Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita Parashat Behaalotach Tasha't

Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita
Parashat Behaalotach Tasha't

Delivered on Monday 7 Sivan Tasha't (10.6.19) at 8:30

"Then the LORD said to Moses, “Speak to Aaron and tell him: When you set up the seven lamps, they are to light the area in front of the lampstand" (Number 8: 1-2) Rashi asks: Why is the parasha of the menorah based on the parasha of the Leaders? Since at the time of the dedication of the Tabernacle, all tribes and tribe’s leaders sacrificed sacrifices. Aaron the priest and the tribe of Levi did not sacrifice. Although Aaron is the High Priest, and despite the fact that the tribe of Levi operated day after day for 210 years, for Torah study in Egypt and the observance of the Sabbath, they had right to be chosen as Levites and priests, yet they did not offer sacrifices at the dedication of the Tabernacle. Aaron felt badly, because he felt he had sinned in the matter of the calf.
Aaron was older than Moses, was a Torah scholar, led the Jewish people in Egypt for many years, and the people of Israel recognized him. Moses fled after he killed the Egyptian and for many years was not in Egypt. Only when he was eighty did the Holy One, blessed be He, speak to him and send him to redeem the people of Israel. Out of pure innocence, Moses argued and told the Holy One, Blessed be He, to send Aaron his brother because he was more suited than he was. The Holy One, Blessed be He, said to him: Already From the womb of your mother I chose you, you were created to redeem the people of Israel. The Creator of the world prepares in advance his prophets and messengers in this world; it does not arrive suddenly, not by surprise. Before the birth of Samson the hero, an angel spoke with the wife of Manoah and told her that Samson the hero would come out of her to save and help the people of Israel. He prepared and instructed her what to do and how to deal with herself and with Samson, also for Moses, Elijah the prophet, Elisha the prophet, King Solomon, - The Holy One, blessed be He, prepares  in advance the leaders for the people of Israel.
The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses that his brother Aaron would come to meet him and would be happy to meet him. Aaron will not say that the choice is due to him because he is the oldest and has been leading the people for 80 years, but he would be pleased that God chose Moses to redeem the people of Israel. This is the special degree that Aaron had; he never envied anyone, was always humble and did what the Holy One, blessed be He, said to him with joy, humility and modesty, all for the people of Israel.
On the fortieth day that Moses was on Mount Sinai, half a day before it was necessary to descend, came the Erev-Rav, and said that time has passed and asked for another God. They had not come a few days earlier, so they would not be told that they were wrong with counting, they had come exactly on the fortieth day. Aaron's goal was good, he wanted to delay them until Moses descended from the mountain, but they demanded other God. Aaron was a peace-searching and peace-loving man, made peace in the land and in heaven, and thus connected heaven and earth. The attribute of peace was very strong in Aaron and for peace, and so as not to be  killed the way they killed Hor and then there will be a revolution because the people of Israel will remain without a leader, Aaron had no choice. He did not spare himself, he was afraid that the people of Israel would be destroyed. Aaron wanted gain time until Moses descended, but when he touched the gold brought by the Children of Israel, he gave it a holy spirit and the calf became a force of impurity with a holy spark that revived it.
The Holy One, Blessed be He, was angry at Aaron and thanks to the prayer of Moses, only two of his children were killed, two remained to be Aaron's continuity in the world.
Nadav and Avihu died during the burning of the incense in order to teach the Jewish people to be very careful with the holy works in the tabernacle and in the Temple. Unmarried Priests cannot be used in the holy, not drunk, not reckless and reckless and they must know all the laws and commandments so as not to light a foreign fire. The Creator of the universe works in all directions, also closes accounts with Aaron and also warns all future priests to know how to act in the holy.
Aaron felt badly as he did not sacrifice with the leaders at the dedication of the Tabernacle. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, 'Yours is greater than theirs.' They offered one time and you light the Menorah every morning and evening and burn the incense. Aaron also wanted to make a sacrifice at the dedication of the Tabernacle and also the Menorah and the incense, the Holy One, blessed be He, said to him You belong to the world of the Spirit, to the lighting of the menorah, lighting candle is from the word 'aliyah (rise).' The lighting of the menorah  candles illuminates the upper sefirot by means of the priest raises and ties the upper ones with the lower ones together with the act of incense. Lighting the candles with oil and lighting the incense,  attract  the connection of heaven and earth, as it is written, 'Incense of spices in the morning, by beautifying the candles, they will burn them.' The two works, the lighting of the candles and the incense, were made together at the same time. Only Aaron the Priest, a man who loves peace and pursues peace, who is pure and clean, could have done these things together. Burning the incense to expel the evil inclination, the shell and the impurity from the Tabernacle and the people of Israel and lighting the candles, to connect the souls of the people of Israel with  Heaven.
To this day, no person or plant can build or make the Utensils of the Temple as it was at the time of the construction of the Tabernacle, for the Holy One, Blessed be He, Himself, helped the craftsmen  by miraculously creating the Tabernacle, the Menorah and all the utensils. Even in today's modern world, with all its modern and sophisticated machines, cannot achieve the creation of a single-piece Menorah or the creation of any other Utensil for the Temple, only the Supreme force. Only when the King Messiah is revealed publicly and the Third Temple is built will they be able to create and build the Temple utensils. They will bring all the old vessels, the first ones that were in the Tabernacle, through the Creator of the Universe, and they will build  new ones for the Third Temple that will be built from the First and Second Temples.
This Messiah is the Holy One, blessed be He. The Holy One, Blessed be He, speaks through Messiah, through the throat of Messiah, through the thoughts of Messiah. Messiah belongs entirely to the Holy One, blessed be He, through which he receives everything, the thought, the speech, the art, everything that needs to be done, the design, architecture and engineering of the Temple. Everything, from all directions, is through the Creator directly to the Messiah who transmits to the people and to the entire world. The Creator of the world through Messiah eliminates all the Sitra Acha (evil inclination) in the world and repairs the world.
With all the things that are happening with the Jewish people, yet the Holy One, Blessed be He, takes care and is gracious and merciful. Despite all the difficulties, nevertheless, the Holy One, Blessed be He, helps to reach Judaism, the Jewish nation will take another step and another step, be unified and repent. The Holy One, Blessed be He  sifts, straightens and gives signs from heaven, rain, fires and elements of nature, so that they will understand that there is a Leader to the world, the Holy One, Blessed be He.
All the Torah sages in the Land of Israel must shout and shout to the Holy One, blessed be He, with all the people of Israel who are real Jews, to cry out and ask God to send the King Messiah, to reveal him in public. Really scream. This is the way and do it strongly. Hold prayers in the people of Israel so that the Holy One, Blessed be He, will crown the Messiah King now! It's time, there is no other time! We have the power to ask the Creator, the great Torah scholars and the rabbis of cities, with prayers and mass prayers, cry out to the Creator and ask for the King Messiah!
The Creator stopped the formation of the government   because of one mandate, So that Knesset members who are not 100 percent rightist will not enter. They are only human beings, there is a great deal of confusion among Knesset members, a terrible confusion. We do not know who is against whom, who is with whom, the truth of anyone. The truth is absent. The majority is for material, respect, power, communication and free hatred. There are people in the Knesset who do not even fit to be in the Knesset for a minute.
The Holy One, blessed be He, asks again and again and again that all the parties of the right, the great and the small, to unite. Do not compete with each other, then  they will have a great ability and will reach a large number of seats and the right will rise big! Most of the Jewish people of Israel are right and believe in the power of God and His Messiah. Even non-religious people know that the Holy One, Blessed be He, is the right. Everyone knows in their hearts that the right will rise again, whether they like it or not, and not because of the heads of the right-wing parties, but because the Holy One, blessed be He, wants the Right to rise! It does not require that party leaders be forever, they can be replaced in another month or two. The Creator replaces them in a second.
So please, Israel, go to the right, it is not a matter of party leaders. Choose the Right! Choose the right hand of the Lord makes power ! The Holy One, Blessed be He, extends the scepter to the right! There is no need for arguments, shame on profanity, slander and free hatred. The Holy One, blessed be He, gave the scepter to the right to rise and win! All the big ego owners are confused, each and every one wants to humiliate and slander his friend.
The government that did not get up now, this  is fine, it's better not to get up now than to fall in two months. If Lieberman had entered the government, it would have fallen after two months.
The Land of Israel, the holy land belongs to the Holy One, blessed be He, and not to anyone. It is forbidden to touch the Holy Land and take from it one centimeter. The Land of Israel belongs to the Holy One, blessed be He! To preserve the Land of Israel is Torah, prayers, Jews, the observance of the Ten Commandments and 613 laws, Mikvahs, synagogues and to bring all the Jews from the world to the Land of Israel. The whole world is complicated, eight billion people do not know what a day will bring, or an hour. The media in Israel is confused and complicated, do not know who is in favor or who is against, and do not know who is true and who is a lie. There are thieves, liars, cheats, bribes, lewd, no one knows who is who, There is no one to rely on only our Father in Heaven.
All the fires in the Land of Israel - the Creator of the Universe speaks to us. The Creator of the Universe is fire. The Creator says that it is forbidden to hate freely, it is forbidden to degrade the Holy Land, and it is forbidden to do acts that annoy the Holy One, blessed be He. The Creator of the world hates lewdness. Before the flood at Noah time, the whole world was in chaos, there was one big mess, there were lecherous, and people changed man's creation. The Holy One, blessed be He, destroyed the world, leaving Noah, his wife, and his children, and the animals, the beasts, and the birds that were in the ark.
Hamas, the Palestinians and the Jihad, There will be no peace between them and Israel. Whatever plans they will bring from the US, nothing will help. They simply hate and hate the Jews. Too bad for all attempts, nothing is effective. The Muslims hate the Jews. They do not want peace, everything is a spectacle to take more money.
Iran threatens the United States. Let Iran know that with this threat, Israel will also enter the war and attack Iran together with the US and even more than the US. The IDF and the Israeli government have knowledge of Iran, know every corner and every corner and know how to get there with missiles, bombs and airplanes from the Land of Israel. The IDF knows every place and every corner of Iran, more than any other country in the world, more than the Iranians know. They are waiting for Iran to act to erase it.
Russia and the United States are both connected with the people in Israel who are responsible for attacking Iran. The US and Russia are getting reports what is happening in Iran. The US and Russia do not want another power.
Hamas, Palestinians and all the crazy people in the Gaza Strip smuggle weapons and ammunition from Egypt. They've been caught, it's not enough, and a lot of deliveries arrive in the Gaza Strip. It comes in parts and they put them together in Gaza strip. Iranian scientists help them.
Syria is getting erased and being ruined, this is the will of the Holy One, blessed be He. Do not interfere.
Hezbollah Nasrallah  has no one to lean on. He has ammunition and weapons, that he keeps to himself in case of an emergency. Scared to death that there would be a revolution in Hezbollah. He has no one to give him ammunition, the IDF blows everything up.
East Jerusalem Gentiles with a blue identity card are very dangerous, no one suspect them.  
Egypt is receiving money from the US, Israel protects Sisi and the real Egypt.  
Jordan is waiting for the plan of the century, nothing will come out.
Turkey, Erdogan does not know what to do with himself, he is trying to please the US and Russia. Erdogan can do nothing, he will have a revolution.
Anti-Semitism and free hatred, there is a whole world against the Jews.
Europe continues to be filled with Muslims and infiltrators, they have become the majority, like worms they are eating Europe. They were sent to expel the Jews from Europe, South and North America and the United States. In fact, they are helping the Jews to reach the Land of Israel by a strange way. By hating the Jews they are expelling them to the Land of Israel. The Holy One, Blessed be He, asks  the Jews who live abroad to immigrate urgently to the Land of Israel. He asks the Jews who live in the Land of Israel not to invest a single shekel abroad, not to buy a building or even a block. To invest everything in the Land of Israel, to buy houses in the Land of Israel. Here is the blessing, here are the mitzvah and the blessing .
Natural disasters - not in Israel, all will be abroad. Aircraft, trains, ships, accidents - mostly negligence.
All the men  with white collar,  the one who take bribes, dealing with lewdness,  dirt, cheating, crime -are consuming themselves.
The Creator asks parents to keep their children from assimilation. Assimilation is lewd, and this angers the Holy One, Blessed be He. A Jew living with a goya has no soul. A Jewish woman living with a gentile has no soul. They mix and have no souls. Good for them now and in the future they will have a difficult problem. A person has to look at his future, not at what he has at the moment, what is good for him now.
Keep children away from drugs, alcohol, gambling and assimilation. There are many children in Israel, ultra-Orthodox and non-ultra-Orthodox who are involved with drugs and other harsh things and do not go to the army. Serving in the IDF is a great honor! Even Moses fought, and Abraham our father fought for the people of Israel, including Isaac and Jacob and the children of Jacob, King David and other greats persons who fought hard wars against the Gentiles for the sake of the people of Israel. It was the army in the past. Those who learn Torah truly, with all their heart, will learn Torah all day, whoever does not - join the IDF. Without the IDF there is no existence for the State of Israel, even without Torah, there is no existence for the State of Israel. Everything combined - Torah and the IDF together, until Messiah comes out in public - this is the process.
There were three days before the Sabbath, three days of spirit, a special spirit that enveloped the people of Israel, a Spirit speaking from the Holy One, Blessed is He, it was not just a spirit.
We are in the period before the revelation of Messiah, there is redemption in the people of Israel and the Holy One, blessed be He, wants all the people of Israel to fulfill the Ten Commandments. There is no time, it is the time of Messiah! To be  revealed, there is no time! All the confusion is that because Messiah is needed. They cannot put together a puzzle,  cannot manage a government properly, everything is confused. Messiah comes to lead the people of Israel and the entire world.  Messiah is fighting for the people of Israel against all the nations of the world so that they would not interfere with the people of Israel.
Shavuot passed, it was a good holiday, the holiday of the giving of the Torah, a gift from the Holy One, blessed be He, to the people of Israel. The Torah helps and develops the wisdom of man, human knowledge, the development of man and guides us how to observe the mitzvot, how to live in this world, it protects us and glorifies the Holy One, Blessed be He.
Thanks to Torah learning on the night of Shavuot, thanks to the fact that most of the Jewish people learned Torah, it will open the door to heaven and earth. This gave more power so that  Messiah will come out in public. Most people know who the Messiah is, both abroad and in Israel. Those who do not want to know about the Messiah, those who oppose Messiah, who are against the Redeemer of Israel, are complicated from head to foot, because the souls of all the people of Israel are connected to the soul of Messiah and those who go against the soul of Messiah - Goes against himself, against his own life in this world.
We are in the period close to the revelation of the King Messiah, everyone feels it in his heart. We are waiting, waiting is not easy. Anyone who interferes with the revelation of Messiah, or who disturbed him 30 years ago, 25 years or 20 years ago, receives today smashing. Some received today, some received long ago and others will continue to receive their correction in this world. All are revealed, the Holy One, Blessed be He, asks them payment for the mockery that they mocked the servant of God, the Messiah of the Lord.
The Holy Spirit and prophecy do not pass through genes, from father to son or from son to father, the Creator of the universe Himself gives it to man.
Messiah is the same thing, Moses was the first and he is the last, Messiah is now the last. David came from the desert, Moses  came from the desert, Elisha came from behind the oxen. All the leaders  chosen by the Creator, no one could believe that they will lead the people of Israel when the time comes.
In the Holy Land of Israel there is a blessing without end. The opening in the sky is in the Land of Israel. Millions of Jews would come to the Land of Israel, there is a livelihood for everyone.
Everything that happens in the world, the confusion and complications in the world, part in the Land of Israel,  all is before the revelation of the Messiah in public. Messiah came to fix the world for good. Messiah is an ordinary person who lives on Earth, he will not come from heaven. It is redemption in mercy and Messiah is on earth, in Israel, born of a woman, flesh and blood called the man of God, connected to the angel 'Mattat' connected in his soul to the 'Yehida'. Waiting and expecting every second. Messiah himself waits for the command of the Creator of the universe every second and second. There are no dates here, only the Creator when he decides - suddenly the day will come! Suddenly the second will come!


רשומות פופולריות