Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shlita Parashat Trouma Tasha'H


Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shlita
Parashat Trouma Tasha'H
Delivered: 26 Chvat Tasha'H, 11.2.18 at 8:30 AM

King of Kings, the Holy One, blessed be He, gathered most of the Jews from all the Arab countries, gathered the majority of the Jews from Africa, and announced to the rest of the Jews in Europe and the United States:
 'You should come urgently to the Holy Land of Israel, because the Holy Land of Israel is ready to accept all the Jews in the world back.' There is nothing missing in the Land of Israel. The best land in the world, the best Jews in the world, the best economy in the world, the best technology in the world, the best IDF in the world, the best synagogues and Yeshivot in the world, the best view in the world.
 All this is in the Land of Israel, because God chose it. It is worthwhile for all the Jews in the world to immigrate in large numbers, to settle the Negev with a million Jews, the Western Galilee, a million Jews, the Golan Heights, a million Jews, Judea, Samaria and Binyamin, millions of Jews, the Jordan Valley and the Arava. This is the will of the Holy One, blessed be He, and so it will be!
World floods, earthquakes, fires and bad winds will continue, large trees will be uprooted. Gog and Magog and chaos will continue outside the borders of the Land of Israel until the last Jews come to settle in the Holy Land. All the states and countries that are working against the Land of Israel and who want to take parts of the land of Israel – the Creator of the world destroys them, brings quarrels between them and the ten plagues of Egypt.
In the Holy Land of Israel, Jews are forbidden to hold demonstrations. Free hatred and civil war, talk in the media that make conflicts and hate-free - nothing comes of it. People can jump in the air and calumny, but in the end, the Holy One, blessed be He, determines what will happen. The thoughts of the Creator are not our thoughts and plans. So get out of the tree, let the law, the police and the judge’s work, act, and make order their way. The truth will come to light not through demonstrations and free-hatred, not through conflicts or roadblocks - the Holy One, blessed be He, does not want it. There is a law, there are police, and there are judges and courts.
Israel's economy is the best in the world.
Despite the heat - rain will fall abundantly in the near future.
Within the borders of Israel you have to be alert and vigilant, a missile can fly accidentally - be alert. The IDF needs to protect itself in the north and the south.
In the desert of Sinai, Egypt and Sisi are fighting Isis, and the most beautiful thing is that Hamas has turned into Isis.
The Creator says: It is forbidden to pity the cruel ones! It is forbidden to feel sorry for Hamas and the Palestinians because they do not want peace; they want to harm the Holy Land and the Jews. All the money they receive, hundreds of millions, goes to tunnels and ammunition against Israel and what remains - the leaders take to their pockets.
Abu Mazen is a crook, a liar and a fraud. He does not want peace. He personally sends all the murderers to harm the Jews and pays salaries to their families.
Egypt, Sisi works quietly. Today it is good for him to be president of Egypt, he is happy for his part. Anyone who came to compete with him suddenly disappeared. Sisi fought in Sinai only for his personal interests, so that Hamas, Isis and the extremists would not reach him, not for Israel at all, but the Holy One, blessed be He, is turning and doing what will be in Israel's favor.
Jordan, millions of refugees eat it, steal, destroy, damage, and do serious harm.
The United States, Trump is very happy that the Holy One blessed be He gave him the right to declare Jerusalem, the capital of Israel. He is a very wise, intelligent and clever man who understood immediately who are Abu Mazen, Hamas and the Palestinians and realized that they were fake and that there was nothing to deal with them because they do not want peace.
Just as the nations of the world declared the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, Trump was given the gift of declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel, and this is an open gift to the Holy Land, and Trump will be rewarded by the Lord of the Universe. The first and only president to publicly with all his might announce to the entire world that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and will never return on his word!
Russia has a big interest, maintains its economy with ten fingers, and sells ammunition and weapons to all the Arab states.
Syria will continue to be erased. We will say every week that it will be erased - and it will continue to be erased. This is the mud and destruction of all the Arab states, which will be destroyed inside Syria.
North Korea, Kim is looking for a ladder to get off the tree. He joined South Korea to get oil and fuel, to trade with them. Because of his follies, he does not know how to be humble.
Turkey, each day is worse than the day before. Complications inside Syria and every day many Turks and many Syrians, Kurds and Iranians are killed, a lot. In addition, Isis is activating the fire all the time.
Hezbollah and Nasrallah are trying to stockpile weapons and ammunition. The Mossad, the Shin Bet security service and the IDF do not let him; they blow up and destroy everything. Nasrallah knows that if he tries to do something against Israel, Hezbollah will be wiped off the world, and Nasrallah will be wiped out in his bunker. The IDF knows exactly where he is and there are missiles that can reach its bunker, to depths that he did not think about, and in his heart, he knows it, so better for him to stop barking, disturbing, and stay quiet.
Lebanon wants to be like Europe.
Iran is scared to death from Israel. The great wonder that happens in Iran is that the revolution will be through women. The women will make the revolution in Iran, it will take some time and it will happen soon. Women will revolutionize Iran!
France is eaten without salt and controlled by Muslims and infiltrators, and the Jews make the mistake of their lives to stay there: France and all Europe will become Muslims, deport 2,000 - 100,000 will come.
Nevertheless, the Creator says to the Jews: 'Do you want to make me happy? Go up to the Holy Land of Israel where I am. The Holy One, blessed be He, cleanses and purifies the whole earth of all impurity, filth, evil and killing, establishes a new world of free love, in which the Jews will live forever.
The Gentiles know that there is a Messiah in the holy land of Israel, a man of God, a righteous man. They know with the power of their impurity. As they knew about the savior of Israel at the time of Moses - the same thing now. The Muslim Arabs know, through their impurity forces, that there is a messiah who comes to redeem the Land of Israel and the entire world, and that bothers them very much. As it was in Pharaoh's time in Egypt – it is now.
.Messiah works and protects day and night. During the day - secretly, at night - openly.
The righteous, our forefathers, those we know and those we do not know, gather together with Baba Sali in the sky, crying out so that the Creator of the Universe will reveal the Messiah King to the Land of Israel and to the entire world!
The Holy One, blessed be He, blew the shofar from the center of the Mediterranean towards the pure and holy Land of Israel! He started first and soon, soon, there will be blasts shofar from heaven and earth! It is a great connection between heaven and earth!


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