Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shalita Parashat Rehe Tasha'H


Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shalita
Parashat Rehe Tasha'H
Delivered Sunday 24 Av Tasha'H, 5.8.18 at 8:30 AM

The Creator, Father in Heaven, leads the world. The discovery of the Creator in this world - through the elements. Through the activity of nature, He speaks with us, through the wind, fire and fires, volcano eruptions, harsh winds, earthquakes, floods, melting snow, heat, cold and rain. This is how the Creator speaks with this world and with the people of Israel and the Land of Israel. There is another way that the Creator of the World speaks to people and to the world - through suffering and problems, through mishaps that man causes in this world and the suffering that man undergoes in this world.
Everything that happens in the Gaza Strip, the fires that are being done, this is the way, the Holy One Blessed be He speaks to us and we must solve these problems. Through demonstrations on the national law in the State of the Jews, the State of Israel, the hidden and quarrelsome people within the people of Israel are revealed. The State of Israel and the Government of Israel should wake up urgently! All the demonstrations and all the disturbances in the Land of Israel and the people of Israel come from non-Jews abroad and also from the Arabs who live in the Land of Israel, from Europe, Iran, Kuwait and Qatar and from other places around the world - They will never succeed! No country and no one in the world will succeed in harming the Holy Land, the Land of Israel, because it is the source of blessing, the source of life and the source of light through which more than seven and a half billion people are nourished. Thanks to the holy Land of Israel and the Jews who live in the Holy Land alone, this world exists.
The Jews must understand that we have no other country. We have only the State of Israel, the Holy Land that belongs to the Jews, to the Jewish people. Italians live in Italy, Egyptians lives in Egypt, Jordanians in Jordan, Syrians in Syria, Frenchmen in France, and Jews live in the Land of Israel from the beginning of the world until now.
All the Arabs, the Palestinians and the Hamas, and all the places that interfere with them, are just free hatred. They envy the Jews who live in the Land of Israel, who are the most successful in the world and for whom the entire world lives. Not only do we have no other country, but the gentiles in Europe are expelling all the Jews. Most of the Jews were already expelled from Africa; some of them arrived in the Land of Israel and some in other parts of the world. But Africa is completely empty of Jews. Many European countries are also emptying of Jews. Some preferred to assimilate and leave the world as assimilated, to leave the Holy One, blessed be He, and some arrived in the Land of Israel. Just as Africa was emptied of Jews, Europe would also be emptied of Jews, and at the same time Jews would flee from the United States as well as from the fire, and everyone would come to live in the Holy Land.
No one in the world won the Holy One, blessed be He. These are His plans, whether they want to or not,
 These are His plans. The Creator does only good and we think that He is doing evil. The Creator does only good for the Land of Israel and the world, even though there are negative things or severe disasters of the elements. The Holy One, Blessed be He, does only good, shaking the world, purifying the world, purifying and transforming the world. In the holy Land of Israel there will be eternal life for the Jews and all the nations in the world will work for the Land of Israel, whether they want it or not. This is the way.
All the Jews and every seven and a half billion people in the world will understand and know that the Arabs, Druze, or any other sector in Israel is equal to Jews in receiving social security and benefits. They get everything well and yet there are those who want to harm the Jewish people and the Israeli government.
For thousands of years they have tried to harm the Jewish people and destroy it and have never succeeded. Now that there is redemption and Messiah, there is no chance, not even the slightest, of interfering with the Holy Land and the Jews living in the Holy Land! The gentiles abroad invest a lot of money to influence demonstrations in the Land of Israel. Out of 100 percent protesters, maybe 5 percent really protest, 95 percent - fake. The Israeli government must not give in to anyone, neither in Israel nor in the world. The Israeli government must not surrender or get excited about anyone. For generations the Land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people. Those who do not want to live in Israel are free. The Israeli government must open its eyes and look for those who are inciting the Druze against the State of Israel.
The left-wing Jews know for sure that the Land of Israel belongs to the Jews and their plans, just like those right-wing programs, only in secret. Because of the political issue, they are turning their skin to attract votes from people who are against the right. Too bad. The Creator will not allow anyone to harm the Holy Land. You are fighting with Gd.
Suddenly all kinds of people are discovered who are against. The IDF, the Shin Bet and the Mossad - must open their eyes. It turns on a red light in Israel. It is forbidden to give up the Land of Israel, the Land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people for thousands of years. There are leftists who are not Jews and there are leftists who are Jews. The Jewish left plans the same programs as the right, only in secret. The non-Jewish left are gentiles, Arabs and others from abroad, who influence the Arabs in East Jerusalem and elsewhere, to disturb the people of Israel, this is the impurity that wants to win the purity and will not succeed!
Hamas and the Palestinians have found a new method, every time the IDF bombs them, they demand a cease-fire, everything is fake, it is cold war exercises and cold blood, just like Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, who was beaten and asked to stop the blows. Until the tenth blow, the plague of the firstborns, and then they will know the Holy One, blessed be He! Hamas wants to destroy the Land of Israel, the Left and the Right, all of them. They have no other goal and it is the same for all the nations in the Middle East.
Russia has occupied Syria and ruled Syria, because Israel is the right hand of the US Russia says that Israel is the right hand of the United States, so Russia wants to control Syria so that there will be equality between the forces.
Syria, There will never be peace in Syria. Everything is complicated to infinity. The rebels, Isis, Hezbollah and all the crazy people in Syria will not give up to anyone, not even to the Russian soldiers who will be there, they will fight them too.
Iran is falling and falling. There is an internal revolution within itself, close to the time that there will be a revolution. Iran boasts that it is strong in the sea.
The US is reducing Iran, wants the Hezbollah regime in Iran to fall and a clean Iranian government.
Turkey, Erdogan kills all opponents. Erdogan is calm because Isis is with him, Turkey and Iran will fall.
Iraq, there is no one to help her.
Jordan is waiting to divide the cake. There will not be two states!
Egypt is doing everything because it knows that Israel is very strong, the strongest in the world. Israel is helping Egypt quietly. Sisi fought in the desert of Sinai, so that he would not have a mess in Egypt from the Sinai. Sisi is doing everything to get money from the US.
Hamas, do not trust them, do not believe in them. They are constantly planning to abduct, God forbid, IDF soldiers.
IDF soldiers must be alert at military junctions and bases, do not say, 'It will not happen to me.'
In all the northern borders, the Golan Heights and around, keep a strong eye open, there are many scattered and very dangerous terrorists. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) is guarding, the Israel guardian will not sleep. The IDF strikes as needed.
The United States, Trump will continue to help Israel secretly and openly, will never go back, some against and some are not against - Trump is for Israel, he knows that the Holy One, blessed be He, chose him to make order in the world and help the Land of Israel and the Jews living in the Land of Israel. As long as he continues to help the people of Israel in the right and proper way, the Holy One, blessed be He, will protect and guard him and open his way to good health and a good life and to all those who disturb him He will confuse their thoughts.
Jews who live abroad, it's a shame to continue living there. Return to the Land of Israel - urgent urgent. Anti-Semitism is very, very, very difficult!
Assimilation infuriates the Master of the Universe, drugs, drinking and gambling. Parents should keep their children, preach them as much as possible and keep them safe from all these disorders.
All members of the Knesset must be at peace and promote good things in the holy land of Israel, to develop settlement in the Land of Israel, the Negev, the Western Galilee, the Golan Heights and the Jordan Valley, Judea and Benjamin, Samaria and Arava. Stop investing in building houses in the center of the country. There is a lot of land around the center of the country.

Messiah ben David protects at night while asleep, in the morning rose like a normal person. At night it's another job. He has two souls. One works at night and one works morning and day.
Our mothers in the sky, all embracing, singing, dancing and drumming. Their joy is great. They know that that the time is close for the Messiah to come out in public, they are preparing. In Israel, too, we can buy the drums of Miriam and ask the Creator to reveal in public the Messiah of our righteousness. The Jews in Israel, those who believe in redemption and in Messiah ben David, who is in Israel and exists, acts and works, and is close to being revealed in public - will have joy, happiness, good health and steadfastness, he will develop good solutions for a good livelihood and succeed in all its ways.
Messiah is there and there is no backward! Messiah is there and everyone is ready and waiting, and yet, flow happily ahead. Most of them, in Israel and around the world, know who he is, we only have to ask that the Creator of the world to bring him out in public. Messiah ben David has a special direct pipeline to the Holy One, blessed be He, a pipe between him and the Holy One, blessed be He, that no one has. As soon as he is revealed in public, all troubles and problems, illnesses, complications in the Holy Land of Israel and of all the Jews in the Holy Land will be finished forever and ever.


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