Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita Parashat Bamidbar Tasha't
Message from Rabbi Nir
Ben-Artzi Shalita
Parashat Bamidbar
Delivered on Sunday,
21 Yar Tasha’t (26.5.19) | 8:30
In Parashat Bamidbar the Holy One blessed be says to Moses, "Take a
census of the whole Israelite community by their clans and families, listing
every man by name, one by one" (Numbers
1: 2). Rashi interprets: "Because of His
affection for them, He counts them every hour. When they left Egypt, they were
counted and when they fell with the calf, they were counted to know the
remaining number When He came to rest His Shekhina (Holy Spirit) on them. On
the first of Nisan, the Tabernacle was erected, and on one of Iyar they were
After the Holy One, blessed be He, gave the people of Israel the laws,
rules and commandments in Parashat Vayikra, the Holy One, blessed be He,
divided them into tribes, each tribe and its proper role, and each tribe with
its leader.
In everything that we count, the Sitra Achra (evil inclination) comes in
to disturb. There is no upper blessing on something counted. And for Israel,
how were they counted? At first Moses blessed all the people of Israel, counted
the infidel and separated them from the children of Israel. They placed the
material, the amount demanded in the box separately, as if it had no connection
to the people of Israel, then Moses returned and blessed the people of Israel.
It was found that Israel was blessed at first, first protection, and finally a
final protection. The count was not on the children of Israel but on the amount
of money deposited in the box, so the Sitra Achra could not understand what
they were counting. The sitra achra understands what he sees at the same
moment. He saw the amount of money in the box and not the people of Israel, so
he could not bother them. The sitra achra does not want the people of Israel to
grow up, does not want sanctity and purity to multiply in the world - so it
In the end, Moses again blessed the people of Israel, who it would not
be controlled by evil and harmful things. The minyan (quorum of ten
Jewish adults) of the people of Israel, the
first blessing and the second, strengthen the Jewish people in its body and
connect the souls of the people of Israel to be united and unified. Everything
which is hidden is blessed.
A Jew must know that the Holy One, blessed be He, does not like
arrogance. The Creator wants us to understand that all a man has, come from the
Holy One, Blessed be He. If a person thinks that what he has, he did himself -
he is wrong. Spirit and soul, livelihood, life and death, coupling, bringing life,
children to the world, rain - everything is from the Holy One, blessed be He.
Therefore one cannot boast that he himself did. It is true that he does not see
the Holy One, Blessed be He, it is true that he does not see the soul and the
spirit in him, and he thinks that he himself worked, made, earned and bought,
and feels that everything is in his hands and in his speech, but the truth is
that the Holy One, Blessed be He gave him everything. We make the effort and the Holy One, blessed be He, fills the gap.
If a person fears God, if he has awe from the Holy One, blessed be He,
"I am the Lord," he will fulfill the Ten Commandments with ease. If
he does not have awe from the Holy One, blessed be He, he will not fulfill the
Ten Commandments; he will partially follow them and sway. Awe is an honor to the Holy One, Blessed be He. When a person knows
for certain that the Holy One, Blessed be He, sees him wherever he is, in the
house, in the courtyard, in the shelter, or in the desert, that he knows for
sure then the fear of God permeates him. Fear
of God will illuminate the way. A person who does not fear God, darkens all
his ways. Fear of God will illuminate to
man to the good and right path and he
will be blessed from the mouth of the Supreme.
All right-wing MKs: Do not think that you will
be in this position forever. Do not get to the point of having to hold new
elections, this is your danger. If there are elections, nothing will be secure
for anyone. All the illusions and fantasies a person imagines and deludes
himself, everything will fall and crash. All those who are against the Holy
One, blessed be He, against Judaism, against the Torah, synagogues, yeshivot
and the Western Wall and want to divide Israel, will not be, they will fall.
The Creator of the Universe says to all the
people of Israel and to all members of the Knesset that He wants the right! The
Holy One, blessed be He, is the right and He wants the right! The Holy One,
blessed be He, does not want new elections. He asks all the MKs who oppose each
and every one to give up a little and to try to form a strong right-wing
government. This is the request of the Holy One, blessed be He. The Creator of
the world is the right and He wants the
right! All the Knesset members of the
right-wing who oppose - pity yourself and the people of Israel, give up to each
other and Heaven will have pity on you. Do not pull the rope too much, because
in the end everything will turn on you - there is anger in Heaven against the
The extreme heat in Israel was two days - unnatural! so all the people of Israel will do
introspection ! Free hatred, gossip and defamation. This is not an easy
time at all. Members of the Knesset - they do not care about Israel, they are
interested in hurting and bring down others. They do not care about the wasted
money, which is wasted because of free hatred. The Holy One, blessed be He,
chose the Right - go with the Right! Not with chairs and honor. Honor does not go with honor to God.
Give up and enter into a partnership with the right. All the enemies within and
around Israel are taking advantage of this difficult situation.
90 % of the fires are arson. The Holy One, blessed be He, does not want to hurt the Jewish people
too much. Because of their hatred of one another, gossip and injury to one
another, twenty-four thousand students of Rabbi Akiva died. Because of free
hatred, gossip and defamation, the two temples were destroyed and burned.
Gossip and free hatred in the government - Life-threatening. That's why fire
and burning - because of free hatred, gossip and defamation. Because they want to overthrow the holiness
of the people of Israel, they want to overthrow religion in the Jewish people,
they want to overthrow Judaism in the Jewish people, they want to overthrow the
right that belongs to the Holy One, blessed be He, gave the Creator a warning -
two days of heat and fire.
All the gentiles with a blue identity card are worse and more cruel than
the gentiles around us. People of Israel
wake up! People of Israel stop assimilating! Assimilation destroys the
Jewish people. The Jewish people is a special people, preserved. Those who live
with non-Jews - convert them according to Jewish law. All free hatred, slander
and gossip come from assimilation, Satan, filthiness and procrastination.
The Palestinians, Hamas and
Jihad , do not believe them within the borders of Israel, it is forbidden to
believe them. it is forbidden to enter
the Gaza Strip by foot! The entire Gaza Strip - is full of the hardest mines
in the world. In East Jerusalem the IDF goes everywhere, in the Gaza Strip it
does not enter, it is mined from A-Z, only the Air Force, the Navy and
artillery. Not a single IDF soldier
should enter the Gaza Strip! None! It's
for nothing. Let the air force bomb,
the navy and the artillery, and the Holy One blessed be He will make that every
missile sent by Israel will be like a hundred missiles reaching 100 places.
Hezbollah and Nasrallah , not on earth nor in the
sky. The economy is on the floor, the ammunition is old, the weapon is old, and
everything is complicated. He has a few
missiles but they are old and not accurate at all.
Syria is dying and continues to die.
Iran is destroyed day by day. Iran is on the alert because of the United
United States, Russia and the whole world, do not
want Iran to be a nuclear power because it is impossible to believe in them and
they cannot be trusted. If Iran has an atomic power, it will end Saudi Arabia,
finish the whole world, destroy the world. It will send missiles in all
directions, they are crazy. If Iran does not launch missiles against the
Americans, there will be no war. If it starts, Iran will be gone. Iran is very afraid
of Israel. Israel's Mossad is planted deep inside Iran. If they want to send
missiles against Israel, all the atomic plants will explode within themselves.
Egypt, When Sisi listens to the United States, for Israel's sake, they help
him and give him endless abundance and Israel protects him.
In Jordan There is no food or water, there is a burden of refugees and
infiltrators. All the beauty of Jordan will be destroyed., it will become piles
of rubble.
Iraq is seriously wounded and continues to treat its wounds. They have no
law and no judge.
North Korea have a difficult economic
situation and want peace with the United States.
Natural disasters will continue. The sea is an angel who wants to
destroy the world. The waves are an angel that pushes them to destroy the world
and the Holy One, blessed be He, calms the sea: No, no, and no, thanks to the
people of Israel, thanks to the prayers and the Torah of the Holy Land. The sea
continues to swell, preparing all sorts of floods and tsunamis in all kinds of
places. World fires, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, storms and winds,
entanglement with airplanes, entanglements with ships will continue.
In every country that speaks badly of the people of Israel, there will
be explosions, wars and complications within themselves.
The Holy One, blessed be He, says to the
people of Israel: "And you shall be very careful for your souls." If
you take care of yourself, I, the Holy One, blessed be He, I by Myself with all
My Glory will guard you. Do not take
risks. You will follow the rules
according to the laws of the state and the laws of the army.
Our righteous Messiah ascends
and rises, and will continue to ascend. No one can disturb him. All the
processes in the people of Israel that there is no government - no one to rely
on, only on our Father in Heaven who will rule over us through the Messiah our
righteous. Messiah goes from place to place, receives instructions and is
connected to the Holy One, blessed be He. The Holy One, Blessed be He, passes
through the Messiah to give merit the people of Israel.
All the heat, fires and
confusion in the Knesset, so that the people of Israel will cry to the Creator.
Although Messiah is recognized almost everywhere in the world, the Holy One,
Blessed be He, wants us to speak about
him openly, not secretly. Let them talk openly about Messiah. Messiah is for
everyone's benefit. For Messiah there is no left and no right. Messiah comes to
save the whole world, to abolish the impurity from the world, to abolish the
killing, the murder, the death, the theft and the deceit, the adultery and the
fraud. This is Messiah. Messiah is for the Right and for the Left and for the
whole world. This world belongs to the Creator, He created us for His glory
Let it be a good and blessed week
for all the people of Israel, that all right-wing MKs will wake up to a new
day, make good decisions to give up to each other and build a strong right!
הוסף רשומת תגובה