Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shalita Parashat BeHalotha Tasha'H

Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shalita
Parashat BeHalotha Tasha'H
Delivered Monday 13 Sivan Tasha'H, 27.5.18 at 8:30 AM

The Holy One, blessed be He, is the Father of the Jews and of the entire world, is awakening the whole world everywhere, giving every country what it deserves precisely to awaken it, through the forces of nature, through the economy or through complications and conflicts. Giving each country, according to what it deserves, good or bad.
In the Holy Land of Israel, in the State of Israel, He is awakening the Jews so they will understand that there is redemption and Messiah and that the world is becoming new. To the Jews who insist on staying abroad, He is stirring, shaking and moving in order so they will ascend to the Holy Land - the most protected place in the world, a small place with infinite power, a spiritual power, an economic power and a military power! Why in the land of Israel? Because the Holy One, blessed be He, is in the Holy Land, protects and guards the borders of the Land of Israel, dismantles and destroys all the Arab states, dismantles and destroys all countries that are against the Holy Land and against the Jews in the Holy Land. The world is in great tension. The people in the world feel that we need the Messiah, to renew the world - this is the matter of redemption and Messiah. Everyone is waiting for the Messiah. The whole world is in confusion, complications and natural disasters, every plan that is planned, only 10% concretize. The souls of the Jews and the souls of the Gentiles feel that something must happen in the world, as if the earth has lost direction, as if the earth is not functioning. Over 7 billion people around the world feel that there is a jolt, a shock in a world that is progressing from day to day. They understand that something is going to happen, from the Holy One, blessed be He.
The power of impurity commits suicide. This refers to people who have the power of impurity and evil inclination and they hate the Jews or hate holiness and purity. They commit suicide, are destroyed and consumed and are erased from the world.
The Holy One, blessed be He, says to the people of Israel and to the entire world: 'I created this whole world for my Jewish children, to study Torah, to pray for me and to build the Third Temple.' The people of Israel rise and prosper day by day and float over the sea. The people of Israel succeed in everything, continue to succeed in everything and will receive the best gift. They were given a gift - the Torah, and the next gift - the Messiah who would come out openly soon. There is no back! Messiah acts and works. The great Torah scholars and all human beings, each according to his power and understanding, cry to the Holy One, Blessed be He, to appoint the King Messiah! Do not to be silent, convey to the others what you know, in order to connect other innocent Jews who do not know what is happening in the world and in Israel.
Dear Jews, do not be confused and get confused, the Messiah is flesh and blood. The Holy One, blessed be He, created Him with flesh and blood so that everyone would feel and see face to face with the King Messiah. If there was no flesh and blood, no one could stand in front of him and approach him. Messiah is flesh and blood, born in the Land of Israel, he has a home, he is married and he has sons and daughters, a simple and humble man, and by his prayers and requests to the Holy One, blessed be He, he protects and guards the people of Israel, The IDF soldiers, dismantles the Arab states - all through the Holy One, blessed be He.
All Jews must unite and unify, believe, appreciate themselves that they are Jews, appreciate Judaism, Torah and prayer. All the nations of the world, seven and a half billion, are jealous and want to be like the Jews. There is not an easy way to convert.
The Jews in the Jewish people want Messiah and redemption, it is not hidden. There is a war between the Arabs and the Jews, they fight like Esau and Jacob in Rebecca's womb and want to take control of the world. The Holy One, blessed be He, says to them: 'Nothing will help you. I chose the Jews from all over the world, they are the few in the world and the strongest in science, economics, security, technology, invention of patents, everything. In the Holy Land of Israel, there is abundance in everything, there will never be famine. It has water, food, protection, purity and holiness.
Because of the jealousy, non-Jews in the world fight against the Jews who are in the Land of Israel and outside the Land of Israel. They envy the Jews who are connected to the Holy One, blessed be He, and succeed in everything. All the nations of the world think that because of Ishmael and Esau, they have a right with the Holy One, blessed be He.
The Holy One, blessed be He, says to the whole world: There was free choice for the entire world, to accept the Torah and to fulfill the Ten Commandments. Everyone objected and did not want to take upon themselves, except for the people of Israel who said, 'We will do and we will understand.' They did not ask what was written in the Torah, and without checking, they said, "We will do and we will understand." They chose the good, the Holy One, blessed be He, without questions. Their souls joined the Holy One, blessed be He, and the Holy One, blessed be He, chose the Jews from all the nations in this world, for they accepted the Torah and the Ten Commandments.
Gog and Magog and chaos - outside the borders of Israel.
IDF soldiers need to be vigilant, they must explain to them how to defend themselves, because they do not know enough of what is permitted and what is forbidden, and IDF soldiers are compassionate and merciful. On the border of the Gaza Strip, too, do not be in complacency. Every time the IDF discovers a tunnel and destroys it, it will continue to discover tunnels and destroy them.
May the Holy One, blessed be He, protect and guard the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces! All the tunnel testers have to work around the clock 24 hours a day, because they want to surprise the IDF soldiers through one of the tunnels. Any sound that you hear or move or something is not clear - check carefully. Some of the Arabs who are in Israel with blue identity cards carry out severe disturbances in the Land of Israel and outside the borders of the Land of Israel. They also warm East Jerusalem and the West Bank. There are snakeheads that teach some Arabs to fight with cold weapons, and teach them the body language, in order to confuse so that they will not be suspected.
The embassies will continue to move to Jerusalem without interruption. They are waiting for the winds to calm down and they will continue to transfer embassies to Jerusalem. The government ministries too - move to Jerusalem, that too is what the Holy One, blessed be He, wants.
Europe is flooded with Muslims and infiltrators and sinks. Whole cities speak Arabic. The authorities in Europe, Germany, England and France are afraid to approach cities where Muslims and infiltrators speak Arabic. The infiltrators and the Muslims eat Europe very quickly. Jews, flee from there, by force and against your will, only to the Land of Israel! Only to the Land of Israel
Turkey continues to fall and crash. With the Holy One, Blessed be He – it is measure for measure has not ceased from the world. They hurt Israel because of the Mavi Marmara and took money from Israel - the Holy One, blessed be He, will destroy their economy and destroy it.
The Europeans said that Israel is racist; because of the Muslims and the Sudanese - a measure for measure - God filled Europe with Muslims and infiltrators. The Creator warns all the nations of the world: "Do not touch the Holy Land and the Jews who are in the Holy Land. Do not say I did not tell you'
Iran is getting in trouble with itself. While the Iranian soldiers will see that a lot of soldiers are being killed because of the stupidity of the Iranian leadership, which is throwing the soldiers to death, they will come to their senses and eventually turn against the Iranian regime. The Iranian women will continue to demonstrate hard, they will fight against the regime. The Iranian soldiers are not willingly going to Syria because they have to defend only Iran, not Syria. The Iranian regime is using forces and threats to send them to Syria. Iranians are embittered and hurt by the crooked and stupid government. At the end all the soldiers will turn and fight against the government.
Syria is being destroyed, destroyed, crashing and collapsing. There is no solution.
Every Israeli pilot has a heavenly angel who accompanies him and directs him, a supreme force guarding the pilots and all IDF soldiers, and they will protect themselves - before all, angels accompany Jewish pilots until the end of the mission and back to the base.
It is very important to understand that everything is secret, hidden from the eye has a blessing. Humility - before everything. You have to learn and get used to thank God, because what happen are not self-evident, miracles are miraculous.
Russia loves Israel. Putin also loves the Holy Land and the Jews in the Holy Land, but wants to sell arms and ammunition to Arab countries. This is his livelihood. The IDF makes a lot of money for Russia when it destroys all the missiles, and the factories are re-producing missiles and selling them to Arab countries, Iran, and others.
The United States love the Jews who live in the Land of Israel.
 Today everyone knows that Trump is smart and very intelligent, that he has understanding and knowledge, and he knows with certainty that the Holy One, blessed be He, is with the Jews who live in the Land of Israel. Angels speak from the throats of Trump and Putin. The heart of a king is in the hand of God.
North Korea, Kim is a very vulnerable person, he has a short thread, hypersensitivity and difficult for him to give up. In spite of everything, whether he wants to or not, there will be an agreement. Not a 100% agreement, but there will be an agreement to prevent nuclear war.
China, Japan and all the countries want peace between the US and Kim. Kim can not threaten the US, because within an hour the US will finish all of Korea, there are spies in Kim's atomic plants and atomic plants in Iran, these spies can paralyze all The computer system of missiles and eliminate all missiles so that they will not work.
Egypt, Sisi walks between the drops. Maintains relations with Israel and protects himself, so he does not openly go out with it, he knows that Israel is protecting him. There is a heavy famine in Egypt. Sisi wants the US to send him money.
Jordan, Abdullah waits for the US to rescue him from all the infiltrators and wants the Bedouins to come to him.
Hamas continues to dig tunnels for 24 hours. All their plans is to kidnap, IDF soldiers, they are now like a wounded animal, they have no suicide bombers, no agreement with them; do not have faith in them.
Abu Mazen, with one leg outside. There is a serious problem; his friends want to kill him before his time. They fight for his couch-chair.
Hezbollah and Nasrallah thought that when Iran came to Syria, they would have a lot of missiles and ammunition. But they came bald from all sides.
Thanks to God, and thank you and the entire honor to the IDF soldiers! Everything coming from Iran, missiles and bombs, vehicles and Iranian people - the IDF is blowing them up and destroy them.
The elements of nature continue to rage around the world, except for Israel. Floods and severe winds, storms, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. The world is being beaten hard and will continue to be severely beaten until the Messiah King is revealed in public soon. The changing weather in the Holy Israel, once hot and sometimes cold - to tell the Jews that the Holy One, blessed be He, rules here and is with them close to them! The Holy One, Blessed be He, wants everyone to repent and fulfill the Ten Commandments. There is no left and right, all Jews unite and unify and be in one heart.
Everything that happens in Israel and in the world through the forces of nature - in order to inform the matter of Messiah that it is necessary to go out in public. All the people of Israel hang hope in the Messiah that is here, working and acting, that he will save and redeem them. Most of them know him in Israel and abroad and want to be close to him.
To turn from bitter to sweet, from hatred to love, from bad to good, from miser to tithes and justifications. Rejoice and do only mitzvos and good deeds. There is no left and right, all are Jews! Be united and prepare to receive Messiah!


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