Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shalita Parashat Nasso
Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi
Parashat Nasso
Delivered Monday 7 Sivan Tasha'H,
21.5.18 at 8:30 AM
The King of Kings, the Holy One, blessed be He, gave a great gift to the
people of Israel, the Torah. He chose from among all the
nations the people of Israel who said, 'Let us do and we will hear.' The Torah
is the power of existence of the world, the power of the vitality of the world,
the power to live in this world and in the next world and to be in the first
circle. The Torah has powers for all what is needed by the human body, soul,
spirit and soul. Money, health, peace - home - by virtue of the Torah. Wisdom intelligence
and knowledge above every person in the world - from Torah study.
During Torah study there is physical activity in the human body and activity
in the brain. Torah study places the Jewish mind in the capacity of memory,
absorption and understanding, wisdom and knowledge, protection and safeguard. This
is why the Jewish people that is different from every other people in the
world, thanks to Torah and its connection with the Holy One, blessed be He,
through the Torah and the soul.
The Holy One, blessed be He, gave the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai.
If one fulfills the Ten Commandments and learns Torah, this is perfection in
everything. If you study Torah and do not observe the Ten Commandments, you do
not do anything, it's worse than the bad, as if, God forbid, a gentile studying
Torah, God forbid.
If a person has evil traits and does not observe the Ten Commandments,
he goes against the Torah, because the Torah is the Ten Commandments. No
one can change the Torah or interfere with the Torah.
On the holiday of Shavuot, the Feast of the Giving of the Torah, all the
people of Israel who have learned the Torah, each and every one of His people -
will be blessed by the Supreme.
Everything that happens in the world, Gog and Magog and chaos, is
exclusively abroad, all abroad. Floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, fires,
hard winds, complications of countries within themselves, wars of countries
within themselves - all abroad - the most difficult for the countries of the
world - that go against Holy Land, that want to take parts of the Holy Land,
Or to harm the Holy Land of Israel and the Jews who live in the holy
land of Israel - the Creator of the world will not have mercy on them. He will
strike them with the ten plagues and multiply by ten times the ten plagues
wherever they go against the Holy Land of Israel. The countries that support
Israel and transfer their embassy to Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, will
have a pipeline of blessing from Jerusalem to their country.
The Holy One, Blessed is He, makes miracles
and wonders in Syria and everywhere in the world.
The IDF is the most powerful army in the
world, it has a direct pipeline from the Creator of the World, Israel is
developing scientifically, technologically, and develops Startups and patents,
the Creator says to Jews living abroad: 'Do not play with me. Do not be late.
From Europe go straight to Israel and not to any other country. I, the Holy
One, blessed be He, give a livelihood to every person in the world. I enrich
and make him poor, I give life and death. '
Jews who live with gentiles - to convert them urgently, there will be no
opportunities when the Messiah will be revealed in public.
The IDF must not to be complacent, especially in East Jerusalem, and
soldiers when you are tired of guarding or otherwise asked to be replaced. When
a soldier enters into complacency and the routine it is dangerous, IDF soldiers
must always be vigilant to be protected and guarded.
The Holy One, Blessed be He, warns and enlightens the eyes of the IDF,
the Shin Bet, the Mossad and the Israeli government - to be careful to beware
of all Arabs with a blue identity card. Many of
them constitute the most difficult problem of all the difficult problems with
the Arabs in the Land of Israel. They are like residents of the Land of Israel
with a blue identity card, and they transmit information and make the most
difficult troubles within the Land of Israel. They transfer a great deal of
information to the Gaza Strip, Jenin, Hebron, Nablus and East Jerusalem, for a
great deal of money. For money they will give themselves up as well. They are
the most serious danger within the Jewish people.
Nevertheless, the Creator of the Universe says, "You must be very
careful about your souls and do not rely on the miracle, do not say, 'It
will not happen to me.'
King of Jordan as if
against Israel so as not to be different from all nations against Israel. He is
waiting for Trump to find a solution for the millions of refugees.
Egypt, President Sisi is
listening to Israel. Sisi closes the road from the Sinai desert to Egypt, by
the heaviest controls. He does not let Isis, the extremist Muslims and Hamas
harm Egypt and the Aswan Dam. Sisi knows that if they enter, there will be a
big mess in Egypt and the government can fall, there is famine in Egypt, half
of Egypt is hungry for bread, and Sisi will invest great efforts in the economy
more than in security.
Turkey, Erdoğan speaks and rattles
for nothing, so that they will not suspect him of being with Isis, controlled
by Isis, who dictates to him what to do. Erdogan takes people and make them
disappear, looking for honor. The economic situation in Turkey is complicated
and confused; there is no quiet day or night. Turkey is before an economic
Iran, nothing will help. They are
scared to disturb Israel directly, but are sending arms from all directions to
disrupt Israel. The Holy One, Blessed be He, is complicating the Iranian army
with itself. The Iranian women are doing a great job in Iran. They make very
harsh demonstrations against the government because they know and fear for their
children. They know that the regime in Iran cares only about itself and the
money, it is not kosher, it is not clean and it does not feel sorry for the
Iranian people. Women of Iran, continue to demonstrate and be stronger in
many cities in Iran. You are on the right path and the Holy One, blessed be He,
helps you to overthrow the government. Everything needs effort in nature
and there is help from Heaven.
Syria is shattered, collapsing, ruined
and destroyed, there will never be order. All the Muslims want to win.
Russia, before the IDF does
anything in Syria – it shares with Putin. Putin knows that the Muslim people
are crazy and stupid. Putin knows that the Holy One, blessed be He, with the
Jews, so he does not intervene. He wants a presence in the Middle East and
wants to sell arms and ammunition to Arab countries. Putin is training on
Syria, testing all sorts of bombs on.
USA, Trump is interested only in
the Land of Israel, the Land of Blessing, the Land of Abundance, and the land
from which life and good go out, and Trump knows that the Jews in Israel are
the breathing, living and throbbing brain in the world.
Europe and all its citizens
will make the mistake of their lives if they support Iran and do not go with
the US on the nuclear issue, the Iranian regime is a crook and a deception,
wants to create an atomic bomb and control all Europe and the European
countries are helping it, they are opening a way for Iran to eventually control
them. The Iranian regime is fake.
England, France and Germany,
you better listen to Trump, he has all the knowledge about what is happening in
Iran, for the benefit of the world. You are in Europe - you have zero knowledge
of who Iran is. Then hear Trump and it will be good for you and the world.
Anti-Semitism in the
world is increasing day by day. You can see their eyes, their behavior against
every Jew and Jew. It's scary. The Muslims in Europe are multiplying and want
to harm the Jews abroad and their mistake that they do not immigrate to Israel,
instead of understanding that if circumcision is interrupted, and if they are
afraid to wear skullcaps, these are the signs it is the time to go to Israel, they
are fighting for emptiness and grinding water against the Muslims. The Muslims
and anti-Semitism will hurt them badly. Jews
fight only for the Holy Land of Israel. Go to Israel; do not try the Holy One,
blessed be He. Do not try the Holy One, blessed be He, you should not. The day
will come and the Holy One, blessed be He, will no longer protect the Jews of
the world, only the Jews who live in the Land of Israel. Because it is time for
your redemption. In the Land of Israel you will be happy and cheerful, there is
a living for everyone, and you are protected and sheltered.
Kim, the president of Korea is swinging. The money is finished
because of the atom he'd created. Once he wants peace and sometimes war. An
atom war in the world will never be.
Hezbollah and Nasrallah will
continue to fight between them. Their sword will come in their hearts and their
bow will be broken, their leaders will kill their people, and their people will
kill their people.
The sea is stormy, turbulent and raging, wanting to cover all the
impurity in the world. The whole world, the inanimate and the living, wants
quiet and tranquility, wanting to breathe the pure, clean air. All are tired of
the impurity and filth. The Holy One, Blessed is He, will not give up any
country that goes against Israel, and will harm them with all the elements of
nature. A day will come, and all nations will be subject to the people of
Israel and will want help from the Jews who live in the Land of Israel.
The fires in Israel are caused by people or by
accident or intentional sabotage.
In Jerusalem, the capital of Israel
the embassies of all the countries of the world will move to Jerusalem like
mushrooms. One will pull the other. They want a holy pipe to Jerusalem, to the
Third Temple. Jerusalem is the beginning of the existence of the Jews, a gift
to the Jews, to connect Jerusalem with the Jews.
As at Mount Sinai, we received the Ten Commandments, the humans, the
animals and the beasts, the sea, the trees, the winds and the earth stood
still, waiting to hear the voice of the Creator at Mount Sinai, the lightning
and the sounds, to hear the Ten commandment in the giving of the Torah - so
today, we are waiting to receive Messiah in public! Thanks to the Torah, we
enter a new world!
The Holy One, blessed be He, wants the people of Israel to be united and
unified. The Holy One, Blessed is He, wants to give a gift that we are waiting from
the beginning of the world – Messiah our Righteous. A gift with life forever.
The Holy One, blessed be He, gives the minds of the nations of the world to
understand what Jerusalem is, the capital of Israel. Jerusalem is the capital
of the Jews and no one in the world can interfere. If the nations knew who they
were fighting against, they would stop. You are fighting against God.
The Jews know and do not know what Messiah is. The
people of Israel are a stiff-necked people, who want conclusive evidence.
Christians know there is a messiah. The Muslim Arabs are raging against Israel
because they know that they will be slaves of the Holy Land of Israel and of
the Jews in the land of Israel. They fight like a wounded animal.
Messiah works and acts in the Land of Israel, twenty-four hours
a day. All the actions, miracles and wonders that are happening in the Land of
Israel, to the IDF and to all the Jews in the Land of Israel - through the
Creator, through Messiah ... Do not delay and do not give up. We passed Shavuot
so that all the people of Israel are filled with Torah to the end, each with
its own abilities. The Creator of the Universe rejoices in them and adds more
power to the land of Israel, to the Jews in the Land of Israel, and to the
revelation of Messiah in public!
הוסף רשומת תגובה