Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shalita Parashat Behoukotai


Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shalita
Parashat Behoukotai
Delivered Sunday 21 Yaar Tasha'H, 6.5.18 at 8:30 AM

The Lord of the Universe, the King of Kings, the Holy One, Blessed is He, Father of Heaven and Earth, Father of the Jews and Creator of the whole world, everything He created in this world, is for His glory. The Creator wants this world to become pure and holy. The evil world, a world of killing, lechery, bribery, theft and deceit, is going to end and be destroyed. This week, in the continuation, they will feel the arm of the Holy One, blessed be He, who is going to increase the blows to the worst blows ever: floods, volcanic eruptions, winds and storms, conflicts and complications within and between countries, complications in flights and airplanes, . The Creator says: "This is the end of evil in the world, the world is going to become a world of peace and quiet, love and peace, healthy life, good and long, and Jews will live forever. The Holy One, Blessed be He, asks and demands in every language of request from all the Jews who live abroad, who are not on duty on behalf of the State of Israel, that they are not in a position that requires them to be there - to immigrate to the Holy Land without any account of money, livelihood or profession. Without any account of money, livelihood or profession, leave the country, to settle the Negev, the Western Galilee, the Golan Heights, Samaria and Binyamin, the Judean Desert, Arava and the Jordan Valley.
The Holy One, Blessed be He, warns and informs that He will go on beating the most harshly abroad and will not give up, and outside the borders of the Land of Israel there will be chaos and Gog and Magog and the Holy One, blessed be He, does not want the Jews living abroad to be harmed. It starts this week and will continue to grow indefinitely. The Creator is not waiting any longer. He waited for thousands of years, founded the holy land of Israel in 1948, waited another seventy years, and is not waiting any longer: from the beginning of this week and beyond, the most severe blows of the Holy One, Blessed be He, will be seen only abroad. Therefore, the Holy One, blessed be He, warns and informs the Jews to fold away without taking into account the money. To flee as long as they can breath and to come and live in the holy Land of Israel, because the Holy Land is the place designated for the Jews. There are places abroad where Jews are forbidden to observe circumcision, there are places where Jews refrain from wearing a yarmulke so they will not be recognized, all of these are hints for Jews to come to Israel, do not fight with gentiles, the Holy Land is the place for the Jews
Outside the borders of the Land of Israel, the Holy One, Blessed be He, begins this week, by and large, to give hard landings to those who oppose the Holy Land: natural disasters, blows of terror and blows of entanglements. Those who do not know or do not want to recognize the Holy Land of Israel will be beaten very severely. The Holy One, blessed be He, made a covenant with the Jews so they will live in the Land of Israel. Gentiles who live in the Land of Israel, some of them are in the Land of Israel to serve the Jews while Messiah will be revealed in public. The gentiles in the Land of Israel will have to do the works of the State of Israel.
The Jews in the Land of Israel will be busy studying Torah and prayers. The Jews in the Land of Israel will direct the Land of Israel and the entire world. Let the world know: Israel closed seventy years, including four foundations, and no one in the world can do anything against the Holy Land of Israel!
God loves Israel, the Jews who live in the Land of Israel and Jerusalem is the capital of the State of Israel. Every country in the world with eyes on its head is building an embassy in Jerusalem. Those who do not want to build an embassy in Jerusalem, those who oppose the Land of Israel, will be filled with fear, anxiety, trembling, horror and terror. They will have neither day nor night. In the end, the whole world will understand that they live because of the Holy Land.
Iran lives in fear, arms outstretched. There are within the atomic plant people who are not of Iran. Everything is complicated and in the end they will cause this plant to explode within themselves and will hurt a lot of people in Iran. It is called "Their sword shall come in their hearts and their bow shall break."
The hand of God guides Israel in science, technology, inventions and start-ups and in the most important roles in the world, this is from the Holy One, blessed be He. Anyone who does not believe and will not believe in the Holy Land of Israel and the Jews who live in the Holy Land of Israel will receive harsh blows and landings that he has not yet dreamed of.
The Israel Defense Forces have a divine channel that directs all IDF soldiers, protects and guards them, and directs them everywhere in Israel and around the world The Holy One, Blessed be He, gave the Land of Israel, the Holy Land, only to the Jews - pure and holy land, He opened the sky and this will not change and will not change forever, as Italians live in Italy, Turks live in Turkey and French live in France.
Syria nothing will not help it, it will be completely destroyed. Everyone trains in Syria, it's like a ping-pong ball, every country that comes in, gives it a hard kick. No one came to pet her. The Syrian people are the cruelest in the world.
The Holy One, blessed be He, is doing everything in order to have quiet within the borders of Israel.
Hezbollah and Nasrallah are dying of fear. He is looking for Mossad personnel in his bunkers and shelters for fear of being killed. Do not be afraid to kill you, you will die alone.
Iraq is destroyed and there is no foundation, the Tower of Babel, all the parties in disputes, a broken spine.
In Egypt a heavy hunger is spreading. Isis, Hamas and the extremists want to strike Sisi. Isis wants to blow up the Aswan Dam immediately. Sisi is the best leader for Egypt, and has to keep himself all the time. Every two weeks to replace the people around him, check the food that will not poison him. He is the best for Egypt. Sisi would make an effort - correct the Egyptian economy. Invest in the economy and security
Abu Mazen thinks that in his speech and slippery tongue, the language of the serpent will turn everyone against Israel.
Israel does not like war and does not want war, so they do not bomb. The kites, they will find a good solution. The Jewish mind - it has a solution for everything.
Turkey, Erdogan is making noise in speech. He is broken and out of order, bent, hurt, afraid and complicated. He has no strength, no brain, is inflated and floating.
The United States is very close to Israel, and Trump is happy to see the power of Israel and sees that the whole world is consulting with the Jews and knows that the Jews, the people of Israel, love peace and pursue peace.
Putin loves the Jews indirectly. Russia makes a living by selling arms and ammunition to the nations.
North Korea, Kim saw that everyone was against him and descended from the tall tree. Trying to make peace despite weapons and ammunition is more afraid for himself than of others. He is trying to make peace in his area and his borders and make his plans quietly. Then he raises his head and threatens again.
Jordan receives help and guidance from Israel, Israel protects it, and millions of refugees eat and cram it.
East Jerusalem, the West Bank, Hebron, Nablus and Jenin, some of the people there are extremely cruel. They have primitive weapons and sophisticated weapons, some with a blue ID card that confuses everyone.
Dear Jews, do not let your children assimilate with gentiles. Keep them away from drugs, alcohol and gambling. Too bad for them – they are the salt of the earth.
Most road accidents in Israel are caused by mobile phones, SMS and Whatsapp messages, which cause people to shorten life or injure them. There is no hurry, the one who hurry regrets, the recklessness of the Yetzer Hara.
The weather in Israel - everything from the Holy One, blessed be He. The Holy One, blessed be He, awakens the people of Israel and says to them: I am here to rule. Believe me. I'm your father.
Dear Jews, all hidden has a blessing in him. People are tense until the Messiah comes out. The Holy One, blessed be He, says: Everyone knows who the Messiah is and why they are silent?! If not all the great sages of Israel - the Holy One, Blessed be He - will give them wisdom and faith in the visions, to ask the King Messiah and talk about who the Messiah is, and their wives will help them to receive force and faith. Waiting is the hardest thing. When a person merit and wait, he will receive from the Holy One, blessed be He, directly.
Expect and wait, do not despair - this is God's will. The Holy One, Blessed be He, wants for the Jewish people the end all suffering and pain. The Holy One, blessed be He, wants the Messiah to be revealed in the heavens and in the earth, from the heavens they directed him and help him to be revealed. Messiah works twenty-four hours, even when he rests, even when he sleeps, even the Yehidah works, even the lower Messiah works and also the upper Messiah works.
The Holy One, Blessed is He, gave an order to reveal the Messiah! The Holy One, Blessed be He, is waiting that the great rabbis and Torah scholars will come and will understand and ask: 'We want Messiah our Righteous. They will continue to receive visions. There is no primitive or modern, a world behaving as it did. Thank God for all the good He give to the people of Israel give!


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