Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita Parashat Nasso, Tash'at


Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita
Parashat Nasso, Tash'at
Delivered on Sunday, Yom Yerushalayim, 28 Yahar Tasha’t (2.6.19) | 8:30

Sleep is one sixtieth of death. The soul ascends and reaches a place where it is worthy to stand and where it is examined for every act it did that day. The soul testifies to what man did all day long. Therefore, one should read Shema on the bed carefully and with great understanding, and after that it is forbidden to speak but only words of Torah, Mishnayot or Zohar, in order to fall asleep with the words of Torah. Every word and speech that comes out of a person's mouth during the day is examined at night, and there is no stronger testimony in the world than the soul's testimony, because the soul is part of God above and is true. Everything that a person does in this world is "printed" in the soul and the soul transfers what he did. It is not the accusers, the evil inclination or other witnesses; it is the soul that reports the whole truth about what man did all that day. Whether it is good or not good deeds, commandments, sins or trespasses, secretly or openly. The testimony of the soul is above all evidence that exists in this world. The soul is part of God above and the spirit and soul of man belong to it, they are together, they are one. Spirit and the psyche share with the soul every action done, the act is attached to the soul, and it transmits every night to God Almighty every speech, every act and every action. On Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur it is open and everything is examined. If the speech is holy, the speech of Torah and prayer, the soul rises and exits the heavens and stands in a place worthy of standing. If the speech is not proper, bad speech of calumny, that speech arises and is recorded on the soul of man.
When the soul descends in the morning, that impression is recorded in the body and is called the "wisdom of the face". According to the person's face, it is clear what he is doing in this world, for the soul attests to his deeds. According to the purification of the soul, so is the purification of man's face.

 When a Jew feels that he has a lot of disturbances and mishaps, that everything is closed to him, life, livelihood, health, children's education, peace of the house, in other words he has been blocked from the spiritual path. When a Jew feels that something is blocked, he will not look for people and "hangers" to help him open the blockage, he must understand that the Creator has brought him to this situation so that he will turn to Him, so that he will stick to Him and seek help from Him, not from others. The Holy One, Blessed be He, is our Father, we are His children and we seek help only from the Holy One, Blessed be He! Our Father in heaven will help us while we try to keep the Ten Commandments and the 613 laws, then He will open the way for us. If a Jew does not make a complete confession and abandon his evil deeds, the path will not open, and talismans, blessings and visits to the tombs of the righteous will not help. If it will open from here, it will be close from there, if it rises up from here, it will fall from there. The Holy One, Blessed be He, torments those He loves, closes the way for him so he will turn to Him in prayer and request. He will adhere to Him and fulfill what the Holy One, Blessed be He, will ask him, and then he will see miraculous miracles and the gates of Heaven will be opened. It is forbidden to look for "hangers" and help people instead of turning to the Creator, to skip doing the will of the Holy One and to seek help at the tombs of the righteous or with the help of all kind of mediums and impostors who lie and deceive innocent people. You should only turn to the Father in heaven, to Torah study and observance of the laws. Anyone who wishes can go to the tombs of the righteous, but only if he does confess, leaves his sins and repents, his requests will be accepted by the Holy One, blessed be He.
The Afrashat challah (blessing on the bread) is only performed on Fridays in honor of Shabbat. Many women make a profit from the Afrashat challah. They disguise themselves as righteous and holy women, with all kinds of hats and handkerchiefs, and they are not religious at all. There are those who are truly holy and pure and who give merit to many and there are those..., God forbid. Do not contact them. Go only to wives of city rabbis or communities who are known and whom people believe in them. The best, the commandment of the best, is to make Afrashat challah on Friday in every home and house in Israel. Lighting candles and Afrashat challah on Friday in honor of Shabbat. Do not be tempted by other things. If there are women who want to hold a special evening for women, they will hold a prayer evening and recite Psalms to the Creator.
A woman's honor is her head covering. The woman who disturbed Eve, do not say her name, and knocked her and the first man from purity and holiness because of jealousy, her hair was as wild as demons and bad spirits. She's jealous so far, so she gets stuck in any wild hair. A woman who covers her head properly, she has protection from the Holy One, blessed be He. Just as a person is protected when he observes the Sabbath properly, the head covering protects the woman, her husband, and her children, so that the woman who wants to disturb the women of Israel will not stick to her hair. The same woman who wants so far to disturb the women of Israel, will not enter her house together with the sitra achra (evil inclination) and the devil. The hair is the opening; they hide in the hair and put severe impurity into the woman, putting in her confusion, entanglements and restlessness. When a woman covers her head according to Jewish law, the Divine Presence is glued to her and protects her twenty-four hours so that nothing bad will approach her. When the Shekhina (Holy Spirit) is connected to a woman and there is a true peace at home, the woman's Shekhina protects the husband and the children all day. If there is no peace in the house, there is no protection of the Holy Spirit over the husband. It is not for nothing that the Creator of the Universe deleted His name for Home peace, because He knows how important peace is in a home.
Our heavenly Father runs the whole world, the four winds of the sky, brings out volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, plane drops and confuses ships, buses, trains and cars. Bridges will continue to fall, high-rise buildings will tremble, fall apart and crash, harsh things. He provokes conflicts between states and within themselves. The Holy One, Blessed be He, is shaking the entire world to tell them that the material world, the lust, the evil, the killing, the murder and the free hatred are over. The Creator of the Universe begins to strike the whole world around so that the people of Israel will see and repent. The Holy One, blessed be He, hit Egypt with the ten plagues so that the Israelites would see, repent and adhere to Him.
Everything that happens in the Land of Israel, and the elections, everything is managed by the Creator of the Universe. He gave free choice to man, but God determines what will be. As the Holy One, blessed be He, had determined that Trump would be elected when there was no chance, when everyone thought that Hilary would be elected and Trump was chosen because this is what the Holy One, blessed be He, wanted so Trump will help the Land of Israel. In our elections in the Land of Israel, if instead of sixty mandates there were sixty-one, a government would have been formed. Because of one mandate, no government was formed. The Holy One, Blessed be He, could not bring another mandate? What happened in the elections, Lieberman wanted to overthrow the right because of personal things he has with the right. No matter how much they try to persuade him, no matter how much they talked to him, how much they flatter him, nothing helped. Talking to other people did nothing, no one wanted to go with the right. The Holy One, blessed be He, hardened Lieberman's heart. The Holy One, Blessed be He, filters and sifts so that there will be only a right-wing government. The Creator wants a strong government of the right only, without any other party, a clean right. They say from heaven, if Lieberman joined the coalition - Likud and they formed a government - it would have fallen after two or three months. Like the first time he overthrew the government, he would bring it down for the second and third time. The Holy One, blessed be He, wants a right-wing government with a strong control by the right.
You have to understand, the right represents the Creator of the world, and this is the Father in heaven. The right is Torah study, prayers, the observance of the Ten Commandments, the protection of the synagogues and yeshivas, the preservation of every inch of the Holy Land, which does not give parts of the Land of Israel to anyone and brings all the real Jews from the world to the Land of Israel. The Creator sees the future and does not want a government to arise and to fall again. We want a strong right-wing government to lead the people of Israel in the right and good way, the way of the right.
There are ups and downs in the Land of Israel, if this is through Hamas, if through the haters of Israel. Eight billion people all over the world hate the Jewish people who live abroad.
The right will be strengthened and strengthened and strengthened and the left will fade away. All the leftist parties will become entangled, quarrel, argue, disintegrate and disband. The Creator orders all the parties of the right wing, small and large, to unite into one strong, so that the voices will not be lost. Do not think anymore about the chair, the media and the money, think about the Holy One, Blessed be He, and what He wants from you. We want the holy land, the right, the Torah, the prayers, and so that no one will touch a centimeter from the Land of Israel, mikvahs, synagogues, yeshivas and kolels. The Creator does not like profanity and free hatred. Let the right   prove that it does good to the people of Israel. Let the right ignore all those who want to harm the right, do not answer them. Say what is good for the people of Israel and do not slander and topple the left with words. Escape from the left, ignore it, do not fight back and do not hurt one another.
The Holy One, blessed be He, has given us to live by grace, do not wait for anyone's charity. The people of Israel live by their own rights and not for the rights of anyone. The Holy One, Blessed be He, has given every Jew a chance to make a reckoning. A party or person who wants to be elected because of personal interest, the Holy One, blessed be He, will sift him. Each party will check itself and solve the problems.
It is forbidden to denigrate the courts, the prosecution and the police. Let them work by law so to be stable, without pressure from anyone. Stop driving them crazy, press them, confuse them and get them out of balance, in any case the Creator of the world is directing everything from above and decide what will happen in the trial, so why confuse the judges and the police and the prosecution.
Outside Israel anti-Semitism is very difficult and strong, growing and growing, this cannot be stopped. Once it was secretly, today it is open. Today, Muslims are given great respect and Jews living abroad are given disdain. Jews who live outside the Holy Land, the Holy One Blessed be He, commands you to immigrate to Israel! You are commanded to immigrate to Israel! You are commanded to immigrate to Israel! The State of Israel is the Laws and the Ten Commandments, Torah, Prayer and 613 Mitzvot. Only in the holy Land of Israel can the Ten Commandments be fulfilled, the commandments of prayer and Torah, only in the Land of Israel it is possible to succeed! Only in the Holy Land! All of whom will come to the Land of Israel and the people of Israel will be united in one ring, there is a great blessing in the Land of Israel, success and a good and long life. When there is one association, one unit for the Holy One, blessed be He, this is infinite power. When there is an eruption, everything falls apart. You have to know what to do right and wrong. In the Holy Land, all the people of Israel must be united and unified. We have no other country; we must not quarrel among ourselves. Anyone who is a true Jew fights for the right wing. For each people its religion, Italians in Italy, Egyptians in Egypt and in Israel Jews. The Jews have the Holy One, blessed be He, Judaism, Torah, good deeds, the 613 laws and the Ten Commandments, this is the Right.
Iran is too clever for its own good. They do not know that if they continue like this, the US will give them a blow that for 50 years they will not come out of it. If Iran does not shut up and does not stop interfering, the US and Israel will strike it with a terrible blow.
Hezbollah his economy is dead, his army is disintegrating, he is no longer believed in and he is not trusted. They do not know who is against whom. There is no one to sustain Hezbollah and Nasrallah economically, Syria, Sodom and Gomorrah and dead, weapons and ammunition coming from Iran, the IDF is blowing them up, they have no money, they have only talk, and talk.
Putin and Trump still do not digest what happened in the Israeli Knesset, that there is someone who caused the sorrow and the dissolution of the Knesset. They do not understand why there is no law to stop such things, to thwart a government, Knesset members and an entire state. Instead of entering joy, to a new, good, strong right wing, the entire State of Israel entered sadness, like mourning, God forbid. It is very difficult for every Jew and Jew, left or right.
No one will change any tradition and law in the Torah, the Ten Commandments and 613 laws. The person who can change such things does not arise, will not arise and never will.
Putin and Trump believe in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. They say that Benjamin Netanyahu is doing well. There is no need for demonstrations because of jealousy and competition. Most of the countries in the world believe in Benjamin Netanyahu and in a strong right wing in Israel. There is no need for slander, no need for free hatred and libel, in the end the Holy One, blessed be He, chooses who will be, the heart of a king in the hand of God. It is a pity for the all the talk and at the end it just fails, shame.
Trump is shocked, is very attached to Israel. Trump wants the right wing, does not trust the left, because not everyone on the left wing is Jewish.
Hamas In the Gaza Strip, they continue to dig tunnels at a fire rate, 24 hours. They receive endless ammunition from Iran through Sinai and by sea. They are given dismantled missiles and they build them. They have Iranian scientists; Iranian people make bombs inside the Gaza Strip.
Sisi, king of Egypt is smarter than any of the presidents that were in Egypt. We must protect him so he will continue to be the king of Egypt because he is good and useful to Egypt, to the 100 million people, half of whom have nothing to eat. Giving quiet and getting quiet, getting money, getting everything. He is wise; understand what to do in this world. He understood that from the Land of Israel he would have food and livelihood and a long and good life for all of Egypt. The blessing from the Holy Land will fill Egypt with power, food, blessing and success.
Jordan is waiting for the plan of the century. Trump will continue to improve it. With the delay created, Trump will continue to improve it for the benefit of the State of Israel.
East Jerusalem and in many places, most of the gentiles with blue identity cards are more dangerous than those outside of Israel.  
North Korea, they suffer from a great hunger, they want the money of the United States.  
Iraq, It would take many years to bring it back to itself.  
Syria Sodom and Gomorrah, Gomorrah and Sodom. Thank God Syria is destroyed and the most difficult enemy in the world and the cruelest in the world is not facing Israel's borders. Syria does not exist. It will disappear. Thank you very much to the Holy One, Blessed be He, who is dismantling all of Syria and Israel is protected and guarded by the Holy One, Blessed be He!
Turkey, Isis controls Erdogan. Anyone who bothers Erdogan , they make him disappear. Either there will be a revolution or Erdogan will leave.
Small right parties: unite and unify! The Creator does this so that all the Right and all the people of Israel will wake up and realize that not everyone is loyal to the Holy Land and to the Holy One, Blessed is He. Now everyone will know who is in favor of the people of Israel and who is not, who is in favor of holiness and purity and who is against, just as they say 'Who is to God come to me'
Messiah, Messiah, Messiah that the Lord will bring out in public! The Holy One, Blessed be He, is the King of the world, and there is no other than Him. The Creator of the world speaks through the throat of the Messiah, directing and guiding the entire Land of Israel. The right-wing government that will be established will have many difficulties and challenges until Messiah is revealed in public. There has to be a connection with Messiah in order to live honestly and with truth in the Land of Israel. The Holy One, blessed be He, directs the Messiah, and Messiah speaks and directs the people of Israel. All those who spoke defamation, gossip and libel, the situation has turned around and they all are discovered. All the thieves, the lepers, the informers, the hateful, the thieves, the liars, the cheaters, the white and black collar who take bribes, will all be discovered much faster than you think. The Ten Commandments - The State of Israel. All the traditions and laws - the whole world respects the religion of the people of Israel. Israel must keep the flame, Judaism, tradition, 613 laws and the Ten Commandments. Messiah our righteous continues to work and to act, and not everyone knows that this is the Messiah who is directing the people of Israel.
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Of blessed memory l knew exactly who is the King Messiah  and he did not say. He knew where the Messiah king lived, who he was, what his name was, what his mother's name was, and what his surname was. He knew everything about him and did not speak. The Holy One, Blessed be He, gave him the best choice in the world to reveal the King Messiah. He was afraid, lost his confidence, fear that if he found out who the Messiah was, everything would turn against him and he was not ready.
King David was a shepherd, Moses was a shepherd in the desert, Elisha the prophet of the grove, Samson the hero came from very simple parents and all the strong people, the messengers of the Creator came from different places. From Lot and his daughters came Messiah. From Judah and Tamar his daughter-in-law came Messiah. In a strange way Messiah will come out. This is what bothered Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, a righteous man of blessed memory, who feared that there would be an uprising if he said, 'This is the Messiah,' and people will say, 'It cannot be,' and they will not believe it. Then he went up to the heavens to act from above to help the Messiah to be revealed. People search for material, plays and costumes, and do not seek humility, integrity, and innocence. This is the mistake of the people. Soon it will be revealed in public! This will be a strong and strong force in the people of Israel and no one, no nation, will be able to harm the people of Israel anymore. All the nations will bend, all the nations will come to bow down to the Holy One, blessed be He, and repent to the Holy Land, to Mount Moriah. At Sinai, the sons of Israel accepted the Torah and said, "We shall do and we will hear," and repented. When our Messiah comes out in public and the people of Israel become stronger, all the nations will bend over, come to the Land of Israel to bow down to the Holy One, blessed be He, to kneel and repent!


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