Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shlita Parashat Tisa,Tasha'H


Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shlita
Parashat Tisa,Tasha'H
Delivered: 10 Adar Tasha'H, 25.2.18 at 8:30 AM

The Master of the World, blessed be He, leads the world and created the world in His glory alone. Everything on the Earth: humans, animals and beasts, fish and birds, trees, land and the sea - everything was created by the Holy One, blessed be He, in His honor only! He chose the Jews who are a special, stubborn, good-intentioned, intelligent, wise and knowledgeable people, heroic and courageous and successful in all, to win the Holy Land, purify and cleanse the entire world. The Jews from all over the world must come urgently to the holy Land of Israel before it will be too late. Do not procrastinate, go up to the Holy Land! The Land of Israel is your place, the place of the Jews, the purest and holiest place in the world. The exile is over and you are suffering for nothing!
The Jews abroad are in a state of opacity and closeness, in darkness and fog, and the Creator calls upon them to ascend to the Holy Land, before it is too late, and the Almighty confuses all the nations of the world, between the prime ministers and presidents of the world, complications and conflicts. Gog and Magog and chaos and complications - are outside the Land of Israel.
Everything that is happening in the Land of Israel, one big confusion left and right, and members of the Knesset are all in shock, where do all the complaints come from? Every day a few complaints about senior officials are revealed. All this is done by the Holy One, blessed be He, in order to neutralize evil and free hatred in the Land of Israel. In Israel they are confused and do not know what free hatred is and where it comes from. The Holy One, blessed be He, cleans and sifts, like flour in a county, only clean flour will remain. All the worms and germs are thrown aside.
The Creator wants to fulfill the Ten Commandments and turn all from bitter to sweet, without questions.
Arik Sharon, yes, he was the last ruler! Anyone who came to be the prime minister after him, was not prime minister, all the parties controlled him and there are complications. Only Messiah himself, when he will be revealed in public, will solve all the problems of the people of Israel and the world through God's will.
After the great pain and all the confusion in the people of Israel, Messiah will come out in public, and then everything will be good!
Every Jew who repents and corrects the distortion, knows more or less what he took and returns, what he did stops - everything will turn him with a heart without pain and sorrow.
The IDF must be alert and strong at the borders, which means that the evil will be opened from the north, the Holy One, blessed be He, meant that the evil will be with the gentiles - from the north of Israel, meaning Syria and Turkey that entered there, the Iranians, Hezbollah and Isis. This is the prophecy that says, 'From the north shall the evil arise.' Yes, the evil will be in the north - against the north of Israel! In Syria and Lebanon there is total destruction.
Syria will continue to be erased. No one can stop it, no one can get off this tall tree. They would fight each other until they were finished.
Hezbollah and Nasrallah live in illusions, rely on Iran, and Iran is zero and zeros, nothing. Just arrogant, noisy and muddy.
In Jordan the situation is devastated and complicated. They are waiting for the United States to throw all the refugees and Hamas out, the Holy One, blessed be He, says to it: The United States will not help you. Do not wait for it. They have their problems.
Egypt, Sisi came to the people of Israel, openly and secretly. Doing quietly so that the Egyptians do not harm him. The Nile in Egypt is currently on hold, this is the Judgment Day weapon. If the Egyptians and Sisi continue to be at peace with Israel, they repent with Israel - nothing will happen with the Nile. If they want to fight or do evil to Israel, the Nile will finish two-thirds of Egypt..
There will be a revolution in Iran. Yes, there will be a revolution in Iran, patience. Those who complain and go against the government, are killed. The Iranian people are waiting for huge groups to organize and gather to demonstrate and topple the government. Iran is not directly fighting with Israel, only indirectly through Hezbollah, because it is afraid that Israel will bomb atomic plants and finish Iran once and for all.
USA, Trump loves the Land of Israel and the Jews in the Land of Israel, the Land of Israel is the only place in the world that helps and protects the United States. They protect us and we keep them. The United States is making great uses from Israel and from the State of Israel, from all the patents and advanced technology, ammunition and weapons that no one in the world has, only Israel.
Russia, Putin loves the Land of Israel, the principal for him is to sell arms and ammunition and the IDF blown them up..
Turkey - pride to the sky and nothing. The Turk wants to show that they are whole, that they have strong forces. The Turk, whatever he does, will turn against him. The Turk is in a whirlpool that he can never get out of – this is Erdogan.
Of all the Arab countries, the Arabs enter and conquer Europe. They have streets named after them, they became 'homeowners' of Europe. In the United States there are places where they rule, the Muslim Arabs hate the Christians and are jealous of the Jews, they know what Jews are and what their power is, and what to do ? Jealousy over everything like Cain's jealousy, like Esau hates Jacob.
The Holy One, Blessed be He, forbids Jews to assimilate.
All the bribery and deceit, the treachery, the theft and the subversion will continue to be caught. If they will repent completely - the Lord will save them. The promise of the Holy One, blessed be He.
The rain – Blessed rain .
Purim will be joyful and all will admire the miracles, from the time of the Queen Esther and Mordechai the Jew. The Holy One, Blessed be He, will continue to perform miracles for the people of Israel, and despite this, "You will be very careful for your souls," that every Jew should look after himself, and not to say, 'It will not happen to me.' The Holy One, blessed be He, wants that each Jew will take care of himself, not to sit idly by and say: 'The Rabbi blessed me,' 'I was in the graves of the righteous and I am still single' or 'I have no livelihood.' To receive a blessing from the rabbi is very good, but one must also act on his own, to make an effort. Not to blame the Holy One, Blessed is He, neither the rabbis nor the graves of the righteous. Only himself, he is the first responsible.
The month of Adar is a good month. In Nissan, too, it will be good. The Holy One, blessed be He, awaits our prayers. Baba Sali and all the righteous who are up in the heavens, from the beginning of the world, the patriarchs and the mothers, pray and pray to the Holy One, Blessed be He, to sweeten the judgment and not to scrutinize His children in the Land of Israel and abroad. They pray with great force and greatness that the Holy One, Blessed be He, will have mercy on the people of Israel and appoint the King Messiah.
The Holy One, Blessed is He, is pushing and pressing so they will emigrate to the Holy Land, because it bothers the Land of Israel.
The wives of the rabbis, the Torah scholars, whose husbands received the vision, must persuade them to speak about the vision and who the Holy One, blessed be He, had chosen for Messiah ben David. They do not choose, God chose him, and shows them in the vision his name, his mother's name, his surname and his place of residence. The great sages of Israel should speak among themselves, announce and publish that in our time, in our generation and at this moment, the Messiah King of David is here, working and acting and is getting revealed in public!


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