Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shlita Parashat BechalahTasha'H
Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi
Parashat BechalahTasha'H
Delivered: 5 Chvat Tasha'H, 21.1.17
at 8:30 AM
The Holy One, Blessed is He, King of the Kings
of the Holy One, Blessed be He, is
doing in the entire world - outside the borders of the Holy Land - Gog and
Magog and Chaos. Natural disasters, severe storms, severe fires, severe
earthquakes, severe winds, floods, volcanic eruptions and disasters on ships,
airplanes and trains, buses and cars, and disasters in cable cars. At the same
time, He provokes complications and conflicts in almost every country, doing
everything to make the Jews flee from there and immigrate to the Holy Land of
Israel. And all this why? So that any country that interferes with the Jews who
live in the Holy Land of Israel will be severely beaten. The Holy One, blessed
be He, confuses their language, their speech, and thus they get into trouble
with the world.
In the Holy Land, everything is very good.
Real estate is being built in abundance, roads are plentiful, work is abundant,
shelter and protection is maintained for all the Jews living in the holy Land
of Israel, and nevertheless we must “protect our souls”.
The State of Israel is 70 years old!
The number 70 is not just a number, it is a number that the Almighty loves, and
there are good things in it. In the year 70 of the State of Israel, good things
will be written for the people of Israel!
The rain that falls and falls in the Land of
Israel – are the rains of blessing, the rains of cleanliness and health, of
abundance and joy, the rains that expel and destroy all the bacteria and
viruses from the Land of Israel.
The Holy One, blessed be He, promised Miriam,
the sister of Moses and Aaron, that the Sea of Galilee would always be filled
with water. If it will be missing water – It will be filled with water forever
and ever! The Sea of Galilee is life for the holy Land of Israel, with the
blessing of God. The Sea of Galilee is a holy Sea! The Holy One Blessed be He,
blessed Miriam: the Sea of Galilee will be for generations! The Holy One,
blessed be He, oversees the rain that descends in the Land of Israel - blessed
In Egypt,
there will be severe storms and unwelcome rains, not rains of joy, rain of pain
and problems. Isis drives Sisi crazy, Isis drives Hamas crazy. Isis are
messengers sent from the Holy One, Blessed be He, to disturb those who disturb
the people of Israel who live in the Land of Israel, the extremist Muslims are
angry, they are mad at Sisi. In Egypt there is nothing to eat, in Egypt they
are sad, they look like slaves, there is no joy, their souls are broken, they
are in deep depression, they are in a state of despair, There is no food and no
livelihood, no water, no life.
Hamas will continue to dig tunnels. As long as the snake's head is not
cleaned, it will continue digging.
Thank God, in the name of all the people of
Israel, in the name of all the Jews, who gave in the minds of scientists to
invent this patent - the devices that reveal the tunnels! Every morning we have
to thank the Almighty for this device, which will make it impossible for them
to abduct IDF soldiers, to abduct prisoners, God forbid, so as not to embarrass
the people of Israel.
Abu Mazen and Hamas are acting as one, with the aim of harming Jews living in the Land of
Israel. They both plan to trample and hurt Israel, want only money and money.
They do not care about Jerusalem at all, they only want to destroy and kill.
The Holy One, Blessed be He, is hardening the
hearts of the Arabs and their leaders, who will insist on marginal and foolish
things, so that no country in the world will understand what they want, and
everyone will renounce them and will not believe them.
In Iraq,
suicides and suicides continue, there is no justice and there will be no judge.
Jordan, the king asked Israel to apologize so that there would be no revolution
in Jordan. That is why Israel apologized and compensated them with money.
The whole world needs Jews who live in the
Land of Israel in peace, whether it is in security, in medicine, in defense and
security, or in livelihood.
In Europe,
the infiltrators and the Muslims are doing and will do the most severe damage.
Europe will become ashes and dust, Muslims and infiltrators will rule it. Jews
should escape from there! Again, the Holy One, blessed be He, warns them.
Another week passed, warning them to flee, because they will begin to injure
and kill Jews. Do not wait for a miracle!
Turkey and Syria, there will be harsh conflicts between them.
Syria will continue to be humiliated and devastated. The Holy One, blessed be
He, does not give up on Syria for what they did to the IDF soldiers killed in
the Yom Kippur War, so that there will be complications and conflicts between
Turkey and Syria, as long as they continue to disturb the holy Land of Israel.
Anyone who disturbs is beaten up by the Holy One,
blessed be He.
Iran, the demonstrators will soon increase the demonstrations, very large
reinforcements, many times more, because of the murder of many arrested
Iranians. The Holy One, blessed be He, blinds the eyes of the government,
confuses them, they write false things, and this will bring them rebellion and
revolution naturally.
Russia, Putin does not intervene for better or for worse; the main thing is to
sell ammunition and weapons. He does not want anyone to be above him, from his
country or abroad.
The United States,
Trump has already begun and continues to plan the transfer of the embassy to
Jerusalem, God Almighty is directing him, the Holy One, blessed be He, is
making it difficult for the Arabs who disturb Israel, they are abusing their
mouths and their speech, they want to injury and harm the people of Israel.
They want it or not - the US Embassy will be established in Jerusalem!
Same way as the Holy One, blessed be He, He hardened
the heart of Pharaoh in Egypt, thus making it difficult for all the Arabs and
their leaders. They go crazy within themselves, provoke Israel and the United
States and become entangled - and the blow will come.
The Messiah of God, chosen by the Holy One,
blessed be He. The Holy One, blessed be He, gave visions to the rabbis and they
began to speak. One rabbi opened the door, summoned strength, courage and
confidence, and said what he said. He gave power to others, who have the right
and received the vision - to proclaim who the Holy One, blessed be He, has
chosen for Messiah his servant and to the people of Israel, even though Messiah
works and acts, neutralizes all impurity from the people of Israel, gives joy
and protection to the people of Israel. This is Messiah job to make peace and
protects within the borders of Israel, and to help the people of Israel!
Dear Jews, this is the period
and this is the time to discover Messiah! There were many periods and they
passed, and now it is time, it is very serious! The State of Israel is 70 years
old, with the Holy One, blessed be He, and the number 7 symbolizes good things. Immigration to the Land of Israel was once limited and closed, and it
was difficult to reach the Land of Israel - today Aliya is open to all Jews in
the world to immigrate to the Holy Land and the choice is in man hands. The
Holy One, Blessed be He, says to the Jews abroad: "I insist on you, I am waiting
for you and can every moment stop waiting for you, in order to entitle you to
be in the first circle with the Jews who live in the Land of Israel!
I, the Holy One, Blessed be He, say to you, I
will give you blows abroad through the nations, to harass you so that you will
immigrate to the Land of Israel, so that you will be in the first circle.
Dear Jews, we are left to rejoice for the long-awaited
day! One rabbi spoke publicly and clearly. We said that the Holy One, blessed
be He, will disturb them until they speak and say everything they saw in the
vision. All the Jews are waiting for the long awaited day to be in the first
circle with Messiah our Just forever!
הוסף רשומת תגובה