Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shalita Parashat Balak Tasha'H

Delivered Sunday 11 tamouz Tasha'H, 24.6.18 at 8:30 AM

The King of Kings, the Holy One, blessed be He, the Father of Mercy, extends his patience to a certain limit. The Holy One, blessed be He, is very possessive towards His Jewish children and does not like when they are harmed. Anyone who harms the Jews who live in holy land of Holy Land and clashes with the people of Israel who live in the Holy Land, no matter whether he is a private person, a prime minister or any other person in the world or a state, The Holy One, Blessed be He, warns unconditionally: If they want to harm Jews living in the Land of Israel, the Holy One, Blessed is He, without warning, will inflict upon them the most severe beating, including the ten plagues that were in Egypt. We are in an advanced generation and the beatings will be according to this generation.
The State of Israel, the Land of Israel, the Holy Land and the Jews who live in it, should not be disappointed by everything that happens in the world vis-a-vis the Land of Israel and the Jews who live in the Land of Israel. All the countries in the world need the Land of Israel and the help of the Jews who live in the Holy Land. Although there are threatening from all over the world - the Creator will erase the threats and turn them into peace and love. Despite the fact that they are burning in the Land of Israel, everything will turn on them and the Arabs will get fires. The Muslims who cause fires, the rule measure for measure, have not stopped from this world, they will be burned, and they will have endless fires.
The Holy One, blessed be He, says to the people of Israel, 'Do not worry my children, everything will be renewed and will be twice as pure and good.' The fires, the harsh hatred of the Palestinians, Hamas and the Muslims, come to awaken the Jews so to stop believing in them. Stop believing in Hamas and stop believing all those around them, because they only want to destroy and destroy the Holy Land, and the Jews in it. They do not want peace. It's just free hatred and money.
Some of the gentiles are now discovering their truth, the hatred in their hearts. Jews – do not to be ashamed and don play the nice. People of Israel do not say 'I am modern.' Many generations have not listened to the Holy One, blessed be He, and the Holy One, Blessed be He, deceives and harms those who do not appreciate Judaism.
Every country and every nation - His honor in his place. The Jewish people are in Israel. With a chosen people, with a special people who have the powers from the Creator of the Universe and capable of everything, there is everything in it. There is a country in the world that has rain all year. There is a country that has heat all year, a country that has a certain kind of vegetables, a country that has a certain type of fruit, a certain type of trees, a certain type of weapon or some kind of sea, And what is beautiful in the Land of Israel - it contains a summary of everything that exists in the entire world, from all countries. There are all the best fruits in the world, the most delicious vegetables in the world, the most advanced weapons and ammunition in the world, the best scientists in the world, the best doctors and there is infinity. Israel is the essence of all the countries of the world. In this small country there is an essence of natural resources, oil, gas and more and everything is small. Small but with God's blessing! This little one is blessed and will never end.
The small places in the Land of Israel are blessed and will never end. The great places abroad are over - the people of Israel and the holy Land of Israel - the smallest place in the world and the most powerful place for the blessing of God - the Blessing of the Holy One, Blessed is He – is in the Holy Land and in the Jews. Every little thing in the Land of Israel never ends because of the blessing it contains
The State of Israel has been in existence for 70 years, from 1948 until now. Seventy years of the State of Israel is like the existence of thousands of years. Yes, the Land of Israel has existed for thousands of years in the world. High-tech, medicine, science, everything is small and everyone wants to be a part of it, to pump and take from the Holy Land of Israel. Like the barn of Joseph the Righteous, who collected grain for one year and the blessing that was in the barn lasted for more than seven years. Until now the blessing has been hidden. Such as the tin of the oil, like a drop in the womb from which a fetus, organs and bones grew up and was born into the air of the world, just as the Creator of the Holy One, blessed be He, creates worlds from nothing. Blessing of the Lord in the Holy Land The State of Israel! God's blessing applies only to Jews in the Land of Israel only!
Earth is a special star unlike any other in the world. It consists of many stars in the sky, a diamond star and a copper star, a star of the sun, a star of gold and water, metals and types of earth. In the Land of Israel there is everything in the world, in essence, small, and blessed to infinity.
The Holy One, Blessed is He, can do everything, life and death in the hands of the Holy One, Blessed is He, and man has the choice "and you shall be very careful for your souls." The Holy One, Blessed be He, is very much concerned with those who know Halakha, those who know what is permitted and what is forbidden in the religion of Israel. Those who do not know will repent. Anyone who knows and does not observe is called a scorn and does not believe in the Holy One, blessed be He.
The Ten Commandments is a contract between the Holy One, blessed be He, and the Jews. If you will follow my rules , you will be unlimited good. If one changes my "law", God is careful about every religious or non-religious person. There is much more emphasis on religious people than on non-religious people. Nevertheless, the Creator is waiting for them to repent. The Creator chose the Jews to correct the world and bring everyone back in repentance. The Holy One, blessed be He, examines the kidneys and the heart, guides man in the good way, and the person chooses where to go, good or bad.
Jews in Germany, France and England - to escape fast and quickly. Sell houses at any cost and get away very quickly before it will cost your life. Come and go up only to the Holy Land of Israel and not to any other country in the world.
The Creator promises a never-ending promise that all the Jews who will come to live in the Land of Israel and those who live in the Land of Israel will be protected and sheltered from any person in the world. You are not protected in the United States, Jews are their place, their soul and their holy spirit - only in the Holy Land, they have no other place in the world, only the holy Land of Israel, do not wait, do not say 'Until it happens, I will come running'. Germany will be erased.
Hamas - a remnant of Amalek left by King Saul. Israel must make an end with Hamas, that is Israel's correction, to end Hamas because they are interfering with the Jews. This is a correction of King Saul who left remnants from Amalek. The people of Israel have been repairing Amalek so far. Not to believe Hamas' decisions - because it's all a lie. They continue digging tunnels for 24 hours. The kites are meant to confuse the IDF and the defense establishment so they will not seek the tunnels.
Isis, the Holy One, Blessed be He, brought him to cast doubt on all the Arab states and part of the world, and Isis is everywhere, not distinguishing between an Arab, a Muslim or a Christian, destroying everything. You can not kill him. This is the hand of God, as in Syria.
Jordan, the king in distress. Today he decided that a Palestinian state should be established in Jerusalem. Now he is in trouble with the Holy One, blessed be He, very heavy. Now millions of refugees will start eating it and Jordan. The US will not help him.
Russia saw that Trump had joined Kim and that Kim is doing the will of the United States (for the time being, to continue), so Putin is beginning to flatter the US, which will not take from it North Korea and the trade.
The Holy One, Blessed is He, does not want to destroy the world, he promised at the time of Noah and the flood that he would not destroy the world. The leaders also want to live quietly.

Kim understood and knew that his economy was over. He does not want to starve himself and his people.
The Holy One, blessed be He, wants to turn the atomic bomb of the whole world into a good way and to abolish it from the world. The Holy One, Blessed is He, does not need an atom and do not want to destroy the world. There will be no third intifada, there will be no Third World War, there will be redemption and Messiah and the construction of the Third Temple.
Iran is swelling like a peacock, afraid to fight directly against Israel, knowing that Israel can destroy all its atomic plants. There are people inside Iran's atomic plants, who are ready every second to blow up and destroy the factories, before the IAF arrives, and the IAF will arrive and complete the work. The Iranian army soldiers are not calm and unhappy about what they are doing, it is very bad for them. They know that they do not belong to Syria or to anyone and just kill them everywhere, for nothing.
Hezbollah does not like that the Syrian soldiers are not dependent on him. Hezbollah will continue its war against Syria, it wants to control the Syrian soldiers and this will lead to war between them. The Holy One, blessed be He, hardens the hearts of the Syrian soldiers. The Holy One, blessed be He, confuses them and messes up Hezbollah and Nasrallah with the Syrian soldiers. Everyone thinks he is smarter than the other, complicates them so that they will leave Israel quietly, so that the people of Israel will learn Torah and pray in peace
The kites, they found part of the solution, all quietly. It is the device that will blow the kite that will fall inside the Gaza strip. The kites will begin to fall inside the Gaza Strip itself and in Gaza, and they will have fires. There will be fires in places where Muslims and Arabs live and everything will be burned to them. Not in Israel. The entire Gaza Strip will go up in flames.
Turkey is completely lost, Erdogan is raising people so they will not kill him. There will be a revolution or Erdogan will die, he will be killed. His time to live is short. The Turkish people do not want the Muslims and Isis to rule it, Isis controls Erdogan, Erdogan listens to them. Everything will explode in his face.
Lebanon wants to live in peace with the world.
Chaos and Gog and Magog continue outside the borders of Israel, growing stronger and stronger. Every week there is an upsurge of chaos and Gog and Magog in the world, and every week and week of the State of Israel, the Holy Land is strengthened, purified, sanctified and protected until without limits.
Rain, fires, earthquakes, winds and strange things will continue to happen in the world.
There is a cloud that surrounds and protects the borders of Israel. The IDF and we will continue in the natural way.
Messiah protects and guards the Israel Defense Forces and the citizens of the Jewish people, and the Holy One, Blessed is He, recognizes and approaches the Messiah who helps the people of Israel in secret and openly .Messiah works day and night. Messiah does not belong to any party, to any Haredi sector, he is not ultra-Orthodox. Messiah belongs to the Holy One, blessed be He only, without a title, no advertisement, and no matter where he comes from, he has a title from the Holy One, Blessed is He. Does not belong to the government, does not belong to the president of the state, and does not belong to any sector.
What's written here now is not a game. Those who disdain it will get into trouble with the Almighty. The mockery was long gone. Moses, too, was mocked, they angered him, and did not want to enter the Holy Land. All the old generation died in the Sinai desert, Korach and his team was swallowed by the earth and many more things happened.
Messiah, all the souls of the people of Israel are connected to Him. He hears all the souls of the Jews, pleads to the Holy One, Blessed is He, that no Jew will be harmed. Every Jewish mother weeps for her children, and the role of Messiah is to ask God not to hurt any Jew, no an IDF soldier, or a Jewish policeman or a security personnel, to be protected and protected!
Messiah son of David is much more visible than he was, he is seen, there is no secret. You hear him and you see him, you smile at him and he smiles at everyone and loves everyone. Messiah, the messenger of the Lord, saves the entire people of Israel, gives them wisdom and knowledge, and clears them to adhere to the Holy One, blessed be He. There should be circles and the Holy One, blessed be He, direct so all will be in the first circle!


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