Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita Parashat Vayigash, Tasha’t
Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita
Parashat Vayigash,
Delivered on Sunday, 1 tevet Tasha’T (9.12.18) at 8:30

it is redemption in mercy, the suffering of the people of Israel is very
difficult. All are suffering, every house rich or poor, religious or
non-religious. Do not be jealous of
anyone and do not think of being one person or another, whether in wealth or in
everything else. Each one was created in his own correction and there is no one
in this world that came without something to correct. All suffer from severe
anguish and are acting that everything
is fine, it does them good and gives them a good feeling, but those who are
truly honest will receive help from heaven.
We have
said several times that every country, nation, president or prime minister who
wants to condemn the Land of Israel and the Jews in Holy Land, who want to take
parts of the Land of Israel to harm the Jewish people living in the Land of
Israel, In Eretz Yisrael - they will have great troubles, complications and
conflicts, and the forces of nature will strike them without end.
With all
this - natural forces will continue to strike the world, floods, fires and
fires, earthquakes, volcanoes and harsh winds will continue to complicate
transportation, aircraft and ships. The Creator of the Universe says to all the
Jews in the world: "I warned you for years, to come urgently to the Land
of Israel. All Europe will become ashes, all Europe will be filled with Muslims
and anti-Semitism, and the Jews will have nothing to do there. If they do not
sell and immigrate now, only to the Land of Israel and not to the United States
or to other places, if they delay, even their property they will not succeed to
sell. The most protected place in this world is the Holy Land.
Rosh Chodesh Today, Chanukah The seventh
candle, the eve of the eighth candle of Chanukah. The beautiful and elegant
thing is that the Creator of the universe looks from heaven and sees that every
synagogue in Israel lights Chanukah. The synagogue is a small temple. In all the
synagogues in Israel, from Metula to Eilat, from Jerusalem to Ashdod and from
the center, they pray Mincha and light the candles more or less at the same
time. All the synagogues in Israel and only in the Land of Israel - the candles
are seen in the sky as one great temple. All the candles in the synagogues
unite into one large candle in the sky, like the central candle that was in the
Menorah of the Temple. All the candles of the synagogues in the Land of Israel
shrink and unite into one candle to the sky. Truly a temple. The Land of Israel
looks like a huge temple from heaven. Then the people go to light Chanukah
candles in their homes, and millions of other Jews light Chanukah candles in
their homes. The hidden light gathers with the lights of the Temple. The middle
candle that gathered all the lights of all the candles burning in all the
The twelve tribes went down to Egypt In 'seventy souls' because
they did not respect their father. Jacob our father was for Joseph both mother
and father because his mother died. Jacob our father treated Joseph and
Binyamin more than the brothers who were already grown up. If the tribes had
respected their parents, if they had respected the will of their father Jacob
and were happy with his love for Joseph, if they had not been jealous and full
of hate, they would have passed easily
what the Holy One, blessed be He, promised to Abraham that the people of Israel
would work for 400 years in Egypt. Although the decree decreed by the Holy One,
Blessed be He, was for 400 years, it was reduced to 210 years and could have
been reduced much more. But because of their jealousy and hatred for Joseph,
because they did not respect their father Jacob, they sold Joseph and lied to Jacob, "an evil
beast ate him" and thus brought him over 20 years of suffering and
torment, not knowing whether Joseph lived or not. The years when Jacob did not
want to give up Joseph, did not want to believe that Joseph does not exist, he
knew in his heart that Joseph exists
somewhere but did not know where he is and what happens with him. Because his
sons let him suffer over 20 years of the most difficult torments, of
loneliness, mourning and a terrible pain for Rachel who died and no one to be a
father and mother to Benjamin, for the anguish that tormented him for not
keeping the promise he made to her to protect the children and to be both
father and mother. For being left alone and mourning over 20 years - the tribes
descended to Egypt. This was their correction for the way they scorn to Joseph
and their father. The Holy One, blessed be He, said: 'All of them are my
children and you have no right to harm Joseph or your father.'
had the Holy Spirit and knew how to solve dreams. The Holy One, blessed be He,
revealed to him through dreams. The brothers knew that everything Joseph was
true and therefore they harassed him and because of his dreams they left him
thirsty and hungry in the pit. Joseph believed in dreams. Potiphar put him in
the hole with the great ministers because he knew that Joseph did not do
anything to his wife, it was just slander, and in the hole Joseph solved the
dreams of the butler and the baker.
Creator wanted to educate Joseph and put him for ten years in the pit and
another two years, so that he would be a complete spiritual man. After the
dreams, Pharaoh brought all the hieroglyphs and all the great star workers in
the world, all Communicators all the liars and to every group he told the
dreams he had lying to them. When Pharaoh saw that they believed his lies, he
knew that they would not solve the dream. Then the butler told Pharaoh that he
and the baker told their dream to Joseph in a confused way, and Joseph
corrected them, told them what they had dreamed and also gave them the solution
of the dream. Panicked, Pharaoh jumped out of his chair and said, 'this is the
man I'm looking for!' "And they took him out of the pit." The
troubles were over. There is reconciliation and great will there, because when
he heard the Minister of the Economy confuse the dream and Joseph corrected
them, he knew he had found the one who would solve the dream. Pharaoh knew the
dream and knew the solution, but the solution was erased from him.
A dream will never come to a Jew without a
solution. Only the Jew gets confused by the dream and does not know what is
true and what is not true.
When our
righteous father Jacob came to Lavan, the wells filled with water, the herds of
sheep and cattle grew and grew, and Lavan became a rich man with great property
thanks to Jacob. What happened then ?! Suddenly Jacob has no blessing? Suddenly
the Jews do not have a blessing of abundance and wealth? It's a disgrace for
Jews to ask for food. Could it be that the pure and holy sons of Jacob would
have to be humiliated by asking for food? Nevertheless, they had to come and
ask for food from their brother Joseph, a disgrace and a great humiliation for
them. They threw Joseph into a pit
without food, and their repair is to come and ask for food. Joseph forgave
his brothers, because he knew that this was the way of God, and what the Holy
One, Blessed be He wanted. Joseph serves to save his whole family, his
brothers, his father and all the children of Israel. Joseph knew in the Holy
Spirit that his brothers and his father would reach him and he prepared twelve
gates for them.
A great miracle happened in the north when the
tunnels were discovered. Do not say why they were discovered now and not two or three months
ago, just because Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided.
Hamas and the Palestinians in
the Gaza Strip also dig tunnels. They sent balloons to confuse the IDF so they would
not be bothered when they dig tunnels.
Nasrallah and Hezbollah In the Gaza Strip, planned together and waited for Hezbollah to
be ready to attack Israel through the tunnels, to attack together. It did not
work for them, this union. There was an operation some time ago, the IDF
attacked for a few days and it confused them. They did not think there were
devices to discover the tunnels in the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights opposite
the Lebanese border. That is how the
Holy One, blessed be He, wants it this exact timing. This does not belong
to the Minister of Defense, neither to the Prime Minister of Israel nor to the
Minister of Finance, even though they have now decided - this is what the Holy
One, blessed be He, wanted, now. Not because of what people think of Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The whole world is going crazy,
how Israel is getting along with the north and the Gaza Strip without wars. The
Holy One, Blessed be He, protects and guards, even through His Messiah, who is
His messenger, who speaks on his day and helps the people of Israel. At night,
the Messiah protects and guards all the borders of Israel. The Messiah soul
works and acts at night. Messiah is a messenger of the Holy One, blessed be He,
to save the Jews and the entire world. It is like the shed to all the land of
Israel to cancel decrees.
The Holy
One, blessed be He, blinds the eyes of Hezbollah and allows the IDF to blow up
tunnels. The Holy One, blessed be He, shows the IDF where there are tunnels in
the north exactly.
Hezbollah There have missiles, which
they put in the tunnels. Most of the tunnels are full of missiles. It has new
missiles and has no people who know how to use them, to turn them on or
assemble them. There are fewer missiles coming from all kinds of places, but
the new missiles have no professionals to assemble and operate them.
Hamas is not calm, hiding. They
receive cash through Qatar to put Hamas to sleep. They are interested only by
money. They take care of themselves and not of the citizens. They seem to be
giving out to citizens, for the cameras and the media. Most of the money goes
to the pockets of Hamas leaders.
Lebanon is against Hezbollah
quietly. They know that if they make a mistake, the US will blow them up.
The IDF, Shin Bet and Mossad know exactly
where Nasrallah is. Where he slept, where he ate and where he went - know
everything about him. When they want to blow him up, they will do.
whole world and all the Jews should know that the United Nations is mostly
Muslim. The State of Israel is one country in the world. The UN is not in favor
of Israel, because all are Muslim, most of them are gentiles. The world does
not understand how a small country, Israel, manages the entire world. They have
to understand that thanks to Israel - the whole world lives.
Europe everything is a mess,
anti-Semitism, infiltrators and Muslims are doing terror.
in France The madness and the
disturbances, both anti-Semitic and Muslim, will continue. The Jews are on
their way, one foot out to escape from there.
In Germany there will be the same and
England, is the same thing, the Muslims eat it.
Turkey, Erdogan is killing everyone
who bothers him. He continues to cry for the murder of the journalist. He
listens to Isis and the extremist Muslims. They do not like the Christians or
the Jews.
In Jordan Hundreds of thousands will
demonstrate and continue to demonstrate, it will not stop because they do not
have a leader who can connect them and there is no good economy. Jordan is not
Jordan, it is a country involved with
many people within it.
Jews, do not invest or travel to Jordan. Do
not take risks of the kind: 'It will not happen to me', go home in the Land of
Israel. The situation in Jordan is deteriorating. We warned long ago, the Holy
One, blessed be He, hurts over the
property of the people of Israel, but in the end He has no choice and everything
the Israelis have done in Jordan will crumble and fall apart. There are several million
people who are not Jordanians who eat the Jordanians.
Egypt, Sisi is a leader acting in
the right and good way with Israel. If
his thoughts are good for Israel, Israel and the US will continue to help him.
If Israel did not help Sisi, then Isis, Hamas and the extremists would have
eaten it long ago and there was a terrible revolution in Egypt.
U.S, Trump protects with all his
strength and guards the State of Israel. He speaks openly in front of everyone, because he knows what
the Land of Israel is and what the strength of the Jews are in the Land of
Israel. Trump knows that Jews give life to the whole planet. Trump knows that
without the State of Israel and without the Jews in the State of Israel - the
world will be destroyed, because light and spiritual power, Torah and prayers
are coming out of Israel. The Holy One, blessed be He, gave him a gift to
understand what the Jewish people in the Land of Israel is.
Russia, Putin knows no less than
Trump, but is built differently. He works in secret. The main thing is that he
sells arms and ammunition.
Rain will continue to plummet on the Jewish
people. It will also fall in the north and fill the Sea of Galilee, thanks only to the well of Miriam, thanks to the
beautiful view of the Sea of Galilee and the sweet water for all of Israel.
The rains will continue both in the center and in the south, which will be
plentiful and abundant!
All the
flooding in the cities is because of blocked drainage, or the contractors
worked crookedly or the municipality saved money.
- Keep your children away from gambling, drugs, alcohol and assimilation. Do
not underestimate these things.
- do not talk on the phone while traveling, not a whatsApp and no messages.
Everyone thinks he is smarter than the other and says, 'It will not happen to
me' - 'and you will be very careful for your soul'! The Holy One, Blessed is
He, does not do evil to anyone. People bring evil to themselves. The Holy One,
blessed be He, is good and kind. People kill themselves alone. There are very
few cases when a person leaves the world prematurely, which is from the Holy
One, blessed be He, because of the correction of incarnations.
Messiah lives in our generation.
He is on alert 24 hours a day. he is preparing to be revealed in public. Most
of them know him, most of them know where he lives. Some are afraid, others
deny because of ego and intelligence "Why is he?", "Why this
community?", "Why this place?", "Why is not he known?"
- There are those who envy them. King David was also hidden in the desert.
Elisha the Prophet was also hidden in the wilderness and plowed the land with
oxen. Joseph was also hidden in the pit. Even Moise our Rabbi was in the pit for 10 years, was hidden in
the wilderness and grew up in the house of Pharaoh. David, too, his
brothers did not know him. Joseph, too,
his brothers did not know him. Moses, too,
the people did not know him and then everyone knew him
In the Land of Israel, all the
Torah sages and intellectuals, will or will not want, they will eventually talk
about the King Messiah. openly. very soon.
The revelation of Messiah in
public, there is no return. everything is ready The mission is ready. We are
waiting for the Holy One, Blessed be He, to release the revelation of Messiah
in public. Messiah continues to receive signs from the Holy One, Blessed be He.
and great Torah scholars know that there is a Messiah, the messenger of the
Holy One, blessed be He. Some know and keep silent, some know and seek, and
that’s good too. better than nothing. Everyone knows that this period is
confused, that all the heads and members
of municipal and municipal councils, the members of the Knesset, the
ministers and the government all lost direction. Everyone is confused and
complicated, they do not know what a day will bring, and they do not know what
will happen every second. Each time they get up with a new sentence, a new
proverb and harm each other. Just teenage growing up ... Talking about each
other's personal things, disparaging meetings, scorning people and disparaging
themselves and their families. All mixed and mingled with each other and the
Creator took the helm and led the Land of Israel in every corner, and they did
not feel that He is leading the people of Israel.
The Creator shows them that only
Messiah, who is a man of God, that all will hear what he will say to them -
without exception - both in Israel and in the world. Then there will be a new
world of life, of love and peace, and Jews will live forever.

הוסף רשומת תגובה