Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita Parashat KiTavo Tash'at


Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita
Parashat KiTavo Tash'at
Delivered on Sunday, 15 Elul Tasha’T (15.9.2019) at 8:30

"When you have entered the land the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance and have taken possession of it and settled in it, take some of the first fruits of all that you produce from the soil of the land... " Then go to the place the Lord your God will choose as a dwelling for his Name and say to the priest ... I declare today to the Lord your God that I have come to the land the Lord swore to our ancestors to give us" (Deut. 26, 1-3).
Parashat KiTavo, opens with joy and continues with joy. The beginning of the Parasha is the commandment about the first ones and continue with a severe reproach of ninety-eight curses. But there is a connection between the first commandment and the admonition, in both matters the Torah focuses its words on the joy. They come to the Land of Israel and sit there under theirs grapevines and under their figs tree, but the first fruit of the seven species must be brought to Jerusalem and handed over to the Temple.
Those who have no soul cannot rejoice, only a Jew can rejoice, and in the joy of a Jew there is immense power. Smile is not joy. The smile opens the hearts and shows that one has come in peace. But when a person is happy we can see light on his face, his face is clean and bright, because at the time of joy the soul connects to his body and enlightens his face. When is a person really happy? As he walks the path of truth and honesty, when a deed is from the heart, with kindness. If a person, God forbid, is sad, despondent or discouraged, the beastly mind takes over his body and the pure spirit and holy soul are cut off from him. In such a state of detachment from the spirit and the soul, man enters into a status of opacity, without spirit of intelligence, knowledge and wisdom. The spirit and the soul connect to the human body only while he is happy. We cannot buy Joy, joy comes from good deeds, honesty and truth, and maximum effort to keep the Ten Commandments. True joy is power, it contains a little of the Holy Spirit. No fake joy, an external smile or drunken joy. Joy is something internal and one sees on the human face the light of the soul that is connected to it.
"And you said to him" - Rashi interpreted "you are not ungrateful." There is something important to understand here, one comes to the Temple and brings forth first of the seven species that grew in his field. Bringing the first and fruits is not enough, one must also say with his mouth what he does. What should he say? "I came to the Land" since his ancestors had already arrived in Israel hundreds of years ago, but one must always remember to recognize goodness. One must always remember the past and know how all this good came to him, he received the land from someone who received it from someone, and the first one who received the land, received from the Holy One blessed be He, and then, when he brings the first fruits, he knows that everything is from the Holy One and there is not here " My strength and the power of my hand. ' Those who do not know that the goodness of the Lord affect him and his life, his love of God miss something and depleted.
The Holy One blessed be He reminds, emphasizes and repeats continually, in prayer, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob so that all nations knew that the Land of Israel was for Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and they all knew that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob belonged to the Jewish people. Ishmael and Esau did not go the Lord's way and the Lord left them. The Israelites said 'I will listen and then i will understand', they walked the way of the Lord and listen to His voice - the Holy One Blessed be He chose them as His children.
We are in a time of terrible confusion, complication, free hatred, slander and gossip in which the power of impurity, the Sitra Achra (the evil side), the evil inclination and the snake are celebrating. The Holy One Blessed be He is reminding the people of Israel, as in previous generations, where we came from and where we are going, so that we will understand that the Holy One Blessed be He is the ruler of the whole world, He leads the world, He moves the world and He decides who will be the prime minister of Israel. The Creator of the world wants the people of Israel, His children, to be faithful to Him despite the free choice of man. The Holy One Blessed be He is misleading and confusing in every direction, making Gog and Magog and chaos all over the world as if there is no, God forbid, a Creator of the world, in order that they understand that it is only the Creator of the world who determines all here!
The Creator tells the people of Israel: What you will do, you will receive. Make donations - I'll give you donations. Steal - they will steal from you. Give richness - you get rich. Give Charity - Charity will save you from death. Pray to me and learn Torah - you will receive Torah and prayer from Me. Everything you do will come back to you, good or bad. The beastly soul does not uphold the Ten Commandments, but it is a partner within the human body and when a Jew who do his best to uphold the Ten Commandments, that is the pure side of man, that is the pure soul. The Creator of the world wants the pure soul of man, the pure side, to keep the Ten Commandments with all his power and then be the happiest in the world, the smartest and most intelligent, the most successful and blessed and he will have also the Holy Spirit.
The Creator says: Be stingy - I will be stingy with you. Be men of kindness - I will be kind to you and I will give you back ten times. The Creator says this so that the Jewish people will free themselves from thinking as if they are modern and 'European' and 'what the world will say'. Only the Holy One, blessed be He, is in control! So you have to be united.
The Holy One, blessed be He, is the Right and wants the Right. The Holy One, blessed be He, does not want the people of Israel to disintegrate, to mix and assimilate. The Holy One, blessed be He, chose the people of Israel united and unified in love and in peace. All the Jews who are real Jews must be with love, peace and unity. The Holy One, blessed be He, will not give up on anyone and will hurt people who want to destroy the State of Israel, who want to hurt the Jews living in the Land of Israel, He will seriously hurt them.
The creator is angry at wealthy people who donate their money abroad, or who cheat, exploit, steal, bribe and live on the backs of poor, miserable and helpless people. Whoever does not keep the Ten Commandments, the Creator of the world will close all his ways and he will not be able to move. The Holy One, blessed be He, entered in a period of harsh judgment and leads the world as is His custom. The Holy One, blessed be He for peace erased His name.
In some parts of the land of Israel there is very great hatred and insolence, and no one accounts for it. It has come to such a situation that a Knesset member who is a gentile offenses the Israeli Prime Minister. At point did we arrive ? The Holy One, blessed be He is very angry about such things, we must not come to such situations. Everything has to be done for the right to rise, and the right will rise! The Holy One, blessed be He is doing everything so that it will comes from the Jews, from their free choice. It is assimilation that makes these difficult problems because there are assimilated who have senior positions and they harm the Holy Land, the Torah, the Prayer and the Holy One. We Jews must do everything in order for the right to rise because the Holy One, blessed be He is right. When the right goes up - the Torah goes up, the prayer goes up, the mikvahs multiply, new immigrants will come to the Land of Israel, the Sudanese and Eritreans will leave Israel and there will be order in the land, love and peace. Because of free hatred, there is a war between purity and impurity.
Leave in peace the Israeli prime minister, stop interrupting and harassing him. The Holy One, blessed be He chooses the leader of Israel, enough with hatred and evil. Everybody wants to be the Prime Minister of Israel, the Holy One, blessed be He determines who he will be and the Holy One, blessed be He determines who will disappear. The Creator of the world wants free love. The heart of the king is in the hand of God.
Trump wants peace in the whole world and we must not be hurt from what he does, he wants to help the people of Israel. There will be no peace with the Program of the Century. The people of Israel need to know that there is the Holy One, blessed be He. Do not lean on anyone because a person today is alive and tomorrow is dead. The Holy One, blessed be He is giving hints: Stop to enslave yourselves to humans.
 Iran is afraid of approaching Israel. Israel is very small in the world but can swallow the whole world. Israel has no competitor.
Anti-Semitism is strongest and most difficult, increasing day by day. Once secretly, today it is openly. Jews abroad have no protection from the Holy One, blessed be He. Jews are beaten everywhere. They move to another stage to hurt them definitively. There are eight billion people in the world who hate Jews. Jews who have faith and believe in the Holy One will return to Israel. Anyone who lives in Israel is protected and guarded and is blessed.
Syria will be deleted forever.
Turkey will get what is coming to it and its blows. Isis controls Turkey. Erdogan threatens to free refugees. He got many millions of dollars and still liberates refugees, he does not take Europe in account.
Egypt is good for her to be with Israel, at peace with Israel and everything is good.
Jordan, the King of Jordan is waiting for a 'Plan of the century ' that will not take place.
Hezbollah and Nasrallah can't do anything because Syria is dead, Iran is about to die, Turkey will be like Syria. There is Russia within Syria and Russia does not take Hezbollah nor Nasrallah in account.
Natural disasters, storms, rainfall, earthquakes, fire and floods will not stop in all the world, except in the Land of Israel. In the Land of Israel everything will be quiet. What happens abroad is in the hands of the Holy One blessed be He.
The government of Israel and the people of Israel must not stop the establishment of settlements. You have to establish a settlement every day somewhere else, land, money and economy are not missing. Do not live densely in the center of the country, you should spread throughout the country. We will pray strongly that the right will rise. Get out of the houses to choose, and most importantly choose the right. A Jew is not ashamed of the Jewishness of the people of Israel. We are a chosen people, the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Messiah is here and everyone is waiting, the righteous living in this world, the fathers and the mothers, the dead rigthteous, even in heaven are waiting, angels are waiting, Merkavot are waiting, all are waiting for this moment that the Holy One blessed be He will give the wand to Messiah. The Holy One blessed be He is looking out of the sky and taking pity on the Jews, wanting to save another Jew and another Jew, so that everyone will be in the first circle. The second, third, and beyond circles are the most severe torture, great pain, and severe anguish for the Jews. The Holy One blessed be He wants everyone to be in the first circle. Messiah has a unique role in the world to protect and guard the people of Israel and the borders of Israel. Everyone says miracles and wonders and does not know that it came through Messiah, because he has not yet come out in public. Messiah prays and encompasses all the borders of Israel so that no Jew will be harmed. Wonderful things, wonders in all the people of Israel. The believer in the Holy One blessed be He truly, knows that there is a Messiah, our righteous, lives and exists, chosen by the Holy One blessed be He from the people of Israel, born in the Land of Israel, born from a woman, married with children. He answered and humbled and looked like a newborn baby. Messiah is reborn every day, he is under the wings of the Holy One blessed be He. The Blessed One is stroking and anointing him, soothing his spirit and soul and giving him a scent, his scent coming from heaven. There is no one who receive odor from heaven, Messiah is the only one in the world. Anyone who knows and meets him, whether they know it or not, feels the adhesion to the spiritual power that is with him, to the power he has. The Jews have to beg to be close to Messiah, to be in the first circle. When Messiah comes out in public, Israel Defense Forces soldiers will rest for good. No IDF soldier will ever be harmed nor will any Jew living in Israel. Messiah makes wars in Israel. Messiah will fight against all countries in the world without tanks, without planes, without missiles and he will live in the simplest place in the world. He needs no guards and nothing. What he'll say - that's exactly how it will happen! If he says the atom bombs will be flour - it will be flour. If he says that all the satellites in the sky will burn - all the satellites will burn. If he says that a tsunami is coming to any country he chooses - so it will be exactly as it. So there is no need of missiles, planes, tanks and soldiers, nothing is needed. He will do all the wars of the State of Israel and of the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces. This is Messiah! For those who don't know. So it is worth asking the Creator of the world to send our righteous Messiah, to save us, so that we will stop with all the free hatred, evil and gossip. We are all Jews, the sons of the Holy One, blessed be He. So will return love and peace, and love your neighbor like yourself, and Proper behavior precedes the Torah. Lets the right win big so that there will be Torah in the people of Israel, prayer in the people of Israel, synagogues, yeshivot, kollelim and mikvahs, so that they will bring all Jews from abroad to the Holy Land!
Happy New Year to all the people of Israel


רשומות פופולריות