Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita Parashat Mishpatim Tash'at


Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita
Parashat Mishpatim Tash'at
Delivered on Sunday, 21 Shvat  Tasha’T (27.1.19) at 8:30

The Holy One Blessed be He, Everything that is done in this world and in all the worlds, everything is measured and accurate one hundred percent. He gave the Ten Commandments in favor of man, took the Israelites to Egypt for their own good, took them out of Egypt for their own good and for the benefit of the entire world so that they could convert. Nothing in this world is done by mistake, everything is done to fix something, this fixes this  and this fixes this. The Holy One, Blessed be He, sits all day and all night and fixes this world, with all the billions of people in the world and billionsof Angels, animals and beasts, birds, trees, and stars. The Holy One, Blessed be He Brings the world to its final correction, to the redemption and revelation of Messiah in the near future, in our generation.
The Holy One, Blessed be He, gave the Ten Commandments to educate the people of Israel so that they would have a way of life and love for the world.
Parashat Mishpatim comes to interpret and explain the Ten Commandments. If you do not observe the Ten Commandments - there are judgments. This depends on that. The Holy One, blessed be He, gave the Ten Commandments and the Law, so that in the world they would not act like animals. If there were no judgments, everything would be a mess. Even when there are judgments  and the Ten Commandments and they are not observed, people suffer, are wounded and killed. If the Ten Commandments are not fulfilled, everyone suffers, because the Evil Inclination that is the Angel of Death wants to torment the world and hurt people. The Ten Commandments work against the yetzer hara(the evil  side), against the angel of death. Whoever does not fulfill the Ten Commandments shortens his life, for he listens to the voice of the Angel of Death, whether by giving bribes, theft, acts of lewdness and adultery. A person who does not observe the Ten Commandments - does not know his Creator, does not aknowlege   the Holy One, blessed be He and does not observe the Sabbaths and thus he allows the Angel of Death to enter his body and corrupt him.
It follows that the laws, rules and regulations help a person to go as far as possible in the right way, in a civilized way, a way of loving and helping others, a way of giving charity and tithes, a way of obeying traffic signs and stopping at a stop sign. Just as people who obey traffic signs are saved from accidents and reach with peace everywhere in the State of Israel, so too do the people who fulfill the laws. Those who do not obey the road signs, those who practice without rules, will never get anywhere. They will be found in accidents and disasters and can harm, God forbid, other people.
The judges and the judgments were given so that men would uphold the Ten Commandments and be careful not to violate them. They were given so that people would know how to behave in a way that is friendly and respectful, so they will respect each other, there will be free love between people,  they will feel compassion for one another and love each other. When there are phrases such as "and who beats his mother and father will be  put to death," and "who curses his father and his mother will be put to death" (Shemot 21: 15,17), people are afraid and careful, and thus get on the right track for the good road, without stealing or cursing.
The Ten Commandments, the courts, the Police, and the Prisons were given because of the sin of Adam the first person who did not hear the command of God and heard the sound of the snake who casts filfth on Eve. Adam and his wife Eve did not do God's will and did not fulfill God's command, therefore, all the children born since then have the good  and the Evil Inclination involved in their bodies. Then The Holy ONe brought  the people of Israel in Egypt, to break their animal soul, to do miracles and wonders, to tear the Red Sea for them, to give them the Torah and the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai. Everything is done so that the people of Israel will be the chosen people in the world, from all worlds and all the countries in the world. The Jewish people will be the chosen people and all the other nations should embrace it, just as Pharaoh and his descendants cling to the people of Israel and the Holy One, blessed be He. Jethro clinged and converted, Pharaoh clinged and did not convert. Pharaoh, the only one left alive of all the soldiers who drowned in the Red Sea, published in all the world the miracles and wonders  the Holy One Blessed be He, did.He published and believed in the Holy One, blessed be He, so he survived, and did not repent.
Everyone should uphold the Ten Commandments, there is no difference between religious or non-religious people, Torah observant or non-Torah observant. It was the words of God from heaven on Mount Sinai! Everyone must obey the Ten Commandments! Religious people who are observant of Torah and mitzvot are viewed with more rigor than people who do not observe Torah and mitzvot, who do not know what it is God. God is pariculary strict  with the righteous. The one who is not righteous God is not so strict about him, because he is not righteous.
During this period, everyone must fulfill the Ten Commandments before all! We need to follow 'love your neighbor as yourself' and 'Derech Eretz Kedma le-Torah' (Proper behavior precedes the Torah)! First of all, everyone needs to have free love inside his home! Between husband, wife and children, between children and parents, it is called 'Love thy neighbor as thyself' and 'Derech Eretz Kedma le-Torah'(Proper behavior precedes the Torah). If in the house, within the family there will be free love, then there will be free love everywhere in the people of Israel.
The Jews are a people more special and sophisticated than all the nations. Because they fulfill the Ten Commandments, the laws and the rules, learn Torah and pray directly To the Holy One, blessed be He - The Holy One opened for them  Knowledge, intelligence and wisdom.

Messiah is in the Land of Israel, working and acting day and night. We are in a period of great confusion between good and evil, faith and God's fear. Time runs fast, week comes and week goes, week runs, day passes quickly, day comes and day goes by. God put us to sleep so that we will not suffer much because the day or the week is barely passing. God is allowing us to get used to Shabbat, to love Shabbat. He runs us fast. A week is over and everyone is sitting and waiting for the good Shabat to rest and enjoy, to be with the entire family, to see the wife and children, to entertain guests and to pray to the Holy One, blessed be He all Shabbat.
Some people understand what Messiah is and some do not understand. Soon Messiah will come and everyone will understand, by hook or by crook. The people of Israel have problems and complications, and everyone is looking for where are coming the complications and the mistakes. There are those who know that Messiah is needed urgently. Anyone who is far from the matter of Messiah will understand slowly.
Messiah is alive and well, there is no return! The Messiah who is now remains for ever and ever! There is no replacement of Messiah! In every generation comes the Messiah, the old goes and comes a new one because the generation is not ready. This generation is the last! Messiah is here and well, working and acting for the people of Israel. Now that Messiah works in secret, when he will be revealed, he will act in public, and then all  will know all the miracles and wonders and the power  God.
You will agree or not there is no back! This Messiah is the last of all, and all of the generation that enters the first circle will be the last generation and never die. Whoever is for Ashem come to me! ' Those who get to be part of it, good, no one  will  wait for them, God will not wait for them. Do not try the Holy One, blessed be He, do not say 'When the Messiah will be we will repent,' when the Messiah comes, we will stop stealing, do adultery, deceit and calumny. ' The Messiah who is now will remain forever! He has no replacement! He has no replacement and he will not change forever! Those who adhere to redemption and Messiah will be in the first circle. Anyone with eyes in his head knows exactly that this is the time of Messiah revelation. Whoever has his head abroad, in money, pride and respect, does not know what Messiah is. The Messiah is waiting. The Messiah waits every minute for the instructions  of God.
The earthquake that took place in Israel, on Thursday before the Sabbath of Parashat Yitro - God wants to tell all the Jews do not think that "my strength and the power of my hand did this  ", do not think that you are heroes and all come from you - all is fromGod! Good to thank God! Everything starts from it and ends with Him. Man is a working heart and flowing blood, today he lives and tomorrow who knows what will happen to him. The earthquake was so they will awaken and understand that the Holy One, blessed be He is here. God Says: 'I direct every Jew to his destiny.
All the souls that come now, until the resurrection of the dead, fill in the void, they are the volonteer souls of children. Each one and his profession, each one his destiny. One fills of the other, one cannot without the other. The people of Israel the Jews cannot be one without the other. The nation of Israel is built for unity, its power is in unity, one complementing the other. All are responsible to each other. Only the people of Israel are built so they are responsible for each other, That one needs the other, that one completes the other and therefore succeeds. There must be no division or splitting up among the people of Israel. The power of the people of Israel is in unity and free love and in the fulfillment of the Ten Commandments. If you fulfill the Ten Commandments - there will surely be free love and unity, there will surely be protection and shelter for the people of Israel, so that there will be coupling and livelihood for all. Messiah will be immediatly revealed and the Temple will be built!
We are at the time of the revelation of Messiah in the last preparations. No one is balanced or focused.
All the members of the Knesset in the Israeli government are losing direction and their heads are confused because of slander, gossip and free hatred. The gentiles within us and around us exploit the mess of the Knesset members, or members who want to be elected to the Knesset. The gentiles celebrate and mock the members of the Knesset and the ministers who went down to the level of kindergarten and nursery school. There is free hatred, calumny, gossip and they are shaming each other, where did they go? There are many parties and many parties are splitting. The Messiah will come and connect them, he will make them one party. There will be  a  Messiah government and Messiah will give them instructions! Messiah will give instructions to the entire government of Israel! A government of flesh and blood cannot act in this period. It is over. The end of flesh and blood  that can run a government, State or world has come. Messiah will be revealed in public, Messiah is a man of God, half man and half angel, and he will direct the government of Israel what to do in Israel and the entire world, except what he will act to destroy the countries that want to disturb the people of Israel.
Egypt, Sisi is living well. Because he is close to the Jewish people, he is protected and guarded. All countries are jealous of Egypt and Sisi, they also want to connect with the people of Israel. To get the information, Science, technology and economics of the Land of Israel and to learn from the Jewish people, from the IDF. They are also happy with the money given by the United States. Sisi is a good president for Egypt and it's a shame that people there do not understand that Sisi wants to save Egypt.
If someone, a state, a president or a prime minister, a Jew or a non-Jew, wants to take parts of the land of Israel, the Creator will hit them badly. If it is a person - The Holy One will severely harm him and his whole family, and if it is a state - He will severely hurt and destroy it There will be natural disasters, economic crisis and problems  in every sector.
Who makes all the mess in the Land of Israel? Hezbollah and Nasrallah, Hamas and the JihyaD - the Seed of Amalek! The earth will open its mouth and swallow everyone!
Russia Externally, speaks something  and inside something else, about Israel. Putin knows that they must not harm Israel. Putin knows that it is forbidden to harm the Land of Israel and the Jewish people living in Israel. The Russian army is updated by the IDF, in coordination with the IDF for every action. Every air force operation in Syria is coordinated with Russia. Russia wants to be nice to everyone, the main thing is to sell arms and ammunition. Putin knows that the Land of Israel and the Jewish people living in the Land of Israel is a special people that gives light to the world. Trump knows it too.
Iran Dead. It is scared to death of Israel and the IDF. God opens the eyes of the IDF, the Shin Bet and the Mossad, and the IDF explodes every time the ammunition coming from Iran to Hezbollah. Those who bother in Iran, they make him disappear and kill him.
In Turkey it is the same thing, whoever bothers, they kill him. But nothing will help them, neither Iran nor Turkey, they will have a revolution and the government will fall.
In Jordan Chaos, Gog and Magog, and Sodom and Gomorrah. Millions of refugees eat each other, there is no peace and nothing.
In Iraq They are all prime ministers. Everyone puts leaders on and kills each other without taking into account anyone.
China, Japan and Korea and other countries around have hundreds of millions of people. They try in every way to have something to eat.
Europe, the refugees, the infiltrators, the Muslims and the anti-Semitism, eat Europe, chew Europe, kill Europe and turn Europe into ashes. All this is done by God because of the stubbornness of the Jews who live in Europe and the United States, who do not want to immigrate to the Holy Land of Israel. Jews from Europe and the United States must immigrate to the Holy Land, the Land of Israel - they would have quiet. There will be quiet in Europe and the United States.
So Jews who live abroad, please, the Creator asks you with every tongue of request: Come up to the Holy Land! One million Jews must be settled in the Negev. A million Jews in the Western Galilee. A million Jews in the Golan Heights. A million Jews in Samaria, Benjamin and the Judean Desert, in the Arava and in the Jordan Valley.
Keep buying homes, buy houses, buy houses in Israel! Do not to wait for the price to rise and not for the price to fall. Prices will not gone down. There is a minimum of half a million Jews on the way to Israel. They would  buy all the houses that remained at any cost. Do not wait for the  loans  or for anything else.
The Israeli government, do not  be kind to the people of Hamas and the Palestinians, They are bad, they are cruel, they do not speak the truth, they are deceitful and they do not want peace, they only want to kill and kill. They stockpile ammunition in a huge quantity. They earn time to stockpile ammunition.
The Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem, and the West Bank They constantly stockpile ammunition and weapons, ammunition and weapons. So Israel will not think that they are pleasant and sweet.
East Jerusalem and the West Bank There are subterranean undergrounds and the IDF must be wary of them, because they are waiting for the orders of their leaders.
Hezbollah and Nasrallah nothing would help him. The IDF finishes all the ammunition it is trying to reach. They will discover all the tunnels to the end.
Gaza Strip they continue to dig tunnels as usual.
The rain will continue in Israel,  rain of blessing! The Sea of Galilee will continue to be filled. Thanks To the Holy One, blessed be He For all the good that He gives to the people of Israel.
U.S Trump is busy with all the difficult problems in his administration - the Congress, the Democrats and the Republicans. Trump has difficult problems with them, they make it difficult for him to do good to the world. Trump is with great pain. They do not let him help the world, fix it and prevent it from World War III. Why? Because there are many kinds of goyim in Trump government who hate Trump's way, but God asks Trump: 'Continue to help the holy Land of Israel and do not touch the Holy Land! Ask the Jews where the boundaries of the Holy Land, do not touch them! I will help you, I will move and remove the people who bother you to help the people of Israel and help the world. Trump cares that there will be only good in Israel. He is interested in strengthening Israel, a pure and holy place that enlivens the world, illuminates the world, invents the best technology in the world, patents and start-ups. Jews are merciful, merciful children who do only good, and the world lives by virtue of them.
Natural elements will continue to operate, fire, floods, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes.
Messiah works, gives, does and helps, explains and prays for the cancellation of decrees over the people of Israel. Messiah is waiting until everything becomes clearer and the opening of the way for the Messiah revelation to the Jewish people  !


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