Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita Parashat Korach Tasha’t


Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita
Parashat  Korach Tasha’t
Delivered on Sunday, 20 Sivan Tasha’t (23.6.19) | 8:30

"And Korach took” (Numbers 16: 1), "What did Korach take?" He took bad advice for himself.
After the episode of Miriam, who was afflicted with leprosy for speaking about Moses, after the story of the spies who did not hear the Holy Voice, blessed be He and Moses, and slandered the Holy Land, Korach also decided to interfere with Moses. What is controversy? Separation and division. Separation above and separation below. Those who seek to separate the correction of the worlds will be thrown out of all worlds. Controversy is separation from peace. Whoever disagrees with peace, disagrees with the name of the Holy One, blessed be He, because the name of the Holy One, blessed be He is ‘Peace'. The world exists only on peace. Without peace, the world cannot exist. This world did arise - only because of peace. On Shabbat there is peace in the upper and lower, so the world exists. Shabbat makes peace between us and the Holy One, Blessed be He. Whoever does not observe Shabbat does not want peace. The Creator decreed to keep the Sabbath in order to connect with the Holy One, blessed be He, and connect heaven and earth. Anyone who does not observe Shabbat begins a war with the Holy One, blessed be He.
The people of Israel left Egypt after the ten plagues, saw the splitting of the Red Sea, saw the miracles in the war against Amalek, and yet they reached the border of Canaan and asked to send spies. The Creator was in pain because they did not believe in Him and in His servant Moses. After all the miracles and wonders they saw eye to eye, they did not believe. If they did not want to enter the Land of Israel it means that they did not believe in God. They violated what they promised to the Holy One, blessed be He, on Mount Sinai: "We shall do and we will hear." First they asked to check, to hear what was in Israel and then to 'do'. Just the opposite.
Moses blessed Joshua Bin Nun and added the letter Yod to save him from the advice of the spies and also to influence them to retract from what they had planned and bring them back to redemption within forty days. Caleb the son of Yefuneh went to receive a blessing from our fathers so that he would not fall with the spies and to get strength that could influence the spies and turn their advice for the better, so that they would come to the people of Israel and speak well about the Holy Land. If, Heaven forbid, Joshua would have been influenced by the spies and he also would have spoken slander about the land of Israel, he would not have be able to be the successor of Moses and there would have no one to bring the people of Israel to the Holy land. Moses added the letter Yod to his name and in this he gave him, without Joshua feeling it, the authority to replace him when the time will come. Joshua son of Nun and Caleb the son of Yefuneh had two missions, one not to fall under the advice of the spies, and the other to persuade them to reconsider their advice and repent. They failed regarding the second mission. What power has the Sitra Achra, the evil inclination, the bad language to influence people so to not change their minds.
The Holy One, Blessed  be He, does not like calumny, free hatred, narrow-mindedness, greed and those who are not happy with their part, that brings man to destruction and to fall.
The Holy One, blessed be He, gave the Jews a soul and a holy and pure spirit so that they would be like the angels of Heaven. He gave them free choice and wanted them to stick to Him, 'Turn away from evil and do good'. The Holy One, blessed be He, wishes us to think positively every morning, what good is being done today in the world, to whom we will help, to whom charity will be given. To  deal with kindness, love and peace all day long. We were created for this purpose. The Holy One, Blessed be He, chose us at Mount Sinai to do "we shall do and we will hear," to fight against impurity, so to not listen to the voice of the Sitra Achra and the Evil Inclination and to influence others to do so. It's the world's correction. The Holy One, blessed be He, was very angry with Korach and his group, He did not want to see them and buried them underground. They did not believe and trusted the Holy One, blessed be He, and Moses. They thought that Moses was a material and ordinary man. Moses was a man of God in the body of a man with an angel  connected to his body and he had the Holy Spirit, a spirit of valor, advice and knowledge. Moses was supposed to be Messiah for Israel and they despised him, ridiculed the choice of the Holy One, blessed be He. Anyone who touches or harms the messengers of the Creator, the real prophets, will be hurt very hard from heaven in his body, his family and his children. The Holy One, Blessed be He, does not choose anything by mistake. If the Holy One, blessed be He, chooses Moses to redeem the people of Israel, this means He loves him and so do not touch him, he comes to save you. It was so painful for the Holy One, Blessed be He, when He opened the earth to swallow Korach and his congregation. He did not want them to be heard, He did not want them to be seen, they were swallowed up and disappeared from the world, and they were not in Heaven or in the land.
One has to think every day what good he will do today to people. Instead of cursing - bless that they repent. Instead of stealing - help people. Do not covet. Do not do adultery. Do not hurt people. Only compliment and help where it is permitted, it is a great privilege in Heaven and it will open for him the gates of Heaven.
We are in a very difficult period, not difficult in security or economy, God forbid, very difficult in Heaven and in the Land. It is difficult for the Holy One, Blessed be He, that some of the Jews are not satisfied and are incomplete in part, and that they want more and more. Members of Knesset destroy each other for honor, they are hurting and destroying people with bad language and very serious gossip for honor, a chair or a job. It hurts the Holy One, Blessed be He, that there is no humility.
The Holy One, blessed be He, says to the people of Israel, to all the Jews: Who is for God come to me! Come to me! Do not wait, do not lose. Do not wait until Messiah comes out to light. Come now! Come now - you will win to be in the first circle and eternal life! Also the 'semi-religious.' All the Jews have to repent, religious, ultra-Orthodox, Haredi and not religious. Everyone has a lot to fix and repent.
The Holy One, Blessed  be He, plays with this world like chess, moves soldiers, maneuvers left to right as needed. He organizes and prepares everything for redemption and the revelation of King Messiah in public. Messiah is alive and well and helps and works, it happens every moment. If there were nor a living Messiah that helps every moment, the world would not exist. The Holy One, Blessed be He, says, Messiah is needed so I can speak through him and everyone will hear Me through the Messiah.
An ordinary person cannot run the State of Israel and the world. Arik Sharon was the last prime minister who could determine for himself what he wanted and no one could move him from what he said. Every prime minister after him is not functioning himself. He has to listen to the parties, the ministers and the cabinet. He is a rubber stamp, a doll. That is to say, there is a prime minister, but he is a puppet, and why so? Because  Messiah must go out in public!
Messiah will not be prime minister and not chief rabbi, he does not belong to all these matters. Messiah does not need anyone, through him he Holy One, blessed be He, speaks above and he performs actions, in the whole world, in speech and thought. Messiah talks and everything is published in the media, what he says happens at the same moment! All for the benefit of the people of Israel and to clean the world for purity and holiness. All the nations that bother Israel - Messiah will deal with each and every one of them directly, no spy, no Shin Bet, no Mossad and no airplanes are needed. Messiah will decide that the president of Iran will die now - he will die now, at that moment, and this will be live. Messiah will decide that Nasrallah will die now - he will die now. He will decide that Abu-Mazen will die now - he will die now. Messiah has to receive every moment the staff, the kingdom from the Holy One, blessed be He, and begin to act in public! When this happens, there will be peace and quiet for the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces and for all the people of Israel forever. There will be no one to shout or to issue a single letter against the people of Israel, whoever speaks will die on the spot. Every prime minister or president or minister in the world who speaks evil about the people of Israel, the Holy Land, and the sacred Land of Israel -will get sick, his body will tremble with cold sweat, he will be confused in his speech, and if he continues, he will give up his soul, die or lie in the hospital.
The Holy One, Blessed be He, wants every Jew  to ask only the Holy One, blessed be He. The Holy One, Blessed is He, hears every mouth and every tongue, religious, semi-religious, a quarter religious or non-religious, He wants to be asked directly for everything. Do not look for 'hangers', and do not  go abroad to the tombs of the righteous. All the righteous who are buried in the Land of Israel and in the Cave of the Patriarchs are very happy, very happy, that Jews will ask directly from the Holy One, Blessed be He, nothing  of them. And if a Jew does come to the tombs of the righteous, he should pray for the people of Israel and not for himself. If one pray for the entire Jewish people,  his prayer will be accepted, if he pray for himself - he will be heard only if he makes a complete repentance.
The Holy One, Blessed be He, wants us to thank Him every moment, for every moment we live. Anyone who does not believe in the Holy One, Blessed be He, has his world fall apart. Belief in the Holy One, blessed be He, is not to say, 'I believe in the Holy One, Blessed be He.' Belief in the Holy One, blessed be He, is to receive the suffering with love and joy, without complaining and resenting, saying, "I have sinned and the Holy One, blessed be He, correct me." This is called believing in the Holy One, Blessed be He. The Holy One, Blessed be He, does not punish anyone, people punish themselves by themselves. When a person makes a confession, asks forgiveness from the Holy One, Blessed be He, does not complain, is not resentful or miserly, and says, "I have sinned, I was wrong, I deserve the agony." The gates of heaven will open to him. Complaining is for nothing, it is like the weeping of the desert generation when the spies returned and the Holy One, blessed be He, said to them, 'You cried for nothing, I will set you to weep for generations.' Since then, the entire nation has been crying over the two Temples that were destroyed on 9 Av and over the Holy Land. To the Holy One, blessed be He,  the Holy Land is the most important thing in the entire world, before everything and before every person.
Jews who live abroad- learn from what happened to spies who opposed entering the Land of Israel. You should come urgently to the Holy Land. The Holy One, Blessed be He, does not want to be as it was during the period of Korach and his congregation. The Holy One, blessed be He, wants all the right-wing parties to start to be  humble, to give up in the matters of the  chairs and to be united. The Arabs are exploiting the problems in the Knesset. The Arab Members of Knesset create a new and strong infrastructure in order to bring a lot of mandates. This is the way to balance the Knesset so they will have rights and many seats in the Israeli Knesset, what they did not succeed  last time.
The Holy One, Blessed be He, says to all right-wing parties to wake up! Wake up if you want the Holy Land and if you love the Holy One, Blessed be He! Big and small parties all must unite! Enough to argue. Establish a government according to "the will of the Lord makes power"!
Hamas is laughing.  
The Palestinians are laughing and mocking.  
Jihad do not want peace, they do not care about $ 50 billion, they do not care about rebuilding the Gaza Strip, they want to destroy and kill the Jews, that's what they have in mind. Muslim Arabs hate and envy the Jews. They only want to destroy the Jews. During the Holocaust, too, they helped the Nazis to harm the Jews. They mock and make trouble and get everything they want.
The Israeli government must not give up to Hamas, Hamas is Amalek.
Every father and mother must explain to their children so that there will be no assimilation, so as not to destroy the people of Israel. Assimilation causes great destruction to the Jewish people.
Jews abroad suffer greatly, they steal from them, beat them, cancel the religion of Israel and Jews are living  in illusions that all will be good. It will not be good! Just bad and bad every day more than the day before! Do not wait like during  the period of 70-80 years ago, do not wait for a blow! There are eight billion people in the world, the hatred is growing day by day, and the gentiles are hindering the Jews every day. The Creator asks them constantly  to immigrate to Israel!
All the Jews, Ashkenazim, Sephardim, all of Jacob's children from the four mothers. We need to spread Torah and praise it in prayers and not to fight. Each and his custom.
Jews in the Land of Israel: your poor are first! Give only donations and tithes to the Holy Land of Israel. A Jew should have mercy on a Jew first of all. There are no shortage of Jews who need help. Wealthy Jews: Donate only in the holy land of Israel, if you donate abroad you will be cursed. Donors to the Jews in the Land of Israel - their money will be blessed, if they give to people abroad - their money will be cursed, they will fall, they will go bankrupt and be poor.
Buy and build houses - only in the Land of Israel. People and businesses that grew rich years ago in the US and around the world - this time will  not come back, it ended, there will not be new rich, only in Israel.
East Jerusalem, The people of Abu Mazen are quiet before the storm. They take the money from the poor from Gaza, steal the money and give them pennies.
Iran is teasing the US. Trump does not want wars and Iran is exploiting it. If Iran tries to send missiles to Israel, the IDF will destroy them! The Iranians are more afraid of the IDF than of the United States.
Trump wants to crush Iran through the economy, not war. Through cold war. Trump is a man of peace and does not want to bring death to people in the world. Trump is trying  every way to topple Iran without war. In Iran they know that the IDF knows every secret place and the very important to them. They know for certain that Israeli planes leaving Israel can reach any point in Iran and destroy it. The Mossad is deeply involved in  the atomic plants in Iran. If they only think of sending missiles to Israel, God forbid, everything will explode in the atomic plants.
China and North Korea act as if they are powers, there is nothing.  
Putin is with the Jewish people in secret.  
Syria there will not be one hour of calm, they will have no rest neither day nor night. The destruction will continue, will continue  and will continue.
Egypt, Sisi has to keep himself very strong because Morsi is dead and there is a craze for  revenge against Sisi. Sisi is a wise and smart man who runs Egypt in a beautiful and good way, and he has opponents.
Jordan is waiting for the  plan of the century, he can wait for two centuries.  
Iraq is dead.
Hezbollah and Nasrallah They do not have new ammunition and weapons. Let them  get in trouble there, and Hezbollah's soldiers will kill each other. All the ammunition coming from Iran - the IDF is blowing them  up.
Turkey, Erdogan plays the 'beautiful soul', at the end  his people will give him a blow to his head. Even Isis.
Most road traffic deaths result from complacency and disregard for driving, whether because they are using the phone and  messages, or  violate traffic laws. There is no protection for those who violate the traffic  laws, the laws set forth here, in this world, were also set in heaven. Just as it is forbidden to desecrate Shabbat, it is forbidden to travel at a red light or to bypass a white line. With a stop sign, you have to stop. There is speed allowed, you have to travel according to the signs, beyond that there is no warranty for what will happen to a person. The rule here is the rule above, for  the traffic  as well, not only for the laws of Shabbat, purity and holiness. If you do not drive properly, you kill people. It is the person's choice to take risks during driving or anything else, he chooses whether to take a risk. The Holy One, Blessed be He, does not want to hurt anyone, He wants everyone to repent. The Holy One, blessed be He, says, "And you shall be very careful for your souls."
All the world's natural elements will continue to strike all over the world, fires, infernos, volcanoes, severe storms, floods, earthquakes, ship , airplanes, buses and trains accidents, complications and conflicts, all to leave in peace the Holy Land.
Messiah is in our time, he will be revealed! In this generation there will be Messiah! This is the end of the exile of the Jews, it is the end of the exile of suffering of the Jewish people and the time of the Messiah as well! All the questions regarding who is the Messiah will end in our generation. All  will cry to the Creator of the world, 'We want Messiah.' Some know him, some do not. He  will receive the staff, the kingdom, all the actions of the Messiah will be seen in live , with understanding, with real vision, eye to eye. He will not come to the media. The Holy One, Blessed be He, will speak through all the channels, all the radio and television stations without being photographed, and everyone will know with certainty that this is the Messiah! He will destroy the entire Gaza Strip, the same second that he will say: 'The Gaza Strip will be destroyed now,' without the IDF, all will see in the media and on television how the Gaza Strip is being destroyed! Whether in a tsunami, an earthquake, or a flood without hitting an inch of the Holy Land! When Messiah decides that the president of Iran will die, Messiah will speak, it will automatically pass to the media, in those seconds, without being photographed, and everyone will see and hear that he is speaking and killing the King of Persia, or anyone in the world!
Israel's borders will be protected, the Israel Defense Forces will rest, and the entire Jewish people will repent completely! All the people of Israel will go to the synagogues, all the Jews. While Messiah is being revealed, all the Arabs who live in the Land of Israel, all those who are not Jews, will flee from here all, they will flee alone!
Each and every one must ask the Messiah from the Holy One, blessed be He, to reveal the King Messiah! So that the king Messiah will receive the staff, the kingdom and administer the world! Enough with the agony! Enough with suffering!


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