Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita Parashat Matot Tasha't

Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita
Parashat Matot Tasha't
Delivered on Sunday, 18 Tamouz Tasha’t (21.7.19) | 8:30

In Parashat Matot, the Holy One, Blessed is He, spoke with Moses about promises. When a person makes a promise, he must fulfill it so that there will be order in the world, so that there will be no free promises that will cause fights and free hatred. The promise is heard in Heaven and a place is created to await its realization. In Heavens they are waiting, and if a person does not fulfill his promise he is injured. Promises and vows must be held. When a person makes a promise or a vow, he must fulfill or cancel it using the Torah sages who understand and know how to open an aperture to cancel the vow or the promise that they cannot sustain. An aperture is necessary to cancel the vow.
A Jew must fulfill his vow or cancel it as he must correct his sins. When a Jew sins, his sin is recorded in heaven and accompanies him until he corrects his actions. If he stole, he would return the theft, he would do charity, and he would give donations and tithes. A woman, who, heaven forbid, did an abortion not in accordance with Jewish law, would commit herself not to do any more, and in order for the correction to be complete, publish and explain that abortion is forbidden. If you want to stop a pregnancy, you should ask an expert rabbi in the laws of pregnancy.
We have a soul that is part of God above and our soul has the power to do things we say. A person speaks and the soul performs, not everything, it is not obligatory that everything a person says, he will get or will happen. But a person who make a promise to another person or God - there is no return. You cannot make fun of people or of the Holy One, blessed be He.
Jethro, Balaam, and Job were Pharaoh's advisors. Balaam was the only one who supported the bondage of Israel. Job had nothing to say, and Jethro opposed slavery. Pharaoh wanted to kill Jethro, who ran away, converted to Judaism, did a complete repentance and converted his entire community in Midian.
In Shittim, the children of Midian returned to their old beliefs "even though Jethro converted his people. They turned over and wanted to bring the world back to normal, as in the days of Cain who destroyed the world when he killed Abel. Therefore, the Holy One, Blessed be He, commanded Moses in Parashat Matot: "Take vengeance on the Midianites for the Israelites. After that, you will be gathered to your people (Numbers 31: 2). Jethro came to correct Cain and Moses came to correct Abel. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses: "Avenge the children of Israel of the Midianites; You deserve it, your pleasure. I will leave Moab until two will be created out of them, Ruth the Moabite And Naama the Ammonite, David, the son of Yishay, will avenge the vengeance of Moab. When he could not curse the people of Israel, Balaam, who was a grandson of Laban, told Balak, who was Jethro's great-grandson that the God of Israel hated lewdness and if he wanted that God will be angry with his people, you need to use it. The whole matter of Balaam's coming to curse the people of Israel was initiated by Midian. All the advices were Midian's. When they saw that Balaam could not curse, they took other evil advice. Their men used their daughters more than Moab, for it was told regarding the people of Midian, and everything was from Midian. They took advice with their ruler who used his daughter, Kozabi Bat Tzur, and thought to use her to catch Moses with their net. With all sorts of magic, she was prepared so to catch the head of Israel and eventually got confused and caught the head of the tribe of Shimon. If Moses had fallen in her net, the entire nation of Israel would have been destroyed because Moses was the head.
Therefore, the Holy One, Blessed be He, commanded to wipe out Midian and also the memory of Amalek because of the envy of the covenant, who came to fight regarding the sign of a holy covenant, which cut the circumcision and threw them upwards for this The Holy One Blessed be He is angry with them an anger that will be forever.
This is also one of the reasons why the Holy One, Blessed be He, is still destroying Syria and will destroy it to the end. So as they will not to disturb Israel forever, in order to break all the Arab countries and pay them for abusing the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces during the Yom Kippur War, killing, slaughtering, and cutting their circumcision. The Creator is avenging them like He did against Amalek and will not give up to anyone until Syria is totally destroyed. Because the Holy One, blessed be He, is consuming Syria, which was the power of hundreds of thousands of chemical missiles, all the Arab states are losing their main force. Syria is dead and will continue to die and be wiped out, and all the Arab states will continue to fall in front of Israel. The Holy One, blessed be He, takes revenge against anyone who touches his children or wants to take his children. He is jealous of them and wants them to believe only in Him.
When the people of Israel said at Mt Sinai, "We shall do and we will hear," they commited themselves to do everything without asking questions. Whoever asks questions is against the revelation at Mount Sinai, against the Holy One, blessed be He. We receive torment with love; we are silent and happy in both instincts, in both hearts, in every mishap and in every good thing. There is no asking why, no resentment and complaints, it is forbidden. At Mount Sinai we received a soul that is part of Almighty from above, because we said, 'We will do and we will hear,' where did the people of Israel learn, 'We shall do and we will hear'? From Abraham our Patriarch who had undergone ten tests. In the tenth and final test when the Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, "You shall sacrifice your only son, whom you loved." Abraham did not ask questions and did not complain about the sacrifice of his only son of 37 years old, the special son for the continuation of the people of Israel, he did not say anything. He went with 110% faith to sacrifice his son, and Isaac, also went with 110% faith to be sacrificed. Neither of them asked questions. From Abraham our Patriarch, the children of Israel learned "we shall do and we will hear," and at the same moment they said it they received a soul that is part of God from above. The Holy One, blessed be He, is jealous of the souls of the people of Israel who have a soul from Him, holy and pure. The Creator of the world is very jealous if a Jew, God Preserve, lives with a Gentile and we must avoid assimilation! A real Jewish man has a soul and he is merciful Jew and in a Jewish woman there is judgment. When a real Jewish man and woman get married, the husband gives an infinite abundance of mercy to the woman and the judgment within her becomes mercy. If a Jewish woman lives with a Gentile God forbid, she becomes evil, full of cruelty and harsh judgment in her body all her life. A Jewish man who lives with a Gentile; his soul leaves, his mercy runs out and he becomes cruel.
The Israeli government, the Shin Bet security service and the Mossad are in great tension, so that there will be no mistake with Iran. They should be moderate and God forbid, take risks because of the elections, because of the desire to be elected. Do not take risks because the election results are determined by the Holy One Blessed be He! We will do what needs to be done and in Heaven it will be determined what will happen. You do not have to look for special or strange people to get votes. Go with holiness and purity, truth and honesty and the Creator of the world will bring the voices from Heaven. Let the United States and other countries fight against Iran. It is true that only the Israeli air force can reach anywhere in Iran, because the Israeli air force is accompanied by divine angels.
We are in a difficult time, all the thieves, the liars, the scoundrels, the scammers and the crooks, all of them are revealed one after the other, from the biggest, the most religious, the smallest, and the one who does not observe the Torah and the commandments. All are revealed in the Land of Israel and in the world, step by step so that there will be not panic.
The Holy One, Blessed is He, does not love calumny and does not love free hatred. The Holy One, blessed be He, says that anyone who snitch on his fellow Jew, speaks slander, calumny and free hatred, everything turns against him, everything comes back to him in a big way. The Law Measure for measure has not stopped, it continues also now,  strongly.
Serve the Holy One, Blessed be He, honestly and truly. The Holy One, blessed be He, wishes that the Jew will be happy with every shekel he has. The Creator want that the Jew will be happy in his life, happy in what he is, happy with what he has at home, at work and everywhere. He must be happy with his part everything that he has, the wife, the husband, the children, the livelihood, no matter where and in what state, he has to be happy and say 'Thank you very much, Holy One, blessed be He, it could have been worse.' When a person is happy, God says, "This is my servant! This is my son! Now I will give him livelihood in abundance, health and the best life. Because he is happy with good and bad, he will have plenty in all his requests! ‘When a person becomes resentful and complaining, like in the desert when they did not want to enter the Land of Israel, the Holy One, blessed be He, is angry.
We are in a very difficult confusion in the Land of Israel and the president and the senior officials are not allowed to get confused. Everyone will do his job fully and properly. We have the Land of Israel, very small in the world, and most of the world wants to erase and destroy it. For the Creator, the Land of Israel is the greatest in the world. The Creator is in the Holy Land! Anyone who interferes with the Land of Israel, the Creator of the Universe, will remove him from the world, not in another month - immediately! Try and see. The Creator does not forsake the Jews in the land of Israel, only in the Land of Israel. The localities Gush Katif that the Jews left the land of the Gaza Strip - it has no blessing, it has a curse. The blessing became a curse!
All Jews must be united. The problem with the left is that not all of them are Jews. In the right Party, they chose the problems and the disturbances; the right brought on itself the problems. Everyone will pick himself up in order for the right to rise. The Creator decides: All the small right-wing parties unite! Enough to research honor and a high position. The Creator says I will determine who will be! Who will be Knesset member and who will be minister. I let you act naturally as if you make your own decision , but I am from above decide all! Too bad to fight for the chairs, the imaginations and the disturbances and the free hatred. You will give up - you'll succeed, you will not give up - you lose. The Holy One, Blessed be He says: all the surveys published everything is nonsense, without any value. They do not tell the truth, they want to bring down and influence the people. There are surveys from the left, the right, the top, the bottom, from all directions. Everyone and his own surveys.
Jews all over the world, outside the Land of Israel, are in a terrible confusion. Anti-Semitism abroad is very strong and worldwide. Every Jew who lives abroad, his life is in danger. Jews must go to the Holy Land urgently! The Creator begs them to go to the Holy Land. If they will not come up, one day will come and He will tell them, 'I begged you many years and you did not listen to Me.' Jews must immigrate to the Holy Land. There is work for every Jew in the Land of Israel. There is room for every Jew in the Holy Land. The Creator wants a million Jews to live in the Negev, a million Jews in the Western Galilee, the Golan Heights, Samaria, Binyamin, the Judean Desert, the Arava and the Jordan Valley. Enough to live in the center of the country, disperse throughout the country.
Travelers who travel abroad, the Holy One, Blessed be He says, "There is no father and no mother abroad, there is no law and no judge, people have to guard themselves very much! Only someone sent from Israel with any position is protected from the Creator of the Universe.
Russia want to get rid of Assad. He wants the government to be Russian, under Russia.
US will not agree that it too wants to take a slice of Syria.
Jordan and Saudi Arabia they do not like the fact that Sisi is loved by the Americans, the Israelis and his people. Everything that the Egyptian king does, good things for Israel, everything first for his own good and his people, then for Israel and the United States. Sisi is a wise man, he knows exactly what he's doing, and he’s not stupid.
King of Jordan is angry for the mess of millions of infiltrators, Hamas and invaders in Jordan are causing him. They killed Jordan. It is dead. They say to the king of Jordan from heaven: 'You shall be like Sisi, do not disturb the land of Israel, believe in Israel and flow with the Holy Land. It is better for you to be like Sisi who lives and is alive, receives billions and provides sustenance to Egypt.
Hamas this is Amalek. There is no peace and there will be no peace with them. They have plans to continue interfering in Israel, to continue to blow up in Israel, to continue to dig tunnels. Do not give in to them. There is no faith in them. They will continue to disturb with all their might. Scammers.
The Arabs of Hebron, East Jerusalem, Jenin and Nablus There is an underground, they plan together how to produce ammunition and to hurt Jews in Israel.
North Korea and Kim are bending to the United States because of the heavy hunger.
Turkey Isis is eating it. The economic situation is very difficult.
Cyprus, Greece and Italy are not modern, want Israel's money, make a living from the people of Israel. They hate the people of Israel.
In Israel there is everything.
Trump loves the Jews, believes in the Jewish people living in Israel. Trump is a wise and smart man , and Heaven is helping him to understand that there is coming of Messiah. He believes in the coming of the Messiah. He prepares the people of Israel and also Jerusalem. Trump wants to see the light of Messiah! Although he is a Christian, he has a spark of a Jew. His daughter's marriage to a Jew made him closer to the Jewish people. He understand more about what is the Jewish people, what is a Jew, what about Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the soul of the Jews, the Jewish mind inventing patents, the power of the IDF, the most powerful army in the world, about the compassionate, merciful Jews,  the power of Jews who love to do good. He understood that the Creator of the universe is with the Jews, so he fought for Jerusalem, for the Jewish people and for the Holy One, blessed be He! There will be a lot of credits for Trump with the Holy One, blessed be He, very great credits!
Iran the Israel Air Force trains day and night. All countries are with the people of Israel. Everyone is waiting for paperwork from Israel, for a real map to hit Iran's factories precisely in order not to harm innocent people. Only if Iran changes its mind and repents the whole picture will change.
Iraq is dead.
Syria Is finished and will continue to be destroyed.
Saudi Arabia is in peace with the United States and Russia, wants both.
Lebanon scared to death from Nasrallah and Hezbollah.
Nasrallah and Hezbollah , his wings fell off because there was no one to give him a hand to help him. None.
The Creator says to the Jews, "Please, keep your sons and daughters from being assimilated, away from alcohol or drugs and gambling. Too bad for them, they enter a prison of gambling, a prison of violent drinking and drugs, a prison of assimilation. From an early age they suffer, sad and depressed in prison, they have no life. From a young age they barely breathe. Their head get confused. Too bad for your children, guard them. Strong floods, volcanic eruptions and fires will continue in the world.
In Israel there is a big new problem every day, in the media, in newspapers everywhere. Every day there is a problem, a problem within the people of Israel. Every day is problem over problem. Every day we will say what will happen to the day, and this will bring the people of Israel to repent and to cry to the Holy One, Blessed be He, who will crown the Messiah king. There is no one to trust. One hundred and twenty members of the Knesset and the Creator of the Universe says there is no one to trust!
Messiah King of Israel lives in our generation! He exists in our generation! He is operating in our generation! He is working in our generation! And this generation, the generation of the desert that was reincarnated, won, and will be at the time of the Crowning of Messiah! Messiah is ready and in great preparation. The chariots in the sky are in great preparation. The Creator of the world dresses him in the clothing of a king and through him the Holy One, Blessed be He will speak. The Creator gives him all the great powers, a power multiplied and multiplied infinitely, in his heart and in his mind so that he will be ready. When the Creator of the universe will speak to him with force - he will act, correct the world and abolish impurity from the world. When people meet him, he will talk to them about things that only they know what he's talking about. The Creator gave strength to the Messiah to tell people things that only He knows, so that the Jew will be better, he will return to be a Jew, he will return to complete repentance, and will cling to the Holy One, Blessed be He. That's the only reason. Messiah is humble, he is not looking for honor. He want to return all the children of the Holy One, blessed be He, the Jews, to the Father in heaven, to connect them to Him. Messiah is not looking for seats, neither to be a Knesset member nor a minister, he is not looking to be prime minister and not chief rabbi. No one chose him on Earth. He has no interest for himself, all in order to return the people of Israel in repentance to our Father in Heaven, to abolish the power of impurity, the evil inclination from the world and bring about a new world. Messiah does not mean  palaces, pride, scenery, he works and acts in secret. People will continue to reach him and everyone will return in full repentance. The Holy One, Blessed be He, gives tremendous and infinite power to the Messiah in words, living speech, in order to help the Jewish people and connect them to the Holy One, Blessed be He. Not to be alarmed by the words of the living heavens, this is the whole purpose of the Holy One, blessed be He, so people will know in reality who is the Messiah. This way when Messiah will speak to people only things they know, things that no power in the world that can know, all this will hasten and shorten the discovery of the King Messiah! It starts today! From today, this Sunday! In no other generation there was confusion in Israel as it is now in the time of Messiah. People do not know their sex, their identity, they are confused. They forget that God is in this world. Everyone says, 'My strength and the strength of my hand made me this success.' What does all this confusion do? Evil evaporates and surfaces and disappears! Faith and integrity and truth in the Creator of the universe and the Messiah his servant is what will remain to a person in this world and will give him the right to be in the first circle!


רשומות פופולריות