Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita Parashat Miketz - Chanukah Tasha't
Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita
Parashat Miketz - Chanukah Tasha't
Delivered on Sunday 24 Kislev Tasha’T (2.12.18) at
Father in heaven, King of the Kings, the Holy One, blessed be He, This world belongs to Him, all the
stars in heaven and earth - belongs to Him, He created them all. The Creator is
hidden, you cannot see Him and you do not hear Him, and He leads us through the
forces of nature, through fire, earthquakes, harsh winds, rain and all kinds of
natural phenomena, volcanic eruptions, and disasters everywhere. In general,
the world is being waged through the elements, floods and strong winds, fires
and volcanoes, earthquakes and rain, cold and heat, conflicts between states
and within themselves.. And on a smaller level, He gives to a person suffering.
Everything that a person does in this world - he gets back, measure for
measure. If he stole- they will steal from him, if he lied - they will lie to
him, if he committed adultery - they will commit adultery if he murders - they
will kill him. If he learns Torah, prays, corrects the virtues, and makes
donations and tithes, the money will come back to him and he will be protected
and safe. All the good that man does comes back to him. This is the speech of
the Holy One, blessed be He, with the people of Israel and the entire world.
What is
faith in the Holy One, blessed be He? It is
to worship Him wholeheartedly, in good and bad situation. A person who is
successful and happy - happy and full of joy, it is good to thank God. A person
who is feeling bad, who has many problems, a lot of sickness, suffering and
difficult things go through him, also in this case it is good to thank God.
Even in bad things one must thank God. Because the Holy One, blessed be He, is
truth and all that He does is for the good of man and for the sake of his
correction in this world.
is a holiday that shows how much miracles and wonders the Holy One, blessed be
He, did to the people of Israel, and all so they will believe in Him. The Holy
One, Blessed be He, wants that on Hanukkah, we will remember, especially on
Chanukah, when there were many miracles. In every generation there were many
miracles, but on Hanukkah there were open miracles, the eyes saw the miracles
that the people of Israel survived and awakened to life and strengthened. No
nation in the world has succeeded in stopping the lineage of Judaism and the
Jews, until this moment, and will never succeed.
Chanukah candles are lit throughout the Land
of Israel just after Mincha and Arbit - preferably. If not, it is necessary to
observe the times permitted by the jewish law. Chanukah candles have a hidden
light. In every house of the Jews in the Land of Israel, Chanukah candles are
lit and illuminated the sky and the Holy One, blessed be He, is mentioned in
the Menorah of the Temple. For thousands of years, the Jews have gone through
hardships and tribulations, so the Holy One, Blessed be He, will pity them and
send King Messiah to be revealed in public.
All the
dreams Which
Joseph told to his father and to his brothers, everyone knew that they were
true dreams, and Jacob "kept the thing." Their jealousy led to
hatred, because Jacob loved Joseph more than all the brothers and they harassed
him all the time, hated him and his striped shirt.
The striped shirt is like a small prayer shawl
on the human body. The striped shirt connected Joseph to the Creator, entered
sanctity and purity, and the Creator of the world protected him everywhere.
Joseph was supposed to be Jacob successor and the brothers envied him with
great jealousy, like Cain, who envied Abel and killed him. All the brothers
wanted to kill Joseph. Instead of rejoicing that their father loves Joseph the
orphaned child, instead of honoring their father, who was a holy man, whose
father Isaac and his grandfather Abraham, they did not care at all about
respecting the parents. They did not care about Rachel who died, nor about the
fact that thanks to Rachel, their mother married Jacob. There had no respect
for the parents. So what if Jacob loved Joseph more than anyone else, Joseph
with his dreams and the Holy Spirit that was in his soul and spirit, what's
wrong with that ?! The brothers were supposed to support this and rejoice that
their father loved Joseph more than anyone else. They should have been happy to
have such a special brother, and help him and support him. But jealousy gnawed
at them and they decided to make him disapppear.
Because of their jealousy and hatred, the Holy
One, blessed be He, brought them down to Egypt. The purpose of the enslavement
was also to break the internal jealousy and hatred that existed in them. If
there was love and peace between them, they would have put Joseph to lead them
and they would not have to go down to Egypt to such a heavy bondage.
The brothers threw Joseph into the pit. He
shouted very harsh shouts that were heard all over the world, in heaven and in
the land. The Ishmaelites passed by and went to see what the shouting was. The
brothers took Joseph out of the pit so that they would not say that they had
murdered him and therefore sold him to the Ishmaelites. They did not care to
frighten their father Jacob and tell him that "an evil beast ate
him." They did not feel sorry for Joseph or for their father. They were
not afraid that something would happen to their father Jacob, a heart attack or
some other illness. Rachel died, his favorite Joseph, an orphan from his mother
who had studied Torah with his father, they did not care, they did not respect
their father. Their jealousy, hatred, and evil brought them to inform their
father that 'an evil beast ate him.' They brought him the striped shirt and
said, "Recognize your son shirt or not". They startled him horribly.
There is no respect for parents here. On the contrary, Jacob was frightened,
the Holy Spirit left him and there he was stopped and he could no longer see
the Holy Spirit. For 22 years Jacob suffered severe agony, wept, ashes on his
head and did not enjoy anything, only wept.
A man when someone close to him died is
grieving, and a year later he rose from mourning. But Jacob was in a situation
in which he was not sure whether Joseph was alive or dead, did not know what
was happening with him, because he knew that Joseph would grow up to be king.
Jacob did not know that his brothers had kidnapped him .
Joseph arrived at Potiphar's house and
continued his habit from the house to curl his hair to make him beautiful, even
though he was handsome . There was pride in him. Happen what happen at
Potiphar's house, Joseph escaped from Potiphar's wife, and Potiphar sent him to
prison even though he knew 100 percent that Joseph was righteous. Potiphar put
Joseph in the prison of the ministers and the dignitaries. Joseph went down to
prison to be humble, to know his Creator and recognize that all his powers are
from the Holy One, blessed be He, and not from himself. He went to jail for ten
years to be educated, to be close to the Holy One, blessed be He, and to know
that everything starts from Him and ends with Him. So that after Pharaoh's
dreams are solved, when He will place him on Egypt, he will not be confused and
will not be blinded by the money and property of Egypt, and not by the money he
will receive from the famine crisis. He underwent a series of education from
the Holy One, blessed be He, so when his brothers will come, He will have mercy
on them and will not hurt them badly.
When the solutions of the dreams of the chiefs
butler and baker were fulfilled, Joseph said to the chief butler: Remember me ... And you will remind me to
Pharaoh ...". Because of these
two words, Joseph stayed another two years in prison. He was not educated
enough during the ten years. He received two more years because he did not
believe in God.
In the
case of a man of God or a prophet, there is no state of striving, there is
faith in the Holy One, Blessed is He!
Joseph's education in prison was to have faith in the Holy One, blessed be He.
This is the way of the Creator. King David was in the desert, Elisha the
Prophet was plowing with the bulls, Moses was with Pharaoh for twenty years and
then until the age of eighty was in the wilderness at Jethro. The Creator
isolates all His messengers from the material, torments them and directs them
to the new and good way to help and save the Jewish people.
Messiah is present in our generation, Messiah
exists in our generation, Messiah is alive and well in our generation. God
chose him humble and innocent, without pride. The eyes of Messiah are filled
with all goodness, the most humble in the world and the most 'ordinary ' of all
the people of Israel. The Almighty loves only the innocent. Integrity and
innocence, this is the connection with the Holy One, Blessed be He. Whoever is
bent - as if he created himself. This is
how the Holy One, blessed be He, appears to the world. The beginning of the new
world, the end of the evil world and soon the Messiah will be revealed.
Once there was not enough awareness of what
the Almighty is. Today, this generation, the generation of redemption, the
generation of the Messiah received wisdom, knowledge and wisdom in order to
know that Messiah is alive and well and be more aware. This is the last
generation to greet Messiah, there is no other generation, no return.
We are in a period that we need to be perfect.
The Holy One, Blessed be He, says: "All Jews who are Jews, right and left,
connect together and overcome the impurity of the world, pride and domination,
be united and unified. We have no other country and no one in the world will
accept you. On the contrary, all the Jews are expelled from South and North
America, Europe, Africa and Asia. They are severely beaten, and they have to
flee from there and come to the Holy Land and live in the Holy Land. There is
enough room for everybody. There is
redemption and there is also a Messiah that needs to be revealed soon. They
have the right to be in the first circle with the King Messiah.
In the Israeli Knesset and everywhere, it is a
pity to fight for honor and chairs. Whoever is elected mayor, Knesset member or
minister, will not fight for the chair. He must be entirely for his city and
for the State of Israel. In the end, the Holy One, Blessed be He, will put
words in his mouth. What the Holy One, blessed be He, will decide will happen.
We conduct ourselves as if in nature, but the Holy One, Blessed be He, we do
not see Him nor hear Him - He decides. We think we are strong and "we o
not care about anyone." It's pride. The Holy One, Blessed is He, is
stronger than all of us and directs everything according to what should be in
our favor and for the good of the people of Israel.
Jews who do not observe Torah and mitzvot are
given divine power to repent.
Right and left must connect and be united and
unified, despite the difficulty, because the whale tail is in its mouth,
attached to his mouth and it is like a wedding ring. Thus the left and the
right in the wedding ring that is between, and no one can shatter the ring of
left and right when connected. Most of the gentiles hate the Jews, both the
left and the right.
Hamas Continues with his tricks,
continues to dig tunnels, gets ammunition through Egypt, through the tunnels
and there is full ammunition in the tunnels, it's his bunkers.
Egypt, Sisi closes his eyes and the
Palestinians pass a lot of rockets towards the Gaza Strip. Sometimes he opens
his eyes and shoots here and there, making as much noise as he can.
Hamas, Abu Mazen and the Palestinians do not want peace. The Holy
One, blessed be He, says: "I do not
want peace with Hamas, they are the seed of Amalek." The Holy One,
blessed be He, wants to remove Hamas from Israel and from the world. The people
of Israel suffer from them because of King Saul who did not kill all the
Amalekites and their animals. We correct the error of King Saul who did not
listen to the Holy One, blessed be He.
Syria There will be no peace and
quiet in them and they will never rest. They will always kill each other and
there is no solution from anyone in the world. The media stopped broadcasting
because there is no end to it, it repeats itself every day.
When the Messiah comes and is revealed in
public, there will be another world.
The IDF is protected and guarded, and they too
will guard themselves "and you will protect yourselves very much."
Israeli Jewish pilots are accompanied by the angels of heaven! The Creator gave
Israel a strong air force and angels accompanied them to save lives, so that
IDF soldiers would not enter the Gaza Strip, Lebanon, or other places. The
Israeli Jewish pilots will go to any mission, fly in peace, do their missions
for peace and return in peace, even if dozens of missiles fly. Planes flown by
Israeli Jews - return home safely.
Iran Each time it raises its
voice, it will receive beating from the Holy One, Blessed is He. Ninety percent
of Iranian citizens love the Jews and the Land of Israel and hate their
government. They want to overthrow their regime and there will be a revolution
in Iran.
Turkey, Erdogan makes disappear all those who object. There will also be a
revolution there. They take the money into their own pockets.
Jordan There is no possibility.
They are waiting for the proposals of the United States and the United States
has nothing to offer, because the Arabs do not agree to peace and Israel does
not agree to peace.
U.S, Trump is all true love for the Holy Land only. His love for Jews living
in the Land of Israel. Trump is very respectful and protects the Holy Land of
Israel and the Jews living in Israel alone.
The Jews abroad, must go to the Land of Israel
urgently and they must not say, 'It will not happen to us,' it is all pride and
substance. The Father in Heaven says: Anti-Semitism has grown and grown, it is
better for you to go to Israel now and to Israel alone, before you lose the
train. When the Land of Israel and the Jews in the Land of Israel advance, when
the whole world is looking for the Land of Israel and is dependent on
technology, patents and many other things from the Land of Israel- The hatred
of Jews abroad has grown tremendously. Because no country can harm the Holy
Land and the Jews in the Holy Land, but Jews living abroad are very easily
hurt. Envy and hatred lead to murder and killing. That way all the Jews from
the world will flee and come to Israel.
Russia, Putin "does not care about anyone." He shows the world that he
is present and stronger than anyone else. He took over the ships to show that
'I'm here, watch out for me'. In the Middle East, arms and munitions are sold
to Arab countries - freely. Anyone who does not listen to him, he hurts him.
In East Jerusalem And in
other places, many non-Jews terrorists were caught. There are many other gangs
that have not yet been reached.
Abu Mazen is an excellent actor, working on everyone. He is sending madmen to
commit suicide and to hurt the Jews. He gives them some money and they commit
Hezbollah and Nasrallah, God damn them and their memory, All weapons and ammunition received from Iran and elsewhere - the IDF
is blowning them up.
In Israel, all white-collar workers, senior
people in the economy and everywhere, are being discovered in droves. All the
one taking or giving bribes, the cheaters, the crooks and the conspirators-all
of them would fall side by side. The Holy One, blessed be He, can no longer
suffer and see the world in impurity and evil. The end of evil in Israel and in
the world has come. He wants everyone to say, 'We will do and we will hear.'
The Holy One, blessed be He, says to the Jews: 'My children, my dear ones, we
have reached this generation, a generation of redemption and Messiah and a
generation of the revelation of the Messiah in public, in this generation
soon!' Messiah works day and night.
Israel's Mossad is everywhere in the world.
Israel has won the upper hand at a high level.
Do not procrastinate. Wait for every moment, it will come
suddenly - the revelation of King Messiah in public. No one knows the date of
the Messiah's revelation in public, meaning that they will be informed from
heaven and earth. The Creator has not yet passed on to any angel, not to the
Shekhina, to the prophets or to the righteous in heaven - not to anyone. At the
same time that the Creator will decide - it will be at that moment. The Creator
will not say 'another week or two' at the moment He decides - everyone will
know. If He decide now, it will be now!
הוסף רשומת תגובה