Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shalita Parashat Chlah LeHa Tasha'H

Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shalita
Parashat Chlah LeHa Tasha'H
Delivered Sunday 19 Sivan Tasha'H, 3.6.18 at 8:30 AM

Father in heaven, the creator of this world, created the earth and all that is inside it, humans, animals, birds, and beasts. He created the Jews above all and chose them to run the world in the way of the Holy One, blessed be He, through the Messiah, who will be revealed in public in the near future. Through the Messiah and the people of Israel, the Holy One, Blessed be He, will administer the entire world and be good to the Jews and all the inhabitants of the world. Jews will have eternal life forever.
The forces of nature are controlled by the Creator of the Universe only, and act according to the instructions of the Holy One, blessed be He, floods where necessary, fires where necessary in the world, eruptions of volcanoes, harsh winds and storms, tempestd and earthquakes, conflicts within countries and between states.
The entire world, apart from the Holy Land of Israel and the Jews who live in it, has lost its wheel, no control, everything is complicated, everything is confused, and the evil world disappears. Everyone informs everyone about everyone, the evil consumes itself, the end and the end of evil in the world. There will be no wars and there will be no killing, only good for all the people of the world. This is the will of the Holy One, blessed be He. Every state that goes against the Holy Land, the State of Israel, whether directly or indirectly, or who wants to take parts of the Holy Land, will be beaten severely, and they will not be able to get out of it. The Creator of the Universe says: The Land of Israel, the holiest and most pure place in the world where Jews live, it is forbidden to take parts from it. On the contrary, it is necessary to enlarge the Holy Land of Israel so that there will be purity and holiness throughout the world. Do not reduce the good - increase the good.
The Holy One, blessed be He, shows the whole world he created, how Russia and the United States love the State of Israel, protect and fight for the Land of Israel, and how the two superpowers, Russia and the United States, protect and guard the Land of Israel.
Russia has worked quietly with Israel, now more openly. Russia knows that if it does not get the Iranians out of Syria, they will steal and take all the sophisticated Russian missiles, they will pass it to the US or other countries that are against Russia, which will weaken Russia very much and Russia will not be able to defend itself. Putin fears that arms and ammunition will fall into the hands of other peoples who are against Russia.
The whole world knows that it is forbidden to deal with the Jewish people who live in the Holy Land alone. From the beginning of the world until now, anyone who tried to go against the Jews was destroyed, disappeared, killed and died.
The United States, Trump continues to support the people of Israel, Trump is angry, about how Hamas is doing wrong and the world is quiet and sleepy. Trump wants to neutralize Hamas for a long time Trump does not like cunning, dirty, thieves, who do not distinguish between a old man and a child because of the desire for money and riches, for respect and for scheming. Trump will find a solution to remove Hamas, so that they will not bother the people of Israel.
Israel has the best technology in the world, patents, start-ups and the best army in the world. They are the smartest and wisest in the world, and they have Torah and prayers that bring life to the whole world. Thanks to the Torah and the prayers of the Jewish people who live in the holy land of Israel, who pray from the Holy Land of Israel - the world is alive and well! Israel is above all nations in the world.
There are zealots; Esau hates Jacob to this day. Trump understood who is the Jewish people living in the Land of Israel and how important it is for the existence of the world. Trump cares about the existence of the world, so it protects the source of the blessing, the light source of the world, the source that sustains the world.
Turkey, many countries and people left it; it has no support from anywhere. Its economy is crashing daily, they are eating each other in Turkey, and there is no justice and no judge. They have been infected by Syria and Iraq and it will continue the same way.
Iran will not directly harm Israel. Its sends messengers and all of them are killed. Iran is afraid of Israel. Iranian troops will go against their administration. Some of the heads of the Iranian administration are from Hezbollah, they are not Iranians and they are making the mess. 95 percent of the Iranians love the Jews. The Holy One, Blessed be He, gives power to the Iranian women to overthrow the Iranian regime, which was poisoned by Hezbollah.
In Egypt, the heavy hunger continues. Sisi acknowledges Israel secretly, knows that if he needs help from Israel, even without asking – hey will help him, with and without his knowledge. Israel protects him because Sisi is the best president ever, a wise and understanding man, a man of good nature and good heart, he wants peace.
Jordan is waiting. It will not get anything from the US. It wants to get rid of all the infiltrators.
Syria is as usual, no change, no news. It is being erased and destroyed. With or without Iranians, there will continue to be fighting there, Isis, Hezbollah, Syrian rebels and some of the Iranians.
North Korea - China, Japan and the entire region convince the US and Kim so that there will be no nuclear war, and they do everything for peace.
Trump, The president of the United States has help from Heaven, the Holy One, blessed be He, helps him because he helps the Jews in the Land of Israel alone, Trump has the upper hand, everything that looks good for the United States, he does and implements. Trump is the only president ever in the world who wants nothing for himself, wants only to strengthen the US in the world and protect the whole world from an atomic world war.
Europe will continue to get involved with refugees and Muslim infiltrators. They consult between them how to get them out of all European countries, in private, so that they will not say they are racist.
Iraq has no change. Dead to die, Tower of Babel.
Hezbollah and Nasrallah cannot do anything. They thought that the Iranians would give them hundreds of missiles and weapons, and in the end he is losing from all sides, they did not give them anything. He has old ammunition and is afraid to use it to keep it from running out. It has no continuity of ammunition and weapons; everything was blown up by the IDF.
Israel has weapons and ammunition, pilots and planes. Navy, Air Force and Ground Forces - the best in the world. Israel has the best technology in the world and finds out what is happening in Syria and Hezbollah. Everything that moves in the world and moves in Syria - Israel discovers it. All Israel borders are protected and sheltered.
The Gaza Strip, Abu Mazen, Hamas and Jihad - did not surrender. Because of Sisi they stopped. As they continued last night, they will want to go on again. Do not believe them, they have thousands of mortars. Anyone can use mortars in the Gaza Strip, no tanks, no directions, nothing. Any fool in Gaza can send mortars in the direction of ... God forbid. Not to believe them, neither Hamas nor Abu Mazen, liars.
All those injured in road accidents in Israel - from negligence, from mobile phones, anger or from driving disrespect.
Israel's economy is flourishing and real estate is flourishing, dear Jews, do not wait for prices to fall, buying homes in Holy Land is a great mitzvah, a source of long and healthy life. . It is the root of a long and healthy life. That a person puts his money in the holy land - blessed from the mouth of the Supreme.
The whole world is chaos and Gog and Magog. In Israel everything is good. Better and better. And with all this - "And you must be very careful for your souls."
Jews who live abroad, it's a pity that every second you live in unclean earth instead of going up to the Holy Land, to a pure land and holiness, the place of your parents, the Holy One, blessed be He, Abraham Isaac and Jacob.
Assimilation and drugs, alcohol and gambling are a very difficult thing for Jewish youth. You have to warn them like fire, because these things destroy a person's character and his life. He goes into a state of mental depression and mental disorders, and then he needs a psychologist, psychiatrist and pills. he has no value in this world and he regrets but late. Who do not sanction his son hates him. Parents, do the maximum possible efforts, not physical force, to convince your children not to assimilate, no drugs, no alcohol and no gambling. Invest in them in studies, Torah, prayers and good deeds.
The weather that changes every moment, anywhere in the country, is God's will. It is not a curse; it is a "speech landscape" of the Holy One, blessed be He, with the people of Israel that "the time has come for your redemption."
Many people are opposed to the matter of Messiah and redemption, there is EreV Rav, there is the law of Yehudain, the Holy One, Blessed be He knows it. There are for and against. If he had not been against, he would not have been in favor. There is a counter to be in favor, and in the end everyone will be in favor, they will or will not want it. Nadav and Avihu did not hear the voice of Aharon their father and in the voice of Moshe Rabbeinu; they burned the incense and disappeared from the world.
Messiah protects the borders of Israel at night. Messiah is an ordinary person, has a wife and children, helps the people of Israel.
Soon Messiah will be revealed in public, there will be objections, there will be in favor and there will be against. The fate of those opposing the Messiah king will be very difficult. Messiah is charitable, a man of God, he does not like people being punished or sick and dying. He takes upon himself all the sicknesses of the people of Israel. The will of the Messiah is that all the people of Israel repent and fulfill the Ten Commandments. Messiah wants to do only good for the people of Israel, that's his job. Messiah did not come to destroy the world, Messiah came to establish peace in Israel and its environs. Messiah did not come to kill - he came to make people repent, unite, be happy and to help the Jews and the entire world, that there would be an end to wars and death.
Whoever believes in the Holy One, blessed be He, and His messenger, the messenger of the Holy One, blessed be He, will succeed in all his ways. There will be peace and tranquility with the neighbors, just a blessing and success for those who believe in the Holy One, Blessed is He, and in Messiah His servant. Whoever opposes and does not believe will suffer severe suffering, suffering which is the correction that comes to correct. It's not laughter and it's not a game, Messiah is here and there is no going back. Without Messiah there is no future - the destruction of the world. Messiah must come out, this is his time to be revealed in public! Great Torah scholars and sages of Israel anyone who has received a vision or warning must spread because it saves the Jewish people!


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