Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita Parasha of Ki-Tisa Tasha’t


Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita
Parasha of Ki-Tisa Tasha’t
Delivered on Sunday, the 17th of Adar Tasha’t (17.2.19) | 8:30

In Parashat Terumah, the Holy One, blessed be He, asks Moses and the people of Israel to make a donation to build the Tabernacle and its utensils. The Holy One, Blessed is He, asks everyone to contribute 'when from the heart' from the depths of his heart and soul, each as he could so to be partners in the Tabernacle and his utensils, so that the Tabernacle would be whole, pure and holy and that the Shekhina (Holy Spirit) and the Holy One, blessed be He would descend to the Tabernacle. Anyone who has contributed from the bottom of his heart is connected to the blessing of the Tabernacle. All the donors were blessed via the Tabernacle. If the donor did not contribute from the bottom of his heart, the pipe that connects the blessing of the Holy One, blessed be He, was not created via the Tabernacle. A donation from the bottom of the heart, without a desire to receive, opens a pipe to the Tabernacle and all the blessings of the Tabernacle and the good coming out of the Tabernacle returned via through the pipe to the donor.
In Parashat Ki-Tisa, the Holy One, blessed be He, says to Moses, "For you shall take the head of the children of Israel to  command them and so each one must pay the Lord a ransom for his life at the time he is counted. Then no plague will come on them when you number them.  “(Exodus 30:12). Here the Holy One, Blessed be He, set a price equal to every soul, half a shekel, a ransom from each one. He who has more and who has less - all is equal before God. Whoever has and does not have, they all give half a shekel, all are equal. The spiritual explanation that each person contributed as much as he could in order to be submissive to the Holy One, blessed be He, and in the Parasha Ki-Tisa, they all contributed equally the half-shekel to atone for the Children of Israel.
The Holy One, blessed be He, does not like arrogance. The Holy One, Blessed be He, wants people of humility, honesty and truth, who treat each other with kindness. The Holy One, blessed be He, wanted to visit the people of Israel quietly and secretly so that they would not be harmed by the Sitra Achra (the evil). However, the upper blessing is with a part of grace and every feature of the Sitra Achra can enter. Therefore, the Holy One, blessed be He, asked Moses to take from each one half shekel a ransom of the soul and to use half the shekel to count them. First Moses blessed the people and after they had collected half shekel from all the people and placed it in a box on the side, he again blessed the people of Israel. Only after the blessing did they count the coins of the half-shekel of the soul, to know the quorum of the Jewish nation. Israel was blessed at the beginning and at the end and by grace were protected and guarded. To this day, we are redeeming souls and giving donations and tithes to protect ourselves.
At Mount Sinai, when the Holy One, blessed be He, descended on the mountain, the Israelites saw the voices and heard the words of the Holy One, blessed be He. They were like one heart - united and unified into one great soul. The Holy One, Blessed be He, will not descend from above to speak with one person privately, a person cannot stand it, he will fall apart. The people of Israel all had to be united into one great soul, so that the world of the Spirit can be connected to the material world and this is determined by the mind and the heart. When the Holy One, blessed be He, spoke, the lights from Heaven descended, removing the shells and the filth of the serpent from the Israelites. When there are no shells between man and man, between man and his wife, there is a connection of hearts, souls and spirit. The mind and heart of man determine whether to connect the souls. If peace resides among human beings, then there are no shells between them and no separate walls - automatically their souls and spirit connect. When there are ten people in a synagogue, when there is a minyan, the Divine Presence can descend. Less than a minyan, the Shekhina will not descend because nine or fewer people cannot withstand the power of the Shekhina that descends.
The Holy Spirit of a woman is another Spirit. The Holy Spirit of a woman is hers and that of her husband. When there is peace in the house,  the Holy Spirit of the woman accompanies the husband and made him succeed in his path. If there is no peace in the house, the husband walks without the Divine Presence. Peace between spouses is their perfection and the Divine Presence dwells between them and protects them both.

All the small right-wing parties need to get together urgently. DO not live in the imagination that everyone is a great hero. You must be with your feet on the ground and unite. The right will be one. The right of the people of Israel to be united and united, the right of the Lord is made of strength, So that they can form a strong right, for this is the will of the Holy One, Blessed be He. Stop hatred and defamation. We are all Jews in the end. Do not fight for chairs, do not listen to nice paroles, do not look at the face whether beautiful or not, pleasant or not. Do not look at the facial expressions, do not be enthusiastic about the human body, this is not how MKs and ministers are chosen. Hear their truth, the heart is speaking, hear that they care about the Holy Land, that they care about every inch of the Holy Land, that they care about fighting for the Holy Land, for the Judaism of the people of Israel, about the sanctity of the Jewish people, about the purity of the Jewish people, the synagogues, the Yeshivas, the study of the Torah and the Mikvahs  
Anyone who does not study Torah properly should go to the army to enlist in the IDF. King David was also a soldier and fought, even Moses was a soldier and fought, even Abraham fought. All the great men of Israel fought against the enemies of the people of Israel.  
People who want to be MKs will take care of their grandchildren, their great-grandchildren and the future. What will happen here in twenty years? They must not worry about themselves; the main thing here is not to grab a chair, to boast and brag at the voter's expense and to be photographed for the media. The Creator will not let this happen. They live in illusions, in darkness. The world of imagination and illusions has ended when men could deceive people with paroles and body movements. It is as if people are bought with the external side, beauty and paroles, so that if he looks good then he is fit to be a minister or a Knesset member. That is not true! Wake up Jews! Hear the heart of man, hear what his plans are, what he commits in front of the media. Seize the right side, protect and preserve the Holy Land, do not to give one inch of the Holy Land. Establish synagogues, yeshivas and mikvahs and help the people of Israel and the Jews of the people of Israel
The goal of all the nations around us and within us is to throw the Jews into the sea, to harm the Jews. They have no goal of peace. Let us not live in illusions that there will be peace with them. The Holy One, blessed be He, is destroying all the Arab states and all those who disturb the people of Israel.
In the end, the Holy One, blessed be He, chooses, tests heart and kidneys, and that is what will ultimately be. The Holy One, blessed be He, will choose the right persons for the Knesset. The Holy One, Blessed be He, will give in the minds of the electorate who exactly to choose. So do not be stubborn with the Holy One, blessed be He. Stop slandering and hurting people to try to bring down others. Whoever slanders people, who calumnies, lies - will fall. The heart of the king is in the hand of God. Make an effort to unite the entire right to ensure that the Land of Israel is protected and guarded, so that no one will touch the Holy Land.
No one believed that Trump will rise to power and the Holy One, Blessed be He, determined that Trump would rise, to help the people of Israel. If Trump would act and do the opposite, he will have very serious problems.
Anti-Semitism in the world is open and visible. The regime and the law do not interfere and do nothing; they do not care at all. In Israel, too, there is a part of anti-Semitism, they speak harsh things and this should light up every Jew stick to the right! The right hand of the Lord makes power!
Jews abroad - do not say, 'Do not think,' It will not happen to me. 'They will start with you first; throw you out of your homes, from work and everywhere. Flee quickly from abroad and come to live in the Land of Israel, the land of your forefathers! People around the world do not like Israel. They love the Jewish mind; know that the Jews are smarter and wiser than anyone on earth. This is the gift that God gave to the Jews - the soul, above all, above all the nations.
Iran is barking and barking and nothing would help it, they would be trapped with themselves, earthquakes and disasters. Iran is threatening the United States and Israel and thinks that if it threatens then they will be afraid of it. On the contrary, they will make Iran like Syria. Iran is more afraid of Israel than the United States, because the Mossad is well located in Iran's atomic plants and no one can find out what is going on in the atomic plants. Even if they look for one by one, no they will not know who the Mossad planted in the atomic plants. They will die and will not be able to find out.
In Syria the situation is worse than bad and nothing will help them. They have to topple the regime in Syria and establish a new government, a regime that loves Israel. If not, the Holy One, blessed be He, will beat them to the end.
Every country, every state and every person, president or prime minister, who does not recognize the Holy Land of Israel and wants to take parts of the Land of Israel, will be beaten and hurt by the Holy One. Do not play with the Holy One, blessed be He.
"I gave the people of Israel to the Jews, a very small place in the world, the beating heart of the whole world." In Israel there is everything, all kinds of metals and all kinds of materials, all what is needed - there is in Israel. Patience, calm and everything will be revealed from A to Z. All the good things in the earth will be revealed in Israel slowly, in stages, according to the strengthening of the right and the strengthening of purity and holiness in the Land of Israel.
The Holy One, blessed be He, wants them to believe in Him, to study Gemara and to reveal through the Gemara the good that is within the heart of Israel. We need to strengthen the IDF, give strong backing to IDF soldiers, without harming IDF soldiers guarding the holy land. Because of them we sleep, eat, rest, enjoy the world, earn and make a living. All the time just bless them wherever they are, wherever they are Jews - bless the IDF soldiers. Woe to a person who speaks evil about IDF soldiers, the Holy One, Blessed be He, will hurt him directly. The Holy One, blessed be He, cares about the Holy Land before all, before all flesh and blood.
Hamas they want to surprise when they are ready. Their silence is the preparations. The IDF must prevent their primitive methods that cannot be understood by a modern mind. Hamas thinks they will succeed - they will not succeed.
In the West Bank and East Jerusalem, some holders of a blue identity card, they always plan to attack Jews. Twenty-four hours a day they plan on how to harm the holy people, the Jewish people.
All the Arab countries visited by the Prime Minister want to be nourished by the Land of Israel to learn from the Land of Israel and the Jews. Nothing is working for them, so they want to connect to Israel. Nothing will help them because The Holy One blessed the Jews alone. The blessing is among the Jews, the gentiles have nothing, nothing. Jews received a huge blessing, anyone who connect with the Jewish people to the Jews in the Land of Israel - will be blessed by the mouth of the Supreme.
Turkey will soon receive very many blows from the Holy One, blessed be He. The more Erdogan escapes and runs away, the more he will get the revolution.
Lebanon does not want war.  
Hezbollah and Iran their government is one.
Hezbollah is scared, Nasrallah is scared of Israel, he thought they would not discover the tunnels. The IDF knew long ago that they were digging tunnels and was waiting for them to reach Israel. The Holy One, Blessed be He, gave serious illness to Nasrallah, so that he would deal with his sickness and leave Israel.
U.S, Trump deals with problems in the US, tries to correct and improve, it will take time. Despite the difficulty he has in the United States, Trump continues to defend the Land of Israel.
Russia connects itself to the Middle East and all kinds of countries, in order to sell arms and ammunition. Putin enjoyed and was happy to see all the actions of the IDF. He knows that the Holy One, blessed be He, is connected to the Israel Defense Forces.
There are natural disasters, earthquakes, fire, floods, rain, heat and fires, storms, sands, mud, houses will disappear and, High-rise buildings will be swallowed up in the earth, trains will fall, airplanes will be confused - Earth is trembling, with a harsh judgment. Anyone who does not want to recognize the Holy Land of Israel and the Jews who live in the Land of Israel will be destroyed and will receive blows he has not yet dreamed of.
Jews - beware of assimilation, because during assimilation the soul leaves.
Dear Jewish parents, keep your children safe from drugs, alcohol, gambling and assimilation. Have mercy on your children if you love them. When you care about your children - it's compassion.
Messiah is in our generation, alive and well, working and acting day and night. With all the confusion in Israel and the world, and with all those who disturb him from all directions, the Messiah is floating and floating and will continue to float. This is the last and eternal Messiah. They will not be able to harm him, neither from the land nor from the forces of impurity, dirt, Din Yahudin, and the rabble. This is the last Messiah in this generation. It is a generation of redemption, a generation of revelation of Messiah in public, a generation of building the Temple. Everyone will find him, and suddenly the day will come. Despite all the problems, he continues to make the people of Israel repent, in a way not a way. The Holy One, Blessed be He, wants that through the Messiah the people of Israel seek help from the Creator. The main channel to Israel and to the world - to the Holy One, blessed be He, it is the Messiah. The Messiah is a direct channel to the Holy One, blessed be He, and he asks for the Jewish people of Israel all the requests. We ask the Messiah and he asks the Holy One, Blessed be He, for this is the connection to help the people of Israel. This is Messiah. Just like when  a righteous person decrees and the Holy One, Blessed be He, makes it happen and if the Holy One, blessed be He, decrees, a  righteous person  can annul. Messiah is a man of God, he connects the people of Israel to the Holy One, blessed be He. He can be an angel and in the same moment be an ordinary person, that is what confuses people.
Let them be good news for the people of Israel and blessing and success for all the Jews who will unite and unify and bless the right. The right hand of the Lord makes power!

Courtesy of the site: "Tairneri"


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