Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita Parashat Tetzaveh Tasha’t


Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita
Parashat Tetzaveh Tasha’t
Delivered on Sunday, 5 Adar Tasha't (10.2.2019), 8:30

"And you command the children of Israel "(Exodus 27:20).
The Holy One, blessed be He, commands Moses and emphasizes and you.  God gives Moses responsibility, so to let him know that he is the leader of the people of Israel, that he is the servant and messiah of the Holy One, blessed be He, and only he can fulfill the commandment of God. The Holy One, Blessed be He, gave Moses instructions and responsibilities, and also the assurance, that he will not be harmed and that he will not think that they are more important than him. The Holy One, Blessed be He, gives instructions to Moses to command Aaron and his sons on all matters concerning the Tabernacle. "And you command the children of Israel and they will bring you pure olive oil to light a candle always.” "And you bring next to you Aaron your brother and his sons with him out of the children of Israel, to serve me, Aaron, Nadav, and Avihu Eleazar, and Itamar, sons of Aaron". "And you shall speak to all the skillful, whom I have filled with a spirit of skill, that they make Aaron's garments to consecrate him for my priesthood."(Exodus 27: 20-28, 3).
The multiple “And you' Is a supreme power that the Holy One, Blessed be He, gave to Moses, gives  transferred to him great powers to feel confidence, courage and appreciation  so that he can give instructions and build  the Tabernacle and its vessels.
Today, people build houses, produce cars, airplanes, machinery and computers, but nothing is 100 percent perfect because all the materials came from the ground. Because in the sin of Adam the First, the earth also sinned, and therefore, like man, all the substances that come out of it are also involved with good and evil. Therefore it is impossible to remove pure gold from the earth, and to create a lamp from it, or any other dwelling vessel that will be one piece. Humans also came from the ground and the trees grew from the ground. The sea and water come to clean the earth and purify the world.
This is why people could not produce the Tabernacle and its vessels themselves. A supreme force was needed to create the perfection of the Tabernacle and the vessels, so that the Shekhina (Holy Spirit) and the Holy One, blessed be He, could descend upon them. All the tools had to be one piece, especially the most holy vessels. The Holy One, Blessed be He, gave wisdom and understanding to all those engaged in the work of the Tabernacle. Moses put confidence, strength and power in the artists and skill men in order to have the knowledge to engage in holy work. They began to create the vessels of the Tabernacle and from Heaven, miraculously, through the forces of Heaven, through the forces of the Holy One, blessed be He, the instrument was created and became one piece. That is how the menorah and all the vessels we done - from themselves. All the vessels of the Tabernacle were miraculously created, for only a higher power can create tools that can withstand the immense holiness. You have to share lights from below so that the lights come from above. The craftsmen and the skill men began to purify and melt the gold, and then the powerful light descended from above, a force majeure that produced the lamp by itself, one piece. The work begins naturally and ends miraculously from the Holy One, blessed be He, so that it will be 100 percent complete. The gold that comes from the land where good and evil are mixed is also involved in good and evil. The Holy One, blessed be He, separated and cleaned the gold to be 100 percent good, clean and pure. Thus the Holy One, blessed be He, left all the vessels of the Tabernacle with the good without the mixture of evil.
A candelabra that is a single piece refers to a candelabra that is perfect, made of one piece, in which there are no parts that have been glued or melted at any time. There was a beginning of melting gold by the craftsmen and then the candelabra was created one piece through the Upper Force, pure gold, clean and holy. The whole Tabernacle was created clean and pure without any mixing of evil. Even the contribution that was taken from the children of Israel only "from every man who will give from his heart" (exodus 25: 2) was free of any interest. When a man volunteer, it is clean. Therefore, the Children of Israel were asked to give "a man who will give from his heart," when a person gives from his heart, this is a clean donation without desire to receive, giving without consideration, without interest, giving of kindness and truth. Therefore, everything that was brought to the Tabernacle was clean and pure. What was not donated with all his heart did not reach the Tabernacle.
The construction of the First Temple was also a partnership of the Holy One, blessed be He, which was also miraculous and to this day no one knows how it was built. The quarrying of the stones, their bringing to the Temple and its construction, were all miraculous. It is impossible that people built it. To build the temple, we have the help of Heaven, the help of the Holy One, blessed be He. With miracles the stones were quarried to the site of the Mikdash, the stones were put and stuck together, all with the help of the Holy One, blessed be He, as in the Tabernacle. The builders begin and it goes on for its own sake, like the vessels and all the parts of the Tabernacle. The Second Temple was repaired and improved, but it did not survive either, except for the Western Wall, whose stones are connected directly to the Holy One, blessed be He.
The Third Temple will be built by man and by Messiah. The plans of the Holy One, blessed be He, are in his hands, and it too will be built miraculously, miraculously, and all with Hebrew work.

Rachel our mother prays hard with all the righteous women in Heaven, with the connection of Leah her sister, so that they stop fighting for the elections and stop gossip, slander and free hatred. Be serious, take life seriously. Enough with the splitting up, enough with the divisions. Messiah is here and coming out soon, so about what are the left and right fighting? Messiah will come out very soon! All the Jews must unite, all the right unite! The Creator of the Universe asks: All the right that is the true right - do unite! Do not crumble, do not be any one small party in itself, right is right - unite! Do not to be tempted by paroles, do not to be tempted by external or by the media that tells stories about everyone. Go with the right who care about the Holy Land, who care and are not willing to give even one centimeter of the land of Israel. Go with Judaism, with the people of Israel, synagogues, yeshivas, batei Midrash and mikvahs, follow God's path.
People should not think that the Holy One, Blessed be He, would not punish them, or that if they did not receive punishment, then there is no, Heaven forbid, God in heaven and earth. Soon He will reach them, everyone, He will not skip anyone and He will not miss anyone. The Creator created the world for truth and integrity, for the observance of the Ten Commandments, the giving of the Torah, observance of the Sabbath, holiness and purity, Torah study and prayer - This is Jewish, there is nothing else for the Jews. Every nation has its own religion and a life of its own. In these elections, The Holy One Blessed be He confuses everyone. Anyone who thinks that 'my strength and my power did this ', the Holy One, blessed be He, will bring him down. The Holy One, Blessed be He, complicates them in the elections. Anyone who has no interest and does everything for the sake of Heaven and for the people of Israel, in order to protect and defend the people of Israel and the Holy Land - will rise. In nature, the people like to hear the special European speeches and smart, they love to hear praise and compliments, are enthusiastic about temptation and negative things. And whoever speaks truth and integrity, stammers who care about the Holy Land - the people laugh, not all of them, God forbid. This is the mistake, that everyone gets carried away after the clothes and the speeches.
In the Israeli government, the right will rise! Only those who care about the Holy Land, whose purpose is to contribute to the people of Israel, will be chosen. The left will remain below the right.
Because the judgment hovers in the world, and the impurity rages before the revelation with mercy of the messianic king , every day, after the sun sets, the power of impurity in the world increases, even in the Land of Israel. So dear Jews, after sunset you have to be careful where you go. Do not take risks. The darkness descends and the impurity hovers and takes over, angels of sabotage. Everyone must take care of himself. Until the Messiah King is revealed in mercy in public and then we will cease to suffer.
The gentiles with a blue identity card are more dangerous than the others. Do not believe any of them, respect and be suspicious of every man.
Nasrallah and Hezbollah is barking and barking and barking, thinking he is handsome and kind. Nothing would help him. The Mossad, the Shin Bet and the IDF know everything, even about every small piece of paper.
They know about the building built by the Iranians in Syria. The IDF knows about it and will destroy it soon, at the right time. They will find a suitable time.
Russia, Iran is annoying her. Putin smiles and is angry at Iran.
Iran, a revolution will continue there, because the entire government of Iran is Nasrallah. The Iranians are almost European, with over ninety-five percent of the citizens being European and want peace, love and live with dignity. Their government wants them to be primitive, like two thousand years back. So they are on the way to fall apart. Iran is scared to attack Israel directly. Israel will attack it a hundred times stronger than it will attack. They know it clearly.
At the time of special IDF operations, of aircraft, tanks, sea and land forces, the Holy One, blessed be He, Himself accompanies the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces. The Holy One, blessed be He, accompanies the pilots and every soldier who participates in a special operation.
Trump continues to grow stronger in the good it does in the Middle East. He knows that Israel is very strong and knows that it is very worthwhile for the US to defend Israel. For the honor of the United States, not everything is said.
The Palestinians, Hamas, Jihad and their other friends are two-faced. You cannot trust them, every second they turn over.
Egypt, Sisi continues with the good he does in Egypt and wants peace with Israel and with the United States. He receives great help from the United States and protection from Israel. Sisi will continue with full confidence to preserve his honor in Egypt and be at peace with the Jews who live in the Land of Israel, only they will save him and the good that is in Egypt. The US gives Egypt a lot of money for food.
In Jordan they are starving, it is devastation.  
Hamas continues to open tunnels, and it's a shame that Israel gives in to Hamas's requests. They are used to attack Israel and preparing an attack on Israel. They play it poor and peace-loving, but they are greedy and murderous and do not care about anything.
Abu Mazen is living on hard drugs, taking vitamins to strengthen the body. Without it he would crash.
In East Jerusalem there are dangerous. The elections of the Arabs living in the Land of Israel must be examined very carefully. There is a problem, hands are not clean. There are things that are crooked and not good, we have to examine the elections of the Arabs in Israel.
Turkey in an impasse, they rebel against Erdogan, they organize and prepare him a surprise. Muslim Arabs will not give up to Erdogan.
Europe is invaded by Muslims, infiltrators, Isis, madmen and crazy, they conquer Europe and push Christianity away.  
Hate against the Jews is all over the world, the most severe hatred, they want to hurt the Jews badly, and they envy the Jews. They cannot stand the Jews abroad, they hate them. In the whole world, every successful Jew they want to kill him. They hate the Jews because the spiritual protection from the Holy One, blessed be He, has ceased. The Divine Presence departed and is in the Land of Israel. Those who live in illusions will lose.
Trump is looking for a way with North Korea. North Korea bends because its economy is devastated. The United States is helping to save itself from the difficult economy there.
Syria is destroyed and destroyed. The media is despaired of publishing because everything repeats itself.
The sea is raging and noisy, waiting for action, for the command of the Holy One, blessed be He. The Holy One, blessed be He, directs the entire world and the sea awaits the instructions of the Holy One, Blessed is He, to cleanse the impurity.
We are in a very strong Messianic period, feeling it and dreaming about it. Every person feels that we are living in a special time, special changes, and strange things - a divine process. Jews know that Messiah will be revealed. Some know, some are afraid, some are waiting and some do not know.
Rachel our mother is responsible for the souls of the people of Israel, Leah is responsible for the above. Begin preparing yourself for the revelation of Messiah, Messiah is at the entrance! Dear Jews, be strengthened in the fear of Heaven. Enough with hatred, jealousy, gossip, competition and slander. Preserve the State of Israel. No one must think he will live forever. Descend from the high tree and preserve every piece of land in the Land of Israel. Jews who live abroad - flee to the Holy Land, to the Golan Heights, Samaria, Binyamin, Judean Desert and the Jordan Valley, do not wait to sell the property and come to live in the Holy Land. The Negev should be settled by a million Jews, the Western Galilee by a million Jews, the Golan Heights, Samaria, Benjamin, the Judean Desert, the Jordan Valley and the Arava. Do not wait to sell the property and to come with money to Israel. If you wait, you will not come with the money and they will force you out. Life is stronger than all the money. Do not wait, run away without a shekel in your pocket and come to Israel.
The complications will continue throughout the world to expel the Jews to the Land of Israel. Any country, state, prime minister, or president who wants to take parts of the Land of Israel, who want to act against the land that belongs to Israel now, against the borders, against the will of the right,   The right hand of God will make a burden  - There will be complications, entanglements and natural forces that will hurt this state. The heads of the government, the presidents and the senior people in the world - will be harmed, their families and all that they have, and they will be like Korach and his followers. Do not mess with the Holy One, blessed be He, they will receive blows that they did not dream of.
Floods, volcanic eruptions, fires, tsunamis, earthquakes and natural disasters will be all over the world to expel Jews from abroad so they will come to Israel.
Our mother Rachel shouts with her sister Leah in the heavens and in Israel, praying very large prayers with the righteous in heaven and earth, with the righteous passed away and the living righteous, because of the difficult period of the elections in Israel that everything is complicated by complications and insults. Heaven says: 'We are at the time of the Messiah revelation, repent! We are in the sky waiting for the discovery of Messiah and you are fighting who will take power? The Holy One, Blessed is He, determines what will happen to everyone in the world! ' Do not panic at all that is happening, all the parties, the divisions and the noises, the people is in fear and anxiety. Choose right. All the right wing, the right of the heart - will unite and join together to one whole right. You should give up the ego, the main thing is that you will succeed more. The main thing is for the right to rise! Show to the Creator that the main thing is that the Right is rising! No chair, no suit or hat  is important and make the decision. People plan such plans and God plans other programs entirely. The Holy One, blessed be He, is interested in redemption and bringing Messiah into light!

Courtesy of the site : "Tairneri"


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