Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita Parashat Masei Tasha't


Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita
Parashat Masei Tasha't
Delivered on Sunday, 25 Tamouz Tasha’t (28.7.19) | 8:30

"These are the stages in the journey of the Israelites when they came out of Egypt by divisions under the leadership of Moses and Aaron." (Numbers 33: 1). The Holy One, blessed be He, gives opportunities to every person in the world, opportunities of test within them there is miracle. Every day, until this moment, the Holy One, Blessed be He, gives man experiences that are a window of opportunity for miracles because in every test there is a miracle. If a person accepts the test, regains consciousness immediately and understands the window of opportunity that opens to him and passes the test successfully, he saves himself many years of agony.
The Israelites had tests and miracles in the splitting of the Red Sea and the war against Amalek. The Holy One, Blessed be He, gave the Israelites a gift, took them out of Egypt, from the source of the most impure of the world, from the 49 gates of impurity, from hard servitude that no one can leave on their own. The Creator brought them to the gates of the Holy Land and gave them a 'opportunity' to conquer it, to have a land of their own, to be a free people in their land, masters to themselves, wise and intelligent. Instead of taking advantage of the window of opportunity given to them by the Holy One, blessed be He, they sought to send spies who slandered the land, wept for nothing, and from there all the difficult problems began. Instead of the miracle, the Creator decided to purify and clean the people of Israel for another forty years in the desert, during which time all the weepers would die and be buried in the wilderness for nothing. They had been tested, a window of opportunity to enter the Holy Land with ease and they decided it was too difficult. The Holy One, blessed be He, gave them the gift, but they had to fight and to conquer the Land of Israel by themselves, to win it, so it will belong to them.
The Creator only wants us to believe in Him. A Jew who believes in the Holy One, blessed be He, at every moment, who believes that everything that happens to him in life is from the Holy One, Blessed be He - the gates of Heaven are opened to him, unlimited ways are open to him and he succeeds in everything. If he is playing the clever and asks why and why, if he opposes and does not accept the agony with love, if he complains that he has no money, livelihood or mating and blames God Almighty again and again in all kinds of difficult cases that he has to go through  - he goes backwards and backwards. A person who receives the torment with love and blames himself for everything that happens to him, a person who says that God is the Righteous -  the way is open for him. If he is ill, he will go to the doctor and will not  be angry if he does not have a livelihood - he will ask the Creator to make a living. He has no a spouse- he will pray and speak with the Holy One, blessed be He, to give him a spouse without complaining without "why". When a person complains and grumbles, he actually blames God. The Creator is not to be blamed. The Creator never made a mistake and will never make a mistake. With the Creator there is no discrimination and protection as there is between human beings. The Creator is a Father who does only good and gives good all the time. The Holy One, blessed be He, is good and kind.
When we choose the Holy One, blessed be He, by fulfilling the Ten Commandments, Torah study and prayer, the Holy One, Blessed be He, returns good things to us. If, God forbid, a person chose 'other Gods': theft, bribery, cheating, adultery, greed, deviating from the right path, not fulfilling the Ten Commandments and hurting people, a day will come when everything will come back to him. A person who chooses to go with the "other Gods," the Gods of impurity shares in all his actions and impurity will return to him. Everything is based on "measure for measure".
There is no special wisdom here, no years of study, everything is simple and  clear. You have to choose the path of truth and honesty, the path of goodness,  the path of blessing, to fulfill the Ten Commandments, Torah and prayer, to do good to human beings. 'Derech Eretz precedes the Torah' and all abundance and good will come back to you!
When our Father in Heaven saw that the Israelites did not appreciate the window of opportunity He had given them, to enter the Land of Israel with ease, He brought them back to the desert for forty years to learn  and appreciate the value of the Holy Land. The Holy One, Blessed be He, also gave Moses the opportunity to speak with the rock, and Moses struck the rock. Just as the Holy One, blessed be He, speaks and things happen, the Holy One, blessed be He, gave him the opportunity to speak and things would have happened. Moses, because of his humility, preferred to continue to work with the staff, the role of speaking like the Holy One, Blessed be He, was enormous and because of his humility he failed. If he would have spoken, he would have been the Messiah and the Holy One, blessed be He, would have spoken from His throat. Moses did not pass the test and Yehoshua Ben-Nun brought the people of Israel into the Holy Land. Forty years have passed, the Israelites have received confidence and courage, learned a lesson and were about to conquer the Land of Israel and gain it by their own power.
The Holy One, blessed be He, always directs everything to the good path. The people of Israel are stubborn. It is hard to believe in something that one does not see and yet one must believe in the Holy One, blessed be He. There are those who insist on walking along the crooked path.

This period is a period of redemption and Messiah, whoever does not know - will know. Those who do not understand and do not know will not underestimate because  he will not be in the first circle. If he does not understand he will ask and understand. The people of Israel must return to follow the Ten Commandments, the 613 commandments, Torah study and prayers.
The Holy One, Blessed be He, is complicating all the parties and they have reached confusion and great complications between them. It all begins and ends with the Holy One, blessed be He. For those who do not know, the elections are in the hands of the Holy One, blessed be He. There is no one to rely on only our Father in Heaven. The Holy One, Blessed be He, is complicating the parties solely in order so they will believe in Him, thus He directs them all to the good path. There have never been such elections, it's a divine process. Messiah intervenes in the elections through the Creator.
Every parent in Israel must take care of his children and educate them from A to Z. Do not yell at them after something happens, educate before it happens. It is forbidden to beat children, whatever it is, and beatings is inhuman. Talk to children in a way that the child listens and accomplish. If you beat him, he will do it 'on purpose'. The Creator does not like that they are beating and hurting his children and they are angry and hurt. A man who beat, one day will come and he will be beaten, no matter what age he will be, he will receive the blows  just like he gave them and even ten and twenty times more. To defend oneself is permissible, 'if he  comes to kill, rise early to kill him,'  is allowed to defend himself. Just as the gates of Heaven open and the Heavens tremble when the children  pray and recite psalms, so the Heavens opens when babies weep and those who beat them, will be beaten in time, they will never be forgiven. The children must be educated with serious speech, a little hard, not with beating. The Internet in cell phones makes children lose balance, lose their innocence, it is a pity. A ten-year-old loses his childhood and becomes sixteen. For each age there are different games. There is time for games and time for other activities. You cannot make a child jump from age ten to eighteen, the brain can absorb but the psyche is weak. He will reach the age of eighteen with a sharp mind and the psyche of a baby and will fall and crash. The psyche must also be strengthened.
Some Arab states understand Israel's power. They know that the Holy One, Blessed be He, is accompanying and protecting the people of Israel. Some of them want to get close to and connect with this diamond called the Jewish people, its scientists, economics, patents and start-ups and to its army. For the Jews in the Land of Israel everything succeeds 100 percent.
Egypt, Sisi got the intelligence to work with Israel and the US. He is good for the people of Israel, he receives protection from Israel and money from the United States. Sisi is a wise man, he has a nation of nearly a hundred million people that he has to support. He will not waste money on nonsense, he will not throw money into garbage  to buy tanks and airplanes for war, and in the meantime his people will have nothing to eat and make a revolution. Sisi wants peace, he choose the good way.
Hamas - the seed of Amalek. Hamas wants to destroy the Land of Israel, the Jews. The Palestinians and Hamas do not lack land in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, the Sinai desert, Saudi Arabia, there is a lot of land. They want Israel, a small point in the world. Not because of the land, they do not care about the land, they want Israel to hurt the Jews. They hate the Jews. If Hamas does not steal all the money they receive from Kuwait and elsewhere, Gaza will prosper and all the Palestinians will have to eat. They steal most of the money into their private account abroad, buying lands and houses in Europe and all sorts of places, and arranging the future of their families and children, and most Palestinians work like donkeys for a few shekels. Hamas continues digging tunnels and much faster.
Abu Mazen continues the programs quietly, to harm innocent people. The Mossad reveals them and some of them it hides
Iran knows that Israel is protected from the Holy One, blessed be He. The Iranians know that the Holy One, blessed be He, protects the people of Israel and are scared to death from Israel. They are afraid that Israel will blow up their factories.
The Holy One, blessed be He, directs the pilots of the Israeli Air Force and they know how to reach any place in Iran. Hezbollah is waiting where he would get the power to make noise.  
Meanwhile Syria is erased and wiped out, people are killed and all the ammunition that is sent to Hezbollah is taken by the rebels, or others, or the IDF is blowing them  up. The problem in Syria will not end, the wars between them will never end, and as long as they harm themselves, the Arab states are weakening day by day.
In Turkey the economy is difficult, the situation is difficult, the fall is imminent.  
Jordan is waiting for the century plan, there is a very difficult problem in Jordan. In Jordan, as in Egypt, Israel protects Jordan and the king of Jordan so it will be as quiet as possible.
Trump is very wise and intelligent, he released the century plan and want to see the reactions to this plan.  
Russia, there is a hidden and direct connection, clean and pure between the Russians and Israel. Putin loves the Israeli Jews. Anti-Semitism is horrible and terrifying! Life of  millions of Jews around the world is in danger.
in Europe, there are gangs  looking for Jews to hurt them. They look for them day and night. It's their pleasure.
France The gates were opened, Jews are emigrating to Israel in mass. Quietly France will be emptied of Jews. Natural disasters will continue, floods, volcanic eruptions, harsh winds, severe storms, small tsunamis here, large tsunamis there, earthquakes, severe heat, cold, snow, and melting ice. Earth seems, God forbid, like it has lost direction, people can no longer control the earth, like a vehicle that loses its brakes or steering. The earth seems to do what it wants, whatever it wants and does not hear anyone. It will continue worse than worse.
In Israel, the economy is very good. Israel is protected and guarded. Buy homes only in Israel, do not wait for a reduction of price , there will be none, no change, buy now!  The Negev, the Western Galilee, the Golan Heights, Samaria, Binyamin, the Judean Desert, Arava and the Jordan Valley should be settled, enough to build in the center of the country. The Creator says:  enough to build in the center of the country,  enough to build in the center of the country,  enough to build in the center of the country!
All the bribery, lechery, cheating, theft, favoritism, interest and lies will all be discovered.
Until after Tisha B'Av, except for prevention as much as possible. It is better for you to suffer and to go through difficult times. This will make you think that the suffering  eliminate the bad sins that one has done, the angels become good angels, and one is more attached to the Holy One, Blessed be He, this will be easier for him to adhere to the Holy One, blessed be He. He will believe more in the Holy One, blessed be He and be happier with the Holy One, blessed be He.
In the time of Messiah, all the people of Israel must understand and repent. This is a Divine process, there is no one to rely on only our Father in Heaven and there is the Messiah. Messiah intervenes in the elections, all the right-wing parties will unite. The deliverance is open! It remains to scream and shout so  that the Creator of the universe would crown the Messiah King now! Messiah will lead and direct the entire State of Israel and the world. Messiah does not belong to the government of Israel, nor to the rabbinate or to the heads of a city, He  belongs to the Holy One, blessed be He! What he says, what he thinks - happens! It's hard to understand what Messiah is, there are those who do not believe and they will suffer just for nothing. It is difficult for people to believe, they want to feel the Messiah in order to believe. The Holy One, Blessed be He, will turn and turn and turn and will eventually reveal the King Messiah in public! Most of the nations in the world believe in the Messiah.
Every morning, noon and evening, we pray in the Amidah  "build Jerusalem" so that the Temple will be built and that Messiah  will be revealed. It is not for nothing  that we recite the Amidah every day, as it is not just for nothing that the first blessing in the Amida  mentions the Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Instead of going to the Patriarchs and opening a beautiful path to the Tomb of the Patriarchs and Rachel's Tomb, we are looking to open roads to go to the graves of the righteous who are not there, who are under the Cave of the Patriarchs.
Israel is protected through the Holy One, blessed be He, through His Messiah, through the actions that Messiah makes through the Holy One, blessed be He. The Holy One, blessed be He, awaits the cry and shouts of the people of Israel to ask for Messiah, so that Messiah will come out and the rest of Israel will have peace, tranquility and serenity, will be protected for an unlimited life. All will fulfill the Ten Commandments and 613 laws with confidence and joy. On the roads, at home and everywhere, we do not know what a day will bring, people know that there was never such a situation, doors are closed to everyone in the face. Every Jew  will cry out for Messiah! Not all of the people of Israel accept that there is a Messiah, part yes, some not, because the eyes of man do not see or feel his power. Some see and feel its power and some do not believe it until they will see him face to face. Nevertheless, the Creator of the Universe says to the people of Israel: "Do not be stubborn, it is written in the Amida, it is written in the Torah and it is written everywhere - Messiah!
All gates are open! There is no locked gate! All the gates are all open! Messiah is waiting,  also Messiah from above and also Messiah from below are waiting. There is no locked gate, neither in Heaven nor in the land! We are waiting for the Creator to reveal the King Messiah! The Holy One, Blessed be He, wants us to want everything that the Holy One, blessed be He, wants. The Holy One, Blessed be He, loves Shabbat - He wants us to love Shabbat too! The Holy One, Blessed be He, wants us to fulfill the mitzvot (laws) - we have to fulfill the mitzvot! Everything is in our favor. Seven full open gates! The Creator of the world awaits the people of Israel to be partners with Him and ask the Messiah from the Holy One, Blessed be He, that Messiah come out to light together with the request of the people of Israel!


רשומות פופולריות