and sick, to kollels, yeshivas and seminary, so the world of grace will be built.
The Holy One, Blessed be He creates conflict between all the countries that hate the people of Israel. It is said that in the time of salvation and Messiah  'I will disturb  Egypt within Egypt'. The Creator did not say all the countries but when he spoke of Egypt which was the largest country in the world, he meant all the countries of the world. Why is the Holy One, blessed be He creating conflicts between them? So as they will not interfere with the Jewish people living in Israel. By contrast, outside the borders of Israel, the Creator gives the world permission to disturb the Jews who live there and increases anti-Semitism so that all Jews flee and come to Israel to settle the Negev, the Western Galilee, the Golan Heights, Judea Samaria and Benjamin, the Arava and the Jordan Valley.
In the Holy Land of Israel, the Creator protects by Himself with Messiah His servant.
There is an extremely difficult assimilation that makes it difficult to form a government. The Israeli government is full of confusion, conflict and complications. Every hundred and twenty members of the Knesset have grown weary and tired. Let them rest, rest a little.
The honor of the Jews living outside the borders of Israel, in South and North America, Europe, Africa, Australia is over. They are not respected. If respected, it is only because of interest or it is false. Gentiles in the world do not want Jews in their countries, they have no more respect, it is finished, and when there is no respect there is war.  So they should immigrate to Israel. To all the Jews who care about their business abroad, the  Holy One, blessed be He says: Come to the land of Israel, set up business in the land of Israel and sell the produce from the land of Israel abroad. Jews abroad suffer terribly and their life are threatened, they must immigrate to the Holy Land and feel here the most protected in the world.
Syria is  destroyed, destroyed and destroyed between itself.  
Iran connect with Iraq to have power in the Middle East, to be close and to disturb Israel. They want to surprise Israel and want them to think that Iraqis surprised Israel. Iraq is closer. The Creator of the world will let them have their sword come in their hearts, their missiles exploding inside the barrels and within themselves. There will be a revolution in Iran.
Also missiles from Hezbollah and Nasrallah will explode inside them. There are other tunnels from Lebanon, some of which the IDF knows and some of which they leave at is. Nasrallah and Hezbollah can do nothing, they know that Israel is very strong and  that if they start to mess with Israel it will be the end of their life.
Israel has soldiers, ammunition and special weapons that no one in the world has.
In  Jordan there will be chaos. Don’t waste time on what they said, they are talkers. They took the land, the blessing was taken away, only the curse remain.
Egypt, Sisi  is smart and works quietly with Israel. Extremists occasionally make demonstrations to stifle it. Stupid. Instead of strengthening the economy in Egypt, they invest in nonsense and unnecessary things.
The IDF scares all Arab states when every ammunition convoy that comes from all directions is blown up. The IDF also reveals to other countries where everything is, where there is ammunition and missiles.
Russia selling weapons and ammunition is it livelihood.  
U.S works quietly. Trump is busy with himself, busy with his entanglements.
The IDF should not be complacent. Iran, Nasrallah and Hezbollah want to surprise. May their sword pierce their hearts and their arcs be broken.
In all countries of the world there is no calm, all are in conflicts within themselves.
The Holy One blessed be He in a very close time  will bring forth our righteous Messiah with joy and happiness! All the righteous scream and shout that there will be the resurrection. All the good deeds and commandments of the Jews and the anguish that they are suffering bring the King Messiah closer. The date the King Messiah will come out - is with the Holy One blessed be He, He states when there will be revelation of the Messiah. Everyone must ask the righteous in heaven and earth that the Creator will send the King Messiah, to reveal him. All the problems there are in the people of Israel, are the preparations for welcoming Messiah son of David. The Holy One blessed be He shows us that everything is complicated and we have no one to trust.
We are in the Messianic era. The terrible turmoil and confusion done by the Creator - is not for nothing. The Blessed One is sifting and sifting, purifying and purifying until the King Messiah comes out. On the day that the King Messiah was published in Public, all the people of Israel would repent and all the Jews would come to Israel.
No one can hear and feel the Holy One blessed be He, only His servant the Messiah feels the Holy One blessed be He, through the Spirit and visions. The Creator has already chosen the King Messiah in his mother's belly. Messiah knows for sure that he is Messiah, no doubt about it. Messiah will not be prime minister, neither will he be the president of the state nor the chief rabbi. Messiah  is the Lord's Servant in order  to save the world from evil, hatred, defilement and death, to give life to this world, eternal life to the Jews and all this world to be a world of good, free love and grace, food and livelihood for everyone forever.
The Holy One blessed be He is building the light of Messiah beneath all the chaos and Gog Magog in the entire world, under the mess of the Israeli government and the hundred and twenty members of the Knesset.
The elements of nature will continue in the world, fires, wildfires, storms, floods, snow and hail. Not in Israel. Natural disasters, truck disasters, cars, planes, ships and trains will continue. The world is in turmoil, the earth is shaking, screaming and shouting, wanting to shake all the evil over it.
All thieves, thugs, adulterers, perverts, scoundrels, and the people who live on the back of others,  all will be  caught, one by one,  from the biggest to the smallest.
The Holy One blessed be He is sifting, sifting and sifting constantly, preparing to reveal the King Messiah. All that is happening now is preparation for the discovery of the King Messiah in public. Everything that is happening, all this stress in the world, the chaos and pressure in Israel, the complications and the disturbances, brings about the condition that Messiah will be revealed!


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