Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita Parashat PinchasTasha't


Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita
Parashat PinchasTasha't
Delivered on Sunday, 11 Tamouz Tasha’t (14.7.19) | 8:30

The Holy One, Blessed be He, hates obscenity and abomination. Therefore, when Balak saw that Balaam could not curse and went out to bless the people of Israel, he accepted Balaam's advice to defeat the people of Israel with obscenity and they ambushed them in Shittim. "While Israel was staying in Shittim, the men began to indulge in sexual immorality with Moabite women." (Numbers 25: 1). Slowly they managed to bring down a lot of the people of Israel and to control them with the power of impurity. Tzur, the head of the nations of the Midian family, sent his daughter Kozabi, to capture Moses in her network and to weaken his power by connecting him with a Gentile. Since when connected with a Gentile, the connection of the soul to the forces of the spirit is severed. Kozabi daughter of Tzur was mistaken and thought that Zimri ben Salo, the head of the tribe of Shimon, was Moses and knocked him down by the force of impurity
Jews have a soul that is holy, part of God above, and if Jews connect with Gentiles who have no soul, only psyche and spirit, the vessels do not fit, and the soul leaves. Therefore, assimilation causes damage and destruction to the Jewish people, and Jewish power is weakened. In order to destroy the Jewish people elegantly, with a smile on their faces, the gentiles use drugs, alcohol, gambling and assimilation and then destroy their lives.
The Creator of the world hates lewdness, abomination and lust. At the time of the Flood, the Creator destroyed the whole world because of lechery and left no trace of man and life, only Noah his wife and children and animals in the Arch.
In Shittim, when the people began to commit adultery with the daughters of Moab, the Holy One, Blessed be He, determined that Moses would not fall into the net of Kozabi daughter of Tsur.  Zimri ben Salo, the head of the tribe of Shimon, fell and after him many more fell. Pinchas was zealous of God. Pinchas son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, the priest, has turned my anger away from the Israelites. Since he was as zealous for my honor among them as I am, I did not put an end to them in my zeal." (Numbers. 25:11).  Thanks to Pinchas, who killed Zimri ben Salo and Kozabi daughter of Tzur and raised them both in the air with the spear, in the people entered fear and anxiety, they awakened from the obscenity and the filth they had in them and the plague stopped. The Holy One, Blessed be He, wanted to destroy all the children of Israel, and because of the merit of Pinchas only twenty-four thousand. The Holy One, Blessed is He, gives gifts to those who are zealous to Him. Because Pinchas was zealous to God, the Holy One, blessed be He, gave him the priesthood for generations to come.
Whoever follows God's way, fulfills the Ten Commandments and the 613 laws, prays and learns Torah, will have an abundance of blessing without end long and good life, health, coupling and livelihood. A Jew who does crooked things, everything will return to him crooked. The future of the Jew lies in his nature and his plans, he will do good - get good, do bad - get bad, it's not the evil eye, evil spirits or curses. Jew, walk in the way of the Holy One, blessed be He, and stick to Him.
Eighty percent of the participants to the marches in Israel are goyim who come from abroad, move from city to city and disturb the peace of people. There were only twenty percent Ethiopians and 80 percent non-Jews in the demonstrations. There are severe disorders in the preschools. There are endless fires. One hundred and twenty Knesset members are very complicated, they do not know who is against whom, they do not know what to do, right against left, left against left, they do not know what will happen each day, they do not know what will happen to the government, if there will be a government. They fight for the chairs, for media advertising, for pensions and do not care if the Right goes up; if they cared they would give up to each other and establish a strong Right party.
We are in a very difficult time, everyone is confused. There are serious disturbances, trouble after trouble, demonstration after demonstration, roads full of cars, trains break down, faults here, threats there, the courts are complicated, some of the mayors are complicated -and this is in Israel, all over the world - a billion times worse. All this difficulty is so that Messiah will remove all the shells and open the path.
Today almost everyone has a Smartphone, everyone takes pictures of everyone, every corner and corner, everywhere you are photographed and advertised in the world, what you did and what you did not do. The Creator says that we are at a time when most people believe in their power, 'My strength and my power gave me this success.' They just forget that there is a Creator, that God is in the world and determines what will happen. Everyone think he is a hero, taking the law into their own hands and threatening.
The Holy One, blessed be He, sifts the Jews in Israel and the ones that are making noise. The Holy One, Blessed be He, says: "Who is for God come to me - will benefit" There are conditions for the Holy One, blessed be He. The Holy One, blessed be He, says to all the people of Israel: 'Have you forgotten that there is a Creator to the world? Have you forgotten that I am in this world? That I am your father, I created you, and I made you? What is this pride about? What is this control? ‘The Holy One, blessed be He, says: 'I determine what will be in this world from A to Z, you can jump and run as much as you want, I will ultimately determine what will happen!' The Almighty can kill people in one second with a thorn, a needle or a bacterium. Do not forget that the Holy One, Blessed be He, is alive and exists forever and ever, and we are ashes, nothing. Nevertheless, the Holy One, blessed be He, does not punish and wait for them to repent. If the "rope" ends and man does not repent, he will receive all the harsh judgments in the world, if he repents; he is saved from all the judgments. The Holy One, Blessed be He, is waiting for them to repent but there is a limit.
Jews are forbidden to assimilate and those who have non-Jewish spouses must convert or leave them.
There are many natural disasters, the Holy One, blessed be He, is angry, disgusted and hurt. "I created the whole world, the people, the animals, the beasts and the birds, and I chose the people of Israel to be my people. Some of them do not understand that I, the Holy One, Blessed be He, determines what will happen here. We must return to the Jewish root, study Torah and prayers, in order to preserve the flame of Judaism and the Jews. ‘The Holy One, blessed be He, asks us to return to the path of purity and holiness.
The Holy One, blessed be He, asks the Jews abroad to return urgently to Israel. Do not provoke Me.' The situation of anti-Semitism throughout the world is worse than ever worse and getting worse every day. Come and immigrate to the Holy Land now, before it's too late.  After you will cry and beg and I will not help you.
The Holy One, Blessed be He, asks that the elections of the people of Israel be with tranquility and free love, and to believe that everything begins with the Holy One, blessed be He, and ends with the Holy One, Blessed be He.
Obscenity, free hatred and assimilation do not belong to the people of Israel! The Holy One, Blessed is He, gave ten commandments and not ten plagues. Without the Holy One, blessed be He, no one in this world can live a minute, so do His will!  The Holy One, blessed be He, created the world, forgiving and loving the Jews. The Holy One, blessed be He, says: "Who is for God comes to me," wants to give Messiah to the people of Israel and The Temple, wants the people of Israel to be a partner and ask for Messiah. To strengthen themselves in the fear of Heaven. The Almighty runs the whole world!
Hamas they are deceitful, liar, narrow-eyed, boastful, lecherous and hateful, they want and want, "Woof woof". They have to be stopped. They are the seed of Amalek. In the Gaza Strip there is a mess of Egyptians, Syrians, Jordanians, Iraqis, Isis, all types of parties and all kinds of people. The Gaza Strip is a refuge. Everything is mixed there; maybe 5% of them are Gazans. They hate the Jews.
Putin is busy with the sales of arms and ammunition, that's his livelihood.  
Turkey Isis controls it, continues to control it and will knock it down. Anyone who does not listen to Isis they make him disappear.
Hezbollah and Nasrallah they had food and lived from Syria - Syria is dead. They had food and lived from Iran - Iran will die. He has old weapons and keeps it for any case he cannot renew his weapons and ammunition.
Iran threatens Europe. All the secrets of Iran are with the Mossad. The whole world relies on the Israeli air force to reach Iran and blow up all the atomic plants.
Trump is waiting to receive a report from Israel in order to send accurate missiles to precise locations, so that there would be no mistakes. He is waiting for the government of Israel and the Mossad so to receive special plans to prepare in secrete how to attack Iran so as not to harm people. Trump wants from Israel to have information to have specific and focused places in order to blow up Iran without harming people.
Will continue: floods, storms, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, hard winds, trains that will derail and collide, buses, wings of planes will begin to move like eagles' wings, and there will be shocks in airplanes. The air in the sky is very angry and from the air pressure planes will start to shock and move. The strong air shakes and moves the planes, giving no peace to passengers. Will continue ship complications, aircraft complications, and complications between states.
All the lecherous, the robbers and the cheating, the white and black collar men, all will be caught one by one.
The Israeli government needs to build tens of thousands of homes, without taking into account anyone. Millions of Jews will arrive in Israel and need a place to live. Jews, buy only houses in Israel.
Do not go to the tombs of the righteous abroad; go to the tombs of the righteous only in the holy land of Israel. Every Jew can ask requests from righteous also from within his own home. The first place in the world is the Tomb of the Patriarchs, Rachel's Tomb and the Western Wall. Everyone who comes to the wall is moved as if he had never been there.
Enough to take innocent and naive girls to the tombs of the righteous abroad. The Holy One, blessed be He, is very angry about this. This is contempt for the Holy One, blessed be He, contempt for the Holy Land, contempt for the graves of the righteous in Israel and the Western Wall. It reminds the Holy One, blessed be He, of the spies who did not love the Land of Israel, the Holy Land, and that He killed them all for forty years in the desert. Enough to cheat people. Enough to take money from them, to live on their backs and be proud. The Creator helps these innocents who go innocently, but not to those who manage and organize these things, give permission to the husbands to go where they want, and make women feel like they are single. This causes conflict in the family and fight at home and does not bring blessing. The Land of Israel is the source of blessing in the world! The Holy One, Blessed is He, stands for the Land of Israel! There is no place as pure and holy as the State of Israel!
Our Messiah, most know that he is Messiah and everyone wants to be near him, to embrace him. Because of his spiritual power, people stick to him, and become enthralled. His light is from here to the sky! When he will come out in public they would see the light, for now they could see it in obscurity. Messiah duty is free love. Every day think what you will do good today. The Holy One, blessed be He, says that every Jew should think every day what he will do good, not bad, what he will do good! Stick to free love.
Messiah delivers the words of the living God, helping everyone from the lowest to the greatest in Israel. Messiah makes protection and shelter for Israel. Messiah can eat, drink and work, and his soul and "unit" work and act without feeling it, guarding and protecting the Jewish people automatically. The soul of the lower and higher Messiah is doing many things in the people of Israel. We waiting for heaven and earth to open the revelation of our Messiah in public, the Messiah will have control of Israel and the whole world openly!


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