Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shalita Parashat Ki-tavo

Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shalita
Parashat Ki-tavo
Delivered Sunday 15 Eloul Tasha'H, 26.8.18 at 8:30 AM

The Holy One, blessed be He, gives each and every year an opportunity for his Jewish children to repent and adhere to the Master of the Universe. He gives the Selichot, Rosh Hashanah, Ten Days of Repentance, Yom Kippur, Sukkoth and Hoshana Rabbah. Sukkoth is the power of joy and repentance.
Before Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, the soul of the person spreads out before God what he has done during the year, what he has corrected, what he spoiled and asks the Holy One, Blessed be He, how to repair, even though man does not feel anything. The soul spreads the whole truth, because the Holy One, blessed be He, is the truth. When the Holy One, Blessed is He, hears the truth, mercy fills man. When a Jew tells the truth to the Holy One, blessed be He, he says that he believes in the Holy One, blessed be He, that He respects the Holy One, blessed be He, and that He loves the Holy One, Blessed is He. A person who lies, who does not confess and does not plead guilty - is a person who does not believe in the Holy One, Blessed is He, and does not believe that the Holy One, blessed be He, knows what He has done all his life. When the soul spreads the whole truth to the Holy One, blessed be He, and the person also makes a confession and tells the whole truth to the Holy One, blessed be He, he receives pardons, forgiveness and clemency from the Holy One, Blessed is He. For the Holy One, Blessed be He, is the truth and his seal is the truth. A person who lies to the Holy One, blessed be He, is not heard in heaven or in the land.
A person who gets confused and makes errors for 12 months, his sins are collected every day. There are those who pray there are those who do not pray, some study Torah and some do not learn, those who observe commandments and those that do not observe. For 12 months he has many sins and he does not feel that he has so much, but he feels he has complications and confusion and does not know where it comes from. Through the Selichot, Torah study, Rosh Hashanah prayers, the Ten Days of Repentance, Yom Kippur and Sukkoth - man purifies itself.
On Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur man is forgiven. On Succoth and Hoshana Raba the joy replaces all the sins of man, the sins that are burned and disappear by virtue of repentance. Joy is the hidden light that allows a person to overcome all obstacles for another year ahead.
People who are in the truth, people do not understand them because of the truth. When do they understand ? When they get beaten and tormented. So they understand and regret why they underestimated the man who spoke the truth in their favor. That's why it takes time to fix. And not everything is taken for granted. Grace and mercy, giving and correcting virtues, elevate man in spirituality and thus approach purity.
Life and death in the hands of the Creator, no one understands and cannot understand why God decides to take a soul to Him. We must not argue and ask questions. The souls in the upper and lower worlds do not tell their friends what they did or did not do.
The Jews must fulfill the commandment of God, "we shall do and we will hear." When a Jew fulfills "we shall do and we will hear," the Holy One, blessed be He, protects and guards him from all harm, illness and trouble.
Most of those killed and injured in road accidents are their choice, out of complacency, recklessness and lack of thought – do not blame the Holy One, Blessed be He.
In the land of Israel there is everything, nothing is missing. Continue to buy houses, do not wait for years, and do not wait for any offer, just buy. Soon there will be no houses. Hundreds of thousands and millions of Jews will arrive and prices will jump.
All the senior military and government officials who make decisions about Hamas and the Palestinians: do not believe Hamas, the Palestinians, Abu Mazen or Hezbollah, they are liars, cheats and want to destroy the Land of Israel. There will be no peace with Hamas or the Palestinians. It is true that senior army and government officials do everything to protect IDF soldiers and bring them home, but there is need for judgment and wisdom, so that there will be no damage to the Land of Israel.
Hamas and Abu Mazen, Palestinians, Jihad and Fatah do not want peace, they want to erase the name 'Israel' - not for long, soon - they will be erased from the world.
The Holy One, blessed be He, says: 'The Jewish left and the Jewish right, all of you my children, unite and stop jealousy and competition. There must be free love among you to do your part in faith for the people of Israel. ' It is forbidden to allow other nations to influence the people of Israel. Israel is very small in the world. The Gaza Strip, Fatah, Hamas, Palestinians, Jihad - all of them have a place to live in all parts of the world, including Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria and all the Arab countries. Jews live in Israel. It is forbidden to give parts of Holy Land! Do not give one centimeter!
Russia, Putin enjoys controlling the Middle East, not because he loves them, solely for his own economic interests.
The United States, Trump proves to the whole world that he makes peace and gives everyone his gift. "The Holy One, Blessed be He, follows him, if there is a situation of incorrectness "vis-a-vis the Land of Israel, he will have problems with the Holy One, Blessed be He, and he will lose His protection Trump was chosen by the Holy One, Blessed be He, and he must defend the Holy Land of Israel and not give one centimeter of the Holy Land, the Palestinians have the Sinai Desert, Rafah, El Arish, and can be built there for a hundred million people.
The Holy One, blessed be He, is very careful about states, prime ministers and presidents who want to harm the Land of Israel. If the Holy One, Blessed be He, takes care of the righteous, surely he will be careful about Trump or any president who wants to disturb and take parts of the Land of Israel. The way the Holy One, Blessed be He, cares is very difficult, and He lowers the defenses. God chose Trump and he transferred the embassy to Jerusalem. If he will continue with the good he did from the beginning and he will receive the help of the Holy One Blessed Be He. If he does not, he will go from bad to worse.
There is a reason why the Holy One, blessed be He, placed Trump and Putin in control of the world, in order to help the Holy Land, and through the holy Land of Israel - the whole world exists.
Hezbollah and Nasrallah are collapsing economically, and many people are also being killed. He is fighting for his daily existence, for him and his men.
Iran is dead. It is dying of fear of Israel. It is raging and threatening Israel.
May that all nations on the face of the earth know - no one in the world can threaten, harass and disturb the Land of Israel, the State of Israel. Once it was possible, today they will receive the most severe blows, the ten plagues from the Holy One, blessed be He. So please, peoples all over the world and presidents, take in account, and do only good. All the presidents, prime ministers and peoples around Israel and around the world who do good to the Holy Land and to Jews who live in the Land of Israel will have plenty and well-being and a protected and protected life.
North Korea, because of the confusion in the Trump government and the problems in the US, has stopped itself and has not continued to fulfill Trump's requests ... Kim, you're will be sorry, you should do what you promised the US president.
Jordan will continue to be on hold for the rest of its life. They eat it and trample it.
Abu Mazen will turn the entire world so that his word will happen. They tell him from heaven: 'Your word will not happen! Not only it will not happen, you'll get it on your head! '
Hamas continues to dig tunnels and cheat.
Egypt, Sisi came in favor of Israel, because his salvation came from Israel. He is trying to bridge the gap between Hamas and Israel for peace.
The IDF must be alert, make a cease-fire, advance peace and Hamas and the Palestinians collect more ammunition, more weapons and more tunnels, preparations to surprise Israel, their blood is to kill, they have no mercy.
Syria is in a bubble. The killing and the chaos in Syria will continue, and the Holy One, blessed be He, will dismantle it every day so that they will not interfere with the Land of Israel.
Turkey, Erdogan is cursing. Nothing would help him. The economy will fall and have a revolution.
Iran will be dismantled, destroyed and there will be a revolution.
In all European countries the infiltrators, the refugees and the robbers are destroying the entire world and Europe in particular. They want the world to be Muslim. In Europe it is going toward the left, the left and the Muslims are advancing at a very fast pace. Isis has come to life, and very soon, serious attacks will begin.
Jews who live abroad, flee from there to Israel! Give up the money - life is worth more than all the money.
All construction should be dispersed along the borders of Israel, not just the center of the country. Today, the rockets reach 1,000 kilometers, five hundred and 200 kilometers.
Moslems with a blue identity card are extremely dangerous. PLO flags should be banned in Israel.
The floods, eruptions of volcanoes and fires, harsh winds and earthquakes will continue. Update to the world: The end of evil has come!
The Government of Israel, build houses adjacent to the borders of Israel. Escape from the center. Hundreds of thousands and millions of Jews will come soon, they will come every month.

In the holy land of Israel there is a living Messiah in our generation and in our country, he protects and guards the people of Israel, working twenty-four hours, night and day. Messiah helps, sustains and promises, and his words are fulfilled, and all he is doing is to save every Jew and the Holy Land. In Israel everything is good! There are clouds of fire that keep the borders of Israel. Messiah waits and expects every moment. Every Jew expects every moment for the coming of Messiah. Everything is ready and set in the heavens above and in the earth below. Waiting for a moment, like labor pains and so is the Messiah in our generation. The Creator says, there is no stopping, the Messiah will be revealed in public. It is no more the time for those who say 'generation is coming and a generation goes' and think there will be no change. The change is in this generation in which he will be revealed in public. That's the change. Suddenly!
The Holy One, blessed be He, gave and give and will give to every Jew the power to know wisely who the Messiah is!


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