Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita Parashat Toldot Tasha'P


Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita
Parashat Toldot Tasha'P
Delivered on Sunday, 26 Heshvan Tasha’P (24.11.2019)

"And these are the generations of Isaac, Abraham's son: Abraham begat Isaac:" (Genesis 25:19).  The Torah emphasizes that not only is Isaac the son of Abraham, but also that Abraham is the father of Isaac, to remove any doubt from the people who did not believe that Sarah at the age of ninety and Abraham at the age of one hundred could have children. Sarah did not leave the tent so people would not see that she was pregnant at the age of ninety, she even gave birth alone, without midwifery help, from the Supreme power. Suddenly, the people heard that Sarah had a son, Isaac, and thought that just as she had taken Hagar to birth Ishmael and sent her away, she might have taken, God forbid another slave who gave birth to Isaac and Abraham and Sarah will raise him. "And she said, who would have said unto Abraham, that Sarah should have given children suck? For I have born him a son in his old age." (Genesis 21:7) Rashi interprets that on the day of the banquet, Sarah breastfed the sons of the servants so they would not say 'Sarah did not gave birth but a foundling brought from the market'. The clowns of the generation were saying, "From Abimelech, Sarah was pregnant." What did the Holy One, Blessed be He do? He did that Isaac's face look like Abraham and so all knew that Abraham gave birth to Isaac (Rashi). The Creator does not like contempt, scorn and derision for anyone, He does not like that human beings being offended, so the Holy One blessed be He  prove to everyone that Isaac is the son of Abraham And Abraham gave birth to Isaac.
The Parashat tells the chronicles of the people of Israel. It tells of Abraham Isaac and Jacob from whom  was born the people of Israel, it tells of Esau's hatred for Jacob, a hatred that continues to this day when the Gentiles hate the people of Israel, as Rashi said: Halacha is known to say that Esau hates Jacob
The free hatred in the Land of Israel among Jews now, at this time, in this case, regarding the Israeli government and Benjamin Netanyahu, left and right, some of them Jews and some non-Jews. As long as he has not been proven and sentenced in court, no one knows. The court will consider and decide what is true and what is not true; it is the role of the court. The Creator says there is no connection between this problem and the right-wing party, do not mix. From the beginning of the world there has not been such a war of hatred as now with Benjamin Netanyahu, a very great free hatred. Free hatred is prohibited in the people of Israel. Free hatred leads to difficult things in Israel, extremely difficult things, disasters, God Forbids. Free hatred grows out of the assimilation in Israel, there are some Jews and there are some who are no Jews. A Jew who is a true Jew will never be happy to see a person tortured in such great trouble, a Jew is not cruel, and there is no cruelty in Jews. A Jew is not happy that another Jew is in trouble or distress, Jews are merciful. If your enemy falls, you will not rejoice, because if you rejoice, you too will fall and he will grow. The two temples were destroyed because of free hatred and the Holy One, blessed be He exiled the entire nation of Israel because of free hatred and controversy. Free hatred brings controversy and when there is controversy, there is no Holy Spirit in the people of Israel and the Holy One blessed be He is not with us. IDF soldiers must not be involved with free hatred because of what it is happening in the Knesset. No one knows what the day will be.
Almost every hundred and twenty members of the Knesset eat each other, most of them do not care about the Holy Land of Israel, do not work to bring new immigrants to Israel, settle the land of Israel, set up Yeshivas, Kolels, mikvahs and synagogues, they only care about the honor, the chair and free hatred. As if there was some gain in the role of a Knesset member or minister. The honor of being a Knesset member in this world is over, there is no more honor, a bank official is more respected, and a farmer is more respected. They lost direction, the people laugh at them, and the whole world mocks them and says: Are these the Jews the whole world is afraid of? They themselves don't get along so how do they want to make order in the world? It all begins and ends with the Holy One, blessed be He. A king's heart in the Lord's hand and the people are messengers of the Creator of the world, from good and from evil. What happens is a divine process, if the Creator of the world did not want that it is happening this way - it will not happen this way. This whole process is above nature, it's not normal. The Holy One, Blessed be He wants that the Messiah Son of David to lead and guide the people of Israel. Anyone who doesn't believe lives in illusions. Poor those who do not believe that Messiah should ever come out. People think that whoever studied for a degree is smart and who has several degrees is a genius of the generation, the Creator of the world says this is a big mistake. The wise and the smart, a man of knowledge and an intellectual is someone who keeps the Ten Commandments in full and he is the greatest hero in the world. There are many who have studied and are now sitting in prisons for bribery, fraud and lewdness.
The Creator of the world wants the Messiah son of David to go out in public at any moment, to lead and guide the people of Israel. Messiah will not be prime minister, not a defense minister, not the president of the state and not principal Rabbi of Israel, Messiah will give instructions wherever he is and destroy states or cities that will disturb the land of Israel. The Israel Defense Forces will not work and will not operate, they will rest. The factories in Iran - He will destroy from here. The tsunami that will take the entire Gaza Strip - He will bring from here. All Arabs who do not belong to Israel will flee from here, by themselves. When Messiah will be revealed, all will repent. There will be no more wars in any country in the world and no death for the Jews! Blessed is the believer! It is a pity for those who do not believe and a pity for their life, a time will come that they will believe and it will be too late.
Because of the free hatred the Temples were destroyed, and it took thousands of years to repair, improve, and establish the State of Israel. The Holy One, blessed be He is not going back. The Holy One, blessed be He did not come to destroy the State of Israel; He came to sift through the people who interfere and disturb the Holy and Pure State of Israel.  They will see with their own eyes what will happen every day until they believe in the Holy One, blessed be He and in His Messiah. It's not a joke. It's not a game. He who has no education - who does not keep the Ten Commandments, does not know who is the Creator of the world and does not know what Messiah is. He is busy with impurity and materiality, busy with other God. Those who try hard to uphold the Ten Commandments know that there is the Holy One, blessed be He and His servant the Messiah who work and act.
Messiah our righteous Son of David is on alert, patience dear Jews. All believers will be in the first circle and those who laugh, mock and think it is a game, have a difficult problem with the Holy One, blessed be He, a very hard problem.
We don't know when Messiah will come out, there is no date for anyone, not for the Holy Spirit, not for the  angels, not for the Seraphim’s, not for the  sacred animals and not for any man on earth, the date is only with  the Holy One blessed be He. When the Holy One blessed be He wants to reveal the Messiah, He will make the decision and everyone will know at the same second. The Holy One blessed be He will pass his thought on to the angels, the righteous in heaven and to His servant the Messiah who is on earth and in a second all will know! The Holy One blessed be He is planning the future and aiming for one second, even a millisecond. Needless to say: 'When will the Messiah come out? When will he come? We waited and waited ', Do continue life as usual, live, breathe, pray and ask the Holy One blessed be He to send the King Messiah and to reveal him now, publicly. It's like an egg that needs to hatch, little by little.
Everyone suffers, every person in this world, every family and every embryo in his mother's stomach, everyone without exception suffers severe and heavy torment, all with the most severe problems, rich and poor, healthy and sick, all suffer terrible suffering at home and everywhere. We will say this to the Holy One blessed be He: send Messiah son of David to redeem us to stop the anguish, trouble and death.
The IDF and all security forces must be vigilant at the borders of Israel, the north, the south and the Gaza Strip. You have to be vigilant not to play games, be careful about the distracting mobile phones, not to think who is right in arguments in the Israeli government, and leave it to the Creator of the world to think for you.
Anti-Semitism against the Jews in the world more powerful and very strong, very hard hatred. Protection and safety are in the Holy Land only. There is no Holy Spirit outside Israel, they think there is, imagination. The money and materiality hold them tight. No one arrive to the cemetery with money.
The soul of the King Messiah defends and protects the Land of Israel, praying for the Land of Israel and the Jews in the Land of Israel. Abraham our father is constantly above the land of Israel. Therefore, dear Jews, there is no need to go to the tombs of the righteous abroad. There is one and only place in the world, the Cave of the Patriarchs, where our ancestors and mothers are, there is the grave of our mother Rachel and the Western Wall. If indeed you want to go to the tombs of the righteous - only in the Land of Israel. And best of all, the best thing in the world is to talk to the Creator directly. Talking with all your heart to the Holy One blessed be He - He will help with all the heart, have mercy, and heal. The righteous in the tombs of the righteous can only help and pray for you, provided you repent, leave the wrongdoing and sins. Speaking and asking directly from the Creator of the world, is stronger than anything. A matter of habit. When you go to the tombs of the righteous, no one tells you if your prayer has been received, But when you talk to the Holy One, you feel a sign in your heart!  
Jordan, you have to be careful and vigilant on the Jordanian border, do not pity them or believe them. They took land from Israel; the blessing was taken from them and remained a curse on all of Jordan. We need a lot of caution with Jordan; in one second everything can catch fire and go crazy.
Trump is busy with his problems. The Plan of the Century is dead. He is trying to help Israel in a non-road way, to gain points from the Creator of the world. Only this can save him, to help the people of Israel without taking one inch of land.
Russia just care about selling weapons and ammunition.  
Syria is crumbling and crumbling every day, the curse of the Lord is floating on Syria.  
In Turkey there is pressure, ISIS threatens it. Erdogan threatens to release refugees, gets billions of dollars but does release refugees.
Iran the Creator of the world will give it a blow that it has not yet dreamed of. Although Israel and the US are planning a blow to Iran, wherever they are, except for the blows they receive every day.
Natural disasters Rain, floods, volcanic eruptions, storms, winds, earthquakes, fire, wildfires, heat and cold, this is chaos and Gog and Magog abroad. Every country and country in the world has disputes and quarrels, there are places that are more difficult, there are less difficult, it will not stop until all Jews from all over the world are immigrating to the Holy Land. Like throwing Jonah into the sea and the sea is quiet. There is a very big storm all over the earth because the Jews have to come to live in the Holy Land. Many Jews come to the Holy Land, come as tourists and stay in Israel as citizens.
Iran and Hezbollah want to get revenge; they look for the right timing. May their swords pierce their hearts and their bows be broken and they will kill each other.
The Holy One, Blessed be He awakens us Jews, do not anger the Holy One, Blessed be He. Free hatred is very dangerous to Jews in Israel. No Jew should be despised, there are laws and there are judges. What is happening in the Israeli government is not happy, it is very sad. There is terrible pain in heaven for Jews who rejoice in another Jewish fall, it is forbidden. The Holy One, Blessed be He is very very angry! There is a law and there is a judge, there are courts and there is a supreme judge. It is forbidden to underestimate no one who was created In God's image.  
New immigrants will come to Israel in huge quantities. Israel is growing and growing, the economy is very good if you did not know. The Land of Israel expands like the skin of a deer.
The Creator of the World tells the Jewish parents: hard drinking, drugs, gambling and assimilation are disasters for Jewish youth! This is destruction for Jewish youth! It is destruction for Jewish youth who do not attend school, then do not enlist in the IDF, who do not then get married, their lives are destroyed because of drugs, acute drinking, gambling and assimilation. Wake up! We are Jews!
The revelation of Messiah to the world is not easy. Every moment the instructions of the Holy One, blessed be He are expected. There is a Creator in this world, we are not hearing or seeing Him, and He leads and guide this world. The Torah is also an infinite power, neither does we hear it, we see it but do not hear it but the Creator created man to learn the Torah. If a person does not study Torah, the world becomes chaos, then what does man do in this world? Food, drink and sleep? The Creator of the world created this world so that man would learn Torah! So that man will learn Torah! If man does not learn Torah, the world will become chaos everywhere. If there is no Torah, humans become animals and beasts and animals and beasts become something out of this world.
Messiah needs to come out every moment, suddenly the day will come and everything will be good for the people of Israel, for the Jews who live in the land of Israel!


רשומות פופולריות