Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita Parashat Vayeshav Tasha’t


Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita
Parashat Vayeshav Tasha’t
Delivered on Sunday 17 Kislev Tasha’t (25.11.18) at 8:30

Our father in heaven, Master of the Universe, leads the world in a way that suits the will of the Creator. Thousands of years have passed and the Creator of the World will surely not allow the world to proceed in a crooked manner, without truth, with death, complications and conflicts all over the globe. The Creator of the universe is honesty and truth, holy and holy and holy. When the Land of Israel was established in 1948, the end of all evil in the world started and the Creator began to clean and purify the world according to His will. Bring a world where the Ten Commandments are fulfilled, a world of free love, a world of eternal life, a world that is all good. There is paradise above and this world will become a lower paradise on Earth! If they will agree - that's good, if they will not - it will be by force.
The world of evil and hate, murder, killing and conflict is over. The Jews who live in the Land of Israel began first and they will continue to purify the holy Land of Israel and the entire world simultaneously and together with the revelation of Messiah in public very soon, so as to give strong impetus. So that they may see the Master of the Universe, the miracles and wonders He does in public, and everyone will know, bow down and surrender to the Holy One, blessed be He.
Why is it forbidden to tell dreams to anyone, to those who we do not like, to those who do not love you, or to those who interpret the dream according to their wishes, against you? Because the dream takes place according to the interpretation. In the dream there are two parts, a good part and some bad, and it should always be interpreted according to the good part. A dream that is understandable or incomprehensible - always make it good, for a good life and for peace. This dream is a gift that the Holy One, blessed be He, gives because of man's choice. The Holy One, blessed be He, allowed man to choose alone and not to interfere in free will. He gave him the blessing and the curse, the good dream and the bad dream, and now - make a choice Therefore one has to go only to someone who is qualified, or who has the Holy Spirit, who is very understanding of dreams. You do not have? - Explain to yourself. Take the beautiful part and you'll understand, just good.

In Parashat Vayeshev, Joseph the Righteous brags and tells his father and his brothers the dreams. An enmity between them is created which leads to hatred and hatred leads to death. Like Cain who had envied Abel and killed him. Joseph tells and boasts of dreams, he thought the brothers would be happy, he also knew that his father understood very well what dreams were. The hatred intensified because Joseph was the son of Rachel, the youngest son whose mother died and Joseph and Binyamin remained without a mother. Jacob gave all the love to Joseph instead of to his mother. Jacob was for Joseph both mother and father. Jealousy led to a chain of events. Jacob sends Joseph to check on the brothers. This is a hallucinatory thing, the son Jacob loves most, who knew only Torah, who is not a man of war and quarrels, he will go in the desert to look for the brothers who were very strong? The matter is rolling, the brothers are selling it and he is coming to Egypt. If Yaakov and the brothers would not have complicated Joseph's dreams, if they had accepted them 100 percent and interpreted them the right way, they would not have been enslaved in Egypt. They would have gone through some uncomplicated process of refinement, the easiest that should have been. In the end, after all, Joseph's dreams have become a reality  in a strange way. A way of suffering, through hunger in the Land of Israel, through the pit where Joseph was, through the shame of the brothers - a very difficult way and they entered into a very difficult enslavement.
When Jacob heard the brothers say, "A wicked beast ate him," he panicked, went into sadness and the Holy Spirit  left him . Jacob knew that Joseph was not dead, knew that there was a mystery, so he did not sit in mourning. He mourned Joseph but there was doubt in him. Jacob was not sure that Joseph had died because of the dreams he had dreamed of, "and his father kept it."
All this happened because of jealousy, which led to hatred, which led to killing, like Cain and Abel, like Esau's hatred of Jacob to this day. Because of the jealousy, they fell into heavy bondage in Egypt in a strange way.

The Land of Israel is protected and guarded from anything bad in the world, and we, the IDF and the civilians, make efforts in the natural way so to follow "and you will protect very much your souls." Also on the roads, drivers do not play with phones, messages and WhatsApp. In most cases of road accidents - the driver is guilty. Do not blame the Holy One, blessed be He, nor the policemen who arrest you.
Hamas they are the seed of  Amalek and want to destroy the State of Israel.
Hamas, the Palestinians, Jihad and all the Arab countries are very happy, rejoicing and dancing when they see that the government of Israel is fighting each other on the chairs, who do not really care about the people of Israel, the holy land and the IDF soldiers. Maybe a small part of them, very small, cares about Israel and not the chairs. Everyone who wants chairs - will fall off the chairs. There is a Creator who leads the world, or they will hear His voice or they fall from the chairs. Every member of the Knesset or minister must be entirely dedicated to saving the Jews in the Holy Land. If he does other things, as opposed to the Creator, he will fall off the chair. All the Knesset members, left and right, must be united, there is no left or right -  unite, we have no other state. We are all Jews, left and right Jews, we have no other country. Arabs have the whole world and now all of Europe and the Middle East, all belong to them, millions of acres of land, without end. Just hatred for Jews in the Land of Israel.
All the members of the Knesset must be reasoned and return to unity, to one force left and right together. Knesset members  should not resign, that's responsibility. The Holy One, blessed be He, will not take anyone in consideration. You must know, the Holy One, Blessed be He, cares about the Holy Land and onlyy to the Jews living  in the Holy Land. Those who live abroad will flee quickly and come to live in Holy Land. So that he will not come later with arguments and say at some stage, 'Where is the Holy One, blessed be He?'
Hamas they continue with demonstrations, think they will get what they want.
Abu Mazen Continues quietly withsending people with knife and sends people to the East Bank and East Jerusalem. The Holy One, blessed be He, embraces and protects the Holy Land!
Anti-Semitism It is very difficult in the world, there was no such thing from the beginning of the world. In every country in the world, every country hates the Jews, an inexplicable hatred that grows stronger every day. It is worthwhile for the Jews to go to the Land of Israel urgently, before it is too late, and they start to complain and weep to God. Then nothing will help.
Iran is threatening and swelling like a peacock. They do not know that if Trump decides to erase Iran - he will erase it. Do not play with Trump. Those who threaten the world's greatest superpower are getting into trouble with the US and Trump.
in Russia Those who do not want Putin are no longer there. Russia is making a living from ammunition and weapons, more than anything else.
Syria They will continue to kill and kill and be killed. The most difficult complications, will not stop. God's hand in this matter. Whoever interferes with the Holy One, blessed be He.
In Israel, the IDF has already learned all the missiles well and how to deal with them.
Hezbollah and Nasrallah are waiting for Iran to deliver ammunition to him by air, they will not succeed.
Turkey, continues to deal  with the murder of this journalist, make him an idol. Every day a few hundred people are killed and  they cry over the murdered journalist, making advertisements about the journalist. In Turkey, anyone who objects - they kill him.
Egypt, Sisi is stabilizing himself quietly. Preferring to work in secret with Israel and outwardly to show that they are against Israel.
Jordan will continue to wait for ever and ever. There will be no peace. There will be no Palestinian state or peace. There will be no agreement.
The Arabs do not want peace, they want to throw all the Jews into the sea. Sure and certainly they will not succeed, they will go to the sea. When the Creator decides to bring a tsunami, He will take the entire Gaza Strip with the tsunami.
What they want to do to the Jews in the Land of Israel, the Holy One, blessed be He, will do to them, measure for measure has not ceased from the world.
Iraq is dead.
Lebanon wants peace as in Europe, wants to be European.
France most of them are Muslim Arabs, soon there will be Arab rule in France. Let them continue to encourage Muslims. Let the Jews continue to seize the foundations of the houses were they are living and not to leave ...
England It is also complicated with refugees and Muslims who come in droves. They have stopped publishing how many Muslims, infiltrators and refugees come from Africa. They conquer city after city like worms, all over Europe. Step by step, we see how Europe becomes ashes and becomes Africa. And the Jews? They still hold the foundations of the buildings, thinking that they live in the Holy Land of Israel. They do not understand that they live in an unclean soil and have no protection, neither from heaven nor from the land.
China, Japan, North Korea and South Korea, There is no connection with Israel. They have their complications in their area.
North Korea Makes agreements wirh US to repair its economy.
China and Japan They want to eat the world. The world will eat them soon.
Again, they say again from Heaven: Anyone who comes to harm the holy Land of Israel, or the Jews in the Holy Land, the Holy One, blessed be He, shakes and shocks that country, complicates it with the elements of nature, with the government and with various complications. It is impossible to harm the Holy Land of Israel, from which there is light for all the world. Through Israel, through the Jews who live in the Land of Israel alone, they give life to all the earth. Father in heaven is only in the Land of Israel and in all the upper worlds, everywhere.
The most difficult problem is with Hamas, which is the seed of Amalek and the people of Israel, suffers from Hamas. This is the correction from King Saul, who had mercy on the sheep and their animals who have survived to this day and harass the Jews.
IDF soldiers should not be complacent. Be alert while you are on guard and in dangerous places. Every Jew will be attentive and follow "and you will protect yourselves very much".
We are the special Jewish people. We have been privileged to this day that we have Judaism and have not dispersed and they have not succeeded in destroying the Jewish people through assimilation. Just as our rabbis have preserved Judaism and gone against assimilation, Jews now have to go against assimilation. If there are married to non-Jews - convert them. If not - disconnect from them. There are those who think that if they marry gentiles it is an honor, as if they have defeated the Holy One, blessed be He. The Holy One, blessed be He, says to them: 'I have patience, you live  day  by day and will disappear from the world. I am here forever, billions of years and billions of years ahead, waiting for everyone who thinks to upset and anger me with assimilation. '
Everything that happens in Israel is purity and impurity that are fighting. The right is denouncing the left and the left is denouncing the right, and everyone is finally revealed, right and left. That is how the Holy One, Blessed be He, wants them to be revealed and all will repent.
All the synagogues in Israel will pray and ask for rain that will fill the Sea of ​​Galilee and the Dead Sea, and a lot of rain.

Our Messiah is alive and well in our generation. The righteous in heaven and the righteous who are buried in the Holy Land, are waiting for thousands of years. Mothers also weep and wait for the revelation of the Messiah in public. It is in our generation, in this generation. All this generation is the generation of the desert. The bones are in the desert of Sinai and we are living in the Land of Israel. The Desert Generation.
Mothers do prayers in the heavens and in the earth, and we flesh and blood also pray everywhere and ask for the Messiah our righteous. It is not shameful to ask our righteous Messiah that it will give us life forever and stop all the suffering of the people of Israel.
At night, the soul of Messiah connects with the Supreme Messiah. The "Yehidah" above, the Messiah below act and protect the Land of Israel. Continue to believe that in our generation we have won the revelation of Messiah. Because if it does not come out, the world will be destroyed by nuclear bomb. The world is at millimeters that, God forbid, there will not be a nuclear war. There is a minimum of ten thousand atom missiles in the world, enough of four of them or one, to destroy the entire planet, no  need  of the other 9,999.
The Creator of the Universe says: My children's patience, despite the fact that everyone is desperate and in pain and suffering, I say to you: My children, there are a few more corrections to be done by the people of Israel and then I will reveal the King Messiah in public. There is no backward just forward, in our generation, to reveal  the King Messiah in public soon in our generation!


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