Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shalita Parashat Nitsavim


Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shalita
Parashat Nitsavim
Delivered Sunday 22 Eloul Tasha'H, 2.9.18 at 8:30 AM

Our Father in heaven and in the land, our merciful father, begins on Rosh Hashanah to examine the Jews before all nations so that thanks to them, thanks to the Jews, the world will continue to exist and repent. Thanks to the Jews, He is sitting on the throne of mercy; because of them He pities all the billions of people in the world. If He will begin to examine the Gentiles, He will not get off the throne of Judgment and will destroy the world.
The Holy One, Blessed be He, sits on a throne of mercy and examines the Jews passing before him like the sons of Meron. Thanks to the Jews, the Earth exists, the trees, the animals and the beasts, the birds and the fish, and all the people in the world. This is the mistake of all the gentiles in the world who want to harm the Jews who live in the Land of Israel - because of the Jews they are alive and well.
On the first day of Rosh Hashanah, the Creator of the World forgive the people of Israel over the past year and on the second day, He opens to the people of Israel a good way, blessings and abundance for the New Year.
Jews, who say Selichot, who pray to the Holy One, blessed be He, on the morning to forgive them, must first forgive each other, do not wait for Yom Kippur to forgive, make preparations before that. Just as the release of vows has already been twice and there will be more, so too pardon and forgiveness between man and his fellow. Because we Jews are forgiving one to the other, so the Holy One, blessed be He, forgives us for all sins.
In the Land of Israel there will be a good New Year! Nothing is missing in the Land of Israel; life is quiet, good and peaceful. Jews must be united and united, when all of them are united and unified in the Knesset and all of Israel - one candle is created that no one can ever extinguish. The people of Israel is a special people in the world and no one in the world can harm it. In Israel there is the best economy in the world, the Israel Defense Forces is the most powerful in the world, and everything is good in Israel.
We will continue to build real estate in a continuous and non-stop manner, we must not stop, and millions of Jews have to come to Israel. 
Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and many more embassies will move to Jerusalem. In the New Year they will build houses throughout the country, and many Jews from abroad will immigrate to the Holy Land.
In this year, the soul of every Jew feels: the spirit of God is hovering in the land of Israel, the soul of our righteous Messiah, and everyone wants to immigrate to the Land of Israel and be in the first circle.
In Israel there will be a blessed year in all, a blessed year for the revelation of Messiah in public.
Problems and disturbances in the world will continue, floods and volcanic eruptions, severe earthquakes, tsunamis and fires, complications and complications in all kinds of countries, much more difficult than the past year.
Israel is protected, guarded and surrounded by a column of fire. 'Pillar of Fire' is the hidden light that envelops all the borders of Israel. Anyone who believes in the Holy One, Blessed be He, knows and understands that everything starts from the Holy One, Blessed is He, and ends with the Holy One, Blessed be He, if he believes in this, he will have a lot of spiritual strength and every day he will be better than yesterday.
The Holy One, blessed be He, loves that His children believe in Him. Thanks to faith we receive a gift: the power to be happy always, to not despair, to not resent, a good health, a good living and a long life.
Jews in Israel must not believe the Gentiles, because they want to destroy the people of Israel for generations. The jealousy within them is what causes them to hate and want to destroy the Land of Israel. In most of the world there are Muslims, what do they want from the little Land of Israel which is one point in the world?! There are many Muslims in the world that can connect to them. If they did not have jealousy, hatred and evil, they would leave the Land of Israel. From the time they are small, they are accustomed to live on their sword, not by way of the land and not by Torah, only to kill and murder. The Holy One, blessed be He, allows them to quarrel among themselves, Palestinians, Hamas, Fatah and Jihad, so that they will leave in peace the Jews who live in the Land of Israel, and soon the entire world will see how their leaders steal and cheat their people. They give to their people 5% of the money and the rest they take to their pocket.
Syria, the wars will continue between them and within themselves, Syria will continue to be erased.
Hezbollah, Nasrallah has no choice, he is in his bubble. No one likes him, everyone hates him.
Iran, as long as the United States is making sanctions against it, it is talking about the Israeli people and cannot carry out its threat, and Iran is scared of Israel, afraid of Israel and of the United States. It knows that the US is defending Israel.
Israel has the power to defend itself against any country in the world.
The United States, Trump understands that the Arabs do not have a word, knows that they are liars, cheats and gamers, he plays with them according to their games and does what he wants with them, Trump knows that there will be no peace with them and knows that they are snakes, folding and bending and not wanting peace. Only killing and murder, peace for them is death.
Trump stopped to the Palestinians the money so they will do his bidding, he wanted to bend those who did not listen, that too would not work. In no way will it succeed because they want only to kill and slaughter, they do not want peace. There is no way for peace with them until the messianic king is revealed publicly and he will clean the State of Israel and the entire world.
Putin continues to sell arms and ammunition, he wants to control the Middle East. He knows how to act and work quietly. He controls some of the Arab countries, quietly dominating them. This is the whole purpose of Russia.
Jordan, we will say again: it is full of refugees, millions of refugees, Hamas and Isis, the king of Jordan has no power, does not know how to act and does not know what to do. He is in a state of losing all Jordan. Israel helps him a lot and Jordan is destroyed and eaten from within.
Turkey will be under the ground because they continue to despise and ridicule the Jews who live in the Land of Israel. The Holy One, Blessed is He, is very, very hurtful, because of those who despises and speaks badly about the Land of Israel and the Jews who live there. Then the Holy One, blessed be He, decided: Turkey will be under the ground and will fall apart.
All the European countries are in great distress and very difficult from all the refugees, infiltrators and madmen, they cannot control them. They have great troubles, attacks, thefts, injuries and abuse of people, they beat, rape and do very cruel things. They defile all of Europe. It will continue strongly so that there will be quiet for the Land of Israel, for the Jews who live in the Land of Israel and for our Messiah, so that it will be revealed without interruption. So that there would be no disturbances in the Land of Israel.
Every time the Jews in the Land of Israel are spoken against and despised, the Holy One, blessed be He, hurts them severely, hits them with the Ten Plagues and the four elements of nature, to infinity.
Egypt is helping Israel because Israel is helping it, and so is the United States.
It is forbidden to be complacent within the borders of the Gaza Strip. They continue to dig tunnels and want to kidnap IDF soldiers, and IDF soldiers must be alert everywhere: at hitchhikers’ places, on borders and wherever they are.

The Holy One, Blessed be He, is complicating the whole world so that the Jewish people will be stronger, more united, holier, and will continue to believe in the Holy One, Blessed be He.
A gentile who wants to be a Jew must convert urgently to Judaism. Assimilation makes the most difficult problems in the Land of Israel for Jews.
What is happening with Messiah: Messiah is at war against impurity, fighting with great powers of purity and lights, the hidden light. The war came because of assimilation. The war is in spirituality and not in materialism, in material it is impossible to fight. Purity fights and fights strongly against impurity.
The Holy One, Blessed be He, wants to reveal the King Messiah in public, and impurity in the Land of Israel is forbidden. We need purity so that people will not be harmed by the light of Messiah. We are in the Land of Israel, we must be kosher Jews, pure and clean.
The Creator hates assimilation. Assimilation causes a lot of trouble and serious problems, increases the Erev Rav and the Din Yahudin, and it causes severe disturbances to the Holy One, Blessed be He, to the coronation of the Messiah in public. The Holy One, Blessed is He, does not wish to crown King Messiah with judgment. With judgment only 600,000 people will be left in the world.
The Holy One, blessed be He, wants to crown the King Messiah with mercy so that all the Jews will be privileged to be with the Messiah in public.
We in Israel have the Holy One, Blessed is He. There are the mothers in Heaven who thank God three times a day. Three times a day - evening, noon and morning, each one goes to her own job, prays to God and thanks him. Every righteousness in the sky has a temple and all the righteous women, each and every one of them, come out three times a day from the temple, praying and thanking the Holy One, Blessed is He, and returning each one to her temple. There are also drums and dances. Also Leah, our mother, who is in the nest of a bird with the upper Messiah, leaves the Temple three times a day, thanks the Holy One, Blessed be He, for having the upper Messiah in her hands and waiting for a sign from the Holy One, blessed be He. The lower Messiah is below in the hands of Rachel our mother, even waiting. Both up and down are waiting.
Most of them know who the Messiah is and will continue to know with certainty that the Messiah is, even the people, repentants and all Torah scholars, in Israel and around the world.
The messiah below works in difficulties. Goes through difficulties in the war against impurity and against lechery in order to correct the world. Messiah is against assimilation and against lewdness in the world. The people of Israel must repent in order to be better for the Jews and less burden for the war against impurity in the world. There is no return in the matter of the Messiah - he continues to be revealed! Messiah lives in our generation and in our country. Say three times a day: 'Messiah lives in our generation and in our land.' Whoever believes in the Holy One, Blessed is He, and in Messiah His servant will have the right to be in the first circle and eternal life!


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