Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shalita Parashat Devarim Tasha'H


Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shalita
Parashat Devarim Tasha'H
Delivered Sunday 3 Av Tasha'H, 15.7.18 at 8:30 AM

The father of mercy, the father of all mercy, truth and integrity, the Holy One, blessed be He. Everything that happens to man in this world, good and bad, happens to him because of him, in his own right. A person can determine that he will be good and have blessing and success, or that he can walk in the crooked and bad way, and he will have curses and troubles, sickness or ill health.
A baby through his mother's womb - his parents determine what his fate will be when he comes into the world. Already in the womb of his mother, the parents determine his character and future.
 If during the nine months of pregnancy, the parents do only good deeds, are happy and in peace, without anger, irritation and curses, insults and tensions, only joy, poetry and love, good vision, good hearing and efforts to fulfill the Ten Commandments -"A pure and holy child will be born." If the parents during pregnancy are quarreling, shouting and angry, seeing bad and ugly things and hearing lewdness and dirt - that's how the child will be born. The father and the mother determine how the child will be when he is born. Whether calm or nervous, irritable and energetic, smart or unwise, healthy in body, soul and spirit.
Let no one accuse the Holy One, Blessed is He, and say, 'Why am I like this and he is like that?' 'Why is he rich and I am poor?' 'Why am I ugly and he is beautiful?' 'Why is he a senior employee in the public sector and I'm just a simple employee?'
He gave us the Sabbaths and festivals, so that we would not forget what our forefathers had gone through from the beginning of the world until now. Until this moment we are repairing the world. This world is a world of correction and waits for the revelation of the messiah in public.
Rosh Chodesh Av, will become the father of the months, and will be the best. The Holy One, Blessed be He, will transform it from bitter to sweet, and be happy for the people of Israel. During this period the Temple will be built, there will be no sorrow and pain, and the Holy One, Blessed be He, will forgive for all the mistakes of the Jewish people. Together with the redemption and revelation of Messiah. Another thing, nothing will be passed from this generation to the next generation! All in this generation – they will receive redemption and Messiah, they have already won, are wining and continue to win.
Although we are fasting on Tisha B'Av, nothing is taken for granted. A person should not think that if he fasts on Tisha B'Av, he is entitled to continue to do bad deeds. It is better to keep the Ten Commandments before all. The Holy One, Blessed is He, does not want sacrifices so they will commit transgressions. The Holy One, Blessed is He, does not want sins more than sacrifices. If a person fasts and prays on Yom Kippur, it does not give him the right not to change his character and not to give up sins. . So why fast and pray on Yom Kippur? On Yom Kippur they fast and pray to receive spiritual, material and emotional strength to overcome all evil habits and sins, to change, to do a complete repentance and to open a new path. It is Yom Kippur. Prayer and fasting turn the person from bad to good, make man hateful to love, transform the character of man. Prayer and fasting help a person help himself to leave the world of sin and evil and to choose a new way of free love, kindness, compassion for each other, prayers, Torah study and the observance of the Ten Commandments.
Rosh Chodesh Av, will become the top of the months in our time! In our generation! There will be redemption and Messiah!
The Holy One, Blessed is He, wants to enjoy His children that they will not move from His way. The Holy One, Blessed be He, wants His children close to Him, wants His children to believe in him, not to be assimilated, do not say, 'My strength and my hand have made me today,' and do not believe that they have done it. Without a Creator who decides what will become of man, nothing will move. Without the Creator of the world opening a path to what a man will do today, nothing will move, neither to man nor to anything on earth, animals, birds or the elements. When a person believes in the Holy One, Blessed is He, it is not only in the mouth, it is 'done and heard'. When a person believes in the Holy One, blessed be He, he is happy for good and bad. When a person is happy also for bad, he receives compensation a gift from God, receives relief from the problem, despite his guilt, because of his sins. When he has a problem, even if it is a bad thing and he is happy and believes in God - it gives him rights. If he opposes and complains, 'Why am I suffering? And why am I not rich? ' And more and more - he would suffer twice as much. When one believes that bad is from the Holy One, Blessed be He and for his own good, he will receive a good gift.
The Holy One, blessed be He, is making earthquakes in the north to awaken the Jews. In fact, these are not earthquakes, they are the knocks of the Holy One, Blessed be He. Do not ask questions. The Creator determines where there will be an earthquake in this world, where floods and eruptions of volcanoes. In Holy Land - everything is protected and nothing will happen!
The Creator gives a feeling of what the whole world feels in the severe tremors. All in all, the Creator wants the people of Israel, left and right, to stick to Him. Who is a Jew, right or left, if he is a true Jew, who will cling to the Holy One, Blessed is He, without questions or doubts. The Holy One, Blessed is He, does not love the people of doubt, He wants those that do and then will hear without questions. The Holy One, Blessed is He, sees His Jewish children descending from the right way, right or left – He is making disturbances and shifts in order to restore them.
One has to turn the material into spiritual. All is in the hands of heaven, in the hands of the Holy One, blessed be He, except for the free choice of man to choose good or evil. If one chooses evil things, sins and negative thoughts, the Holy One, Blessed be He, shocks him, each according to his rank, so that he will return to the Holy One, blessed be He. Especially now in the period of redemption and Messiah. The Holy One, blessed be He, wants the building of the Temple.

There is salvation, there is a Messiah, the Holy One, blessed be He, wants to reveal the King Messiah in public and build the Temple. The Holy One, blessed be He, says: "Enough with the pain and suffering." The Holy One, Blessed is He, does not like arrogance and curiosity. The Holy One, Blessed be He, wants the innocent to do His will, to observe the laws and the Ten Commandments.
The Holy One, Blessed is He, wants everything in our favor. Most people know that Messiah works and acts in the Land of Israel, people feel special protection in Israel, despite all the disturbances and threats, fires, earthquakes and deceitful Hamas. Around us are difficult nations and the Holy One, blessed be He, treats all of them with tweezers. The Holy One, blessed be He, protects every soul of a Jew. Even a Jew who has no connection and does not observe Torah and mitzvot knows that this is a Divine process, that there is a Messiah.
Messiah is flesh and blood, messenger of the Holy One, blessed be He only. No one can teach him, only the Master of the Universe teaches him. Just as the Lord of the Universe taught Moses the entire Torah in heaven at the age of eighty, it is the same for Messiah. Messiah has a direct pipeline from the Creator through which the Holy One, blessed be He, guides the Messiah, how to act in the Land of Israel and in the world. Messiah works and acts and everyone knows, and soon everyone and everyone will know and feel him much stronger! Every day a drop and another drop so you will not panic. When Messiah is revealed, there will be peace for the people of Israel. There will be no sorrow, no pain, no suffering, no sickness, no death, eternal life and eternity. The Holy One, blessed be He, waits these good days!
Hamas, with all the balloons and kites, fired this Shabbat a lot of rockets and suddenly a cease-fire is taking place - this is a new method of exhausting the IDF and the civilians and suddenly surprising them, bringing the citizens of Israel and the IDF into a habit and then surprising to harm innocent people. The Holy One, Blessed be He, said: You have to wipe the seed of Amalek from the world, and they want to provoke the IDF to enter the Gaza Strip by foot. The IDF is working in secret, to find solutions for balloons and kites, and for all the nonsense of Hamas and the Palestinians: In trucks they are carrying goods to the Gaza Strip, there are many goods that are directed against the people of Israel, very much!
The most important thing is to keep an eye on the tunnels so that they will not enter IDF bases, because this is their plans - the plans of Hamas and the Palestinians - to enter the tunnels into IDF bases. The impurity fights purity. One day the whole Gaza Strip will go up in flames and fires. Measure for measure never ceased.
Every leader in Israel, in the government or in the mayor, receives a meaning from heaven without his knowledge, only for good deeds.
Syria nothing will not help, they will kill, trample and destroy them to the end, and no one will remain of them.
Iran will not fight face to face against Israel. The Iranian soldiers are in Syria against their will, threatening them, until they turn against their leaders. Any citizen who is against the Iranian government – they arrest him to frighten the citizens. In order to continue to topple the government that is all Hezbollah, they need the feminine power. Iranian women have the power to overthrow the Iranian regime that belongs to Hezbollah, a brutal regime. Iranian citizens are good people, they are in favor of peace and love. Iran cannot do anything against Israel. In its atomic plants there are people who control the buttons and everything that happens in the factories and in real time - they will blow up the factories before the Israeli Air Force arrives.
 Trump and Putin are good friends and love Israel very much. They know what Jews are and know that the Jews belong to God. They are in great esteem for the Jewish people in Israel. Know that all the power of the Jews is the hand of God in everything and they want to help the people of Israel.
The Holy One, Blessed be He, blesses the people of Israel three times a day, morning, noon, and night, and whoever comes to pray in the minyan is blessed by the mouth of the Most High. Thanks to the prayers of the people of Israel, the people of Israel are protected and sheltered.
Trump and Putin and other nations, know that the Jews learn Torah and pray, that the Torah is the power of wisdom, understanding and knowledge, health and longevity.
Turkey, Erdogan is killing all those who oppose the government, until the Holy One, blessed be He, will strike him, a fall that he will not arise. Most of Turkey wants to live a good, peaceful and happy life.
Seven billion people are envious of the Holy Land and Jews living in the Holy Land.
Egypt, Sisi does not know what to do, he does everything to keep and keep. The starving in Egypt is heavy. Sisi is not allowed to make mistakes, because the extremists, Hamas and Isis are waiting for him in the corner to hit him, and Sisi must clean up Isis and Hamas from the Sinai Desert, because they are multiplying and planning through the Sinai desert to hit bases and take over the Egyptian regime.
Lebanon is quiet, it is good for her and does not care about anyone.
Hezbollah and Nasrallah, no one in the world wants them, everyone hates them. Syria does not want Hezbollah to interfere with its borders, because they are barbarians and madmen and want to hurt everything. Iran is helping Hezbollah and wants them only to harm Israel, just a free hatred.
The IDF is bombarding all the ammunition and weapons coming from Iran to Hezbollah, Putin knows and Trump knows.
The State of Israel The Holy Land, however small, is the essence of the whole world. All the countries of the world love it, despite the jealousy there is. All the countries of the world want to learn from Israel, a small country that has everything thanks to the Blessing. The whole world is crazy that there is a place that is very small in the world, the Land of Israel, which moves and directs the entire world. In most countries of the world there are only Jewish counselors. Most of the world is attracted to its purity and wants to understand what a Jew is.
The US does not want to deal too much with Kim, they want peace and quiet.
The anti-Semitism in Europe - Hamas, Isis, and the extremist Muslims are looking to harm and kill Jews, Jews abroad, do not to wait until they come to hurt you, and then the wounded will escape, God forbid!
Jordan, their king is going to go crazy, the refugees flock to Jordan, hundreds of thousands, the borders are open to every Arab and Muslim, there is no control over Jordan, there is no law and no judge. The king turns around in his room from corner to corner like a dreidel, thinking and waiting for the United States to help him with the Palestinian state.
Activities of nature, winds, fire and fires will continue all over the world. Ice shakes the world to show the power of the Holy One, blessed be He.
In the Land of Israel, the Holy Land - only good. Listen carefully! Israel will grow and grow every day cm around the borders of the Land of Israel, like the skin of a deer that stretched so that all Jews will come to settle in Israel, from the beginning of the world until now! Messiah is in Israel, working and acting, a man of God, belongs only to the Master of the Universe, belongs to the entire Jewish people. He has no party, no sector, alone with the Master of the Universe. Protects and guards the people of Israel and the borders of Israel, prays for the people of Israel and for the Jews abroad who will come to the Holy Land.
The Creator of the Universe wants the people of Israel to pray to Him and ask for Messiah. This is the time, this is the time! And when Messiah comes out in public - all troubles and problems in the Holy Land will be over!


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