Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita Parashat Vayishlach Tasha'T


Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita
Parashat Vayishlach Tasha'T
Delivered on Sunday 10 Kislev Tasha’T (18.11.18) at 8:30

The Lord of the Universe, our Father in Heaven, leads the world, leads it the way He wants it. Free choice and nature - we think that there is nature and that the world takes place on its own - this is everyone's mistake. Even though you do not hear the Holy One, blessed be He, and do not see Him, He leads the world. If he would have relied on humans and did not intervene, the world would have been destroyed thousands of years ago. Through the Jews, who chose the Holy One, blessed be He, at Mount Sinai and said, "We will do and we will hear," the Holy One, blessed be He, wants to stabilize the world.
The Holy One, Blessed be He, is responsible for everything that happens in the world, fires, volcanoes, heat, cold and ice, complications and conflicts between states and internally,  harsh winds, floods, tsunamis and earthquakes -  all the elements of nature is led by Holy One, Blessed be He. Those who live and who to die. The heart of king is in the hand of God.
The Government of Israel is in the hands of the Holy One, blessed be He, and every government in the world. They are behaving as if by themselves, but God Almighty manages everything.
Rebecca our mother was Lavan's sister. When Eliezer arrived with the slaves, camels and donkeys, to take a wife for Isaac, he had neither prophecy nor the Holy Spirit. He listened to Abraham and went to take a wife for Isaac. He could not tell who was right for Isaac, so Abraham gave him signs and Eliezer knew in advance what Rebecca would do.
Jacob had the Holy Spirit and not complete prophecy. He went to his uncle, Lavan, to find a woman and saw Rachel, who was similar to his mother. Rachel had the same face as Rebecca's, was like her in her actions, her face, and her behavior. Jacob felt that Rachel would be his wife and moved the stone himself from the mouth of the well, did not let Rachel and the shepherds move it. Eliezer, on the other hand, let Rebecca do all the work. The water came up to her and she watered him, his servants and his camels. Eliezer did not know that Rebecca was from the family of Abraham our Father and there was a reason for this.
Jacob came to Lavan and before he began to work he was engaged to Rachel. Lavan said to him, 'Do not worry this is your wife, you are engaged to her, work seven years and marry her.' Jacob worked seven years for Rachel and no one could marry her because she was engaged. Seven years later, when it was time to get married, Rachel gave up on the wedding and transferred it to her sister Leah without jealousy, because she saw with the Holy Spirit that if Jacob did not marry Leah, Esau will. She saw with the Holy Spirit that if Jacob marries Leah, some of the tribes would be born of her. Rachel saw with the Holy Spirit that from her will be born two children and together with the sons of the maidservants there will be twelve children. All Rachel did was to keep that the building of  Israel was not destroyed, with the Twelve Tribes. Jacob was engaged to Rachel, so there was no chance in the world that someone else would marry her. impossible. But Leah was not engaged and that night Rachel  gave up Jacob turned Leah into his wife. Esau could not marry Rachel because she was engaged to Jacob and now he cannot also marry Leah.
Jacob was angry with Leah, Rachel, and Lavan. Lavan said to him, "After the seven days of the feast are over, you will marry Rachel. For Rachel you worked but not for Leah. Now  he will work seven years for Leah.
There was no jealousy between Rachel and Leah. Jealousy and competition began when Leah brought children and Rachel was barren. Jealousy was not that Jacob was the husband of Rachel or husband of  Leah. There was no jealousy that Jacob married Leah and not Rachel. Their envy was due to having children.
Every morning, almost every day, Jacob was angry at Leah: "Why did you set me up and why did you deceive me?" When Jacob saw that Leah brought another son and another son and another son, Reuben, Shimon, Levi, Judah, Issachar and Zebulon, he began to love Leah and all the love he had for Rachel faded away, because Rachel did not bring him children. When he saw the Holy One Blessed be He that all the love that Jacob feel for Rachel was almost to Leah and that jealousy started then Rachel got pregnant and the relations stabilized, Jacob love both of them and did not ask anymore why all this happen with Rachel, Leah and Zilpah and Bilhah (the servants Zilpah and Bilhah were daughters of Lavan from others mothers.
Jacob knew that everything is from God, he  knew that these were the plans of the Holy One, blessed be He, to bring out the Twelve Tribes, the people of Israel. Just as Messiah came out from the daughters of Lot, from Judah and his bride, from Boaz and Ruth the Moabite, To this day appears Messiah, in a way not a way.
Jacob did not just come to Lavan, he came to his brother  mother so that the twelve tribes would come out of him. The years passed and Jacob left from Haran with all his wives and property. Rachel took her father's mantras so that he would not chase them and also prove to Jacob that she was faithful to the Holy One, blessed be He, and to her husband Jacob. Rachel knew that Jacob was righteous and wanted Jacob to want her because of her righteousness.
Isaac's blessing and the blessing of firstborn brought to Jacob great wealth, great honor. He left Haran happily to return home and was afraid that Esau would kill him. On the way he met Esau's angel in Nahal Yabok. Jacob fought with the angel of Esau and defeated him. He was blessed by the angel, who changed his name from Jacob to Israel and gave him the blessing of Esau from heaven. Now Jacob had the blessing from Isaac, the birthright, and the blessing of Esau, which was passed on to him by his angel. This is one of the reasons that Esau could not fight Jacob, because the angel gave him the blessing and the firstborn right and there was no permission from above to harm Jacob.
There is no wish down until a wish is given from above and both depends on one another. Nothing will happen in this world unless they agree from above. First they agree above and then it takes place below.
When Esau came to Jacob, the Holy One, blessed be He, created a spiritual wall between Jacob and Esau, and Esau could not hurt Jacob while he embraced him, the spiritual wall protected him. Esau was not stupid, he understood that everything was done by the Holy One, blessed be He. Jacob took the blessing and the firstborn right, all his wives and property and fought with the angel. Esau knew that everything was from the Holy One, blessed be He. He saw that he could not fight Jacob, that Jacob was protected and guarded. Esau panicked, took a step backward. He understood that there is great protection from the Holy One, blessed be He, over Jacob.
The people of Israel is in a not easy period. With the Holy One, Blessed be He, everything is good.
Envy and competition among the Knesset members about their position - It is forbidden, because they do not fight for the people of Israel, but about chairs and honor. Some of them are fighting to overthrow the government, heaven forbid. One pulls to the left and one to the right.
The Israeli prime minister is not afraid of any Arab country.
The Holy One, blessed be He, protects Israel, the entire State of Israel, the Jews who live in the State of Israel and the Government of Israel.
Not to topple the prime minister. The prime minister wanted to find a solution without the killing of IDF soldiers, without thousands of missiles falling in every city, and there would be human and property damage, and in the end, nothing would come of it.
Entering the Gaza Strip - the Holy One, blessed be He, says: It is forbidden. The navy, the air force and the ground forces will bombard them from a distance.
No need for demonstrations. The Holy One, Blessed be He, watches over from heaven and directs in the right direction. The Holy One, Blessed be He, protects and guards all the Jews who live in the Land of Israel and every cm of the Land of Israel. They all saw miraculous miracles in the bus bombing, the wounded soldiers and 400 missiles and more launched - Miracles. It's a good thing. We must thank God and acknowledge the goodness.
Most accidents and disasters with cars and motorcycles happen because of use of phones, whatsApp and messages, or drunkenness and drugs in short, from the driver's negligence. A driver who drives a car must know that there is danger to his life every second. The Holy One, blessed be He, says: Do not rely on miracles. And you will keep very, very strongly  your souls.
Do not  be angry at the Israeli government. The Holy One, blessed be He, is directing from above and all that happens is under the care of the Holy One, Blessed be He. The government of Israel is intended and the elected mayors are also guided by the Holy One, blessed be He.
All the countries of the world are scared to death from Israel.
Abu Mazen, Palestinians, Hamas and Jihad - There is no faith in them. They do not want peace. They want only the money of Kuwait and Qatar, to keep it for their children's future. There will be no peace with Hamas and there will never be peace with the Palestinians, because they do not want peace. Be alert and find a solution to destroy all the tunnels. All the ammunition and weapons are in the tunnels, as well as a large stockpile of missiles. Continue to find solutions and destroy all the tunnels.
In East Jerusalem Wars will continue.
Russia sells arms and ammunition. There is a very large demand from Russia for arms and ammunition.
U.S, Trump in a big mess with the elections, the fires here and there, the elements, all sorts of demonstrations, disturbances and courts. They disturb him, waste him and spoil his good plans for the world. Trump has good plans for the world and the bad people are spoiling so that he will not be able to do good in the world. Some people like being bad all the time.
Jews who live abroad must come urgently and go up to the Holy Land. There is heavy anti-Semitism that has grown from day to day. The gentiles are being confident  every day more and more and there is great hatred for the Jews. Most non-Jews abroad do not like the Jews who are there.
Jews in the US should help Trump and love him very much. He is all a messenger to help the people of Israel and the State of Israel. Anyone who disturbs him to help the people of Israel will have complications with God.
Europe, They have nothing good. The Muslims eat them alive. The Muslims, the infiltrators and the anti-Semitism, occupy every good place in Europe. Jews, please flee from there to Israel only. They have no successes, only trouble. Europe will fall apart and it will be ashes.
Hezbollah and Nasrallah Do not worry, he'll get his blow from above.
Iran, Women - do continue to make demonstrations in all Iran, to overthrow the regime. The government of Iran is Hezbollah.
Turkey, Erdogan is crying and telling stories how painful he feels for the murder of the journalist, in order to save his economy, and every day he kills and murders several hundred people. This is camouflage.
Egypt, Sisi has to be humble, to understand that he is alive and well protected by the IDF. Israel is very helpful to him and the US is giving him a lot of money.
Jordan is in a very difficult situation that is deteriorating.
The whole world is in chaos and Gog and Magog, except for the Holy Land of Israel.
Dear Jewish parents, take care of your children against drugs, alcohol, gambling, and assimilation because it infuriates the Holy One, blessed be He.
Messiah works day and night. In the meantime, Israel will suffer until the Messiah will be revealed. When the Messiah King will be revealed in public, the Jews in the Land of Israel will cease to suffer. In the time of Messiah, all the spiritual leaders of the gentiles  will say that if not for the State of Israel and the Jews who live in the Land of Israel, the world cannot exist. The State of Israel, the Holy Land and the Jews who live in it, gives life to the entire world. What confuses the whole world is that a small country, simple and modest, and thanks to this small, simple and humble  state  - the whole world lives.
Let them stop interfering with the Land of Israel.
Messiah acts and works great. Everything that happens in the Israeli government is directed from the Creator of the Universe. Trust the Holy One, blessed be He. Instead of fighting each other - pray to him, learn Torah and fulfill the Ten Commandments, you will have the best defense in the world.
There were great miracles. The Holy One, Blessed is He, promises: "From Today great miracles will be seen! Today and soon! And I will continue to do great miracles for you, Jews who live in the Holy Land, until Messiah  will be revealed in the near future! '


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